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“For the Sake of the Children”


Contact Kelly Grymaloski

Ph: 361-9185

e-mail: kellygrym@home.com


An Open Letter to Prime Minister Chretien and the Premiers of Canada, read by SANTA at the:

Christmas “Teddy-Bear March” & Demonstration

(1st Anniversary, Joint Committee on Child Custody/Access Report)


Date:               Friday, Dec. 10/99 (12:00 noon – 1:00 pm)

Place:              Victoria’s Legislative Buildings (outside)

Purpose:         To get commitment from B.C. Gov’t to Make BC. Policy and to lobby Ottawa for Presumptive Shared Parenting as ‘Starting Point’ after marital separation



1)      Children, Grandparents, Members of Parenting groups, and the General public.  Demonstrators are encouraged to bring teddy bears to carry with them. Photo’s of their children can be affixed to one side of their placard if they choose. Placards with the following (or similar statements) will be available:


  •  Kids Love Shared Parenting

  •  Stop Child Abuse

  •  Kids Need Both Parents

  • Kids Have Rights Too

  • B.C. Gov’t: Stop the Pain for Kids

  • Tell Chretien/McLellan They’re Wrong


2)      Santa Clause & Helpers. Santa will be holding a placard stating: “SANTA Loves Shared Parenting!” On the other side, it will read “Chretien/McLellan and the Canadian Premiers will receive “Lump of Coal!” Santa will be led to the front steps of the legislative buildings in a horse-drawn carriage. A small PA system will be available for Santa to give his ‘Christmas Warning’.


Lumps of Coal for Prime Minister Chretien


Prime Minister Chretien will be receiving three lumps of coal from SANTA Clause for:

  • Being a Grinch and allowing the children of divorce within British Columbia and Canada to get hurt, by turning a blind eye to their suffering

  • Being a Grinch and ignoring all of the information and facts he’s received recently from the “Special Joint Committee on Child Custody and Access”, regarding the damage children of divorce must endure

  • Being a Grinch and not championing Presumptive Shared Parenting with Ottawa, as he’s done with Gun Control and other issues


SANTA will offer Prime Minister a chance to redeem himself by helping children.

Open Letter from SANTA CLAUSE to Prime Minister Chretien and the Canadian Premiers


Lumps of Coal for Prime Minister Chretien


One Lump of Coal:  “Prime Minister Chretien”…You know as well as Jolly Saint Nick, that the children of Canada and all need and deserve what’s known as Presumptive Shared Parenting, after marital separation or divorce. You are also aware that the Special Joint Senate and House Committee that study Child Custody and Access.  Overwhelmingly recommended shared parenting after divorce. You’re also aware that the Canadian public favours Presumptive Shared Parenting according to polls such as the November 1998 Ottawa Citizen-COMPASS poll.


As well Prime Minister Chretien, you know as well as Jolly Ol’ St. Nick here, that the federal government has stated that even though they admit children of divorce are getting hurt with our current divorce regime.  They are not going to do a single thing to help these children until they consult with the provinces and territories for another three years (May 2002).  Now SANTA doesn’t like divorce as children are the voiceless casualties and most often the ones hurt the most. You’re aware that divorce will touch nearly one-half of all children. Obviously Mr. Chretien, by your lack of action on this matter, you don’t like to get near divorce either.  For allowing children to get hurt, you get one lump of coal this Christmas.”


Two Lumps of Coal:  “The Parenting Groups of Canada and others have been educating you and your Cabinet over the last few years about the importance of not just one, but two parents in the lives of their children. You’re aware that the current divorce regime of litigation damages children and families, usually beyond repair.

Our current divorce regime hurts children by:

·        providing an adversarial forum and by pitting already hurt parents against each other with the assistance of their respective ‘hired guns’ otherwise known as lawyers;

·        providing a forum for false allegations by one parent against the other to gain an ‘advantage’ in a custody dispute

·        providing a forum for one parent to alienate or totally remove children from the love, care and attention of the other parent

·        providing a forum where the parent’s respective ‘hired guns,’ otherwise known as lawyers, bleed family bank accounts and incite further acrimony and mistrust

·        by not providing parents with educating about how children can be hurt by divorce and what they should do to ensure this doesn’t happen, such as by mediating as opposed to litigating; and by encouraging the active involvement of their former spouse in the lives of their children; and not to use their children as ‘pawns’ in the divorce process”


For ignoring all of these facts, Mr. Chretien, you will receive a second lump of coal this Christmas.


Three Lumps of Coal:  “The Premiers of Canada…you have the ability to influence Prime Minister Jean Chretien and Justice Minister Anne McLellan in Ottawa as you’ve done with many issues, such as farming and health care. But why would you champion a campaign against gun control, yet feel the issue of the children of divorce unimportant enough to publicly take a stand on?  For trying to ‘wish away’ this problem and for turning your back on these children, you will receive a third lump of coal this Christmas”.   






Updated on:30/06/00 09:39 PM

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