The Vancouver Island
Prostate Cancer
Research Foundation
We are a non-profit foundation devoted to the eradication of prostate
Our goals are:
- to facilitate and assist in the formation and running of Prostate
Cancer support groups.
- to promote awareness of Prostate Cancer in the community.
- to facilitate and promote Prostate Cancer research.
- to promote co-operation amongst levels of government, citizens and treatment facilities.
- to achieve and maintain excellence in Prostate Cancer management.
A Medical Advisory Council has been formed to advise on Prostate Cancer
Management and medical research. The council is made up of professionals and workers from
the fields of:
- Urology
- Radiation Oncology
- Medical Physics
- Research
- Medical Oncology
Statistics Canada states that Prostate Cancer is the largest cause of
male cancer deaths in Canada. Early diagnosis saves lives.
Funding will ensure:
1. Support groups for patients and their families, living with
Prostate Cancer.
2. Those with Prostate Cancer receive relevant and easily accessible information.
3. That people are educated about the consequences for those living with Prostate Cancer.
4. Those with Prostate Cancer have their suffering alleviated.
5. Concentrated financial research into the specific area of Prostate Cancer.
Your donation is needed to eliminate Prostate Cancer.
Please make your donation to:
The Vancouver Island Prostate Cancer Research Foundation
856 Sunridge Valley Drive
Victoria BC V9B 5L2
phone (250) 474-3860
fax (250) 474-3861
a tax deductible receipt will be sent for each donation
Watch for our annual Father's Day 10K run!
Supported by the British Columbia Cancer Agency
VMC, Box 8082, Victoria B.C. V8W
3R7 -- Phone: 370-4MEN (370-4636) --- E-Mail: vmc-e@victoria.tc.ca