A true and perfect inventorye of all and singuler the goods and chattells of Thomas Herries late deceased in the parishe of St. Gregoryes in Norwich prysed by us William Rogers and Gregorye Wesbye the xvth daye of October in the year of our Lord God 1599.
In primis: | one borded bedsted | 3s. 4d. |
Item: | one mattresse and one under cloathe | 1s. 6d. |
Item: | one flocke bed | 2s. 6d. |
Item: | one bolster | 2s. 0d. |
Item: | one downe pillowe and an old cushaigne | 1s. 6d. |
Item: | two leather pillows filled with feathers | 3s. 4d. |
Item: | one payer of shetes | 2s. 0d. |
Item: | one drye barrell | 3d. |
Item: | one old cofer | 2s. 0d. |
Item: | 2 salt boxes | 1s. 0d. |
Item: | one hake, a fryer pann, a payer of tonges and a rostinge yron | 1s. 6d. |
Item: | one litle ketle, a sawer and 3 pewter spoones | 2s. 6d. |
Item: | 3 little boles | 1s. 0d. |
Item: | one ketle, one potspone, 28 trenyens | 1s. 0d. |
Item: | 2 woodinge platters and 5 dishes and twoo erthen potts | 8d. |
Item: | a stone pott and 5 galley pottes | 4d. |
Item: | a hamper and certen old washe | 6d. |
Item: | 4 frayles and 2 stooles | 6d. |
Item: | a little table and 4 stoles | 3s. 0d |
Item: | 3 chiselles, 2 hamers and a perser | 8d. |
Item: | 3 old cushings | 6d. |
Item: | 2 payers of hand cuffes and one dozen of hand kerchers and an old pillowbere | 2s. 6d. |
Item: | 2 old shirtes | 1s. 8d. |
Item: | one old forme and 2 old cappes | 1s. 0d. |
Total: | £1 18s. 5d. |
Money amounts were given in Roman numerals in the original. Mr. Herries was a labourer.Pound, J.F., "The Elizabethan Corporation of Norwich, 1558-1603", Birmingham University M.A., 1962, p. 121
Transcribed by G.Edward
Godwin for research purposes.
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