Victoria Nautical Song Circle

[GVPL indicates item available from the Greater Victoria Public Library system.]

Documents at the Internet Archive are available for viewing as ASCII text files, PDF (use Foxit, Sumatra, Adobe Acrobat Reader, etc.) and as DjVu (Wikipedia entry). There are quite a few e-books on the Internet Archvei in a new, to me (2012). file format for e-publishing known as EPUB (Wikipedia). These seem to be quite compact and are viewable in cross-platform, open source (FOSS - Free Open Source Software) viewer and e-book management application called calibre. Get it, read some reviews, take it for a whirl.


If you have any suggestions for inclusion please e-mail me by removing the hopefully obvious bit.
Victoria Nautical Song Circle
Created 98/12/06. Updated 2012/10/29 - wow, three years to the day since last update. Spooky.