Name: Abronia latifolia Eschsch. Herbaria: DAO, UBC, V Map: Calder and Taylor 1968, Tillett 1967 Range: Southwestern BC to s CA BC range: Coastal BC (Tlell, Guise Bay, Victoria, Saanichton, Long Beach, Ucluelet, Comox, Cadboro Bay, Denman Island, Sidney, Stubb's Island) Biogeocl.: CF, CH Habitat: Coastal beaches and dunes Rare status: R4 BC CDC status: YELLOW Name: Abronia umbellata Lam. subsp. acutalata (Standl.) Tillett Herbaria: CAN, UBC, V, WS, WTU Map: Tillett 1967 Range: BC to Baja CA BC range: Estevan Coastal Plain; Nanaimo Lowland (Pachena Bay, Ahousat, Victoria) Biogeocl.: CF, CH Habitat: Coastal beaches and dunes Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: RED Status outside: Possibly extirpated in WA Name: Acorus americanus (Raf.) Raf. Syn.: Acorus calamus L. var. americanus (Raf.) H.D. Wulff. Rare status: not-included BC CDC status: BLUE Name: Adiantum capillus-veneris L. Herbaria: CAN, DAO, UBC, V Ref.: Brunton 1983a, Taylor 1971 Map: Brunton 1983a, Taylor 1971 Range: Eurasia; FL to TX and CA, north to se BC, UT and SD; VA BC range: Columbia River Valley (Fairmont Hot Springs) Biogeocl.: IF Habitat: Near small streams from the hot springs Rare status: R1; designated as endangered by the Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada (COSEWIC) in 1984 BC CDC status: RED Status outside: Rare in CO Name: Adiantum pedatum L. var. subpumilum W.H. Wagner & Boydston Herbaria: MICH, UBC, V Ref.: Wagner and Boydston 1978 Range: Coastal BC BC range: Vancouver Island (Brooks Peninsula, Lovett Island, Tsusiat Falls) Biogeocl.: CH Habitat: Wet ocean cliffs just above high-tide line Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: none Note: Endemic to BC Name: Adoxa moschatellina L. Herbaria: CAN, DAO, SFUV, UBC, V Ref.: Hamet-Ahti 1965, Porsild and Crum 1961 Map: Hulten 1968, Hulten 1971, Porsild 1966 Range: Circumpolar, south in North America to BC, NM, SK, IL and NY BC range: Northern and c BC (Liard Hot Springs, Wells Gray Park, Haines Road, Stewart-Watson Lake Road, Bennett, Gladys Lake area, Hazelton, Taylor flats, Klastline Plateau, More Creek) Biogeocl.: BS, IH Habitat: Moist mossy places in mountain forests Rare status: R3 BC CDC status: none Status outside: Rare in SK, MB, ON, Continental NT, IL, IA, NY, endangered in CO, SD, WI Name: Agastache foeniculum (Pursh) Kuntze Rare status: not-included BC DCD staus: RED Name: Agastache urticifolia (Benth.) Kuntze Herbaria: CAN, UBC, V Range: Southeast BC and w MT to CO and CA BC range: Thompson Plateau, Okanagan Highland, Monashee Mtns. (Rossland, Cascade, Greenwood, Okanagan Falls, Osoyoos area) Biogeocl.: IH, IF, PP Habitat: Open slopes and draws Rare status: R1 BC DCD staus: RED Name: Agoseris grandiflora (Nutt.) Greene Rare status: not-included BC CDC status: YELLOW Name: Agoseris lackschewitzii Henderson & Moseley Rare status: not-included BC CDC status: BLUE Name: Agrimonia gryposepala Wallr. Herbaria: CAN, UBC, V Ref.: Taylor 1973 Map: Taylor 1973 Range: BC to NF, south to CA, AZ, MO, TN and NC BC range: Fraser Lowland; Skagit Range; Shuswap Highland,; Thompson Plateau; Selkirk Mtns.; Purcell Mtns. (Agassiz, Cheam Lake, Niconmen Island, Tappen, Armstrong, Creston, Hammond) Biogeocl.: IH, IF, CF, CH Habitat: Thickets, edge of woods, well-drained soil Rare status: R2 BC CDC status: YELLOW Name: Agrimonia striata Michx. Herbaria: CAN, DAO, UBC, V Ref.: Taylor 1973 Map: Taylor 1973 Range: BC to NF, south to AZ, NM, NE, OH and WV BC range: Hazelton and s BC valleys (Kelowna, Vernon, Creston, Revelstoke) Biogeocl.: IF Habitat: Woods, well-drained soil Rare status: R3 BC CDC status: YELLOW Name: Agrostis diegoensis Vasey Herbaria: CAN, UBC, V Ref.: Janszen 1977 Range: BC to CA, east to MT, ID and NV BC range: Southwestern BC (Woss Lake, Kennedy Lake, Mt. Sabine, Long Beach, Saturna Island, Garibaldi Park, Mt. Seymour Park) Biogeocl.: CF, CH Habitat: Dry to moist slopes and meadows Rare status: R4 BC CDC status: none Name: Agrostis microphylla Steud. Herbaria: UBC, V Ref.: Hubbard 1955 Range: Along the coast form BC to CA; Columbia River Gorge and NV BC range: Southwestern BC (Nanaimo, Victoria, Cabbage Island, Saltspring Island, Burnaby Lake) Biogeocl.: CH, CF Habitat: Moist soil in the open Rare status: R4 BC CDC status: YELLOW Name: Agrostis pallens Trin. Herbaria: DAO, UBC, V Ref.: Hubbard 1955 Range: BC and WA to c CA BC range: Coastal BC (Masset, Victoria, Lulu Island, UBC Campus) Biogeocl.: CF, CH Habitat: Coastal sand dunes or adjacent woods Rare status: R2 BC CDC status: BLUE Name: Alisma gramineum Gmel. Rare status: not-included BC CDC status: YELLOW [both var. gramineum and var angustissimum (DC.) Hendricks] Name: Allium acuminatum Hook. Herbaria: CAN, DAO, UBC, V, WS Ref.: Taylor 1974b Map: Taylor 1974b Range: BC, WA and OR, south to CA and AZ, east to s WY and W CO BC range: Southwestern BC (e Vancouver Island from Victoria, to Campbell River, Gulf Islands, Fraser Valley, north to Lytton and Pemberton) Biogeocl.: IF, PP, CF, CH Habitat: Dry places, stony or rocky ground Rare status: R4 BC CDC status: YELLOW Name: Allium amplectens Torr. Herbaria: CAN, DAO, UBC, V Range: BC, nw WA, Columbia River Gorge, through OR to s CA BC range: Nanaimo Lowland; Georgia Lowland (Victoria, Sooke, Shawnigan lake, Chatham Islands, Bentinck Island, Galiano Island, Powell River) Biogeocl.: CF Habitat: Open fields and hillsides Rare status: R2 BC CDC status: BLUE Status outside: Rare in WA Name: Allium crenulatum Weigand Herbaria: CAN, DAO, UBC, V Ref.: Taylor 1974b Map: Taylor 1974b Range: Western BC to Olympic Mtns. and sw OR BC range: Southwestern BC (Cameron Lake, Cowichan Lake, Mt. Arrowsmith, Forbidden Plateau, North Pender Island) Biogeocl.: MH, CF Habitat: Alpine areas, gravelly soils, rocky faces and slides Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: RED Name: Allium geyeri S. Wats. var. geyeri Rare status: not-included BC CDC status: RED Name: Allium geyeri S. Wats. var. tenerum M.E. Jones Herbaria: CAN, DAO, UBC, V Ref.: Taylor 1974b Map: Taylor 1974b Range: BC to e OR, east to s AB, SK, ID, s MT, WY, south to NV and NM BC range: Vancouver Island Mtns. - Alberni Basin; Nanaimo Lowland; Cascade Mtns., Thompson Plateau (Victoria, Alberni, Lytton, Pemberton, Kamloops) Biogeocl.: IF, PP, CF Habitat: Water courses, mountain meadows, rocky ledges and outcrops Rare status: R2 BC CDC status: RED Status outside: Rare in AB Name: Allium validum S. Wats. Herbaria: UBC Map: Southern BC south to sw OR, CA east to w ID, e OR and ne NV BC range: Okanagan Highland; Rocky Mtn. Trench; Continental Ranges - Fernie Basin (Okanagan Falls, near Corbin, s border of Kootenay National Park) Biogeocl.: ES, PP Habitat: Alpine meadows, wet places Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: BLUE Name: Allotropa virgata Torr. & Gray Herbaria: UBC, V Map: Szczawinski 1975b Range: Eastern slope of the Cascades to near the coast, from BC to CA BC range: Southwestern BC (Vancouver Island from Woss Camp to Shawnigan Lake, Saturna Island, Saltspring Island, Savary Island, Howe Sound, Sechelt, Garibaldi, east to Chilliwack Lake) Biogeocl.: CF, CH Habitat: Deep humus of coniferous forest Rare status: R4 BC CDC status: YELLOW Name: Alopecurus alpinus J.S. Smith subsp. alpinus Herbaria: CAN, DAO, UBC, V Map: Hulten 1968, Porsild 1964 Range: Arctic Archipelago, AK to NF, south in the Rocky Mountains to ID, MT, UT, WY and CO BC range: Fort Nelson Lowland (Beatton River crossing) Biogeocl.: ES, BS Habitat: Moist montane valleys, subalpine and alpine meadows Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: BLUE Status outside: Rare in MB, ON Name: Alopecurus carolinianus Walt. Herbaria: CAN, DAO, UBC, V Ref.: Hubbard 1955 Range: Southern BC, WA, OR, ID, MT, CA, east to AK; c and se US BC range: Nanaimo Lowland, Pacific Ranges (Victoria, Oak Bay, Cedar Hill, Mitlenatch Island, Yale) Biogeocl.: CF Habitat: Waste areas, old fields, roadsides, moist areas Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: RED Name: Ammannia coccinea Rottb. Syn.: Ammania robusta Heer & Regel Herbaria: DAO, UBC, V Ref.: Ceska and Ceska 1980 Range: Southern BC and WA to ON, MN, IL, OH, NE, TX BC range: Okanagan Highland (Osoyoos) Biogeocl.: PP Habitat: Wet Places Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: RED Status outside: Rare in Canada; extirpated in PA Name: Amsinckia lycopsoides (Lehm.) Lehm. Herbaria: CAN, UBC, V Map: Hulten 1968 Range: BC to w MT, south to CA and NV; sw AK BC range: Scattered in Province (Cameron Lake, Nanaimo, Parksville, Sidney, Texada Island, Revelstoke, Trail, Atlin) Biogeocl.: CF, CH, IF, BS Habitat: Dry open slopes and flats, disturbed soil Rare status: R3 BC CDC status: YELLOW Name: Amsinckia retrorsa Suksdorf Rare status: not-included BC CDC status: RED Name: Amsinckia spectabilis Fisch. & C.A. Meyer Herbaria: DAO, UBC, V. Map: Calder and Taylor 1968 Range: Queen Charlotte Islands, BC to n Baja CA BC range: Western BC; Queen Charlotte Islands, Nanaimo Lowland, Gulf Islands (Argonaut Plateau, Skidegate Plateau, Massett, Denman Island, Saturna Island) Biogeocl.: CF, CH Habitat: Near or along the seashore, sandy beaches Rare status: R2 BC CDC status: YELLOW Name: Anagallis minima (L.) Krause Syn.: Centunculus minimus L. Herbaria: ALTA, CAN, DAO, UBC Map: Hulten 1958 Range: Southern BC to MN, south to IL, CA, TX, FL and MX; South America, Europe BC range: Nanaimo, Lowland, Alberni Basin (Alberni, Nanaimo, Victoria) Biogeocl.: CF, CH Habitat: Moist places, borders of ponds Rare status: R2 BC CDC status: BLUE Status outside: Rare in AB, SK, NS, KS Name: Androsace chamaejasme Wulfen Syn.: Androsace lehmanniana Spreng. Herbaria: CAN, DAO, UBC, UVIC, V Ref.: Ulke 1934 Map: Hulten 1968 Range: Arctic America; AK and YT south to MT; Asia BC range: Liard Plateau, Continental Ranges, Park Ranges (Field) Biogeocl.: AT, ES Habitat: Rocky slopes on tundra and in mountains Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: BLUE Name: Androsace occidentalis Pursh Herbaria: CAN, DAO, UBC, V Range: Mississippi Valley west to the west side of the Rockies from NM to BC in AZ and CA, ON to BC and TX, AR, IN, w MT BC range: Thompson Plateau (Kamloops, Hosmer, Hedley, Kelowna, Spence's Bridge, Penticton, Armstrong) Border Ranges (Flathead) Biogeocl.: IF, PP, ES Habitat: Talus slopes and flats, rocky woods, prairies Rare status: R4 BC CDC status: YELLOW Status outside: Rare in AB, IA, endangered in IN Name: Anemone canadensis L. Herbaria: CAN, UBC Range: BC and AB to NM, largely east of Rocky Mountains BC range: Continental Ranges (Emerald Lake), Bulkley Ranges (Hazelton) Biogeocl.: CH, ES Habitat: Damp meadows, thickets, sandy shores Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: BLUE Status outside: Rare in Continental NT, NS, possible extirpated in TN Note: Possibly introduced Name: Anemone cylindrica Gray Rare status: not-included BC CDC status: YELLOW Name: Anemone drummondii S. Wats. Rare status: not-included BC CDC status: BLUE [var. drummondii] Name: Anemone piperi Britt. Herbaria: V Range: Southern BC south to ne OR, c ID and w MT BC range: Buchanan Mtn., (nw of Kaslo) Biogeocl.: IF Habitat: Woods Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: BLUE Name: Anemone riparia Fern. Herbaria: V Range: Central BC and AB east to NF and MD BC range: Prince George, Quesnel Biogeocl.: CA Habitat: Thickets, woods Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: RED Status outside: Rare in NS, threatened in PA Name: Angelica dawsonii S. Wats. Herbaria: CAN, DAO, UBC, V Range: Southeast BC and sw AB to n ID and nw MT BC range: Southeastern BC (Fernie, Flathead, 64 miles northeast of Cranbrook, 20 miles north of Coleman) Biogeocl.: ES, IH Habitat: Along streams, moist or wet mountain slopes Rare status: R4 BC CDC status: BLUE Status outside: Rare in AB Name: Antennaria luzuloides Torr. & Gray Rare status: not-included BC CDC status: YELLOW Name: Antennaria neglecta Greene var. athabascensis (Greene) Taylor & MacBryde Herbaria: CAN, UBC, V Range: Northeastern BC to OR and PQ BC range: Alberta Plateau (Peace River area) Biogeocl.: AT Habitat: Grasslands Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: YELLOW Name: Aphanes occidentalis (Nutt.) Rydb. Syn.: Alchemilla occidentalis Nutt. Herbaria: CAN, DAO, UBC, V Ref.: Taylor 1973 Map: Calder and Taylor 1968, Taylor 1973 Range: Southern BC to CA, e WA and OR, e North America BC range: Queen Charlotte Islands, s Vancouver Island and adjacent mainland (Queen Charlotte city, Victoria to Nanaimo, Galiano Island, Vancouver area) Biogeocl.: CF, CH Habitat: Fields, open places in woods Rare status: R4 BC CDC status: none Name: Aphragmus eschscholtzianus Andrz. ex DC. Rare status: not-included BC CDC status: RED Name: Apocynum medium Greene Syn.: Apocynum x medium Greene, Apocynum androsaemifolium L. x Apocynum cannabinum L. Rare status: not-included BC CDC status: BLUE Name: Apocynum sibiricum Jacq. Syn.: Apocynum cannabinum L. var. hypericifolium Gray Herbaria: CAN, DAO, UBC, V Range: In much of the US and Canada; BC, e WA and OR to s CA, east to MB, MN and TX BC range: Nanaimo Lowland, Alberta Plateau, Cascade Mtns., Monashee Mtns. (Cameron Lake, Attachie) Biogeocl.: IH, BS Habitat: Moist places Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: BLUE [var. salignum (Greene) Fern.] Status outside: Rare in Continental NT Name: Arabis calderi Mulligan Rare status: not-included BC CDC status: BLUE Name: Arabis codyi Mulligan Rare status: not-included BC CDC status: RED Name: Arabis hirsuta (L.) Scop. var. hirsuta Rare status: not-included BC CDC status: BLUE Name: Arabis hoelbellii Hornem. var. collinsii(Fern.) Rollins Rare status: not-included BC CDC status: BLUE Name: Arabis holboellii Hornem. var. pinetorum (Tidestrom) Rollins Rare status: not-included BC CDC status: BLUE Name: Arabis lemmonii S. Wats. var. depauperata (A. Nels. & Kennedy) Rollins Rare status: not-included BC CDC status: BLUE Name: Arabis lemmonii S. Wats. var. drepanoloba (Greene) Rollins Rare status: not-included BC CDC status: BLUE Name: Arabis lignifera A. Nels. Rare status: not-included BC CDC status: BLUE Name: Arabis murrayi Mulligan Rare status: not-included BC CDC status: BLUE Name: Arabis nuttallii B. Rob. Herbaria: DAO, UBC Range: Southern BC and s AB south to NV and WY BC range: Southern BC (Mile 19 Flathead Hwy., Starvation Peak, Nicola, Kootenay Park, Stathcona Park - Forbidden Plateau, Keremos) Biogeocl.: ES, BS, PP Habitat: Alpine rock outcrops, talus slopes Rare status: R2 BC CDC status: none Name: Arabis sparsiflora Nutt. Rare status: not-included BC CDC status: RED Name: Arceuthobium americanum Nutt. Rare status: not-included BC CDC status: YELLOW Name: Arceuthobium douglasii Engelm. Rare status: not-included BC CDC status: YELLOW Name: Arctophila fulva (Trin.) Anderss. Herbaria: CAN, DAO, UBC, V Map: Hulten 1962, 1968, Porsild 1964 Range: Circumpolar, AK and YT, east to n ON and PQ BC range: Northwestern BC (Swan Lake) Biogeocl.: BS Habitat: Tundra, lakeshores, shallow water beside streams Rare status: R3 BC CDC status: BLUE Status outside: Rare in ON Name: Arctostaphylos columbiana Piper Herbaria: CAN, DAO, UBC, UVIC, V, WS Ref.: Szczawinski 1975b Map: Szczawinski 1975b Range: West of the Cascades from s BC to CA BC range: Southwestern BC (Southern and se Vancouver, Island, the Gulf Islands, Vancouver and vicinity, north to 50 N latitude) Biogeocl.: CF, CH Habitat: Dry exposed rocky outcrops and rocky slopes Rare status: R4 BC CDC status: YELLOW Name: Arenaria longipedunculata Hulten Syn.: Arenaria humifusa auct., non Wahlenb. Herbaria: V Map: Hulten 1968 Range: AK and YT south to BC and AB, east to NF; Greenland, Europe BC range: Continental Ranges - Park Ranges (Mt. Robson Park) Biogeocl.: AT Habitat: Gravel, moist places in mountains Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: BLUE Status outside: Rare in AB Name: Armeria maritima (Mill.) Willd. Herbaria: CAN, DAO, UBC, UVIC, V Map: Hulten 1968 Range: Arctic North America to NF, on the Pacific Coast to s CA; Eurasia BC range: Southern Vancouver Island (Sooke, Long Beach, Victoria, Saanich Spit, Parksville, Pacific Rim Park) Biogeocl.: CF, CH Habitat: Along beaches and coastal bluffs Rare status: R4 BC CDC status: YELLOW [both subsp. californica and subsp. purpurea; in CDC listed separately] Name: Arnica chamissonis Less. subsp. incana (Gray) Maguire Herbaria: CAN, DAO, GD, UBC, V Ref.: Douglas 1982, Douglas and Ruyle-Douglas 1978, Maguire 1943 Map: Douglas 1982 Range: Southern YT to s Ca and east to sw ID and c UT BC range: Scattered in Province; Interior Plateau (Chilco Ranch, Fiske Creek, Kleena Kleene), Alberta Plateau (Pouce Coupe), Columbia Mountains (Wardner) Biogeocl.: BS, IF, IH Habitat: Wet places Rare status: R3 BC CDC status: BLUE Status outside: Rare in continental NT Name: Arnica longifolia D.C. Eaton Rare status: not-included BC CDC status: BLUE Name: Arnica louiseana Farr subsp. louiseana Herbaria: V Ref.: Douglas 1982, Maguire 1943, Straley 1980 Map: Douglas 1982 Range: Rocky Mountains of sw AB and se BC BC range: Kootenay National Park Biogeocl.: ES Habitat: Scree slopes, alpine ridges Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: BLUE Name: Artemisia alaskana Rydb. Herbaria: V Map: Douglas 1974, Hulten 1968 Range: AK and YT south to nw BC BC range: Haines Road Biogeocl.: SW Habitat: Gravelly river terraces Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: BLUE Name: Artemisia cana Pursh Herbaria: ACK, UBC, V Ref.: Douglas and Ruyle-Douglas 1978 Range: Southern BC to SK south to n CA and NM BC range: Thompson Highland (Savona, Merritt) Biogeocl.: PP Habitat: Rocky areas Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: RED [as subsp. cana] Name: Artemisia furcata Bieb. var. heterophylla (Besser) Hulten Syn.: Artemisia trifurcata Steph. ex Spreng., Artemisia heterophylla Besser, Artemisia hyperborea Rydb. Herbaria: GD Ref.: Douglas and Ruyle-Douglas 1978 Range: Northeastern Asia to NT, YT and coastal BC BC range: West side of Vancouver Island (Brooks Peninsula) Biogeocl.: CH Habitat: Rocky slopes Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: BLUE Status outside: Rare in YT Name: Artemisia lindleyana Bess. Rare status: not-included BC CDC status: YELLOW Name: Artemisia longifolia Nutt. Herbaria: DAO, UBC, V Range: Southern BC and SK south to NE and OR BC range: Alberta Plateau Biogeocl.: BS Habitat: Sandy beaches, river and lake margins Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: RED Name: Artemisia ludoviciana Nutt. var. incompta (Nutt.) Cronq. Herbaria: V Range: BC to MT and CA BC range: Slocan Lake Valhalla Park ? Biogeocl.: IF Habitat: Dry hillsides Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: BLUE Name: Artemisia tripartita Rydb. Herbaria: CAN, DAO, UBC, V Range: Southern BC east to MT and south to CA and CO BC range: Okanagan Highland (Oliver, Spotted Lake, Keremeos, Anarchist Mountain) Biogeocl.: PP Habitat: Dry hillsides Rare status: R4 BC CDC status: none Name: Asclepias ovalifolia Decne. Herbaria: DAO, UBC, V Range: Southeastern BC, AB, to s MB and w ON, south to NE, IA and IL BC range: Southeastern BC; Selkirk Mtns. (Revelstoke) Biogeocl.: IH Habitat: Thickets and slopes of valleys, prairies Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: none Status outside: Rare in ON, WY, endangered in IL, threatened in MI Note: Possibly introduced in BC Name: Aspidotis densa (Brackenr.) Lellinger Syn.: Cryptogramma densa (Brackenr.) Diels, Cheilanthes siliquosa Maxon Rare status: not-included BC CDC status: YELLOW Name: Asplenium adulterinum Milde Syn.: Asplenium adulterinum Milde susbp. presolanense Mokry, Rasbach & Reichenbach Herbaria: V Ref.: Ogilvie and Ceska (in prep.) Range: Europe, SW British Columbia BC range: Vancouver Island Mountains (Zeballos, Tahsis, Gold River) Biogeocl.: CH, MH Habitat: Limestone rocks, ledges, sinkholes Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: BLUE Status outside: Not known from elsewhere in North America Name: Aster ascendens Lindl. Herbaria: DAO Ref.: Douglas 1984 Map: Douglas 1984 Range: Southeastern BC to CO and CA BC range: Kinbasket lake, Kootenay Lake, Keremeos Biogeocl.: IF Habitat: Open mountain slopes Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: BLUE Name: Aster curtus Cronq. Herbaria: UBC, UVIC, V Ref.: Cronquist 1955, Douglas 1984 Map: Douglas 1984 Range: Southern BC to sw OR BC range: Southern Vancouver, Island (Victoria, Oak Bay, Maple Mtn., Mt. Tzuhalem, Port Alberni) and adjacent islands (Trial Island) Biogeocl.: CF Habitat: Rocky areas, dry grassy forest of Quercus garryana Rare status: R2 BC CDC status: RED Status outside: Threatened in WA Name: Aster frondusus (Nutt.) Gray Syn.: Brachyactis frondosa (Nutt.) A.G. Jones Rare status: not-included BC CDC status: RED Name: Aster hersperius Gray Rare status: not-included BC CDC status: YELLOW Name: Aster paucicapitatus (B. Rob.) B. Rob. Herbaria: CAN, GD, V Ref.: Douglas 1984 Map: Douglas 1984 Range: Southwestern BC and Olympic Mtns. of WA BC range: Vancouver Island (Golden Hinde, Mt. Arrowsmith) Biogeocl.: MH Habitat: Meadows, subalpine talus slopes Rare status: R2 BC CDC status: BLUE Status outside: Rare in WA Name: Aster radulinus Gray Herbaria: CAN, V Ref.: Douglas 1984 Map: Douglas 1984 Range: Southwestern BC south to s CA BC range: Southern Vancouver Island Biogeocl.: CF Habitat: Dry, wooded slopes Rare status: R2 BC CDC status: RED Name: Aster stenomeres Gray Herbaria: UBC, V Ref.: Douglas 1984 Map: Douglas 1984 Range: Southeastern BC to c ID and ne WA BC range: Columbia Mountains Yahk Mountain, Kimberley, Mt. Craven, Cranbrook, Creston) Biogeocl.: ES, IH Habitat: Dry alpine and subalpine meadows Rare status: R4 BC CDC status: YELLOW Name: Astragalus aboriginum Richards. Herbaria: UBC, V Ref.: Barneby 1964, Taylor 1974c Map: Barneby 1964, Taylor 1974c Range: AK to NV, UT and CO BC range: Kimberley, Canal Flats, Field, Ilko, Bailie-Grohman Canal, Fairmont Hot Springs, AK Hwy. (Peace River Bridge, Mile 297, Summit Pass, Jct. of Toad and Racing rivers) Biogeocl.: ES, BS, IH, IF Habitat: Gravelly banks, river flats Rare status: R3 BC CDC status: YELLOW Status outside: Rare in Continental NT, MB, PQ Name: Astragalus adsurgens Pallas Herbaria: DAO, UBC, V Ref.: Taylor 1974c Map: Taylor 1974c Range: Easter Asia; AK to ON south to WA and NM BC range: Northeastern BC; Alberta Plateau (Attachie, Ft. Nelson), Liard River, Toad River, Good Hope Lake, Pine Pass Biogeocl.: BS, CA Habitat: Dry, grassy slopes, river terraces Rare status: R3 BC CDC status: YELLOW [subsp. robustior Hook.] Status outside: Rare in ON Name: Astragalus beckwithii Torr. & Gray var. weiserensis M.E. Jones Rare status: not-included BC CDC status: YELLOW Name: Astragalus bourgovii Gray Herbaria: DAO, UBC, V Ref.: Barneby 1964, Taylor 1974c Map: Barneby 1964, Taylor 1974c Range: Southeaster BC and sw AB to MT and ID BC range: Extreme se BC (Twin Lakes Peak, Mile 19 Flathead Rd., Paradise Valley, Akamina and Kishinena Creeks) Biogeocl.: AT, ES Habitat: Talus shale, rocky alpine areas, meadows Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: BLUE Name: Astragalus collinus Dougl. ex Hook. Herbaria: DAO, UBC, V Ref.: Barneby 1964, Taylor 1974c Map: Barneby 1964, Taylor 1974c Range: Southern BC to ne OR and w-c ID BC range: Thompson Plateau and Okanagan Highland (Fairview, Summerland, Monte Creek, Vernon, Kamloops, Long Lake, Tranquille Range, Nicola Valley) Biogeocl.: PP Habitat: Dry open hillsides, open woods Rare status: R4 BC CDC status: YELLOW Name: Astragalus convallarius Greene Herbaria: V Ref.: Taylor 1974c Map: Taylor 1974c Range: South-central BC to se ID, WY and UT BC range: Thompson Plateau (Spences Bridge) Biogeocl.: PP Habitat: Sagebrush hillsides and grasslands Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: RED Name: Astragalus crassicarpus Nutt. Herbaria: V Ref.: Taylor 1974c Map: Taylor 1974c Range: Southeastern BC and MN to NM, IL and AR BC range: Crowsnest region Biogeocl.: ES Habitat: Gravelly areas Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: BLUE Name: Astragalus drummondii Dougl. ex Hook. Rare status: not-included BC DCD staus: BLUE Name: Astragalus filipes Torr. ex Gray Herbaria: CAN, DAO, UBC, V Ref.: Barneby 1964, Taylor 1974c Map: Barneby 1964, Taylor 1974c Range: South-central BC to ID and south to Baja CA BC range: Thompson Plateau and Okanagan Highland (Nicola Valley, Merritt, Columbia Lake, Osoyoos, Anarchist Mtn.) Biogeocl.: PP Habitat: Dry grassy slopes Rare status: R2 BC CDC status: BLUE Name: Astragalus lentiginosus Dougl. ex Hook. Herbaria: CAN, UBC, V Ref.: Barneby 1964, Taylor 1974c Map: Barneby 1964, Taylor 1974c Range: Southern BC to Ca, MT and UT BC range: Thompson Plateau (Merritt, Mara Mtn., Nicola Lake, Spences Bridge, Ashnola Rd., south of Kamloops) Biogeocl.: PP Habitat: Dry bluffs, sagebrush hills Rare status: R2 BC CDC status: RED Name: Astragalus lotiflorus Hook. Herbaria: UBC, V Ref.: Barneby 1964, Taylor 1974c Map: Barneby 1964, Taylor 1974c Range: Southern BC east to SK and south to NM and TX BC range: Fraser Highland (Sheep Creek between Williams Lake and Riske Creek), Okanagan Highland (Bridesville, Penticton, Summerland) Thompson Plateau (Cache Creek, Kamloops, Nicomen Falls) Biogeocl.: PP Habitat: Limestone cliffs, dry hills Rare status: R3 BC CDC status: YELLOW Status outside: Rare in AB, MB, IA, MN, MO Name: Astragalus microcystis Gray Herbaria: UBC, V Ref.: Barneby 1964, Taylor 1974c Map: Barneby 1964 Range: Southeastern BC to ne WA and w MT BC range: Kindegootch (?), Pass Creek (north of Castlegar) Biogeocl.: IF Habitat: Open places in heavy soils Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: RED Status outside: Rare in WA Name: Astragalus nutzotinensis Rouss. Herbaria: ALTA, GD, UBC, V Ref.: Douglas and Ruyle-Douglas 1978 Map: Hulten 1968 Range: AK to nw BC BC range: Alsek River, Haines Road Biogeocl.: SW Habitat: Sandy soil, gravel bars Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: none Status outside: Rare in YT Note: Endemic to AK, YT and BC Name: Astragalus robbinsii (Oakes) Gray Herbaria: UBC, V Ref.: Barneby 1964, Taylor 1974c Map: Barneby 1964, Taylor 1974c Range: AK to WA, east to c Canada and US BC range: Southern and w BC (Hedley, Wall Lake, Princeton, Cathedral Lakes, Flathead, Kimberley, Penticton, Mt. Apex, Chilco Lake, e Manning Park, Tchaikazan Valley, Ashnola, Relay Creek, Summerland, Skookumchuck, Mt. Tasu) Biogeocl.: IH, IF, PP Habitat: Meadows, talus Rare status: R4 BC CDC status: none Status outside: Rare in NS, YT, PQ, CO, WY, VT Name: Astragalus sclerocarpus Gray Herbaria: UBC, V Ref.: Barneby 1964, Hamet-Ahti 1965, Taylor 1974c Map: Barneby 1964, Taylor 1974c Range: South-central BC to n OR BC range: Okanagan Highland (Summerland, Kaleden) Biogeocl.: PP Habitat: Pinus ponderosa parkland Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: RED Status outside: Rare in WA Name: Astragalus spaldingii Gray Rare status: not-included BC CDC status: RED [as subsp. spaldingii] Name: Astragalus umbellatus Bunge Herbaria: UBC, V Ref.: Barneby 1964, Pojar et al. 1976, Taylor 1974c Map: Barneby 1964, Hulten 1968, Taylor 1974c Range: Arctic Asia; AK to NT and south to nw BC BC range: Yedhe Creek, Good Hope Lake, Haines Rd. (Mile 60, Mile 75, Mile 78), Ewe Mtn. off AK Hwy. Mile 428 Biogeocl.: AT Habitat: Creek banks, boggy and swampy tundra Rare status: R2 BC CDC status: BLUE Status outside: Rare in Continental NT Name: Athysanus pusillus (Hook.) Greene Herbaria: UBC, V Range: Southern BC south to s CA and east to ID BC range: Southern Vancouver (Nanoose Bay, Victoria, Mt. Blinkhorn, Mt. Finlayson), Lillooet area (Lizzy Creek), Crawford Bay. Biogeocl.: CF, IH Habitat: Wet seepage bluffs Rare status: R3 BC CDC status: YELLOW Name: Atriplex alaskensis S. Wats. Herbaria: CAN, DAO Ref.: Bassett et al. 1983 Map: Bassett and Crompton 1973, Bassett et al. 1983 Range: Southern coast of AK to Nw BC BC range: Queen Charlotte Mtns. - Queen Charlotte Ranges (west coast of Graham Island) Biogeocl.: CH Habitat: Seashores Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: RED Name: Atriplex argentea Nutt. Rare status: not-included BC CDC status: RED [as subsp. argentea] Name: Atriplex gmelinii C.A. Meyer ex Bong. Rare status: not-included BC CDC status: YELLOW Name: Atriplex nuttallii S. Wats. Rare status: not-included BC CDC status: RED Name: Atriplex truncata (Torr. ex S. Wats.) Gray Rare status: not-included BC CDC status: YELLOW Name: Avenochloa hookeri (Scribn.) Holub Syn.: Helictotrichon hookeri (Scribn.) Henr. Herbaria: CAN, DAO, V Range: Southern YT, AB to MB, south to MT, NM and MN BC range: Alberta Plateau (Beatton River, Pouce Coupe) Biogeocl.: BS Habitat: Praries and foothills Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: none Status outside: Rare in YT, Continental NT, WY, threatened in MN Name: Azolla mexicana Presl Herbaria: CAN, DAO, UBC, V Ref.: Brunton 1983b, Taylor 1971 Map: Brunton 1983b, Taylor 1971 Range: Southern BC east to WI and south to Bolivia BC range: Shuswap Highland (Sicamous, Tappen, Cambie) Biogeocl.: IH Habitat: Ponds Rare status: R1; designated as threatened by the Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada (COSEWIC) in 1984 BC CDC status: RED Name: Balsamorhiza deltoidea Nutt. Herbaria: CAN, DAO, UBC, V Range: Southwestern BC south to s CA BC range: Vancouver Island (Campbell River, Victoria, Thetis Lake) Biogeocl.: CF Habitat: Rocky bluffs, sandy coastal beaches Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: RED Name: Berula erecta (Huds.) Cov. Syn.: Siella erecta (Huds.) Pimenov, Berula angustifolia (L.) Mert. & Koch Herbaria: CAN, DAO, UBC, V Range: Southern BC to Baja CA, east to NY and FL; Europe and the Mediterranean region BC range: Skagit Range; Purcell Mtns.; Thompson Plateau (Popkum, Kimberley, Oliver, Kamloops) Biogeocl.: CA, IF, PP, CH Habitat: Wet places or shallow water in valleys and plains Rare status: R2 BC CDC status: YELLOW Name: Besseya wyomingensis (Nels.) Rydb. Herbaria: CAN, UBC, V Range: Southern AB, south through w MT and the e half of ID to n UT, east to SD, NE and n CO, sw SK BC range: Continental Ranges (Front Ranges, Mt. Turnbull) Biogeocl.: AT Habitat: Open slopes Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: BLUE Status outside: Rare in SK Name: Bidens amplissima Greene Herbaria: UBC, V Range: Southwestern BC BC range: Southern Vancouver Island (Lake District, Port Alberni), Fraser Lowland (Cloverdale, Lulu Island, Vancouver, Pitt Lake, Ladner) Biogeocl.: CH, CF Habitat: Ditches, wet fields, salt marshes Rare status: R4 BC CDC status: BLUE Note: Endemic to BC Most probably nothing else than introduced European Bidens tripartita L. - AC Name: Bidens beckii Torr. ex Sprengel Syn.: Megalodonta beckii (Torr. ex Spreng.) Greene Herbaria: CAN, UBC, V Range: PQ south to NJ and west to MN and MO; se BC south to OR BC range: Columbia River Valley (Windermere Lake, Radium Hot Springs), Columbia Mountains (Christina Lake, Creston, Duck Lake), Vancouver Island (Nanaimo) Biogeocl.: IH, IF, CF Habitat: Marshes and lakes Rare status: R2 BC CDC status: BLUE [var. beckii] Status outside: Rare in SK, endangered in IN, NJ, threatened in PA Note: Possible introduced in BC Name: Bidens frondosa L. Herbaria: CAN, DAO, UBC, V Ref.: NF to BC and south to VA and CA Range: NF to BC and south to VA and CA BC range: Fraser and Georgia Lowlands (Cloverdale, New Westminster, North Vancouver, Horseshoe Bay, Hope) Biogeocl.: CH, CF Habitat: Roadsides, ditches, wet meadows Rare status: R4 BC CDC status: none Status outside: Rare in AB Name: Bidens vulgata Greene Herbaria: DAO, UBC, V Range: NS to BC and south to GA and CA BC range: Okanagan Highland and Fraser Plateau (Osoyoos, Tranquille), Columbia Mountains (Creston) Biogeocl.: PP, IF Habitat: Ditches, lake margins Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: RED Name: Boisduvalia densiflora (Lindl.) S. Wats. Syn.: Epilobium densiflorum (Lindl.) P. Hoch & Raven Herbaria: CAN, DAO, UBC, V, WS Ref.: Raven and Moore 1965 Map: Raven and Moore 1965 Range: Southwestern BC south to Baja CA, east to w MT, AB, ID and NV BC range: Nanaimo Lowland (Victoria, Nanaimo, Qualicum, Sidney, Wellington, Goldstream, Saanichton) Biogeocl.: CF Habitat: Moist sites Rare status: R2 BC CDC status: RED Name: Boisduvalia glabella (Nutt.) Walp. Syn.: Epilobium pygmaeum (Speg.) P. Hoch & Raven Herbaria: ALTA, CAN, DAO, UBC, V Ref.: Raven and Moore 1965 Map: Raven and Moore 1965 Range: BC and e WA, south to s CA and NV, east to sw SK, ND, SD and UT; South America BC range: Pacific Ranges; Thompson Plateau (Botanie Valley, Douglas Lake) Biogeocl.: IF Habitat: Moist sites, prairie mud flats Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: RED Status outside: Rare in AB, SK Name: Boisduvalia stricta (Gray) Greene Syn.: Epilobium torreyi (S. Watson) P. Hoch & Raven Herbaria: DAO, UBC, V Ref.: Raven and Moore 1965 Map: Raven and Moore 1965 Range: Southwestern BC and e WA south to c CA, east to ID and NV BC range: Nanaimo Lowland (Victoria, Thetis Lake Park) Biogeocl.: CF Habitat: Moist sites Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: RED Name: Boschniakia hookeri Walp. Herbaria: UBC, V Range: Coastal from w BC to n CA BC range: Vancouver Island (Bamfield, Long Beach, Parksville), Gulf Islands (Savary) Biogeocl.: CH Habitat: Sand dunes, parasitic on Arctostaphylos uva-ursi Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: YELLOW Name: Boschniakia rossica (Cham. & Schlecht.) Fedch. Herbaria: CAN, DAO, UBC, V Ref.: Porsild and Crum 1961 Map: Hulten 1968, Porsild 1966 Range: AK and YT, east to Mackenzie and south to n BC BC range: Icefield Ranges, Teslin Plateau, Liard Plateau (Liard Hot Springs, Atlin) Biogeocl.: SW, BS, CH Habitat: Thickets, woods, tundra, parasitic on roots of Alnus crispus Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: none Status outside: Rare in AB Name: Botrychium ascendens W.H. Wagner Rare status: not-included BC CDC status: BLUE Name: Botrychium hesperium (Maxon & Clausen) W.H. Wagner & Lellinger Rare status: not-included BC CDC status: BLUE Name: Botrychium lanceolatum (S.G. Gmel.) Angstr. Herbaria: CAN, DAO, UBC, V Ref.: Taylor 1971 Map: Taylor 1971 Range: Circumpolar, south in w North America to s WA, UT and CO BC range: Scattered in Province (Garibaldi, Cheakamus and Squamish Rivers, Revelstoke, Wells, Liard Hot Springs, Haines Road, Terrace, Taku Plateau, Strathcona Park, Tsitika River area) Biogeocl.: AT, BS, MH, CH Habitat: Grassy slopes, talus slopes, subalpine meadows Rare status: R3 BC CDC status: none Status outside: Rare in AB, YT, SK, ON, PQ, NS, WA, UT, WY, MN, RI, WI, endangered in NC, threatened in OR Name: Botrychium matricariifolium (A. Braun ex Doll) A. Braun ex Koch Rare status: not-included BC CDC status: BLUE Name: Botrychium minganense Victorin Syn.: Botrychium lunaria (L.) Sw. var. minganense (Victorin) Dole Herbaria: DAO, UBC Ref.: Taylor 1970, 1971 Map: Taylor 1970, 1971 Range: YT and BC east to PQ and s Labrador BC range: Queen Charlotte Island (n Graham Island), Wells Gray Park (Surprise Lake, Helmcken Falls) Biogeocl.: CH, CA, IH Habitat: Woods, fields Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: none Status outside: Rare in Continental NT Name: Botrychium montanum W.H. Wagner Herbaria: DAO Ref.: Wagner and Wagner 1981 Range: Southern BC south to c OR and east to nw MT BC range: Lost Lake (19 mi. east of Enderby) Biogeocl.: IH Habitat: Hemlock forest Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: BLUE Name: Botrychium paradoxum W.H. Wagner Herbaria: V Range: Flathead area of MT, sw AB and s BC BC range: Okanagan Range (Juniper Slope). Biogeocl.: ES Habitat: Subalpine meadow Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: RED Status outside: Rare in AB Name: Botrychium pedunculosum W.H. Wagner Rare status: not-included BC CDC status: BLUE Name: Botrychium pinnatum St. John Syn.: Botrychium boreale auct. non (Fries) Milde Rare status: not-included BC CDC status: BLUE Name: Botrychium simplex E. Hitchc. Herbaria: CAN, UBC, V Ref.: Taylor 1971 Map: Taylor 1971 Range: Scattered in Europe and North America, south to CA, NM and PA BC range: Southern Vancouver Island (Sooke Hills, Mt. Benson, Port Alberni), Nairn Creek, Crevice Mtn. Biogeocl.: CF Habitat: Vernal Pools, seepage areas Rare status: R2 BC CDC status: BLUE Status outside: Rare in AB, NS, IL, IA, OR, WY, endangered in IN, WI, threatened in RI Name: Bouteloua gracilis (H.B.K.) Lag. & Steud. Herbaria: UBC, V Ref.: Hubbard 1955 Range: East of the Rocky Mountains from BC to MB, south to MT, WI, CA and TX; MX BC range: Rocky Mountain Trench (Jaffray, Roosville) Biogeocl.: IF Habitat: Short-grass prairie Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: RED Name: Braya purpurascens (R. Br.) Bunge Syn.: Braya americana (Hook.) Fern. Herbaria: UBC, V Map: Hulten 1968, Porsild 1964 Range: Circumpolar, south in w North America to n BC BC range: AK Hwy. (Summit Pass) Biogeocl.: AT Habitat: Alpine meadows, rocky limestone slopes Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: BLUE Status outside: Rare in AB, YT, Continental NT, PQ Name: Brickellia grandiflora (Hook.) Nutt. Rare status: not-included BC CDC status: RED Name: Brickellia oblongifolia Nutt. var. oblongifolia Herbaria: DAO, UBC, V Range: Southern BC east to ND and south to CA and NM BC range: Okanagan Highland (Hedley, Keremeos, Ashnola) Biogeocl.: PP Habitat: Sagebrush hillsides Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: RED [as subsp. oblongifolia] Name: Brodiaea coronaria (Salisb.) Engl. Herbaria: DAO, UBC, UVIC, V Ref.: Taylor 1974b Map: Niehaus 1971, Taylor 1974b Range: Southwestern BC and Puget Sound, south to WA, w OR and CA BC range: Southwestern BC (Vancouver Island north to Comox and Courtenay, Gulf Islands, mainland south form Powell River, Spences Bridge) Biogeocl.: CF, CH Habitat: Grassy slopes, rocky bluffs, heavy clay soils Rare status: R4 BC CDC status: YELLOW Name: Bromus canadensis Michx. Herbaria: ALTA, CAN, UBC, WTU Ref.: Raup 1934, Wagnon 1952 Map: Wagnon 1952 Range: BC south to WA, OR, CA NV, east to Labrador, NF, MA, NJ, TN, MO and TX; n MX BC range: (Prince Rupert, Mt. Selwyn) Biogeocl.: BS Habitat: Riverbanks, lake margins, rocky slopes Rare status: R3 BC CDC status: none Name: Bromus suksdorfii Vasey Herbaria: V Map: Wagnon 1952 Range: s BC to s Sierra Nevada of CA, w NE BC range: Hozameen Range: (Manning Park) Biogeocl.: ES Habitat: Open meadows, rocky slopes Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: none Name: Bupleurum americanum Coult. & Rose Herbaria: ALTA, CAN, DAO, UBC, V Map: Hulten 1968 Range: AK, YT, NT, through BC and AB to n and w-c WY and e ID BC range: Border Ranges - Clark Range: (South Kootenay Pass) Biogeocl.: ES Rare status: R2 BC CDC status: BLUE Status outside: Rare in AB, Continental NT Name: Calamagrostis crassiglumis Thurb. Herbaria: DAO, UBC, V Ref.: Kershaw and Morton 1976 Range: Kokiak Island, AK to CA BC range: Queen Charlotte Lowland - Argonaut Plain; Nanimo Lowland; Vancouver Island Mountains - Estevan Coastal Plain (Masset, Oeanda River, McCreight Lake, Pacific Rim National Park) Biogeocl.: CH Habitat: Coastal swampland Rare status: R2 BC CDC status: none Status outside: Threatened in WA Name: Calamagrostis montanensis (Scribn.) Scribn. Herbaria: ALTA, CAN, UBC, V, WS Range: Southeastern BC, east o MB, south to MT, CO, SD, MN and ID BC range: Southeastern BC (Columbia River Valley, Clayhurst Ecological Reserve) Biogeocl.: ES, IF Habitat: Grassland and sagebrush benchland to lower mountains Rare status: R4 BC CDC status: RED Name: Calamagrostis sesquiflora (Trin.) Tzvelev Syn.: Calamagrostis purpurascens R. Br. subsp. tasuensis Calder & Taylor Rare status: not-included BC CDC status: BLUE Name: Calamagrostis stricta (Timm) Koeler Syn.: Calamagrostis neglecta (Ehrh.) Gaertn., Mey., & Scherb. sensu lato Herbaria: CAN, DAO, V Map: Hulten 1962, 1968 Range: Circumboreal, AK and YT east to Greenland, south to OR, NV, CO and ne US; Eurasia BC range: Scattered throughout BC Biogeocl.: SS, CA, CH Habitat: Wet meadows, stream and pond margins, gravel bars, moist slopes Rare status: R3 BC CDC status: none Name: Calamovilfa longifolia (Hook.) Scribn. Herbaria: ALTA, CAN, DAO, UBC, V, WS Map: Thieret 1966 Range: BC to sw ON, south to ID, WY, CO, MN, WI, MI, MO, IL and IN BC range: Monashee Mountains, Rocky Mountain Trench (Tobacco Plains, Wasa Lake, Greenwood, Flagstone) Biogeocl.: IF Habitat: Prairies and foothills, open woods, sandy soil Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: BLUE Status outside: Rare in ON, IA, threatened in WI Name: Calandrinia ciliata (Ruiz & Pavon) DC. Herbaria: CAN, DAO, UBC, UVIC, V Range: Southwestern BC south to s CA and AZ; South America BC range: Vancouver Island and adjacent islands (Victoria, Cadboro Bay, Metchosin, William Head, Imne Island, Saltspring Island) Biogeocl.: CF Habitat: Gravelly to heavy soil where moist in spring Rare status: R3 BC CDC status: YELLOW Name: Callitriche anceps Fern. Herbaria: UBC, UC, V Ref.: Rubtzoff 1969 Range: Greenland to MA and GA; AK to WA and UT BC range: Scattered in Province (Atlin, Mt. Nowell, Whistler Mountain) Biogeocl.: ES, BS, MH Habitat: Shallow pools, fresh to brackish water, seepage areas Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: BLUE Status outside: YT, NH, NY, VT Name: Callitriche marginata Torr. Herbaria: CAN, SFUV, UBC, V Range: Southwestern BC to CA BC range: Victoria (Uplands), Gulf Islands (Mitlenatch Island) Biogeocl.: CF Habitat: Vernal pools Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: BLUE Name: Calochortus apiculatus J. Baker Herbaria: CAN, DAO, UBC, V, WS Ref.: Taylor 1974b Map: Ownbey 1940, Taylor 1974b Range: Southeastern BC and ne WA to sw AB, nw Mt and ID BC range: Southeastern BC (Rocky Mtn. Trench south from Windermere) Biogeocl.: ES, IF, PP Habitat: Dryish meadows to sparse or deep woods, well drained soil Rare status: R4 BC CDC status: YELLOW Status outside: Rare in AB Name: Calochortus lyallii J. Baker Herbaria: UBC, WS Ref.: Kershaw and Morton 1976, Taylor 1974b Map: Ownbey 1940 Range: Southern BC to s WA BC range: Thompson Plateau and Okanagan Range; Continental Ranges - Fernie Basin; Border Ranges - Clark Range: (Similkameen River area, Corbin, Crowsnest Pass) Biogeocl.: IF Habitat: Sagebrush slopes to open forest Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: RED Name: Caltha leptosepala DC. var. biflora (DC.) G. Lawson Syn.: Caltha biflora DC. Herbaria: UBC Range: AK to CA; east to ID, UT, CO BC range: Coastal BC (Queen Charlotte Mountains and Vancouver Island Mountains) Biogeocl.: MH, ES, CH Habitat: Wet to boggy soil, lowland to alpine Rare status: R4 BC CDC status: none Status outside: Rare in YT Name: Caltha natans Pallas Herbaria: CAN, DAO, UBC, V Ref.: AK, YT east to PQ, s to AB and MI BC range: Fort Nelson Lowland (Dawson Creek and Fort Nelson areas, Liard River) Biogeocl.: BS Habitat: Ponds and mud banks Rare status: R3 BC CDC status: none Status outside: Rare in Continental NT, YT, ON Name: Caltha palustris L. subsp. asarifolia (DC.) Hulten Rare status: not-included BC CDC status: BLUE Name: Calyptridium umbellatum (Torr.) Greene Syn.: Spraguea umbellata Torr., Cistanthe umbellata (Torr.) Hershkovitz Herbaria: DAO, GD, UBC, V, WS Ref.: Douglas and Ratcliffe 1981, Hinton 1975, McNeill 1973, Pojar 1975 Range: BC south to Baja CA, east to MT, WY and UT BC range: Okanagan Range: (Cathedral Lakes Park, Placer Mtn.) Biogeocl.: AT, ES, PP Habitat: Pinus ponderosa woodland to subalpine sandy flats and knolls Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: BLUE [var. caudiciferum (Gray) Jepson] Name: Calystegia soldanella (L.) R. Br. ex Roemer & Schultes Syn.: Convolvulus soldanella L. Herbaria: CAN, DAO, UBC, V Map: Calder and Taylor 1968 Range: BC to San Diego County CA; islands of the Pacific; Europe BC range: Western BC (Queen Charlotte Islands, Vancouver Island and Gulf Islands and adjacent mainland) Biogeocl.: CF, CH Habitat: Coastal beaches and sand dunes Rare status: R4 BC CDC status: none Name: Camassia leichtlinii (J. Baker) S. Wats. Herbaria: CAN, DAO, UBC, V Ref.: Taylor 1974b Map: Taylor 1974b Range: Southern BC south to sw OR and CA BC range: Vancouver Island (south from Nanaimo) and the gulf Islands Biogeocl.: CF Habitat: Meadows, prairies and hillsides where moist Rare status: R4 BC CDC status: YELLOW Name: Camassia quamash (Pursh) Greene Herbaria: DAO, UBC, UVIC, V, WS Ref.: Haber and Soper 1980, Taylor 1974b Map: Taylor 1974b Range: BC south to CA, east to sw AB, MT, WY and UT BC range: Southern BC (Vancouver Island from Victoria to Campbell River, Brooks Peninsula, the gulf Islands, Edgewood, Castlegar, Robson, Rossland, Creston, Glacier National Park) Biogeocl.: CF Habitat: Grassy places and moist areas, where dry by late spring Rare status: R4 BC CDC status: YELLOW [both var. maxima Gould and var. quamash] Name: Camissonia andina (Nutt.) Raven Syn.: Oenothera andina Nutt. Herbaria: ALTA, CAN, DAO, UBC, V Ref.: Raven 1969 Map: Raven 1969 Range: Southern BC, se AB and sw SK, south to CA, NV, MT, ID, WY and UT BC range: Okanagan Highland (Osoyoos) Biogeocl.: PP Habitat: Dry fields, sagebrush areas Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: RED Status outside: Rare in AB. SK Name: Camissonia breviflora (Torr. & Gray) Raven Syn.: Oenothera breviflora Torr. & Gray Herbaria: ALTA, CAN, DAO, V Ref.: Raven 1969 Map: Raven 1969 Range: Central BC and sw SK south to UT and CO BC range: Fraser Plateau (Chilko Lake, Nechako Plain) Biogeocl.: CA Habitat: Dry meadows, streambanks Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: RED Status outside: Rare in AB, SK Name: Camissonia contorta (Dougl.) Kearney Syn.: Oenothera contorta Dougl. Herbaria: CAN, UBC, V Ref.: Raven 1969 Map: Raven 1969 Range: BC to Baja CA, inland to the Rocky Mtns., east to ID and NV BC range: Nanaimo Lowland (Saanichton Bay, Saanich Spit) Biogeocl.: CF Habitat: Sandy soil along the coast, along rivers Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: RED Name: Campanula alaskana (Gray) Wight ex J.P. Anderson Herbaria: DAO, UBC, V Map: Calder and Taylor 1968 Range: Western coastal BC BC range: Vancouver Island (Brooks Peninsula), Queen Charlotte Islands Biogeocl.: CH Habitat: Coastal bluffs and seashores Rare status: R4 BC CDC status: none Name: Campanula aurita Greene Herbaria: DAO, UBC, V Ref.: Porsild and Crum 1961 Map: Hulten 1968 Range: Central eastern AK, s YT and n BC, east to Mackenzie BC range: Northeaster BC; Muskwa Ranges, Alberta Plateau, Fort Nelson Lowland, Liard Plain (Liard Hot Springs, Mile 397 AK Hwy., Muncho Lake, Kechika River, Summit Pass) Biogeocl.: SW Habitat: Rock crevices, open slopes, woods Rare status: R4 BC CDC status: none Name: Campanula scouleri Hook. ex DC. Herbaria: UBC, UVIC, V Map: Hulten 1968 Range: Alaska panhandle to n CA, west of the Cascades BC range: Southwestern BC; Vancouver Island, Gulf Islands Biogeocl.: CF Habitat: Open or dense woods, rock outcrops, talus Rare status: R4 BC CDC status: YELLOW Name: Campanula uniflora L. Herbaria: BAN, DAO, UBC, V Range: Circumboreal, south in the Rockies to CO; Eurasia; PQ, MB, AB to BC BC range: Scattered throughout BC (Garibaldi, Summit Pass, Tundra Mountain, Mt. Bowman, Chilcotin, Clinton, Alaska Hwy., Liard Plateau, Alberta Plateau) Biogeocl.: AT, ES, SW, BS Habitat: Rocky or grassy sites, dry ridges on tundra Rare status: R4 BC CDC status: none Status outside: Rare in MB Name: Cardamine angulata Hook. Rare status: not-included BC CDC status: BLUE Name: Cardamine cordifolia Gray Herbaria: UBC Range: Southern BC south to CA and east to WY and NM BC range: Interior Highlands (Lake Quimscoe, Cathedral Park, Penticton) Biogeocl.: PP Habitat: Wet ground, streambanks Rare status: R3 BC CDC status: none Name: Cardamine parviflora L. Rare status: not-included BC CDC status: BLUE Name: Carex amplifolia Boott Herbaria: CAN, UBC, V Ref.: Taylor 1983 Map: Taylor 1983 Range: Southern BC to CA and east to ID BC range: Southern part of Province (Vernon, Nelson, Okanagan Lake, Kootenay Lake, Vancouver, Cottonwood Falls, Maple Ridge) Biogeocl.: ES, IH, IF Habitat: Swamps and bogs Rare status: R2 BC CDC status: BLUE Name: Carex arenicola Schmidt Syn.: Carex pansa Bailey Herbaria: UBC, V Ref.: Taylor 1983 Map: Calder & Taylor 1968, Taylor 1983 Range: Western BC to n CA BC range: Queen Charlotte Islands (Tlell River), Hope Island, Vargas Island, Numas Island Biogeocl.: CF, CH Habitat: Coastal sands and rocky bluffs Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: BLUE Name: Carex bicolor Bellardi ex Allioni Herbaria: DAO, UBC Ref.: Taylor 1983 Map: Taylor 1983 Range: Circumpolar, south in w North America to n BC BC range: Haines road, Mason Creek Biogeocl.: BS, SW, AT Habitat: Mossy lake shores, alpine areas Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: BLUE Status outside: Rare in SK, MN, Continental NT Name: Carex bigelowii Torr. Herbaria: UBC, V Ref.: Taylor 1983 Map: Hulten 1968, Taylor 1983 Range: Circumpolar, in w North America south to BC, ID, CO and UT BC range: Northwestern BC (Haines area), Penticton (Mt. Brent), Cathedral Lakes Biogeocl.: AT Habitat: Alpine areas Rare status: R3 BC CDC status: none Status outside: Rare in SK, ON, NB, NH, NY, VT, WY Name: Carex brevicaulis Mackenzie Herbaria: DAO, UBC, V Map: Calder and Taylor 1968 Range: Southwestern BC to c CA BC range: Queen Charlotte Islands (Juskatla), Vancouver Island (near Sooke, Mt. Benso, Elk Lake, Nanaimo), Saltspring Island, lower mainland (Yale, Pemberton) Biogeocl.: CF, CH Habitat: Dry soil near the coast Rare status: R4 BC CDC status: YELLOW Name: Carex circinata C.A. Meyer Herbaria: V Ref.: Taylor 1983 Map: Calder and Taylor 1968, Taylor 1983 Range: Coastal AK south to WA BC range: Queen Charlotte Islands, Vancouver Island (Brooks Peninsula, Nimpkish area) Biogeocl.: CH, MH Habitat: Rock outcrops at higher elevations Rare status: R4 BC CDC status: none Status outside: Rare in YT, WA Name: Carex comosa Boott Herbaria: UBC Ref.: Taylor 1983 Map: Taylor 1983 Range: MI to PQ, south to LA and FL; disjunct in s BC and ID to CA BC range: Southern BC (Oliver, Vaseaux Lake, Armstrong, Kawkawa Creek, New Westminster) Biogeocl.: CH, IF, PP Habitat: Shallow water, edges of slow streams Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: BLUE Status outside: Rare in NB, NS, TN, WA, endangered in SD, possibly extirpated in TX Name: Carex crawei Dewey Herbaria: UBC Ref.: Taylor 1983 Map: Taylor 1983 Range: BC east to PQ and south to NJ, TN and MO BC range: Golden, Yoho Park (Wapta Falls), Kinbasket Biogeocl.: ES, IH, IF Habitat: Wet meadows and swamps Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: RED Status outside: Rare in AB Name: Carex douglasii Boott Rare status: not-included BC CDC status: YELLOW Name: Carex enanderi Hulten Syn.: Carex eurystachya F.J. Herm. Herbaria: DAO, UBC, V Ref.: Taylor 1983 Map: Calder and Taylor 1968, Hulten 1968, Taylor 1983 Range: AK to BC and AB BC range: Queen Charlotte Islands, Hotailuh Range, Lillooet area (Mt. Sampson), Ilgachuz Range: (Blue Canyon Creek) Biogeocl.: MH, ES Habitat: Alpine and subalpine meadows Rare status: R3 BC CDC status: none Status outside: Rare in AB, YT Name: Carex engelmannii Bailey Syn.: incl. Carex breweri Boott Herbaria: UBC, V Ref.: Taylor 1983 Map: Taylor 1983 Range: Southern BC to UT and CO BC range: Cascade Mtns. (between Hope and Princeton, Frosty Mtn.) Big White Mtn., Cathedral Lakes Park, (Stone City) Biogeocl.: AT, ES Habitat: Open slopes Rare status: R4 BC CDC status: none Name: Carex epapillosa Mack. Rare status: not-included BC CDC status: BLUE Name: Carex feta Bailey Herbaria: UBC, V Ref.: Taylor 1983 Map: Taylor 1983 Range: Southwestern BC to CA BC range: Vancouver Island (Sproat Lake, Somass), Mayne Island Biogeocl.: CH, CF Habitat: Marshes, ditches and meadows Rare status: R4 BC CDC status: BLUE Name: Carex franklinii Boott Herbaria: V Map: Hulten 1968, Porsild and Cody 1980 Range: Northern Asia; AK to BC, PQ BC range: AK Hwy. Mile 390 Biogeocl.: AT Habitat: Calcareous alpine slopes Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: BLUE Status outside: Rare in Contenental NT Note: Conspecific with C. petricosa. - AC Name: Carex geyeri Boott Herbaria: DAO, UBC, V Ref.: Taylor 1983 Map: Taylor 1983 Range: BC and AB south to n CA, UT and CO BC range: Extreme se BC (Flathead, Mt. Rowe, Moyie Lake) Biogeocl.: AT, ES Habitat: Open forests, alpine meadows Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: BLUE Status outside: Rare in AB Name: Carex glacialis Mackenzie Herbaria: DAO, UBC, V Ref.: Taylor 1983 Map: Hulten 1968, Porsild and Cody 1980, Taylor 1983 Range: Circumboreal, south in w North America to BC BC range: AK Hwy. (Mile 451, Summit Lake), Haines Rd. (Mile 75), Cassiar area (south of Limestone Mtn.) Biogeocl.: ES, BS Habitat: Dry, calcareous soil, talus slopes Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: none Status outside: Rare in AB, SK Name: Carex glareosa Wahl. Herbaria: DAO, V Ref.: Calder and Taylor 1968, Taylor 1983 Map: Calder and Taylor 1968, Taylor 1983 Range: Disjunctly circumpolar; in North America from AK, YK and NT to Atlantic Coast, south to nw BC BC range: Queen Charlotte Islands (Tlell, Masset Inlet, Kootenay Inlet), Bella Coola Biogeocl.: CH Habitat: Saline and brackish marshes Rare status: R2 BC CDC status: BLUE Status outside: Rare in YT, MB, NB Name: Carex gmelinii Hook. & Arn. Herbaria: DAO, V Ref.: Calder and Taylor 1968, Taylor 1983 Map: Calder and Taylor 1968, Taylor 1983 Range: Amphi-Beringian distribution from Kamtchatka and Japan to AK and BC BC range: Queen Charlotte Islands (Tlell, Lepas Bay, Hotspring Island), Prince Rupert Biogeocl.: CH Habitat: Salt marshes Rare status: R2 BC CDC status: BLUE Name: Carex haydeniana Olney Rare status: not-included BC CDC status: YELLOW Name: Carex heleonastes Ehrh. Syn.: incl. Carex preceptorium Mack. or preceptorum Mack. [orthographic variant] Herbaria: UBC, V Ref.: Hamet-Ahti 1965, Taylor 1983 Map: Porsild and Cody 1980, Taylor 1983 Range: Circumboreal, south in w North America to n BC BC range: Spatsizi Plateau (Fire Flats), AK Hwy. Mile 276 Biogeocl.: ES, BS, IH, IF Habitat: Peat bogs, swamps Rare status: R2 BC CDC status: BLUE Status outside: Rare in YT, MB, ON, PQ Name: Carex hendersonii Bailey Herbaria: UBC Ref.: Taylor 1983 Map: Taylor 1983 Range: Southwestern BC to CA BC range: Vancouver Island (Nanaimo, Nanaimo Lakes, Sayward, Qualicum, Wolfe Mtn., Ruskin, Saanichton), Fraser Lowland (Chiliwack, Point Grey, Jericho Beach) Biogeocl.: CH Habitat: Moist woods, alluvium Rare status: R4 BC CDC status: YELLOW Name: Carex hystericina Muhl. Syn.: = Carex hystricina Muhl. [orthographic variant] Herbaria: CAN, UBC, V Ref.: Taylor 1983 Map: Taylor 1983 Range: Southern BC east to NB and south to CA, TX and VA BC range: Lillooet, Cariboo District (Eagle Lake) Biogeocl.: ES, IH Habitat: Near streams, swamps, wet meadows Rare status: R3 BC CDC status: BLUE Status outside: Rare in AB, NS, WA Name: Carex inops Bailey Syn.: Carex pensylvanica Lam. Herbaria: CAN, DAO, UBC, V Ref.: Crins and Ball 1983, Taylor 1983 Map: Crins and Ball 1983, Taylor 1983 Range: Eastern Asia; s BC to n CA and NM, east to NS and SC BC range: Alberta Plateau (Hudson Hope, Taylor Flats), Vancouver Island (Victoria, Cowichan River), sw mainland (Hope, Yale) Biogeocl.: BS, CH, CF Habitat: Open woods Rare status: R3 BC CDC status: YELLOW Name: Carex interrupta Boeck. Herbaria: UBC Ref.: Taylor 1983 Map: Taylor 1983 Range: Southern BC south to OR BC range: Vancouver Island (Duncan), Fraser Lowland (Chilliwack) Biogeocl.: CH Habitat: Gravelly lake shores Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: RED Status outside: Rare in WA Name: Carex krausei Boeck. Herbaria: V Map: Hulten 1968 Range: Disjunctly circumpolar; in w North America, AK, NT and n BC BC range: Boundary Ranges (Forrest Kerr Creek) Biogeocl.: SW Habitat: Gravel bars Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: BLUE Name: Carex lapponica O. Lang Herbaria: V Map: Hulten 1968, Porsild and Cody 1980 Range: Disjunctly circumpolar; in w North America in AK, YT, NT and ne BC BC range: Fort Nelson Lowland Biogeocl.: BS Habitat: Peat bogs Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: BLUE Status outside: Rare in YT Name: Carex limnophila F.J. Herm. Herbaria: U.B.C. Ref.: Taylor, 1983 Map: Taylor, 1983 Range: B.C. to OR, east to AB, WY, CO and NV BC range: Vancouver Island, Hope, Relay Creek Biogeocl.: CH, CF Habitat: Wet meadows and streambanks Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: none Name: Carex luzulina Olney var. ablata (Kukenth.) F.J. Herm. Syn.: Carex ablata Kukenth. Herbaria: U.B.C., V Ref.: Taylor, 1983 Map: Taylor, 1983 Range: B.C. south to n CA and east ID and UT BC range: Vancouver Island (Mt. Mark, Forbidden Plateau, Healy Lake) Garibaldi, Manning Park, Chilliwack, Skagit, Tulameen Biogeocl.: MH, ES Habitat: Bogs and wet meadows Rare status: R3 BC CDC status: YELLOW Name: Carex macrocephala Willd. Herbaria: DAO, U.B.C., V Ref.: Taylor, 1983 Map: Calder and Taylor 1968, Hulten 1968, Taylor 1983 Range: North Pacific Rim; Coastal China and Japan to AK and south to OR BC range: Queen Charlotte Islands (Tlell, Rose Spit, Lepas Bay), Vancouver Island (Ahousett, Long Beach, Ucluelet, Brooks Peninsula, Campbell River, Nanaimo, Saanich Spit, San Josef Bay), Savary Island, Iona Island, Sea Island, Calvert Island, Hope Island, Vancouver Biogeocl.: CH Habitat: Coastal sand dunes Rare status: R4 BC CDC status: none Name: Carex maritima Gunn. Syn.: incl. Carex incurviformis Mack. Herbaria: U.B.C., V Ref.: Taylor, 1983 Map: Taylor, 1983 Range: Circumpolar, south in w North America to BC BC range: Windermere (Paradise Mine), Ilgachuz Range: (Tundra Mtn.), Lillooet area (Big Dog Mtn.) Biogeocl.: AT Habitat: Tundra Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: BLUE Status outside: Rare in AB, SK, MB, YT Name: Carex membranacea Hook. Herbaria: CAN, DAO, UBC Ref.: Taylor, 1983 Map: Hulten 1968, Porsild and Cody 1980, Taylor 1983 Range: Northeastern Asia to AK and n PQ, south to n BC BC range: AK Hwy. (Summit Pass, 62 mi. from Ft. Nelson, Muncho Lake, Liard Plateau, Haines Road (Mile 60, 75, 98 Alsek River) Biogeocl.: ES, BS Habitat: Wet places Rare status: R4 BC CDC status: BLUE Name: Carex microglochin Wahlenb. Herbaria: SFUV, UBC, V Ref.: Reid 1978, Taylor 1983 Map: Hulten 1968, Porsild and Cody 1980, Taylor 1983 Range: Circumboreal south in w North America to s BC and AB; CO BC range: Yoho National Park (Ross Lake), Nechako River, AK Hwy. (Mile 284, Liard Hot Springs), near Smithers Biogeocl.: ES, BS, CA Habitat: Calcareous fens at high elevations Rare status: R3 BC CDC status: none Status outside: Rare in MB, threatened in CO Name: Carex misandra R. Br. Herbaria: UBC, V Ref.: Taylor, 1983 Map: Hulten 1968, Porsild and Cody 1980, Taylor 1983 Range: Circumboreal south in w North America to BC and sw AB; CO; UT BC range: AK Hwy. (Mile 392, 428, Summit Pass) Taku River, Rob Lake, Wokkpash Lake Biogeocl.: AT, ES Habitat: Meadows above timberline Rare status: R4 BC CDC status: BLUE Status outside: Rare in AB Name: Carex paysonis Clokey Herbaria: DAO, UBC Ref.: Taylor, 1983 Map: Taylor, 1983 Range: Southern BC and AB south to OR, UT, WY, MT and ID BC range: Dash Plateau, Maroon Mtn., Meager Creek, Ft. Steele, Starvation Peak Biogeocl.: AT, ES, IF Habitat: Talus, subalpine meadows, willow-birch shrublands Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: BLUE Status outside: Rare in Canada Name: Carex peckii Howe Herbaria: UBC, V Ref.: Taylor 1983 Map: Porsild and Cody 1980, Taylor 1983 Range: AK to NB and south to BC, SD and MI BC range: Spahats Creek, Cariboo, Wells Gray Park, Peace River District Biogeocl.: IH, CA, BS Habitat: Dry slopes, woods Rare status: R3 BC CDC status: YELLOW Status outside: Rare in Continental NT, VT, IA endangered in CO Name: Carex pedunculata Muhl. Herbaria: V Range: BC to NF, south to SD, IA and GA BC range: Monashee Mountains (Grandby River) Biogeocl.: IF Habitat: Alluvial forests Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: BLUE Status outside: Rare in SK, NS, IA, TN, endangered in GA, SD Name: Carex petricosa Dewey Herbaria: UBC Ref.: Taylor, 1983 Map: Porsild and Cody 1968, Taylor 1983 Range: AK and YT to n BC BC range: Summit Pass Biogeocl.: AT, BS Habitat: Alpine slopes, gravel bars Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: BLUE [var. petricosa] Status outside: Rare in AB Name: Carex praeceptorum Mackenz. Herbaria: UBC, V Ref.: Hamet-Ahti 1965, Taylor 1983 Range: Southern BC south to CA and east ID, WY, UT and CO BC range: Kleena Kleene, Wells Gray Park (Battle Mtn.), Bridal Lake (west of Creston), Callagahan Lake Biogeocl.: MH, ES Habitat: Wet Meadows Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: none Name: Carex prairea Dewey Herbaria: V, W.L. Ref.: Roberts 1983, Taylor 1983 Map: Taylor, 1983 Range: BC to PQ, south to New England, IA, IN, NJ BC range: Chilcotin-Cariboo area (Anahim Lake, Alexis Creek, Palmer Lake) Biogeocl.: CA Habitat: Sedge meadows, willow shrubs Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: YELLOW Status outside: Rare in PQ, CT Name: Carex raynoldsii Dewey Herbaria: UBC, V Ref.: Taylor, 1983 Map: Taylor, 1983 Range: Southern BC and AB to CA and CO BC range: Marble Mtns., Lytton, Meager Creek, Botanie Valley, Mt. Kobau, Merritt, Banner Mtn., Akamina and Kishinena Creeks, Mt. Assiniboine Biogeocl.: ES Habitat: Meadows and open woods Rare status: R4 BC CDC status: none Status outside: Rare in SK, WA Name: Carex rupestris All. Herbaria: UBC, V Ref.: Taylor, 1983 Map: Hulten 1968, Porsild and Cody 1980, Taylor 1983 Range: Circumboreal south in w North America to BC, AB and CO BC range: AK Hwy. (Muncho Lake, Summit Pass, Liard Plateau) Biogeocl.: AT, BS Habitat: Open slopes at high elevations Rare status: R3 BC CDC status: BLUE [subsp. rupestris] Status outside: Rare in MB Name: Carex rupestris All. susbp. drummondiana (Dewey) Holub Rare status: not-included BC CDC status: BLUE Name: Carex sartwellii Dewey Herbaria: UBC, V Ref.: Taylor, 1983 Map: Porsild and Cody 1980, Taylor 1983 Range: BC and AB east to ON and NY and south to CO BC range: Kamloops, Minton Creek, 100 Mile House, Watch Lake, Lac la Hache, Wasa, Sorenson Lake, Riske Creek, Meldrum Creek, Itcha Mtns. Biogeocl.: ES, IH, IF, PP Habitat: Moist meadows Rare status: R3 BC CDC status: YELLOW Status outside: Rare in Continental NT, PQ, IN, MO, NY, OH, PA Name: Carex saximontana Mack. Rare status: not-included BC CDC status: BLUE Name: Carex scoparia Schkuhr ex Willd. Rare status: not-included BC CDC status: BLUE Name: Carex scopulorum Holm var. bracteosa (Bailey) F.J. Herm. Herbaria: UBC, V Ref.: Taylor, 1983 Map: Taylor, 1983 Range: Southern BC south to CA and east to AB, UT and CO BC range: Cathedral Park (Glacier Lake, Scout Lake), Chilkoot Pass Biogeocl.: ES, BS Habitat: Wet places at high elevations Rare status: R3 BC CDC status: BLUE Status outside: Rare in AB Name: Carex simulata Mackenz. Herbaria: DAO, V, W.L. Range: BC to MT and south to CA BC range: Chilcotin-Cariboo area (70 Mile House, Chilco River) Biogeocl.: CA Habitat: Wet calcareous fens Rare status: R2 BC CDC status: BLUE Name: Carex sprengelii Dewey Herbaria: DAO, UBC Ref.: Taylor, 1983 Map: Taylor, 1983 Range: BC east to NB and south to NJ, IA and CO BC range: Fraser Highland (Williams Lake, Prince George), Pender Island Biogeocl.: SS, CA, IF, CF Habitat: Woods Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: RED Note: The Pender Island population is in fact Carex sylvatica L. - AC Name: Carex supina Willd. ex Wahlenb. subsp. spaniocarpa (Steud). Hulten Herbaria: UBC Ref.: Taylor, 1983 Map: Taylor, 1983 Range: Circumboreal, south in w North America to n BC BC range: Atlin Lake, Tyhee Lake, Gladys Lake Biogeocl.: BS, SS Habitat: Steppe grassland Rare status: R4 BC CDC status: none Status outside: Rare in AB, SK, ON, PQ Name: Carex swanii (Fern.) Mackenzie Rare status: not-included BC CDC status: RED Name: Carex sychnocephala Dewey Herbaria: UBC Ref.: Taylor, 1983 Map: Hulten 1968, Porsild and Cody 1980, Taylor 1983 Range: BC to ON, south to WA, MT, CO and SD BC range: Central BC (Vanderhoof, Kamloops, Botanie Valley) Biogeocl.: IF, PP, CA Habitat: Wet meadows, lake shores Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: BLUE Status outside: Rare in YT, Continental NT, PQ, MI, WI, WA Name: Carex tenera Dewey Herbaria: DAO, UBC Ref.: Taylor, 1983 Map: Taylor, 1983 Range: BC to PQ, south to WY, IL and NC BC range: Prince George Biogeocl.: CA Habitat: Woods Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: BLUE Name: Carex tonsa (Fern.) Bickn. Syn.: Carex umbellata Schkuhr ex. Willd. var. tonsa Fern., Carex rugosperma Mack. var. tonsa (Fern.) E.G. Voss Herbaria: V Range: BC to NS and south to VA, IN, MN BC range: Rocky Mountain Trench (Tete Jaune) Biogeocl.: IH Habitat: Sand dunes Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: BLUE Name: Carex trisperma Dewey Herbaria: UBC, V Ref.: Hamet-Ahti 1965, Pojar et al. 1976, Taylor, 1983 Map: Taylor, 1983 Range: NT south to BC and east to NF and VA BC range: Quesnel Lake, Barkerville, N. Thorp River, Blue River, Wells Gray Park, Babine Lake, Burns Lake, Fort St. John, Vanderhoof, AK Hwy. mile 173, Hart Hwy. Biogeocl.: SS, IH Habitat: Bogs and swampy areas Rare status: R3 BC CDC status: none Status outside: Rare in AB, SK, Continental NT, endangered in NC Name: Carex unilateralis Mack. Rare status: not-included BC CDC status: YELLOW Name: Carex vulpinoidea Michx. Herbaria: UBC Ref.: Taylor, 1983 Map: Taylor, 1983 Range: BC to NF and south to OR, AZ and FL BC range: Victoria, Creston Biogeocl.: CF, IH Habitat: Sloughs, steam banks Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: BLUE Name: Carex xerantica Bailey Rare status: not-included BC CDC status: BLUE Name: Cassiope lycopodioides (Pallas) D. Don Syn.: incl. Cassiope lycopodioides (Pallas) D. Don subsp. cristipilosa Calder & Taylor Herbaria: DAO, UBC, V Ref.: Szczawinski 1975b Map: Calder and Taylor, 1968, Szczawinski 1975b Range: Aleutian Islands, se AK, BC; east Asia BC range: Scattered in province (Queen Charlotte Islands, Vancouver Island (Brooks Peninsula), Smithers area, Clearwater) Biogeocl.: MH, ES, SS, CH Habitat: Alpine rocky slopes and crevices Rare status: R4 BC CDC status: none Name: Castlleja ambigua Hook. & Arn. Rare status: not-included BC CDC status: RED Name: Castilleja applegatei Fern. Herbaria: UBC Range: Northern UT and w WY, across s-c ID to e OR, south to NV and c CA, se BC BC range: Selkirk Mountains (Revelstoke) Biogeocl.: IH Habitat: Dry mountain slopes and summits Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: none Name: Castilleja cervina Greenm. Herbaria: CAN, DAO, UBC, V Ref.: Taylor, 1974a Map: Taylor, 1974a Range: Southern BC to adjacent n ID and WA BC range: Valleys of the dry Interior and Kootenays (Thompson Plateau, Okanagan Highland, Monashee Mountains, Purcell Mountains, Rocky Mountain Trench, Continental Ranges, Kootenay Ranges) Biogeocl.: PP, IF, IH Habitat: Grasslands and open coniferous woods Rare status: R4 BC CDC status: none Status outside: Rare in WA Name: Castilleja cusickii Greenm. Herbaria: CAN, DAO, UBC, V Ref.: Argus and White 1978, Taylor 1974a Map: Taylor, 1974a Range: WY, MT, BC sw AB, WA and ne OR BC range: South-central and se BC (Nicola and Columbia Valleys, Princeton, Crawford Bay, Mt. Kobau, Mt. Assiniboine, Garibaldi Park, Invermere) Biogeocl.: ES, IF Habitat: Meadows, mountain slopes Rare status: R4 BC CDC status: YELLOW Status outside: Rare in AB Name: Castilleja elmeri Fern. Herbaria: UBC, V Ref.: Kershaw and Morton 1976, Taylor 1974a Map: Taylor, 1974a Range: Southern BC to WA BC range: South-central BC (Penticton, Manning Park, Placer Mtn., Mt. Kobau, Anvil Mountain) Biogeocl.: ES Habitat: Mountain slopes and meadows Rare status: R4 BC CDC status: none Name: Castilleja exilis A. Nels. Syn.: Castilleja minor (Gray) Gray subsp. minor Herbaria: DAO, UBC Ref.: Taylor 1974a Map: Tyalor 1974a Range: BC to MT, south to OR, NM, AZ and adjacent CA BC range: Purcell Mountains, (Mount Sabine), Osoyoos Lake Biogeocl.: ES, PP Habitat: Moist grassy places, alkaline marshes and meadows Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: none Name: Castilleja fulva Pennell Rare status: not-included BC CDC status: RED Name: Castilleja gracillima Rydb. Herbaria: DAO, UBC, V Ref.: Taylor 1974a Map: Taylor 1974a Range: WY and adjacent MT to ID and BC BC range: Eastern BC (Columbia Valley, Pine Pass, Mt. Robson Park) Biogeocl.: ES, IF Habitat: Wet meadows and marshes Rare status: R4 BC CDC status: BLUE Name: Castilleja hyetophila Penn. Herbaria: DAO, UBC, V Map: Calder and Taylor 1968, Hulten 1968 Range: Along the coast from AK to Vancouver Island and adjacent mainland BC range: Queen Charlotte Lowland, Teslin Plateau, (Atlin Lake) Biogeocl.: CH, BS Habitat: Salt marshes, meadows along the sea Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: none Name: Castilleja hyperborea Penn. Herbaria: ALTA, CAN DAO, UBC, V Map: Hulten 1968 Range: West-central AK to YT and Mackenzie, n BC BC range: Alsek Ranges (Haines Road area) Biogeocl.: MH Habitat: Stoney slopes in the mountains, arctic and alpine tundra Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: BLUE Status outside: Rare in Continental NT Name: Castilleja levisecta Greenm. Herbaria: UBC, UVIC, V Ref.: Taylor 1974a Map: Taylor 1974a Range: Vancouver Island to c OR BC range: Southeastern Vancouver Island (Victoria, Trial Island, Wellington, Sidney, Alpha Islet) Biogeocl.: CF Habitat: Meadows at low elevations Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: RED Status outside: Threatened in WA Name: Castilleja lutescens (Greenm.) Rydb. Rare status: not-included BC CDC status: RED Name: Castilleja minor (Gray) Gary subspec. minor Rare status: not-included BC CDC status: RED Name: Castilleja occidentalis Torr. Herbaria: DAO, UBC, V Ref.: Hamet-Ahti 1965, Taylor 1974a Map: Taylor 1974a Range: Rocky Mountains from BC and AB to MT, south to CO and UT BC range: Eastern BC (in the mountains south from Glacier, Wells Gray Park, Mt. Robson Park) Biogeocl.: ES Habitat: Alpine slopes and meadows Rare status: R3 BC CDC status: none Status outside: Rare in WA Name: Castilleja pallescens (A. Gray) Greenm. Rare status: not-included BC CDC status: RED Name: Castilleja raupii Penn. Herbaria: ALTA, SFUV, UBC, V Ref.: Porsil and Crum 1961, Taylor 1974a Map: Hulten 1968, Taylor 1974a Range: AK to NT, south to Bc and AB to n ON, PQ BC range: Extreme ne BC (Liard Hot Springs, Muncho Lake, Fort Nelson) Biogeocl.: BS Habitat: Moist soil along streams and lakes, in swamps Rare status: R4 BC CDC status: none Status outside: Rare in PQ Name: Castilleja rhexifolia Rydb. Herbaria: CAN, UBC, V, WS Ref.: Hamet-Ahti 1965, Taylor 1974a Map: Taylor 1974a Range: Rocky Mountains from AB and BC, south to CO and UT, west through ID, to OR BC range: Scattered throughout BC, south from about Lat. 53 N; apparently absent from Vancouver Island Biogeocl.: AT, MH, ES Habitat: Alpine and subalpine meadows and slopes Rare status: R3 BC CDC status: none Name: Castilleja rupicola Piper Herbaria: UBC, V Ref.: Taylor 1974a Map: Taylor 1974a Range: Cascade Mountains from BC to OR BC range: Southwestern BC (Skagit Valley, Lytton, Mt. Cheam, Mt. Brunswick) Biogeocl.: MH Habitat: Cliffs and rocky places Rare status: R4 BC CDC status: BLUE Name: Castilleja sulphurea Rydb. Herbaria: DAO, UBC, V Ref.: Taylor 1974a, Ulke 1934 Map: Taylor 1974a Range: Southern AB and e BC, south to w MT, CO, UT and NM BC range: Northern and e BC, largely east of the Rocky Mtns., south from Mt. Robson (Kinbasket, Azouzetta Lake, Mt. Egnell, Yoho National Park, Kimberley, Flathead, Creston, Pouce Coupe, Telephaph Creek, Moberly Biogeocl.: AT, ES, IF CA Habitat: Moist meadows and slopes Rare status: R4 BC CDC status: none Name: Castilleja thompsonii Penn. Herbaria: DAO, UBC, V Ref.: Taylor 1974a Map: Taylor 1974a Range: Southern BC and WA BC range: South-central and se BC (Okanagan Valley, Cathedral Lakes, Cranbrook, Spotted lake, Similkameen River Valley) Biogeocl.: IF, PP Habitat: Dry soils Rare status: R4 BC CDC status: YELLOW Name: Catabrosa aquatica (L.) Beauv. Herbaria: CAN, UBC, V Ref.: Fernald 1933 Map: Hulten 1958, 1968 Range: Circumboreal, AK, Labrador, BC to NF, south through ID and e OR to NV, AZ, CO, IA and Si; Europe north to subarctic regions BC range: Continental Ranges - Fernie Basin (Fernie) Biogeocl.: IF Habitat: Wet meadows, streambanks, pond and lake margins Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: RED Name: Caucalis microcarpa H. & A. Herbaria: CAN, UBC, V Range: Southern BC trhough WA and ID to Baja CA; MX BC range: Nanaimo Lowland (James Island, Wellington, Nanaimo, Saturna Island, Mayne Island) Biogeocl.: CF Habitat: Along streams, open vernally moist slopes R2 Rare status: R2 BC CDC status: BLUE Name: Centaurium exaltatum (Griseb.) Wight ex Piper Herbaria: DAO, UBC, V, WS Ref.: Gillett 1963 Range: East of the Cascades, WA to NE, south to CO and e CA, se BC, east to ID and south through UT and NV to AZ BC range: Thompson Plateau and Okanagan Highland (Osoyoos, Oliver) Biogeocl.: IF, PP Habitat: Moist places, near hot springs and alkaline lakes Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: RED Name: Centaurium muhlenbergii (Griseb.) Wight ex Piper Herbaria: CAN, UBC, V Ref.: Gillett 1963 Range: Easter WA, s to NV through Columbia Gorge to Willamette Valley and to coastal and c CA, sw BC BC range: Fraser Lowland, Nanaimo Lowland,; (Chatham Island, Stanley Park) Biogeocl.: CF, CH Habitat: Moist soil Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: RED Name: Cephalanthera austiniae (Gray) A. Heller Syn.: Eburophyton austiniae (Gray) Heller [mispelled austinae] Herbaria: UBC, V, B.C.D.A.V. Ref.: Long 1979, Luer 1975 Szczawinski 1975a Map: Luer 1975, Szczawinski 1975a Range: BC south to CA and east to ID BC range: Gulf Islands (Saltspring Island), Fraser River Valley (Chilliwack, Agassiz, Sardis, Culturs Lake, Mission) Biogeocl.: CH Habitat: Moist, dense coniferous forests, forested mountain slopes Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: RED Status outside: Rare in Wa Name: Cerastium fischerianum Seringe Herbaria: CAN, DAO, UBC, V Map: Calder and Taylor 1968, Hulten 1968 Range: Coastal and insular s and sw AK, w-c BC; Asia BC range: Queen Charlotte Mtns. - Queen Charlotte Ranges, Skidegate Plateau; Vancouver Island Mtns. - Estevan Coastal Plan (long Inlet, Mitchell Inlet, Skidegate, Kyuquot) Biogeocl.: CH Habitat: Hillsides, lakeshores, gravelly spits Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: BLUE Name: Cerastium nutans Raf. var. nutans Herbaria: CAN, DAO, UBC, V, WS Range: Southern AK, s NT, ne BC to sw PQ and NS, south to w OR, ID, UT, AZ and SC BC range: Southern BC (Hell's Gate, Armstrong, Kamloops, Trout Lake, Marysville, Hanceville), Peace River District Biogeocl.: PP, CH, CA Habitat: Dry to moist banks and woodlands Rare status: R3 BC CDC status: YELLOW Status outside: Rare in PQ Name: Ceratophyllum echinatum Gray Herbaria: UBC, V Ref.: Ceska and Ceska 1980 Range: Southern BC, east to MI and ME, south to FL and MX BC range: Vancouver Island (Victoria, Nanaimo, Camapbell River), lower mainland (Agassiz), Gulf Islands (South Pender, Prevost), AK Hwy. Mile 282 Biogeocl.: CF, BS Habitat: Lakes Rare status: R3 BC CDC status: YELLOW Status outside: Rare in MB, PQ, NB, OH, VT Name: Chaenactis alpina (Gray) M.E. Jones Herbaria: V Range: BC south to MT, OR, UT and CO BC range: Nine Mile Ridge (Yalacoma River) Biogeocl.: AT Habitat: Alpine scree Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: not listed Name: Chaenactis douglasii (Hook.) H. & A. var. montana M.E. Jones Herbaria: DAO, UBC, V Range: Southern BC and MT south to CO and UT BC range: Fraser Plateau (Noaxe Lake, Elizabeth Mine) Biogeocl.: ES Habitat: Alpine and subalpine talus slopes Rare status: R3 BC CDC status: BLUE Name: Chamaerhodos erecta (L.) Bunge subsp. nuttallii (Pickering ex Torr. & Gray) Hulten Rare status: not-included BC CDC status: BLUE Name: Cheilanthes feei T. Moore Herbaria: DAO, UBC, V Ref.: Taylor 1971 Map: Taylor 1971 Range: Southern BC east to WI and south to n MX BC range: South-central and e BC (Canal Flats, Fairmont Hot Springs, Hanceville, Riske Creek, Alkali Lake, Marble Canyon) Biogeocl.: CA, IF Habitat: Limestone cliffs Rare status: R3 BC CDC status: YELLOW Status outside: Rare in AB, WA, OR, IA, endangered in MN Name: Cheilanthes gracillima D.C. Eaton Rare status: not-included BC CDC status: BLUE Name: Chenopodium atrovirens Rydb. Rare status: not-included BC CDC status: RED Name: Chenopodium leptophyllum (Moq.) S. Wats. var. oblongifolium S. Wats. Rare status: not-included BC CDC status: RED Name: Chrysosplenium iowense Rydb. Rare status: not-included BC CDC status: RED Name: Chrysosplenium wrightii Franch. & Sav. Rare status: not-included BC CDC status: BLUE Name: Chrysothamnus viscidiflorus (Hook.)Nutt. subsp. lanceolatus (Nutt.) H.M. Hall & Clem. Herbaria: CAN, DAO, GD, UBC, V Ref.: Douglas 1984 Map: Douglas 1984 Range: Southern BC east to ND and south to CA and MX BC range: Okanagan Highland (Osoyoos, Anarchist Mountain) Biogeocl.: PP Habitat: Dry sagebrush hillsides Rare status: R2 BC CDC status: none Name: Cicuta bulbifera L. Herbaria: DAO, UBC, V Ref.: Mulligan 1980 Map: Hulten 1968, Mulligan 1980 Range: NT, BC, n AB, n SK, south to s OR east to NF, VA and NE BC range: Scattered in e and c BC (Prince George area, Smithers area, Procter Lake, Cranbrook, Burns Lake, Valemont - Albreda area, Fort Nelson) Biogeocl.: SS, CA, IF, CH Habitat: Marshes, bogs, wet meadows, shallow standing water Rare status: R3 BC CDC status: none Status outside: Rare in Continental NT, YT, WA, endangered in OR Name: Cicuta mackenzieana Raup Herbaria: DAO, UBC Ref.: Mulligan 1980 Map: Hulten 1968, Mulligan 1980 Range: Western AK, c YT and n BC east to Hudson Bay, PQ BC range: Fort Nelson Lowland (AK Hwy - near mile 308, Progress) Biogeocl.: BS Habitat: Mashes, lake and pond margins, along streams Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: none Name: Cicuta maculata L. Rare status: not-included BC CDC status: BLUE [var. maculata] Name: Cicuta virosa L. Rare status: not-included BC CDC status: BLUE Name: Cimicifuga elata Nutt. Herbaria: CAN, UBC, V Ref.: Southern BC to nw OR, west of the Cascades BC range: Skagit Range: (Mt. Cheam, Mt. Liumchen, Chilliwack River) Biogeocl.: MH Habitat: Moist woods at lower elevations Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: RED Status outside: Rare in WA Name: Cirsium drummondii T. & G. Herbaria: DAO, V Ref.: Moore and Franklin 1974 Map: Moore and Franklin 1974, Porsild and Cody 1980 Range: NT south to ne BC, east to n ON and south to WY and SD BC range: Alberta Plateau Biogeocl.: BS Habitat: Moist open fields Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: none Status outside: Rare in Continental NT, ON, WY Name: Cirsium scariosum Nutt. Rare status: not-included BC CDC status: BLUE Name: Clarkia amoena (Lehm.) Nels. & Macbr. Herbaria: DAO, UBC, V Range: Southwestern BC south to c CA BC range: Vancouver Island (Shawnigan Lake, Victoria, Nanaimo), Mayne Island, Saturna Island Biogeocl.: CF Habitat: Open or wooded dry, grassy areas Rare status: R4 BC CDC status: YELLOW [both var. caurina (Abrams) Lewis & Lewis and var. lindleyi (Dougl.) Lewis & Lewis] Name: Clarkia pulchella Pursh Herbaria: CAN, DAO, UBC, V Range: Southern BC, south to se OR, east to ID and w MT BC range: Southern BC (Anarchist Mtn., Midway, Grand Forks, Trail, Creston, Crawford Bay, Wynndel) Biogeocl.: ES, IF, PP Habitat: Open or wooded dry, grassy areas Rare status: R4 BC CDC status: YELLOW Name: Clarkia rhomboidea Dougl. ex Hook. Herbaria: UBC, V Range: Southern BC south to s CA, east to ID, UT and AZ BC range: Monashee Mtns.; Selkirk Mtns. (Trail and vicinity) Biogeocl.: IF Habitat: Open or wooded dry, grassy slopes Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: BLUE Name: Claytonia cordifolia S. Wats. Herbaria: CAN, UBC, V Range: Southern BC (Vancouver Island, Kootenay Lake, Nelson, Trail, Salmo, Sandon, Monashee Park) Biogeocl.: IH, CF, CH Habitat: Shaded streams, marshy flats Rare status: R3 BC CDC status: YELLOW Name: Claytonia megarhiza (Gray) S. Wats. Herbaria: CAN, DAO, UBC, V, WTU Range: Central AK through BC to WA, OR, NV, UT, CO and NM BC range: Border Ranges (Goat Mountain, near Waterton Lakes National Park) Biogeocl.: AT Habitat: Gravelley soil, talus slopes, rock crevices Rare status: R3 BC CDC status: BLUE [var. megarhiza] Status outside: Rare in Continental NT, WA Name: Claytonia saxosa Brandeg. Syn.: Montia saxosa (Brandeg.) Brandeg. Herbaria: UBC, V Ref.: McNeill 1975 Range: Southern BC through the w US, east to MT, UT and AZ BC range: Nanaimo Lowland (Oak Bay) Biogeocl.: CF Habitat: Rocky places Rare status: R5 (orig. R1) BC CDC status: none Note: voucher specimen is Claytonia perfoliata Name: Claytonia spathulata Dougl. ex Hook. Syn.: Montia spathulata (Dougl. ex Hook.) T.J. Howell, Claytonia exigua Torr. & Gray Herbaria: UBC, UVIC, V Ref.: BC to c CA BC range: Nanaimo Lowland, Fraser Lowland; Georgia Lowland; Bulkley Ranges (Victoria, Saanichton, Hornby Island, Comox, Boundary Bay, Savary Island, South Hazelton area) Biogeocl.: CF, CH Habitat: Rocky slopes, snow beds Rare status: R2 BC CDC status: YELLOW Name: Claytonia tuberosa Pallas ex Willd. Herbaria: CAN, UBC, V, WTU Range: Extreme n Canada, e AK, s YT, n BC; Asia BC range: Liard Plateau; Muskwa Ranges; Continental Ranges - Park Ranges (Horsey Creek, Liard Plateau, Toad River) Biogeocl.: BS Habitat: Wet Places, stoney mountain slopes Rare status: R2 BC CDC status: BLUE Name: Cleome serrulata Pursh Rare status: not-included BC CDC status: YELLOW Name: Cnidium cnidiifolium (Turcz.) Schischkin Syn.: Conioselinum cnidiifolium (Turcz.) Porsild Rare status: not-included BC CDC status: BLUE Name: Cochlearia officinalis L. Herbaria: DAO, UBC, UVIC, V Range: Circumboreal, south in w North America to nw OR BC range: Queen Charlotte Islands (Tlell River, Sanger River, Juskatla, Cape St. James, Masset, Claudet Is., Bolkus Is.), Vancouver Island (Hardy Bay Flats, Grassy Is., Nimpikish River), Prince Rupert, Biogeocl.: CH Habitat: Salt marshes, mud flats Rare status: R4 BC CDC status: none Status outside: Rare in MB, ON, WA Name: Coleanthus subtilis (Tratt.) Seidel Rare status: not-included BC CDC status: RED Name: Collomia heterophylla Hook. Herbaria: DAO, UBC, UVIC, V Range: West of the Cascade summits from WA and adjacent BC to CA, also in n ID, AZ, WY BC range: Southwestern BC (Vancouver Island and Lower Fraser Valley) Biogeocl.: CF, CH Habitat: Woods, forest openings, loose stream banks Rare status: R4 BC CDC status: YELLOW Name: Comandra umbellata (L.) Nutt. subsp. californica (Eastw. ex Rydb.) Piehl Herbaria: DAO, UBC, V Map: Piehl 1965 Range: West-central YT to BC and AB, south to WA, OR, CA and n AZ; Europe BC range: North-central and s. BC (Elk Lake, Colwood, Lytton, Keremeos, Summerland, Ingenika River) Biogeocl.: CF, IF, PP Habitat: Sandy, well-drained soil, sagebrush desert Rare status: R3 BC CDC status: YELLOW pallida) Name: Coreopsis atkinsoniana Dougl. Herbaria: CAN, DAO, UBC, V Range: Southern BC east to SD and south to OR BC range: Okanagan Highland (Osoyoos), Columbia River Valley (Waneta Remack) Biogeocl.: PP, IF Habitat: Sandy beaches by freshwater lakes and rivers Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: RED Name: Cornus suecica L. Herbaria: DAO, UBC, V Range: Southern and w AK, coastal BC, NS, PQ, NF, Labrador; Greenland, Eurasis BC range: Boundary Ranges; Kitimat Ranges (Taku River, Douglas Channel) Biogeocl.: SW, BS Habitat: Woods, marshes, bogs, alpine tundra Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: BLUE Status outside: Rare in Continental NT, NS Name: Corydalis scouleri Hook. Herbaria: CAN, DAO, UBC, V, WS Map: Ownbey 1947 Range: BC to n OR, from the coast to the w slope of the Cascades BC range: Vancouver Island Mtns. (Nitinat Lake, Big Nitinat River) Biogeocl.: CH Habitat: Moist soil, partial to deep shade Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: RED Name: Crassula aquatica (L.) Schoenl. Syn.: Tillaea aquatica L. Herbaria: SFUV, UBC, V Ref.: Brooke et al. 1984 Range: Circumpolar (with large gaps), south in w North America to AK, NT, south to s BC; MX BC range: Vancouver Island (Port Alberni, Campbell River), Gulf Islands (Mitlenatch Is.), lower mainland (Pitt Lake, Hatzic Lake, Harrison Lake, Stave Lake), Kootenay Mtns. (Crawford Bay, Kootenay River) Biogeocl.: IH, CF Habitat: Vernal pools, mud flats Rare status: R3 BC CDC status: YELLOW Status outside: Rare in NS, Continental NT, YK, CO, WY, CT, endangered in MN Name: Crassula erecta (H. & A.) Berger Syn.: Tillaea erecta Hook. & Arn., Crassula connata (Ruitz Lopez & Pavon) A. Berger ? Herbaria: UBC, V Ref.: Ceska and Ceska 1980 Range: Southern BC south to AZ and MX (Baja CA); Chile BC range: Southern Vancouver Island and Gulf Islands (Victoria, Sidney Island) Biogeocl.: CF Habitat: grassy bluffs Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: RED Status outside: Rare in WA Name: Crataegus columbiana T.J. Howell Rare status: not-included BC CDC status: YELLOW Name: Crepis atrabarba Heller Rare status: not-included BC CDC status: RED [as subsp. atrabarba] Name: Crepis modocensis Greene Herbaria: DAO Range: Southern BC to MT and south to OR BC range: Thompson Plateau (Spences Bridge, Tranquille) Biogeocl.: PP Habitat: Open sagebrush hillsides Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: RED [as subsp. modocensis and subsp. rostrata (Coville) Babcock & Stebbins] Name: Crepis occidentalis Nutt. subsp. pumila (Rydb.) Babc. & Stebb. Herbaria: DAO, UBC, V Ref.: Douglas and Ruyle-Douglas 1978 Range: Southern BC and MT south to CA BC range: Fraser Plateau (Tchaikazan Valley), Thompson Plateau (Stump Lake), Cascade Mountains (Manning Park) Biogeocl.: IF, PP Habitat: Exposed scree slopes Rare status: R2 BC CDC status: RED Name: Crocidium multicaule Hook. Herbaria: CAN, UBC, V Ref.: Douglas 1984 Map: Douglas 1984 Range: Southwestern BC south to CA BC range: Eastern and s Vancouver Island (Parksville, Comox, Campbell River, Duncan, Sooke), Gulf Islands (Saltspring, Galiano) Biogeocl.: CF Habitat: Sand dunes, sea bluffs Rare status: R4 BC CDC status: YELLOW Name: Cryptantha affinis (Gray) Greene Herbaria: CAN, DAO, UBC, V Range: WA and s BC, e of the Cascade summits to n MT, sw AB, south to s CA,n NV and s WY BC range: Southern BC (Creston, Nelson, Oliver, Penticton, Kimberley, Anahim Lake, Bella Coola) Biogeocl.: PP, IF, CH, CA Habitat: Open or thinly wooded slopes Rare status: R3 BC CDC status: YELLOW Status outside: Rare in AB Name: Cryptantha ambigua (Gray) Greene Herbaria: CAN, CAO, UBC, V Range: Eastern WA and adjacent s BC to MT, south to n CO, w NV and ne CA BC range: Southern BC; Purcell Mountains, Border Ranges (Flathead Basin), Thompson Plateau, Monashee Mountains (Kimberley, Flathead, Osoyoos, Keremeos, Midway) Biogeocl.: PP, IF, IH Habitat: Dry open places Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: RED Name: Cryptantha celosioides (Eastw.) Payson Herbaria: CAN, DAO, UBC, V, WS Range: Eastern OR from Grant Country to n WA to s BC, east through n ID to MT, s AB, ND to NE BC range: South-central BC; Shuswap Highland, Thompson Plateau, Selkirk Mountains (Armstrong, Fairview, Osoyoos, Summit of Salmo-Creston Highway) Biogeocl.: IF, ES, PP Habitat: Dry open places in valley, plains and foothills Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: RED Name: Cryptantha circumscissa (H. & A.) Johnst. Herbaria: UBC Range: Central WA to s BC to Baja CA, east through the Snake River plains of ID to UT and AZ; Chile, Argentina BC range: South-central BC; Thompson Plateau (Spences Bridge) Biogeocl.: PP Habitat: Dry open, sandy places on lowlands Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: none Name: Cryptantha fendleri (Gray) Greene Herbaria: DAO, UBC, V Ref.: Johnston 1925 Range: Franklin County WA and Umatillo County OR irregularly to SK, NE, NM and NV, s-c BC, s AB and SK to e NE, n NM and AZ; e WA and w NV BC range: South-central BC; Thompson Plateau, Monashee Mountains (Osoyoos, Cascade, Merritt) Biogeocl.: PP, IF Habitat: Sandy soils, sand dunes Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: RED Name: Cryptantha intermedia (Gray) Greene Herbaria: CAN, UBC, V Range: Southern BC to CA east of the w fringe of ID BC range: Northeastern BC; Rocky Mountain Foothills (Nevis Creek), Nanaimo Lowland (Nanaimo) Biogeocl.: IF, CF Habitat: Open dry slopes Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: RED [as var. grandiflora] Name: Cryptantha nubigena (Greene) Pays. Rare status: not-included BC CDC status: RED Name: Cryptantha torreyana (Gray) Greene Rare status: not-included BC CDC status: YELLOW Name: Cryptantha watsonii (Gray) Greene Rare status: not-included BC CDC status: RED Name: Cryptogramma cascadensis Alverson Rare status: not-included BC CDC status: BLUE Name: Cryptogramma stelleri (S.G. Gmel.) Prantl Herbaria: CAN, UBC, V Ref.: Haber and Soper 1980, Taylor 1971 Map: Taylor 1971 Range: Disjunct from Ural Mountains, through Asia and North America; south in w North America to OR and CO BC range: Scattered in Province (Taku Plateau, Stikine Plateau, Muskwa Ranges,Wells Gray Park, Alice Arm, Field, Revelstoke, Pine Valley, Glacier Park, Fernie, Port Alberni, Gold River) Biogeocl.: MH, IF, IH, ES, AT Habitat: Shaded rock crevices, on limestone Rare status: R3 BC CDC status: none Status outside: Rare in YT, Continental NT, NS, NF, MI, NH, ME, WV, OR, WA, PA, IA, endangered in CO, CT, threatened in MA Name: Cuscuta pentagona Engelm. Rare status: not-included BC CDC status: BLUE Name: Cynoglossum grande Dougl. ex Lehm. Herbaria: UBC Ref.: Clark 1973 Range: West of the Cascades in extreme s BC to San Luis Obispo and Tulare counties CA BC range: Southern Kootenays Biogeocl.: IH, IF Habitat: Woods at lower elevations Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: none Name: Cyperus aristatus Rottb. Herbaria: UBC, V, B.C.D.A.V. Ref.: Taylor 1983 Map: Taylor 1983 Range: Cosmopolitan BC range: Osoyoos Lake, Kamloops, Penticton, Keremeos, Tranquille, Vancouver Island (Great Central Lake) Biogeocl.: CF, CH, IF Habitat: Wet places Rare status: R2 BC CDC status: RED Name: Cyperus erythrorhizos Muhl. Herbaria: V Ref.: Ceska and Ceska 1980 Range: Southern BC and s ON south to TX and AZ BC range: Osoyoos Lake Biogeocl.: PP Habitat: Inundated lake shore Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: RED Status outside: Rare in Canada Name: Cypripedium calceolus L. Herbaria: CAN, DAO, SFUV, UBC, V Ref.: Luer 1975, Porsild and Crum 1961, Szczawinski 1975a Map: Hulten 1958, 1968; Luer 1975, Szczawinski 1975a Range: AK, YT, NT to NF, south to BC, OR, AZ, CO and NM, through New England to GA and west to TX; Eurasia BC range: Southwest and se Interior, scattered in n Interior (Liard Hot Springs, Windermere, Summerland, Kamloops, Kelowna, Lillooet, Armstrong, Vernon, Lytton, Sicamous) Biogeocl.: ES, BS, SS, CA, IH, IF Habitat: Mossy swamps and woods, damp shores, along streams Rare status: R3 BC CDC status: YELLOW Status outside: Rare in YT,PQ,AL,AZ,IA,LA,OK,WY,IL,IN,MI,PA,ID,MA,MN,DE,RI,KY, KS,AR,threatened in NS,WA,WI endangered in Name: Cypripedium montanum Dougl. ex Lindl. Herbaria: ALTA, CAN, DAO, UBC, V Ref.: Luer 1975, Szczawinski 1975a Map: Hulten 1968, Luer 1975, Szczawinski 1975a Range: AK, BC to SK, south to CA, MT and ID BC range: Southwest and se Interior (Telegraph Creek, Victoria, Armstrong, Quesnel, Spences Bridge, Prince George, Kelowna, Lillooet, Kamloops,Summerland, Fairmont Hot Springs) Biogeocl.: BS,SS,CA,IH,IF,PP,CF Habitat: Moist or dry open woods, subalpine slopes Rare status: R3 BC CDC status: YELLOW Status outside: Rare in AB, OR, threatened in WA Name: Cypripedium passerinum Richards Herbaria: CAN, DAO, UBC, V Ref.: Luer 1975, Porsild and Crum 1961, Szczawinski 1975a Map: Hulten 1968, Luer 1975, Szczawinski 1975 Range: AK, YT, NT, BC to PQ BC range: Throughout n and se BC (Windermere, Muncho Lake, Atlin, Hudson Hope,Field, Clearwater Lake, Liard Hot Springs, Pavilion, west of Yoho National Park) Biogeocl.: ES, BS, IH, IF Habitat: Mossy woods, near lakes and streams, talus slopes Rare status: R3 BC CDC status: none Name: Cystopteris montana (Lam.) Bernh. Herbaria: UBC, V Ref.: Roemer and Ogilvie 1983, Taylor 1971 Map: Hulten 1968, Taylor 1971 Range: Circumboreal, south in w North America to s BC, nw MT and CO BC range: Scattered distribution in Province (Barkerville, Dease Lake, Wells Gray Park, Kootenay National Park, Pine Pass, Mackenzie, Bennett, Mile 81 AK Hwy, Creston Lake, Mt. La Perouse) Biogeocl.: ES, BS, SS, IH Habitat: Damp woods, rocky slopes Rare status: R3 BC CDC status: none Status outside: Rare in Continental NT, AB, SK, ON, PQ, endangered in CO Name: Danthonia sericea Nutt. Herbaria: UBC, V Ref.: Hitchcock 1951 Range: Eastern MA and NJ to n FL, KY and LA; BC BC range: Quesnel Highland (Wells Gray Provincial Park) Biogeocl.: SS Habitat: Sand barrens Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: none Name: Daucus pusillus Michx. Herbaria: UBC, V Range: Southern BC to Baja CA, east to MO, SC and FL BC range: Vancouver Island (Cowichan Lake, Victoria, Nanaimo, Nanoose Hill), Gulf Islands (Saltspring, Mayne, Saturna, Hornby), Lund Biogeocl.: CF Habitat: Dry open places at lower elevations, rock outcrops Rare status: R4 BC CDC status: YELLOW Name: Delphinium bicolor Nutt. Wyeth Herbaria: DAO, UBC, V Range: Southeastern BC, n-c ID east to AB, SK, w SD BC range: Continental and Border Ranges (Crowsnest, Wall Lake) Biogeocl.: ES Habitat: Subalpine scree Rare status: R2 BC CDC status: BLUE Name: Delphinium burkei Greene Herbaria: DAO, UBC, V Range: Southeast BC to OR, east to ID and n WY BC range: Southern Monashee and Selkirk Mountains (Kootenay Ranges to Midway) Biogeocl.: IF Habitat: Wet meadows to sagebrush desert Rare status: R2 BC CDC status: none Name: Delphinium depauperatum Nutt. Herbaria: UBC Range: Central OR to CA, east to MT and NV BC range: Southern Border Ranges (Sage Creek area) Biogeocl.: ES Habitat: Moist meadowland, dry in summer Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: RED Status outside: Rare in WA Name: Deschampsia danthonioides (Trin.) Munroe ex Benth. Herbaria: UBC, V Ref.: Hubbard 1955 Map: Hulten 1968 Range: AK to Baja CA, east to w MT, UT and AZ; Chile BC range: Scattered distribution in s BC (Cabbage Island, Victoria, Nanaimo, Surrey, Erickson, Kelowna, Armstrong) Biogeocl.: CF, CH, IF, PP Habitat: Roadsides, dry banks, drying vernal pools, dry mountain meadows Rare status: R3 BC CDC status: YELLOW Name: Deschampsia flexuosa (L.) Trin. Herbaria: CAN, DAO, UBC, V Ref.: Kershaw and Morton l976 Map: Hulten l968 Range: Westernmost Aleutians, AK Panhandle, e North America, BC south to AR, Eurasia BC range: Fraser Lowland (Vancouver) Biogeocl.: CF, CH Habitat: Dry slopes and woods, disturbed sites Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: none Name: Descurainia sophioides (Fisch.) O.E. Schulz Rare status: not-included BC CDC status: BLUE Name: Diapensia lapponica L. Syn.: Diapensia obovata (F. Schmidt) Nakai Herbaria: UBC, V Range: Circumpolar, south in w North America to n BC BC range: North-central BC (Horseranch Range) Biogeocl.: AT Habitat: Rocky tundra Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: BLUE Status outside: Rare in MB, Continental NT, NS, ME, NH, NY, threatened in VT Name: Dicentra uniflora A. Kellogg Herbaria: DAO, UBC, V Range: Southern BC, WA and south to CA, east to ID, WY and UT BC range: Hozameen Range; Shuswap Highland; Monashee Mtns. (Manning Park, Armstrong, Rossland, Phoenix) Biogeocl.: ES, IH, IF, PP Habitat: Well-drained soil from foothills to subalpine slopes Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: BLUE Name: Disporum smithii (Hook.) Piper Herbaria: CAN, DAO, UBC, V Ref.: Jones l951, Taylor l974b Map: Jones l951, Taylor l974b Range: BC to CA, west of the Cascades BC range: Vancouver Island Mtns. - Vancouver Island Ranges, Estevan Coastal Plain; Nanaimo Lowland (Cowichan Lake, Gordon River, Nitinat River, Port Renfrew, Nootka Sound) Biogeocl.: CF, CH Habitat: Light to seep woods, where moist; streambanks Rare status: R2 BC CDC status: BLUE Name: Dodecatheon dentatum Hook. Herbaria: GD, UBC, V Ref.: Taylor et al. l975 Range: East side of the Cascades from s BC and WA to n OR, c ID, UT BC range: Southcentral BC (Penticton, Keremeos, Manning Park, Cathedral Lakes Summerland, Apex Mountain, Princeton) Biogeocl.: AT, ES, PP Habitat: Waterfalls, streambanks, shaded moist slopes Rare status: R3 BC CDC status: YELLOW Name: Dodecatheon hendersonii Gray Herbaria: CAN, DAO, UBC, UVIC, V Ref.: Taylor et al. l975 Range: Southwestern BC, south on the west side of the Cascades to s OR, in the Coast Range:and Sierra Nevada to s CA BC range: Vancouver Island (Esquimalt, Victoria, Shawnigan Lake, Gabriola Island, Saanich Peninsula, Thetis Lake), Lower Fraser Valley to Yale Biogeocl.: CF Habitat: Woods and prairies Rare status: R4 BC CDC status: YELLOW Name: Douglasia alaskana (Coville & Standley ex Hulten) S. Kelso Syn.: Androsace alaskana Coville & Standley ex Hulten Rare status: not-included BC CDC status: RED Name: Douglasia gormanii Constance Herbaria: UBC Ref.: Pojar et al. l976 Map: Hulten l968, Porsild l966 Range: Northern BC, AK, w YT BC range: Spatsizi Plateau Biogeocl.: AT Habitat: Stony slopes in mountains, alpine tundra Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: BLUE Name: Douglasia laevigata Gray Herbaria: DAO, UBC, V, WS Ref.: Henderson l981, Kershaw and Morton l976 Map: Calder and Taylor l968, Henderson l981 Range: West of the Cascades in WA and OR and in the Columbia Gorge, Vancouver Island, sw AB BC range: Queen Charlotte Islands, Vancouver Island (Brooks Peninsula) Biogeocl.: AT, MH Habitat: Talus slopes, rocky alpine ledges, moist coastal bluffs Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: BLUE Name: Douglasia montana Gray Herbaria: DAO Ref.: Argus and White l978 Range: Northern WY to Waterton Lakes, AB, west to ID BC range: Extreme se BC Biogeocl.: ES Habitat: Foothills, open ridges, scree slopes in mountains Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: BLUE Status outside: Rare in AB, ID Name: Douglasia nivalis Lindl. Rare status: not-included BC CDC status: none Name: Downingia elegans (Dougl. ex Lindl.) Torr. Herbaria: CAN, UBC, V Range: OR and n CA to c and e WA, n ID, n NW and sw BC BC range: Southeastern BC; Selkirk mountains (Creston) Biogeocl.: IF Habitat: Vernal pools, wet meadows, edges of ponds Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: RED Note: Possibly exirpated in Province Name: Draba alpina L. Rare status: not-included BC CDC status: BLUE Name: Draba cinerea J.E. Adams Herbaria: UBC, V Ref.: Mulligan l971a Map: Hulten l968, Mulligan l971a, Porsild and Cody l980 Range: Circumpolar, south in w North America to n BC and n SK BC range: Pine Pass, Mt. Edziza, Hotoiluk Range, Mt. Selwyn, between Stikine and Tanzilla Rivers Biogeocl.: AT, SW, BS Habitat: Tundra, talus slopes Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: BLUE Status outside: Rare in SK, ON, PQ Name: Draba corymbosa R. Br. ex DC. Rare status: not-included BC CDC status: BLUE Name: Draba densifolia Nutt. Herbaria: UBC Range: AK and YT south to c CA, east to MT and UT; ne Siberia BC range: Teresa Island, Summit Lake, Apex Mtd., Green Mtn. Biogeocl.: AT, ES Habitat: Rock ledges, talus slopes Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: BLUE Status outside: Rare in AB Name: Draba fladnizensis Wulfen Herbaria: UBC Ref.: Mulligan l974 Map: Mulligan l974, Porsild and Cody l980 Range: Circumboreal south in w North America to w MT, CO and se UT BC range: Spatsizi Plateau (Cold Fish Lake, Gladys Lake), Mt. Edziza, Summit Lake Biogeocl.: AT, ES Habitat: Tundra, rocky slopes, lava talus Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: BLUE Status outside: Rare in AB, MB, WA, CO Name: Draba glabella Pursh Herbaria: UBC Ref.: Mulligan l970 Map: Mulligan l970, Porsild and Cody l980 Range: Circumpolar south in w North America to n BC BC range: Cassiar, AK Hwy. (Mile 75, Mile 410) Biogeocl.: At, ES, SW, BS Habitat: Talus slopes, rocky areas Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: BLUE [var. glabella] Status outside: Rare in AB, MB, NS, NB, WY, CO, NW Name: Draba hyperborea (L.) Desv. Herbaria: Can, UBC, V Ref.: Calder and Taylor l968 Map: Calder and Taylor l968, Hulten l968 Range: Eastern Asia to AK and BC BC range: Queen Charlotte Islands (Langara Is., Lepas Bay, Dawson Harbour, Pillar Bay, Bolkus Is., Gray Bay, Tufts Islets, Gowdas Is., Skedans, Tasu, Cape St. James, Dupont Is.), Vancouver Island (Triangle Island, Cape Scott) Biogeocl.: CH Habitat: Seacoast cliffs, bird-nesting islets Rare status: R4 BC CDC status: none Name: Draba Iactea M.F. Adams Herbaria: UBC, V Map: Hulten l968, Mulligan, l974, Porsild and Cody l980 Range: Circumboreal, south in w North America to n BC and AB BC range: Northern BC (Atlin, Summit Lake, Chost Mtn., Gladys Lake, Mt. Edziza) Biogeocl.: AT, ES Habitat: Rock outcrops, alpine tundra, lava talus Rare status: R3 BC CDC status: BLUE Name: Draba lonchocarpa Rydb. var. thompsonii (C.L. Hitchc.) Rollins Herbaria: GD, UBC, V Ref.: Mulligan l974 Map: Mulligan l974 Range: BC south to n WA BC range: Gladys Lake area (Chost Mtn.) Cathedral Provincial Park, Rogers Pass, Garibaldi Biogeocl.: AT, ES Habitat: Scree, rocky slopes Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: BLUE Name: Draba lonchocarpa Rydb. var. vestita O. Schulz Syn.: Draba lonchocarpa Rydb. var. kamtscatica (Ledeb.) Calder & Taylor Herbaria: CAN, UBC Ref.: Mulligan l974 Map: Mulligan l974 Range: Coastal AK south to coastal BC BC range: Queen Charlotte Islands (Slatechuck Mtn., Chumshewa Inlet, Vancouver Island (Mt. Arrowsmith) Biogeocl.: CH Habitat: Rock crevices Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: BLUE Name: Draba longipes Raup Herbaria: UBC, V Ref.: Mulligan l970 Map: Hulten l968, Mulligan l970, Porsild and Cody l980 Range: AK and YT south to n BC BC range: Cassiar, Stikine River (Spectrum Mtn.), Haines Road (Mile 68, Mile 75), Hazelton, Gladys Lake, Stuart-Watson Lake Road, Thornhill Mtn., Mt. Selwyn Biogeocl.: AT, ES, SW Habitat: Grassy or rocky slopes, alpine seepage areas Rare status: R3 BC CDC status: YELLOW Status outside: Rare in AB Name: Draba macounii O. Schulz Herbaria: CAN, UBC, V Ref.: Pojar et al. l976 Map: Porsild and Cody l980 Range: NT south to se BC BC range: Mt. Edziza, Quartz Ridge, Hart Hwy., Liard Plateau, Chost Mtn. Biogeocl.: AT Habitat: Volcanic scree, alpine tundra Rare status: R3 BC CDC status: none Name: Draba palanderiana Kjellm. Herbaria: UBC Ref.: Pojar et al. l976 Range: AK and NT south to n-c BC BC range: Cassiar (Good Hope Lake) Biogeocl.: BS Habitat: Rocky tundra Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: BLUE Status outside: Rare in Continental NT Name: Draba porsildii Mulligan Herbaria: V Ref.: Mulligan l974 Map: Mulligan l974, Porsild and Cody l980 Range: Southern YT and sw NT south to sw AB and se BC BC range: Liard Plateau Biogeocl.: BS Habitat: Limestone talus slopes Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: BLUE Status outside: Rare in Continental NT, YT, AK Name: Draba reptans (Lam.) Fern. Herbaria: UBC, V Range: MA and s ON south to GA and TX, west to s BC and CA BC range: Interior Highlands (Oliver, Chilcotin (Moon Ranch Bluff), Fraser River at Sheep Creek) Biogeocl.: PP, IF Habitat: Dry forest, xeric limestone outcrops Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: BLUE Status outside: Rare in ON, IA, NJ, threatened in PA, OH, endangered in NC Name: Draba ruaxes Rayson & St. John Herbaria: V Ref.: Mulligan l971b Map: Mulligan l971b Range: AK to nw WA BC range: Mt. Waddington, Mt. Chris Spencer, Trophy Mtn., Cronin Mtd., Level Mtn. Biogeocl.: AT Habitat: Rock crevices, alpine fellfields Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: BLUE Status outside: Rare in YT, Wa Name: Draba stenopetala Trautv. Herbaria: V Range: Eastern Asia; AK, YT and n BC BC range: Mt. Edziza Biogeocl.: AT Habitat: Rocky ridges Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: RED Status outside: Rare in YT Name: Draba ventosa Gray Herbaria: DAO, V Ref.: Mulligan l971b Map: Mulligan l971b Range: AB and BC south to CO BC range: Quartz Ridge, Mt. Bowman Biogeocl.: AT Habitat: Alpine fellfields Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: BLUE Status outside: Rare in YT, AB, WA, CO Name: Dryas drummondii Richards. ex Hook. var. eglandulosa Porsild Rare status: not-included BC CDC status: YELLOW Name: Dryas octopetala L. subsp. alaskensis (Porsild) Hulten Rare status: not-included BC CDC status: YELLOW Name: Dryopteris arguta (Kaulf.) Watt. Herbaria: UBC, V Ref.: Taylor 1971 Map: Taylor 1971 Range: Southern BC south to CA and AZ BC range: Nanaimo Lowland (Denman Island, Hornby Island, Nanoose) Biogeocl.: CF Habitat: Mossy, rocky ledges and open woods Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: BLUE Name: Dryopteris cristata (L.) Gray Herbaria: SFUV, V Ref.: Hamet-Ahti 1965, Taylor 1971 Map: Taylor 1971 Range: Circumboreal south in w North America to n ID, MT, AR and NC BC range: Southeastern and central BC (Revelstoke, Kitchener, Wells Gray Park, Mabel Lake, Columbia River Valley) Biogeocl.: IH Habitat: Bogs and swamps Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: BLUE Status outside: Rare in AB, WA, IA, IL, TN, threatened in NC, extirpated in TX Name: Dryopteris marginalis (L.) Gray Rare status: not-included BC CDC status: RED Name: Echinocystis lobata (Michx.) Torr. & Gray Herbaria: DAO, UBC Range: NB to FL, west to SK, MT, s ID, AZ and TX, NS to BC BC range: Shuswap Highland, Thompson Plateau, Fraser Lowland (Vernon, Armstrong, Cawstone, Cultus Lake, The "San" (Tranquille) Biogeocl.: CH, IF, PP Habitat: Moist bottom lands, thickets Rare status: R2 BC CDC status: none Note: Possibly introduced Name: Elatine rubella Rydb. Rare status: not-included BC CDC status: BLUE Name: Elatine triandra Schkuhr Herbaria: V Range: Southern BC, east to NB and south to CA, CO, SD and IL; Europe BC range: Vancouver Island (Alberni), Fraser Lowland (Pitt Lake) Biogeocl.: CH Habitat: Shallow water, mudflats, edges of ponds, ditches Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: none Status outside: Rare in AB Name: Eleocharis atropurpurea (Retz.) C.B. Presl Herbaria: V Range: Pantropical; in w North America, north to WA and BC BC range: Osoyoos Lake Biogeocl.: PP Habitat: Inundated lake shore Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: RED Status outside: Rare in WA Name: Eleocharis kamtschatica (C.A. Meyer) Kom. Herbaria: DAO, UBC, V Ref.: Taylor 1983 Map: Calder and Taylor 1968, Taylor 1983 Range: Eastern Asia; AK south to BC, n PQ and n NF BC range: Queen Charlotte Islands (Massett, Oeanda River), Vancouver Island (Sayward), Prince Rupert, Stewart Biogeocl.: CH Habitat: Wet places Rare status: R2 BC CDC status: BLUE Name: Eleocharis parvula (Roem. & Schultes) Link ex Bluff & Fingerh. Herbaria: UBC, V Ref.: Taylor 1983 Map: Taylor 1983 Range: Southwestern BC east to NF and wouth to n South America; w Europe; Mediterranean BC range: Vancouver Island (Little Qualicum River, Alberni), Port Coquitlam, Delta Biogeocl.: CH Habitat: Wet saline or alkaline places Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: BLUE Status outside: Rare in SK, PQ, AZ, CA, NH, IL, extirpated in MI Name: Eleocharis quinqueflora (Hartm.) Schw. Syn.: Eleocharis pauciflora (Lightf.) Link Herbaria: V Ref.: Taylor 1983 Map: Hulten 1968, Taylor 1983 Range: Circumboreal south in w North America to CA BC range: Yoho Park, Wells Gray Park, Liard Hot Springs, Muncho Lake Biogeocl.: BS, IH Habitat: Wet soil, edges of lakes and ponds Rare status: R2 BC CDC status: none Status outside: Rare in NB, NH, NJ, OH, VT, endangered in IL, Threatened in WI, IN Name: Eleocharis rostellata (Torr.) Torr. Herbaria: CAN, V Ref.: Taylor 1983 Map: Taylor 1983 Range: Southern BC east to NS and south to MX; Caribbean; South America BC range: Vancouver Island (Alberni) Ainsworth, Pitt Lake, East Kootenays Biogeocl.: CA, CH, IF Habitat: Coastal salt marshes, fresh-water marshes, alkaline lakes Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: BLUE Status outside: Rare in ON, NS, PA, WA, CO, IL, OH, VA, ME endangered in WI, threatened in NC, extirpated in FL Name: Ellisia nyctelea L. Rare status: not-included BC CDC status: RED Name: Elmera racemosa (S. Wats.) Rydb. Herbaria: CAN Range: Southwestern BC and WA BC range: Skagit Range: (Cheam Peak) Biogeocl.: MH Habitat: Rock crevices, mountain ridges Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: BLUE [var. racemosa] Name: Elodea nuttallii (Planch.) H. St. John Herbaria: V, UBC Range: BC south to s CA; ON to NB; Atlantic States BC range: Southern BC (Crawford Bay, Moyie Lake, Langley Slough) Biogeocl.: IF, CH Habitat: Submerged in lakes Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: BLUE Status outside: Rare in PQ, NB Name: Elymus x saundersii Vasey Syn.: Agropyron suandersii (Vasey) A.S. Hitchc. Rare status: not-included BC CDC status: BLUE Name: Elymus sibiricus L. Syn.: Clinelymus sibiricus (L.) Nevski Herbaria: CAN, DAO, V Ref.: Bowden 1964, Kershaw and Morton 1976 Map: Hulten 1968 Range: Southern AK, sw Mackenzie; Asia: USSR, Kamchatka, Himalayas, China and Japan BC range: Fort Nelson Lowland (Fort Nelson, AK Highway - mile 297) Biogeocl.: BS Habitat: Roadsides, clearings, cultivated alnd, riverbanks, sandbars Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: none Status outside: Rare in Continental NT Name: Elymus yukonensis (Scribner & Merrill) Love Syn.: Agropyron yukonense Scribner & Merrill Rare status: not-included BC CDC status: BLUE Name: Epilobium ciliatum Raf. subsp. watsonii (Barbey) Hoch & Raven Rare status: not-included BC CDC status: BLUE Name: Epilobium davuricum Fishch. ex Hornem. Herbaria: DAO, UBC Map: Hulten 1968 Range: AK to the Cascades of c WA, south in the Rocky Mtns. to CO, east to the Atlantic coast; Eurasia Biogeocl.: SW Habitat: Wet soil, bogs, wet meadows Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: BLUE Status outside: Rare in YT, continental NT, MB, PQ Name: Epilobium foliosum (Nutt. ex Torr. & Gray) Suksdorf Rare status: not-included BC CDC status: BLUE Name: Epilobium glaberrimum Barbey subsp. fastigiatum (Nutt.) Herbaria: CAN, DAO, F, NY, UBC, V Range: Southern BC to CA, MT and UT BC range: Throughout s BC (Vancouver Island, Manning Park, Rossland, Monahsee Pass) Biogeocl.: CH, IF, IH Habitat: Moist places in mountains, streambanks Rare status: R3 BC CDC status: BLUE Status outside: Rare in AB Name: Epilobium glareosum G.N. Jones Rare status: not-included BC CDC status: BLUE Name: Epilobium halleanum Hausskn. Syn.: Epilobium glandulosum Lehm. var. macounii (Trealease) C.L. Hitchcock Herbaria: UBC, V Ref.: Carter and Newcombe 1921 Range: AK to OR and n CA, east to ID, MT and CO BC range: Scattered (Nanaimo, Mt. Douglas, Glacier, Tod Mtn., Nelson, Wells Gray area, Saanich, Kamloops) Biogeocl.: ES, CF, PP, IF Habitat: Moist ground mostly in the mountains Rare status: R3 BC CDC status: BLUE Status outside: Rare in AB Name: Epilobium hornemannii Reichenb. subsp. behringianum (Hausskn.) Hoch & Raven Herbaria: UBC Ref.: Hoch and Raven 1977 Range: Eastern Asia, coastal AK to coastal BC BC range: Queen charlotte Islands (Mt. Stapelton, Masset, Queen Charlotte City) Biogeocl.: CH Habitat: Wet rocky cliffs, river banks Rare status: R2 BC CDC status: BLUE Name: Epilobium leptocarpum Hausskn. Rare status: not-included BC CDC status: BLUE Name: Epilobium leptophyllum Raf. Herbaria: CAN, DAO, UBC, V Ref.: Kershaw and Morton 1976, Porsild and Crum 1961 Map: Hulten 1968, Porsild 1966 Range: AK to Cascades of c WA, e to the Atlantic Coast, s in the Rockies to CO BC range: Throughout e and n BC (Windermere, Armstrong, Fort Nelson area AK Hwy. Mile 285) Biogeocl.: BS, IF Habitat: Wet soil, lowlands, bogs, marshes and wet meadows Rare status: R3 BC CDC status: none Name: Epilobium mirabile Trelease Herbaria: V Range: Western WA to sw BC BC range: Cascade mountains (Manning Park, Allison Pass) Biogeocl.: ES Habitat: Moist open areas in forest Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: BLUE Status outside: Rare in AB Name: Epilobium oregonense Hausskn. Herbaria: V Range: Southern BC to CA and ID BC range: Vancouver Island (Mt. Arrowsmith), Wells Gray Park (Hemp Creek Falls) Biogeocl.: MH, ES Habitat: Seepage areas Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: BLUE Name: Epilobium saximontanum Hausskn. Rare status: not-included BC CDC status: BLUE Name: Epipactis gigantea Dougl. ex Hook. Herbaria: CAN, UBC, V Ref.: Brunton 1983c, Luer 1975, Szczawinski 1975a Map: Brunton 1983c, Luer 1975, Szczawinski 1975a Range: BC south to SD, TX and MX BC range: Cultus Lake, Enderby, Boswell, Howser (extirpated), Celista, Fairmont Hot Springs, Naramata, Mara Lake, Osoyoos (extirpated), Ainsworth Hot Springs, Radium Hot Springs (extirpated), Lower Arrow Lake (extirpated) Biogeocl.: IH, IF, CF, CH Habitat: Moist shady places along steams, marshes and swamps, hot springs Rare status: R1; designated as threatened by the committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada (COSEWIC) in 1984 BC CDC status: RED Status outside: Rare in CO, WA Name: Eragrostis pectinacea (Michx.) Nees Rare status: not-included BC CDC status: RED Name: Erigeron caespitosus Nutt. Herbaria: CAN, DAO, UBC, V Ref.: Cronquist 1947, Douglas 1984 Map: Douglas 1984, Hulten 1968, Porsild and Cody 1980 Range: AK and MN south to CO BC range: Alberta Plateau (Ft. St. John, Clayhurst Crossing) Biogeocl.: BS, CA Habitat: Dry riverbanks, gravelly terraces Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: BLUE Status outside: Rare in MB Name: Erigeron compositus Pursh var. discoideus Gray Herbaria: CAN, DAO, V Ref.: Cronquist 1947, Douglas 1984 Map: Douglas 1984 Range: Greenland to AK and south to PQ and CA BC range: Vancouver Island (Forbidden Plateau, Paxton Mountain, Mt. Arrowsmith) Biogeocl.: MH, CH Habitat: Alpine meadows Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: none Status outside: Rare in PQ, WA Name: Erigeron flagellaris Gray Herbaria: CAN, DAO, GD, UBC, V Ref.: Cronquist 1947, Douglas 1984 Map: Douglas 1984 Range: Western WY to SD, south to TX and s NV; disjunct in s BC BC range: Interior Plateau (Riske Creek, Alkali Lake, Hanceville, Clinton, Williams Land, Ashrcroft, Upper Hat Creek, Pavilion, Lac la Hache, Cache Creek, Tranquille) Biogeocl.: CA, IF, PP Habitat: Sagebrush meadows, grasslands, disturbed grasslands Rare status: R4 BC CDC status: none Status outside: Rare in AB Name: Erigeron grandiflorus Hook. Herbaria: DAO, GD, UBC, V Ref.: Cronquist 1947, Douglas 1984 Map: Douglas 1984 Range: AK east to w NT and south to BC BC range: Northern and e BC (Nevis Creek, Gladys Lake, North Kootenay Pass) Biogeocl.: ES, BS Habitat: Dry tundra, alpine meadows Rare status: R3 BC CDC status: none Name: Erigeron lanatus Hook. Herbaria: CAN, DAO, UBC, V Ref.: Cronquist 1947 Range: Southwestern AB and se BC to nw MT; CO BC range: Kootenay National Park (Assiniboine) Biogeocl.: AT, ES Habitat: Alpine scree slopes, talus Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: BLUE Status outside: Rare in YT, CO Name: Erigeron leibergii Piper Herbaria: GD, V Ref.: Cronquist 1947, Douglas 1984 Map: Douglas 1984 Range: Southcentral BC to c WA BC range: Cathedral Park Biogeocl.: IF Habitat: Dry, open montane slopes Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: BLUE Name: Erigeron poliospermus Gray Herbaria: CAN, DAO, GD, NY, V Ref.: Cronquist 1947, Douglas 1984 Map: Douglas 1984 Range: South-central BC to c OR and w ID BC range: Okanagan Highland (Osoyoos) Biogeocl.: PP Habitat: Sagebrush hillsides Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: BLUE [var. poliospermus] Name: Erigeron salishii G.W. Douglas & Packer Rare status: not-included BC CDC status: RED Name: Erigeron trifidus Hook. Herbaria: CAN, GD, V Ref.: Cronquist 1947, Douglas 1984 Map: Douglas 1984 Range: Eastern BC and adjacent AB BC range: Rocky Mountains Biogeocl.: AT Habitat: Alpine scree Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: RED Name: Erigeron uniflorus L. var. eriocephalus (J. Vahl) Boivin Rare status: not-included BC CDC status: BLUE Name: Eriogonum flavum Nutt. subsp. piperi (Greene) M.E. Jones Rare status: not-included BC CDC status: YELLOW Name: Eriogonum niveum Dougl. ex Benth. Rare status: not-included BC CDC status: YELLOW Name: Eriogonum ovalifolium Nutt. var. nivale (Canby) M.E. Jones Herbaria: UBC, V Range: BC, east to AB, south through w OR to CA and NM BC range: Southern BC (Manning Park, Okanagan, Columbia River Valley) Biogeocl.: ES, PP Habitat: Sagebrush desert, Juniperus or Pinus pondersoa woods, alpine ridges Rare status: R3 BC CDC status: YELLOW Name: Eriogonum pauciflorum Pursh var. pauciflorum Herbaria: CAN, UBC Range: Southeastern BC, sw AB, SK, south to MT, WY, ND, SD, NE and n I BC range: Border Ranges - Clark Range: (South Kootenay Pass) Biogeocl.: ES Habitat: Rocky ridges, prairies, foothills Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: BLUE Name: Eriogonum pyrolifolium Hook. var. coryphaeum Torr. & Gray Herbaria: GD, V Ref.: Douglas and Ratcliffe 1981 Range: Southcentral BC to ID, MT and CA BC range: Cathedral Park Biogeocl.: AT Habitat: Alpine scree Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: BLUE Name: Eriogonum strictum Benth. Herbaria: UBC, V Range: East of the Cascades from WA to n CA, east to ID, MT and NV BC range: Thompson Plateau (Keremeos Columns) Biogeocl.: PP Habitat: Sagebrush desert to Pinus ponderosa forest Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: RED [subsp. proliferum (Torr. & Gray) S. Stokes] Name: Eriophorum callitrix Cham. ex C.A. Meyer Herbaria: V Ref.: Taylor 1983 Map: Hulten 1968, Porsild and Cody 1980, Taylor 1983 Range: Northeastern Europe and n Asia across North America to NF, south to CO; e Greenland BC range: Northern BC (Haines Triangle, Liard Plateau, Spatsizi Plateau) Biogeocl.: AT Habitat: Wet alpine tundra Rare status: R2 BC CDC status: none Status outside: Rare in AB, MB Name: Eriophorum vaginatum L. susbp. spissum (Fern.) Hulten Syn.: Eriophorum spissum Fern. Rare status: not-included BC CDC status: BLUE Name: Erysimum arenicola S. Wats. Herbaria: UBC Range: Southwestern BC south to OR BC range: Vancouver Island (Mt. Arrowsmith, Kennedy River, Cameron Lake, Forbidden Plateau) Biogeocl.: MH, CH Habitat: Talus, moist rocky slopes Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: BLUE [var. torulosum (Piper) C.L. Hitchc.] Status outside: Rare in WA Name: Erysimum pallasii (Pursh) Fern. Herbaria: UBC Ref.: Pojar et al. 1976 Range: Circumpolar, south in w North America to nw BC BC range: Mt. Edziza Biogeocl.: SW Habitat: Volcanic scree Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: BLUE Name: Erythronium montanum S. Wats. Herbaria: UBC, V Ref.: Applegate 1935, Kershaw and Morton 1976, Taylor 1974b Map: Taylor 1974b Range: Southern BC to n OR, west of thge Coast Mtns. BC range: Vancouver Island Mtns. - Vancouver Island Ranges; Pacific Ranges (Port Renfrew, San Juan Ridge, Tahsis Inlet, Mt. Waddington) Biogeocl.: AT, [MH], CH Habitat: Subalpine to alpine forests and meadows Rare status: R2 BC CDC status: BLUE Name: Erythronium oregonum Appleg. Herbaria: CAN, DAO, UBC, UVIC, V Ref.: Applegate 1935, Taylor 1974b Map: Taylor 1974b Range: Southern BC, through the Willamette Valley to s OR BC range: Southeastern Vancouver Island, the Gulf Islands and adjacent mainland, Lower Fraser Valley Biogeocl.: CF, CH Habitat: Moist woods to open gravelly prairies Rare status: R4 BC CDC status: YELLOW Name: Erythronium revolutum J.E. Smith Herbaria: CAN, DAO, UBC, UVIC, V Ref.: Applegate 1935, Taylor 1974b Map: Taylor 1974b Range: Southwestern BC to nw CA, scattered in WA or OR BC range: Southwestern BC (Vancouver Island from Victoria to Campbell River and Fort Rupert, Kingcome Inlet) Biogeocl.: CH Habitat: Riverbanks and light to fairly thick woods Rare status: R4 BC CDC status: YELLOW Status outside: Rare in WA Name: Euonymus occidentalis Nutt. ex Torr. Syn.: Evonymus occidentalis [orthographic variant] Herbaria: UBC, V Range: West of Cascades from BC and WA to c CA BC range: Nanaimo Lowland (Courtenay) Biogeocl.: CF Habitat: Woods and thickets Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: RED Name: Eupatorium maculatum L. var. bruneri (Gray) Breitung Herbaria: CAN, DAO, GD, UBC, V Ref.: Douglas 1984 Map: Douglas 1984 Range: Southern BC east to NF and south to NM, IL and MI BC range: Fraser Lowland (Huntingdon, Sea Island, Delta, Point Grey) Biogeocl.: CF, CH Habitat: Wet ground, riverbanks Rare status: R2 BC CDC status: none Status outside: Rare in AB, KS, endangered in CO Name: Euphorbia serpyllifolia Pers. Syn.: Chamaesyce serpyllifolia (Pers.) Small Rare status: not-included BC CDC status: BLUE Name: Euphrasia arctica Lange ex Rostrup Herbaria: DAO, GD, UBC, V Ref.: Taylor 1974a Map: Porsild 1964, Taylor 1974a Range: Circumpolar, south in the US to ME, MI, MN and MT BC range: Northeastern BC (Azouzetta Lake) Biogeocl.: BS, SS Habitat: Wet places, streambanks, bogs Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: BLUE [var. disjuncta (Fern. & Wieg.) Cronq.] Status outside: Rare in SK, Continental NT, threatened in MI Name: Euthamia graminifolia (L.) Nutt. ex Cassini Syn.: Solidago graminifolia (L.) Salisb. Herbaria: UBC, V Range: NF west to BC and south to VA and NM BC range: Southern BC (Agassiz, Hollyburn Mtn., Ft. Steele, Kinbasket Lake) Biogeocl.: CH, CF, IF Habitat: Swampy ground Rare status: R3 BC CDC status: none Name: Eutrema edwardsii R. Br. Herbaria: V Range: Circumboreal, south in w North America to n BC BC range: AK Hwy. (Mile 428, Summit Pass), Mt. Edziza, Gladys Lake, Liard Plateau Biogeocl.: SW, AT Habitat: Lava talus Rare status: R3 BC CDC status: BLUE Name: Festuca minutiflora Rydb. Rare status: not-included BC CDC status: BLUE Name: Festuca subuliflora Scribn. Herbaria: UBC, V, WS Ref.: Hubbard 1955 Map: Hulten 1968 Range: BC to nw CA BC range: Southwestern BC (Cameron Lake, Shawnigan, Union Bay, Spanish Banks) Biogeocl.: CF, CH Habitat: Light to heavy woods, moist slopes, meadows Rare status: R4 BC CDC status: none Name: Floerkea proserpinacoides Willd. Rare status: not-included BC CDC status: BLUE Name: Fraxinus latifolia Benth. Herbaria: UBC Ref.: Ceska et al. 1984 Range: Southwestern BC south to CA BC range: Vancouver Island (Long Beach, Port Alberni) Biogeocl.: CH Habitat: Coastal swamps, stream estuaries Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: RED Name: Fritillaria pudica (Pursh) Spreng. Rare status: not-included BC CDC status: YELLOW Name: Galium bifolium S. Wats. Herbaria: UBC, V Range: Southern BC and MT to s CA and CO BC range: Hecate Lowland, Bulkley Ranges, Selkirk Mountains, Nanaimo Lowland (Prince Rupert, Smithers, Nelson, Mauis Lake, Manning Park, Flathead) Biogeocl.: ES, CH Habitat: Moist or rather dry places Rare status: R3 BC CDC status: YELLOW Name: Galium cymosum Wiegand Herbaria: UBC, V Range: Southern BC to OR, extending inland to the west slope of the Cascades BC range: Southwestern and c BC (Nanaimo, Vancouver area, Kitimat) Biogeocl.: CF, CH Habitat: Moist places along the coast, sphagnum bogs Rare status: R3 BC CDC status: none Name: Galium labradoricum (Wiegand) Wiegand Herbaria: CAN, DAO, UBC, V Range: Northeastern BC and c AB east to NF and south to NJ, OH and MN BC range: Fort Nelson Lowland Biogeocl.: BS Habitat: Bogs and swamps, wet meadows Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: BLUE Status outside: Rare in NS, Continental NT, CT, IL, endangered in NJ, threatened in PA Name: Galium mexicanum H.B.K. subsp. asperulum (Gray) Dempster Rare status: not-included BC CDC status: BLUE Name: Galium trifidum L. subsp. trifidum Rare status: not-included BC CDC status: BLUE Name: Gaultheria humifusa (R. Grah.) Rydb. Herbaria: ALTA, CAN, DAO, UBC, V Ref.: Argus and White 1978, Hamet-Ahti 1965, Szczawinski 1975b Map: Szczawinski 1975b Range: Southern BC and AB, south to CO and n CA BC range: Scattered throughout s BC, north to 52 degrees N latitude (Wells Gray Park, Flathead area, Okanagan, Rogers Pass) Biogeocl.: MH, ES, IH Habitat: Moist banks and meadows, in mountains Rare status: R3 BC CDC status: none Status outside: Rare in AB Name: Gaura coccinea Pursh Herbaria: UBC, V Ref.: Raven and Gregory 1972 Map: Raven and Gregory 1972 Range: Southern BC to s MB, south to s MX BC range: Columbia River Valley (Windermere), Okanagan Highland (Osoyoos) Thompson Plateau (Kamloops) Biogeocl.: IF, PP Habitat: Dry, sandy sagebrush slopes Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: RED Name: Gayophytum diffusum Torr. ex Gray subsp. parviflorum Lewis & Szweykowski Rare status: not-included BC CDC status: YELLOW Name: Gayophytum humile Adr. Juss. Herbaria: ALTA, DAO, UBC, V Map: Lewis and Szweykowski 1964 Range: East of the Cascades in WA to s CA, east to sw AB, ID, MT and CO; Chile BC range: Hozameen Range: (Manning Park) Biogeocl.: ES Habitat: In mountains, dry places, sandy soil Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: BLUE Status outside: Rare in AB, WY Name: Gayophytum ramosissimum Nutt. ex Torr. & Gray Herbaria: CAN, DAO, UBC, V, WS Map: Lewis and Szweykowski 1964 Range: Southern BC and e WA to CA, east to MT, CO, WY, UT and n AZ BC range: Southern BC (Penticton, 15 miles east of Osoyoos, Coldstream, Lake Creek, Marysville) Biogeocl.: IF, PP Habitat: Dry foothills and valleys to lower mountains Rare status: R4 BC CDC status: RED Status outside: Rare in AB Name: Gentiana affinis Griseb. Herbaria: UBC, UVIC, V, WS Ref.: Gillett 1963 Map: Gillett 1963 Range: BC, south on the east side of the Cascades through WA to s-c and sw OR and CA and AZ, east to AB and MB; Rocky Mountain states to MX BC range: Southeastern BC (Marysville, Rock Creek, Cranbrook, South Kootenay Pass, Crowsnest Pass) Vancouver Island (Spectacle Lake - introduced) Biogeocl.: ES, IF, CH Habitat: Meadowland, damp soil, valleys and foothills to mountains Rare status: R3 BC CDC status: BLUE Status outside: Rare in Continental NT Name: Gentiana calycosa Griseb. Herbaria: DAO, UBC, V Ref.: Gillett 1963 Map: Gillett 1963 Range: BC south to CA and east to AB and MT BC range: Southeastern BC (Wall Lake, King Edward Peak) Biogeocl.: AT, ES Habitat: Mountain meadows, swamps, streambanks Rare status: R3 BC CDC status: BLUE Status outside: Rare in AB Name: Gentiana platypetala Griseb. Herbaria: DAO, UBC, V Ref.: Gillett 1963 Map: Calder and Taylor 1958, Gillett 1963, Hulten 1968 Range: Kodiak Island to se AK and adjacent BC BC range: Queen Charlotte Islands, Vancouver Island (Brooks Peninsula, Zeballos Peak), coastal mainland (Alice Arm, Bella Coola area) Biogeocl.: CH, MH, AT Habitat: Grassy mountain slopes Rare status: R4 BC CDC status: none Name: Gentiana prostrata Haenke Herbaria: CAN, DAO, UBC, V Ref.: Gillett 1963, Hulten 1968 Map: Gillett 1963, Hulten 1968 Range: AK south to n CA and east to c ID, UT and NV; Eurasia; South America BC range: Eastern, c and n BC (Gladys Lake, Nevis Creek, Summitt Pass, Haines Road, Smithers, east Chilcotin area, Mt. Selwyn, Halfway River, Robb Lake) Biogeocl.: AT, ES Habitat: Alpine bogs and meadows of high mountains Rare status: R3 BC CDC status: none Name: Gentianella crinita (Froel.) G. Don Syn.: Gentianopsis crinita (Froel.) Ma, Gentiana crinita Froel. Herbaria: ALTA, CAN, DAO, UBC, V Ref.: Gillett 1957, 1963 Map: Gillett 1957, 1963 Range: YT east to PQ and south to BC, n IA and GA BC range: Continental Ranges, Rocky Mtn. Trench, (Field, Wapta Falls) Biogeocl.: ES Habitat: Wet meadows, shores, calcareous bogs Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: BLUE [subsp. macounii !!] Status outside: Rare in PQ, ME, MD, MA, NH, RI, VT Name: Gentianella tenella (Rottb.) Borner Syn.: Gentiana tenella Rottb., Comastoma tenella (Rottb.) Toyokuni Herbaria: DAO, UBC, V Ref.: Gillett 1963 Map: Gillett 1963, 1957, Hulten 1968, 1958, Porsild 1966 Range: Rocky Mountains from WY to NM and AZ, Sierra Nevada and Shite Mountains of CA and NV, Yellowstone National Park, ID, MT; Mountain ranges of Eurasia, Greenland, AK and Canada; PQ to BC BC range: Northern and c BC (Tagish Lake, Lillooet district, Tenquille Lake) Biogeocl.: IF, PP, CH Habitat: Mountains, meadows in tundra, sea beaches, rocky places Rare status: R3 BC CDC status: BLUE [subsp. tenella] Status outside: Rare in Continental NT, YT, PQ Name: Geum calthifolium Menzies ex J.E. Smith Herbaria: DAO, UBC, V Ref.: Taylor 1973 Map: Calder and Taylor 1968, Hulten 1968, Taylor 1973 Range: AK to BC; e Asia BC range: Queen Charlotte Islands, Vancouver Island and coastal mainland (White Pass, Masset Inlet, Kootenay Inlet, Prince Rupert, Kitimat, Ocean Falls, Bella Coola, Brooks Peninsula, Tsitika Mtn., The Biogeocl.: AT, MH, CH Habitat: Coastal bogs, alpine slopes, meadows Rare status: R4 BC CDC status: none Name: Geum rossii (R. Br.) Seringe Herbaria: CAN, DAO, UBC, V Ref.: Taylor 1973 Map: Hulten 1968, Porsild 1964, Taylor 1973 Range: AK to YT, south to ne WA, OR, NV, AZ and NM east Asia BC range: Tahltan Highland (Yehiniko Lake) Biogeocl.: SW Habitat: Calcareous soil, alplands, arctic tundra Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: BLUE Status outside: Rare in YT Name: Geum schofieldii Calder & Taylor Herbaria: DAO, UBC, V Ref.: Kershaw and Morton 1976, Taylor 1973 Map: Calder and Taylor 1968, Taylor 1973 Range: Western BC BC range: Queen Charlotte Mtns. - Queen Charlotte Ranges, Skidegate Plateau; Vancouver Island Mtns. - Vancouver Island Ranges (Kootenay Inlet, Tasu Mtn., Mt. de la Touche, Dawson Inlet, Brooks Peninsula) Biogeocl.: MH Habitat: Wet rock crevices Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: RED Note: Endemic to BC Name: Gilia capitata Sims Herbaria: CAN, DAO, UBC, V Map: Hulten 1968 Range: Southern Vancouver Island, WA and n ID, south to OR and CA; AK and YT (escapes from cultivation) BC range: Southern and ne BC (Vancouver Island, Lower Fraser Valley, Peace River area, Sicamous, Nelson, Sikanni River) Biogeocl.: IH, CF, IF, CA Habitat: Dry slopes, open places at lower elevations Rare status: R3 BC CDC status: RED [var. capitata] Name: Gilia sinuata Dougl. ex Benth. Herbaria: UBC, V Range: Easter WA to se CA, east through the Snake River plains to WY and NM, BC BC range: Okanagan Highland (Osoyoos) Biogeocl.: IF, PP Habitat: Dry, open, sandy places in plains and foothills Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: RED Name: Githopsis specularioides Nutt. Herbaria: UBC, V Ref.: Morin 1983 Map: Morin 1983 Range: WA to s CA; sw BC BC range: Vancouver Island, Nanaimo Lowland (Sooke, Victoria, Horn Lake, Port Alberni) Biogeocl.: CF Habitat: Open seepage areas in foothills Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: RED Status outside: Rare in WA Name: Glehnia littoralis Schmidt subsp. leiocarpa (Mathias) Hulten Syn.: Glehnia leiocarpa Mathias Herbaria: DAO, UBC, V Ref.: Kershaw and Morton 1976 Map: Calder and Taylor 1968, Hulten 1968 Range: Kodiak Island AK to nw CA; e Asia BC range: Queen Charlotte Islands (Sandspit, Tlell), Vancouver Island (Brooks, Peninsula, Ucluelet, Long Beach, Sidney Spit, Sooke, Saanichton) Biogeocl.: CH Habitat: Coastal dunes and sandy beaches Rare status: R4 BC CDC status: YELLOW Name: Glyceria leptostachya Buckley Herbaria: UBC Ref.: Hubbard 1955 Map: Hulten 1968 Range: Southern AK to c CA BC range: Southwestern BC (Alberni) Biogeocl.: CH Habitat: Salt marsh Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: BLUE Name: Glyceria occidentalis (Piper) J.C. Nels. Rare status: not-included BC CDC status: BLUE Name: Glyceria pulchella (Nash) K. Schum. Rare status: not-included BC CDC status: BLUE Name: Glycyrrhiza lepidota Pursh Herbaria: UBC, V Ref.: Taylor 1974c Map: Taylor 1975c Range: Southern BC to ON and south to CA and TX BC range: Southeastern BC (Wardner, Kootenay Lake, Wasa, Jaffray, Kaslo, Cranbrook) Fraser highland (Turquoise Lake) Biogeocl.: IH, IF, PP Habitat: Lake shores and grassy fields Rare status: R2 BC CDC status: RED [var. lepidota] Status outside: Rare in ON, threatened in WI Name: Grammica pentagona (Engelm.) W.A. Weber Syn.: Cuscuta pentagona Engelm. Herbaria: CAN, DAO, UBC, V Range: Over most of the US and in many other parts of the world, e OR to s CA, TX, FL and east, sw BC to SK, MB, ON, PQ, NF, PE and NS; MX BC range: Vancouver Island Mountains; Alberni Basin; Fraser Lowland (Port Alberni, Elgin) Biogeocl.: CF, CH Habitat: Parasitic on legumes in fields or low ground Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: BLUE Status outside: Rare in NB, PA, threatened in MI, OH Name: Grammica salina (Engelm.) Taylor & MacBryde Syn.: Cuscuta salina Engelm. Herbaria: CAN, UBC, UVIC, V Range: Along the coast from BC to MX, inland to UT and AZ BC range: Southwestern BC (Boundary Bay, Victoria, Saltspring Island, South Pender Island, Sooke, Parksville, Gabriola Island) Biogeocl.: CF, CH Habitat: Parasitic on chenopodiaceous and asteraceous plants of saline soils Rare status: R4 BC CDC status: none Name: Gratiola ebracteata Benth. Herbaria: DAO, UBC, V Ref.: Taylor 1974a Map: Taylor 1974a Range: Southern BC to CA, east to w MT BC range: Southern BC (Southern Vancouver Island, and some gulf Islands, Sicamous) Biogeocl.: CF, IF Habitat: Muddy and wet places Rare status: R4 BC CDC status: none Name: Gratiola neglecta Torr. Herbaria: ALTA, UBC, V Ref.: Taylor 1974a Map: Taylor 1974a Range: Southern BC to PQ, NS south to CA, AZ, TX and GA BC range: Fraser Lowland, Thompson Plateau, Shuswap Highland, Nanimo Lowland, Vancouver Island Mountains (Alberni Basin) Biogeocl.: PP, CH Habitat: Shallow water, muddy places Rare status: R2 BC CDC status: YELLOW Status outside: Rare in NS, NB Name: Gymnocarpium jessoense (Koidz.) Koidz. subsp. parvulum Sarvela Herbaria: CAN, DAO, UBC, V Ref.: Sarvela et al. 1981, Taylor 1971 Map: Sarvela et al. 1981, Taylor 1971 Range: Circumpolar; in North America, AK to NB, south to ID, IA and PA BC range: Northern and e BC (AK Hwy. mile 520, Liard River, Wheaton Creek, Steam boat Mtn., Big Bend Hwy.) Biogeocl.: BS, IF Habitat: Rock outcrops, talus Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: BLUE Status outside: Rare in PQ, NB Name: Hackelia ciliata (Dougl. ex Lehm.) I.M. Johnst. Rare status: not-included BC CDC status: RED Name: Hackelia deflexa (Wahl.) Opiz Herbaria: CAN, UBC, V Map: Hulten 1968, 1971 Range: Circumboreal; in North America from BC to n AB; to PQ, south to WA, ID, CO IA, and VT BC range: South-central and nw BC, (Mt. Chipuin, Summerland, Gladys Lake area, Kamloops, Keremeos) Biogeocl.: BS, PP, IF Habitat: Thickets and open woods Rare status: R3 BC CDC status: none Name: Hackelia diffusa (Dougl. ex Lehm.) I. Johnst. Herbaria: UBC, V Ref.: Ulke 1934 Range: Along and near the Columbia River in WA and OR, north to thompson and Fraser rivers in s BC BC range: Rocky Mountains, Coast Mountains; (Summit lake, Lytton, Botanie Valley, Manning Park, Cranbrook, Yoho National Park, Wapta Lake) Biogeocl.: ES, SS, IF Habitat: Clifs and talus slopes Rare status: R3 BC CDC status: BLUE Status outside: Rare in WA Name: Hackelia floribunda (Lehm.) I. Johnst. Herbaria: DAO, UBC, V Range: Southern BC to SK, w ON and MN, s to CA, s NV, n NM, chiefly in the Rocky Mountain region BC range: Southern and se BC (Spences Bridge, Merritt, Kimberley, Botanie Valley, Michel, Fernie, Osoyoos, Kamloops, Penticton, Yoho National Park, Azouzetta Lake, Invermere) Biogeocl.: ES, IH, IF, PP Habitat: Thickets, meadows, streambanks, moist places Rare status: R3 BC CDC status: none Name: Hackelia micrantha (Eastw.) Gentry Herbaria: UBC, V Ref.: Welsh and Rigby 1971 Range: Cascade-Sierran region, east to the Rocky Mountains, BC, WA, ID south to the North Coast Ranges, sierra Nevada CA and w NV, east to AB, MT, w WY and UT BC range: Southern and e-c BC; (Mt. Kobau, Flathead, Taseko Lake, Thutade Lake, Manning Park, Botanie Valley, Mt. Robson Park, Azouzetta Lake) Biogeocl.: ES, IF, IH Habitat: Moist banks or slopes, thickets, meadows Rare status: R3 BC CDC status: none Name: Halimolobos whitedii (Piper) Rollins Herbaria: UBC Range: South-central BC to c WA BC range: Okanagan Highland (Osoyoos, Anarchist Mtn.) Biogeocl.: IF, PP Habitat: Dry sagebrush slopes Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: RED Name: Hammarbya paludosa (L.) O. Kuntze Syn.: Malaxis paludosa (L.) Sw. Herbaria: ALTA, CAN, DAO, UBC, V Ref.: Kershaw and Morton 1976, Luer 1975, Szczawinski 1975a Map: Calder and Taylor 1968, Hulten 1958, 1968; Luer 1975, Szczawinski 1975a Range: Southern AK, NT and BC, east to c AB, SK, MB, ON and MN; Eurasia BC range: Queen Charlotte Mtns. -- Skidegate Plateau, Q.C. Ranges; Q.C. Lowland -- Argonaut Plain; Liard Plateau; Kitimat Ranges; Nechako Plateau -- McGregor Plateau; Hecate Lowland (Sandspit, Tlell, near Masset, Aleza Lake, Kitimat, Liard Hot Springs, Prince Rupert) Biogeocl.: SS, CH Habitat: Wet sphagnum, turfy bogs and muskegs Rare status: R2 BC CDC status: BLUE Status outside: Rare in Canada, endangered in MN Name: Haplopappus bloomeri Gray Syn.: Ericameria bloomeri(Gray) J.F. Macbr. Herbaria: V Ref.: Douglas 1984 Map: Douglas 1984 Range: Southern BC south to CA BC range: Kettle River Valley (Westbridge), Okanagan Highland (Keremeos) Biogeocl.: IF, PP Habitat: Dry sagebrush hillsides Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: none Name: Haplopappus carthamoides (Hook.) Gray subsp. carthamoides Syn.: Pyrrocoma carthamoides Hook. subsp. carthamoides Herbaria: CAN, DAO, UBC, V Ref.: Douglas 1984 Map: Douglas 1984 Range: Southern BC and nw MT south to n CA and nw WY BC range: Okanagan Highland (Summerland, Keremeos, Twin Lakes) Biogeocl.: PP, IF Habitat: Dry sagebrush hillsides, grasslands Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: none Name: Hedysarum hedysariodes (L.) Schinz & Thell. Herbaria: V Ref.: Welsh 1974c Map: Hulten 1968 Range: Eurasia; AK east to NF and south to BC, WY, SD BC range: Northern BC (Atlin, Tagish highland, AK Hwy. Mile 428) Biogeocl.: AT Habitat: Alpine tundra and heaths Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: none Name: Hedysarum occidentale Greene Herbaria: DAO, UBC, V Range: BC to WA and CO BC range: Vancouver Island (Golden Hinde, Mt. Cain, Zabellos, Victoria Lake, Nimkish Lake) Biogeocl.: CH Habitat: Dry scree slopes Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: BLUE Name: Hedysarum sulphurescens Rydb. Rare status: not-included BC CDC status: YELLOW Name: Helenium autumnale L. Herbaria: CAN, DAO, UBC, V Range: Southern BC to OR BC range: Fraser Lowland (Langley, Pitt River, Sumas, Alouette River), Vancouver Island (Victoria), Thompson Plateau (Kamloops Lake) Biogeocl.: CF, CH Habitat: Marshy lakesshores and river banks, sloughs, damp ground Rare status: R2 BC CDC status: BLUE [var. grandiflorum (Nutt.) Torr & Gray] Name: Helianthella uniflora (Nutt.) Torr. & Gray Herbaria: CAN UBC, V Range: Southwestern BC and MT south to OR and MN BC range: Thompson Plateau and Okanagan Highland (Merrit, Spences Bridge, Kelowna, Kamloops, Princeton) Biogeocl.: IF, PP Habitat: Sagebrush hillsides, rockslides Rare status: R4 BC CDC status: none Name: Helianthus nuttallii Torr. & Gray Herbaria: V Ref.: Long 1966 Map: Long 1966 Range: Eastern BC to SK and south to MN and GA BC range: Alberta Plateau (Dawson Creek, Hudson's Hope) Columbia River Valley (Fairmont Hot Springs, Windermere), Cranbrook, s Vancouver Island Biogeocl.: IF, CA, CF Habitat: Wet meadows Rare status: R3 BC CDC status: RED Name: Heliopsis helianthoides (L.) Sweet Herbaria: CAN Range: Eastern BC east to PQ and south to MN and GA BC range: Revelstoke, Yoho Park (Field, Kicking Horse River) Biogeocl.: ES Habitat: Waste places Rare status: R1 Status outside: Rare in SK, NB Name: Hemicarpha micrantha (Vahl) Pax Syn.: Lipocarpha micrantha (M. Vahl) G.C. Tucker Herbaria: V Ref.: Ceska and Ceska 1980 Range: Tropical and temperate America, north to WA, BC, ON and PQ BC range: Osoyoos Lake Biogeocl.: PP Habitat: Inundated lake shore Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: RED Status outside: Rare in Canada, CT, ME, NH, PA, VA, WV, endangered in NJ, NC, OH,threatened in MI, SC Name: Hemitomes congestum Gray Herbaria: UBC, V Ref.: Szczawinski 1975b Map: Szczawinski 1975b Range: West side of the Cascades in BC and the Olympic Peninsula in WA, south to CA BC range: Western and s BC (Kitimat, Vancouver Island form Port Hardy to Cameron Lake, Powell River, Grouse Mtn., Haney, Garibaldi, New Denver, Procter) Biogeocl.: ES, IH, CF, CH Habitat: Deep humus in coniferous forest Rare status: R4 BC CDC status: none Status outside: Rare in WA Name: Hesperochiron pumilus (Griseb.) Porter Rare status: not-included BC CDC status: BLUE Name: Heteranthera dubia (N.J. Jacq.) MacMill. Herbaria: UBC, V Range: Southern BC east to PQ and south to AR, NM and NC BC range: Southern BC (Kawkawa Creek near Hope, Kalamalka Lake, Osoyoos Lake, Christina Lake, Kootenay Lake, East Kootenays, Golden) Biogeocl.: CH, IF, PP Habitat: Quiet water Rare status: R3 BC CDC status: YELLOW Status outside: Rare in MB, NB, ME, NH, endangered in NC Name: Heterocodon rariflorum Nutt. Herbaria: CAN, DAO, UBC, V Range: Southern BC and ID to CA, NV and WY BC range: Selkirk Mountains, Rocky Mountain Trench, Vancouver Island Mountains (Revelstoke, Nelson, Newgate, Kinnaird, Cedar Hill, Prospect Lake) Biogeocl.: IH, CF Habitat: Moist open places in foothills and valleys Rare status: R2 BC CDC status: BLUE Name: Heuchera richardsonii R. Br Herbaria: ALTA, DAO, UBC, V Range: Eastern BC to CO, east to MB and IN BC range: Northeastern BC (Peace River, McBride) Biogeocl.: BS, IH Habitat: Moist banks, rock crevices Rare status: R4 BC CDC status: YELLOW Status outside: Rare in Continental NT Name: Hippuris tetraphylla L. f. Herbaria: CAN, DAO, UBC, V Map: Hulten 1968, 1971 Range: Northern YT, coastal AK to BC, disjunctly east to the Atlantic Ocean; Eurasia BC range: Western BC (Victoria, Bella Coola) Biogeocl.: CF, CH Habitat: Brackish water, shallow ponds, mud flats Rare status: R3 BC CDC status: BLUE Status outside: Rare in continental NT, YT, MB Name: Hordeum depressum (Scribn. & Smith) Rydb. Herbaria: CAN, UBC Ref.: Bowden 1962 Range: BC south to s CA, east to w ID BC range: Nanimo Lowland (Oak bay, Cadboro Bay) Biogeocl.: CF Habitat: Waste areas, moist saline soil Rare status: R3 BC CDC status: none Name: Huperzia selago (L.) Bernh. var. miyoshiana (Mak.) Taylor & MacBryde Syn.: Lycopodium selago L. subsp. miyoshianum (Makino), Huperzia miyoshiana (Makino) Ching, Huperzia chinensis (Christ) Czer. Calder & Taylor, Herbaria: CAN, DAO, UBC, V Map: Calder and Taylor 1968 Range: Japan, Korea, China to AK and BC BC range: Queen Charlotte Islands (generally distributed) Biogeocl.: CH Habitat: Rocky slopes, coniferous forests Rare status: R4 BC CDC status: none Name: Hydrocotyle ranunculoides L. f. Herbaria: CAN, DAO, UBC, V Range: Puget Sound WA to DE, AR and CA, south to tropical America BC range: Nanaimo Lowland (Nanaimo, Departure Bay) Biogeocl.: CF Habitat: Marshes, ponds and wet ground Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: RED Name: Hydrocotyle verticillata Thunb. Herbaria: UBC Range: Southwester BC to s CA, east to UT, OK, MO and the Atlantic States; MX, Bermuda, Jamaica, West Indies BC range: Fraser Lowland (Coquitlam) Biogeocl.: CF Habitat: Streams and low ground Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: RED Name: Hydrophyllum fendleri (Gray) A.A. Heller Herbaria: UBC, V Range: Coastal mountains of s BC, WA, OR to n CA; se WA, ne OR to e ID; s WY to NM and se UT BC range: South-central BC (Manning Park, Gibson Pass, Spences Bridge, Botanie Creek) Biogeocl.: MH, ES, IH Habitat: Thickets, moist open places Rare status: R4 BC CDC status: BLUE [var. albifrons (Heller) J.F. Macbr.] Name: Hydrophyllum tenuipes A.A. Heller Herbaria: DAO, UBC, UVIC, V Range: West flank of the Cascades to the coast, from WA and s BC to n CA BC range: Nanaimo Lowland (Mt. Finlayson, Victoria, Sooke, Goldstream Park Milnes Landing); Fraser Lowland (Clayburn) Biogeocl.: CF, CH Habitat: Moist woods at lower elevations Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: BLUE Name: Hymenolobus procumbens (L.) Nutt. ex Torr. & Gray Syn.: Hutchinsia procumbens (L.) Desv. Herbaria: UBC, V Range: Southwestern BC south to CA and east to WY and CO; NF; Old World BC range: Okanagan Highland (Spotted Lake) Biogeocl.: PP Habitat: Sagebrush Slopes Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: none Status outside: Rare in SK Name: Hypericum anagalloides Cham. & Schlecht. Herbaria: CAN, DAO, UBC, UVIC, V Range: BC to Baja CA, east to MT BC range: Southwester BC ( Vancouver Island from Shawnigan lake to Port Alice, Saltspring Island, Texada Island, mainland north to Powell River and east to Chilliwack) Biogeocl.: CF Habitat: Moist ground along the coast or in the mountains Rare status: R4 BC CDC status: none Name: Hypericum formosum HBK Syn.: incl. Hypericum formosum HBK subsp. scouleri (Hook.) C.L. Hitchc. Herbaria: DAO, UBC, UVIC, V Range: BC to Baja CA, east to MT and WY; c MX BC range: Southern BC (Vancouver Island from Sooke River to Port Alice, Texada Island, Pemberton, Powell River, Kamloops, Glacier National Park, Cranbrook, Terrace) Biogeocl.: IH, PP, CF, CH Habitat: Moist places from the coast to the mountains Rare status: R3 BC CDC status: YELLOW [var. scouleri] and BLUE [var. nortoniae (M.E. Jones) C.L. Hitchc.] Status outside: Rare in AB Name: Hypericum majus (Gray) Britt. Herbaria: UBC, V Range: BC to PQ, south to PA, NJ and CO BC range: Vancouver Island (Spider Lake, Sproat Lake), lower mainland (Pitt River, Harrison), Thompson Highland (Tranquille) Biogeocl.: CF, CH, IF Habitat: Lake margins, beaches, wet depressions Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: none Status outside: Rare in AB, NS, ID, IL, threatened in CO, PA, possible extirpated in TN Name: Idahoa scapigera (Hook.) Nels. & Macbr. Herbaria: CAN, V Range: Southern BC east to ID and south to CA BC range: Vancouver Island (Mt. Douglas, Mt. Finlayson, Observatory Hill, Mill Hill Jocelyn Hill, Lone Tree Hill, Gulf Islands (Saturna, Saltspring), Boston Bar, Grand Forks Biogeocl.: CF, IF, PP Habitat: Dry hillsides, seepage areas on dry rocky slopes Rare status: R3 BC CDC status: RED Name: Iliamna rivularis (Dougl. ex Hook.) Greene Herbaria: CAN, UBC, V Range: Southern Bc to OR east to MT and CO BC range: Scattered distribution in s BC east of Cascades (Salmon Arm, Nelson, Fernie, Tranquille, Queens Bay, Creston, Slocan Valley, Kelowna, Osoyoos, Grand Forks, Kootenay Lake, Galloway, Salmo, Penticton, Lumby) Biogeocl.: IH, IF Habitat: Streambanks, mountain slopes and cliffs Rare status: R3 BC CDC status: YELLOW Status outside: Rare in AB, uncommon ion WA Name: Impatiens aurella Rydb. Herbaria: UBC, V Range: AK to OR, from the coast inland to AB, SK, MB and ID; Eurasia BC range: Skagit Range; Shuswap Highland; Purcell Mtns. (Bridal Falls, Duck Lake, Malakawa, Crawford Bay, Eagle River Canyon) Biogeocl.: CH, IF Habitat: Moist woods Rare status: R2 BC CDC status: BLUE Status outside: Rare in WA Name: Impatiens capensis Meerb. Rare status: not-included BC CDC status: BLUE Name: Impatiens ecalcarata Blank. Rare status: not-included BC CDC status: BLUE Name: Ipomopsis aggregata (Pursh) V.E. Grant Syn.: Gilia aggregata (Pursh) Sprengel Herbaria: CAN, DAO, UBC, V Range: Southern BC to MT, south to CA and MX BC range: South-central BC (Princeton, Manning Park, Grand Forks, Keremeos, Okanaga, Salmo, Rossland, Trail, Hedley, Armstorng, Penticton, Osoyoos) Biogeocl.: IF, PP, IH Habitat: Open or lightly wooded rocky banks and slopes dier meadows Rare status: R4 BC CDC status: YELLOW Name: Ipomopsis minutiflora (Benth.) V.E. Grant Syn.: Gilia minutiflora Benth. Herbaria: CAN, DAO, UBC, V Range: Central and e WA and adjacent BC and n ID, south to n OR, east throughout the Snake River plains of ID BC range: Thompson Plateau, Pacific Ranges, Okanagan Highland (Kamloops, Nicola Valley, Ashnola River, Spences Bridge, Lytton, Osoyoos) Biogeocl.: IF, PP Habitat: Dry sandy places in plains and valleys Rare status: R2 BC CDC status: RED Name: Iris missouriensis Nutt. Herbaria: DAO, UBC, V Ref.: deVries 1966, Foster 1937 Map: deVries 1966 Range: Wester BC to s CA, east to se AB, ND, SD and south to n MX BC range: Bulkley Ranges; Teslin Plateau; Tagish Highland; Nechako Plateau; Fraser Basin - Nechako Plain (Atlin Lake, Telkwa, Prince George, Bennett Lake, Fraser Lake, Quick Station) Biogeocl.: BS, SS, CA, PP, CF Habitat: Moist meadows and streambanks Rare status: R2 BC CDC status: none Status outside: Rare in AB, uncommon in WA Name: Iris setosa Pallas ex Link subsp. setosa Herbaria: dao, ubc, v Map: Hulten 1968 Range: AK, w-c YT, nw BC east to NF; Asia BC range: Boundary Ranges (Bennett) Biogeocl.: BS Habitat: Floodplains, tidal flats, meadows, lakeshores Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: none Status outside: Rare in YT, AK Name: Isoetes bolanderi Engelm. Herbaria: V Ref.: Taylor 1971 Map: Taylor 1971 Range: Southeastern BC, AB, MT and south to CA, CO and AZ BC range: Border Ranges (Akamina Pass) Biogeocl.: ES Habitat: Shallow water Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: none Status outside: Rare in AB, AZ Name: Isoetes howellii Engelm. Rare status: not-included BC CDC status: RED Name: Isoetes nuttallii A. Br. ex Engelm. Herbaria: CAN, UBC, V Ref.: Taylor 1970 Map: Taylor 1970 Range: Southwestern BC wouth to CA BC range: Vancouver Island and Gulf Islands (Victoria, Trial Island, Saltspring Island, south to Nanaimo, Newcastle Island, Nanoose Hill, Mitlenatch Island) Biogeocl.: CF Habitat: Vernal pools and seepage areas Rare status: R4 BC CDC status: BLUE Status outside: Rare in WA Name: Isoetes occidentalis Henderson Herbaria: UBC Ref.: Taylor 1970 Map: Taylor 1970 Range: Circumboreal south in w North America to CA and CO BC range: Vanvcouver Island (Cameron Lake), sw Mainland (Marion Lake) Biogeocl.: CF, CH Habitat: Edges of lakes and ponds Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: none Name: Isoetes truncata (A.A. Eaton) Clute Rare status: not-included BC CDC status: YELLOW Name: Isopyrum savilei Calder & Taylor Herbaria: UBC, V Ref.: Calder and Taylor 1965 Range: Extreme w BC BC range: Western (coastal) BC, Queen Charlotte Islands, Vancouver Island (Brooks Peninsula) Biogeocl.: CH Habitat: Moist shady crevices, wet talus, subalpine Rare status: R3 BC CDC status: BLUE Note: Endemic to BC Name: Iva axillaris Pursh subsp. robustior (Hook.) Bassett Herbaria: CAN, DAO, UBC, V Ref.: Bassett et al. 1962 Map: Bassett et al. 1962 Range: Southern BC east to MN and south to CA and OR BC range: Thompson and Fraser Highlands (Quilchina, Hat Creek, Cache Creek, Kamloops, Vernon, Kelowna) Biogeocl.: IF, PP Habitat: Waste ground cultivated ground Rare status: R3 BC CDC status: RED Name: Jaumea carnosa (Less.) Gray Herbaria: CAN, DAO, UBC, V Range: Southern BC wouth to s CA BC range: Southern Vancouver Island (Sooke, Saanichton, Sidney) Biogeocl.: CF, CH Habitat: Tidal beaches, salt marshes Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: BLUE Name: Juncus albescens (Lange) Fern. Syn.: Juncus triglumis L. subsp. albescens (Lange) Hulten Rare status: not-included BC CDC status: BLUE Name: Juncus articus Willd. subsp. alaskanus Hulten Herbaria: UBC Range: Northeastern Asia to AK and w NT and south to n BC and n AB and east PQ; Greenland BC range: Stikine River a Tuaton Lake, Jct. of Toad and Racing rivers Biogeocl.: BS Habitat: Wet places, river flats, alluvium Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: BLUE Name: Juncus biglumis L. Herbaria: DAO, UBC, V Map: Porsild and Cody 1980 Range: AK and YT south to n BC and AB; CO; east to n PQ; Eurasia BC range: Queen Charlotte Island (Upper Victoria Lake), Teresa Island, Spatsizi Plateau (Maternity Mtn.), Itcha Mtns. Biogeocl.: AT, BS, ES Habitat: Wet tundra, mossy edges of ponds and streams Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: none Status outside: Rare in AB, MB, CO, WY Name: Juncus bolanderi Engelm. Herbaria: CAN, UBC, V Ref.: Haber and Soper 1980 Range: Southern BC to c CA BC range: Vancouver Island (Victoria, Cowichan lake, Ucluelet, Saanichton), Burnaby, South Pender Island, Saltspring Island, Lulu Island Biogeocl.: MH, CF, CH Habitat: Marshes and river banks at low elevations Rare status: R2 BC CDC status: YELLOW Name: Juncus brevicaudatus (Engelm.) Fern. Rare status: not-included BC CDC status: BLUE Name: Juncus breweri Engelm. Rare status: not-included BC CDC status: YELLOW Name: Juncus bulbosus L. Syn.: Juncus supinus Moench Herbaria: V Range: BC to WA; NS, NF BC range: Southwestern BC (Pitt Lake, Cowichan Lake, Spectacle Lake, Duncan) Biogeocl.: CF, CH Habitat: Lake margins Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: BLUE Status outside: Rare in NS Name: Juncus covillei Piper Herbaria: UBC, V Range: Southwestern BC to s CA; ID BC range: Vancouver Island (Sprout Falls, Cameron Lake, Qualicum Falls, Sooke, Shawnigan Lake, Kennedy River, Nanaimo, Parksville, Steelhead), Powell River Biogeocl.: CF Habitat: Lake Margins Rare status: R3 BC CDC status: none Name: Juncus kelloggii Engelm. Rare status: not-included BC CDC status: RED Name: Juncus leseurii Bolander Herbaria: CAN, UBC, V Map: Calder and Taylor 1968 Range: Southwestern BC to c CA BC range: Queen Charlotte Islands (Oeanda River, Tlell), Vancouver Island (Guise Bay, Brooks Peninsula), Cox Island Biogeocl.: CF, CH Habitat: Coastal marshes and dunes Rare status: R3 BC CDC status: none Name: Juncus oxymeris Engelm. Herbaria: CAN, UBC, UVIC, V Range: Southwestern BC south to CA BC range: Alberni, New Westminster, Pitt Lake, Galiano Island, Parksville Biogeocl.: CF Habitat: Wet meadows Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: BLUE Name: Juncus regelii Buchenau Herbaria: UBC, V Range: Southern BC south to CA and east to MT, WY and UT BC range: Queen Charlotte Islands, Vancouver Island, Bare Island, Chilliwack, Rogers Pass, Field, 20 miles from Mt. Curry Biogeocl.: MH, CH, ES Habitat: Wet montane, subalpine or alpine meadows Rare status: R3 BC CDC status: BLUE Name: Juncus stygius L. subsp. americanus (Buchenau) Hulten Herbaria: UBC, V Ref.: Hamet-Ahti 1965 Map: Hulten 1968, Porsild and Cody 1980 Range: Circumboreal south in w North America to BC BC range: Wells Gray Park (Murtle Lake), 30 mi. north of Prince George (Summit Lake,), 13 mi. nw of Prince George (Reid Lake,), Vancouver Island (Brooks Peninsula, Port Hardy) Biogeocl.: IH, CH Habitat: Bogs Rare status: R2 BC CDC status: BLUE Status outside: Rare in SK, YT, NB, Continental NT, NS, NY, endangered in ME, threatened in MI Name: Juncus torreyi Coville Herbaria: UBC, V Range: BC south to s CA east to ON, ME and AL BC range: Kamloops, Kalamalka Lake, Winfield, Osoyoos, Okanagan Falls, Fairmont Hot Springs, Crawston Biogeocl.: ES, CA, IH, IF, PP Habitat: Lake and stream margins Rare status: R3 BC CDC status: YELLOW Status outside: Rare in PQ Name: Juncus tracyi Rydb. Herbaria: UBC Range: BC to CO, AZ and NV BC range: Ross Lake, Lussier River at White-Lussier Forest Development Road Biogeocl.: ES Habitat: Moist, boggy areas Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: none Status outside: Rare in SK, AZ, CO Name: Juncus triglumis L. Herbaria: UBC, V Map: Calder and Taylor 1968, Hulten 1968 Range: Circumboreal south in w North America to c BC, UT and CO BC range: Headwaters Sikanii Chief River, Gladys Lake, Tuaton lake (Stikine River) Biogeocl.: AT Habitat: Streams and bogs at high elevations Rare status: R2 BC CDC status: none Status outside: Rare in YT, SK Name: Kobresia sibirica Turcz. Herbaria: V Map: Hulten 1968 Range: Northern Asia; AK to NT and south to BC BC range: Northern Rocky Mountains (Liard Plateau, McBride) Biogeocl.: SW, IH Habitat: Wet Places Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: BLUE Name: Koenigia islandica L. Herbaria: ALTA, CAN, UBC, V Map: Hulten 1968, 1971; Porsild 1964, Schofield 1959 Range: Cirucmpolar; AK, s YT, NT, south to CO, MT, MB, ON, PQ and Labrador; Greenland, Iceland, Eurasia BC range: Northwestern and c BC (Haines Road area, Spatsizi Plateau, Anahim Lake, near the AB border) Biogeocl.: AT, ES, SW Habitat: Moist bare soil Rare status: R3 BC CDC status: BLUE Status outside: Rare in AB, MB, Continental NT, ON, CO Name: Lappula redowskii (Hornem.) Greene var. cupulata (Gray) M.E. Jones Rare status: not-included BC CDC status: RED Name: Lasthenia minor (DC.) Ornduff subsp. maritima (Gray) Ornduff Syn.: Lasthenia maritima (A. Gray) Vasey, Baeria maritima A. Gray Herbaria: CAN, DAO, UBC, V Ref.: Ornduff 1966 Map: Ornduff 1966 Range: Southwestern BC south to c CA BC range: Islands off west coast of Vancouver Island (Triangle Island, Grassy Island) Biogeocl.: CH Habitat: Rocky bird-nesting cliffs, rocky islands Rare status: R2 BC CDC status: BLUE Status outside: Rare in WA Name: Lathyrus bijugatus White Rare status: not-included BC CDC status: RED Name: Lathyrus littoralis (Nutt.) Endl. Herbaria: DAO, UBC, V Ref.: Calder and Taylor 1968, Taylor 1974c Map: Calder and Taylor 1968, Taylor 1974c Range: Coastal BC to c CA BC range: Queen Charlotte Islands (Rose Spit, Tlell River, Masset), Vancouver Island (Tofino, Saanichton) Biogeocl.: CF, CH Habitat: Coastal sand dunes Rare status: R2 BC CDC status: YELLOW Name: Lathyrus palustris L. Herbaria: DAO, UBC, V Ref.: Taylor 1974c Map: Calder and Taylor 1968, Taylor 1974c Range: Circumboreal, south in w North America to CA and CO BC range: Queen Charlotte Islands (Masset, Vancouver Island (Jordan River, Nerthey Lake, Alberni Canal), Ladner, Skeena Biogeocl.: CF, CH Habitat: Coastal mudflats Rare status: R3 BC CDC status: YELLOW Name: Ledum palustre L. subsp. decumbens (Ait.) Hulten Syn.: Ledum decumbens (Ait.) Lodd. ex Steud., Rhododendron subarcticum Harmaja Herbaria: DAO, UBC, V Ref.: Buttrick 1977, Szczawinski 1975b Map: Hulten 1968, 1971; Szczawinski 1975b Range: AK, YT, through NT to Labrador and NF, south to n BC, n MB, n ON and PQ w Greenland; Eurasia BC range: Northwestern BC (Haines Cut-off area, Atlin Lake - Teresa Island) Biogeocl.: SW, BS Habitat: Cold muskegs and bogs, heaths, dry rocky places Rare status: R4 BC CDC status: YELLOW Name: Leersia oryzoides (L.) Swartz Herbaria: DAO, UBC, V Ref.: Hubbard 1955 Map: Hulten 1958 Range: BC east to PQ, south to most of the US BC range: Southwestern and s-c BC (Ladner, Burnaby Lake, Pitt Meadows, Rosedale, Sumas, Kamloops) Biogeocl.: PP, CF Habitat: Wet places, marshes, riverbanks Rare status: R4 BC CDC status: BLUE Name: Legousia perfoliata (L.) Britt. Syn.: Triodanis perfoliata (L.) Nieuwl., Specularia perfoliata (L.) DC. Herbaria: CAN, DAO, UBC, V Range: Throughout the US and adjacent parts of Canada and MX, tropical America; introduced in Europe BC range: Southern BC; (Victoria, Yale, Shuswap, Kootenay Lake, Osoyoos Lake south from Armstrong) Biogeocl.: CF, IF, IH Habitat: Valleys and plains to mountains, disturbed sites, dry woods, rocky banks Rare status: R4 BC CDC status: YELLOW Name: Lepidium densiflorum Schrad. var. pubicarpum (A. Nels.) Thellung Rare status: not-included BC CDC status: RED Name: Lepidium oxycarpum Torr. & Gray Herbaria: CAN Ref.: Mulligan 1961 Range: Southwestern BC; CA BC range: Vancouver Island (Cadboro Bay) Biogeocl.: CF Habitat: Saline soil Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: none Name: Lepidium virginicum L. Rare status: not-included BC CDC status: YELLOW Name: Leptodactylon pungens (Torr.) Nutt. ex Rydb. Herbaria: DAO, UBC, V Range: WA east of the Cascades and adjacent s BC to Baja CA, east to MT, w NE and NM BC range: Thompson Plateau, Okanagan Range, Okanagan Highland (Keremeos, Penticton, Osoyoos, Oliver, Summerland) Biogeocl.: IF, PP Habitat: Dry, open, sandy or rocky places Rare status: R2 BC CDC status: YELLOW Name: Lesquerella arctica (Wormskj. ex. Hornem.) S. Wats. Herbaria: UBC, V Range: Northwestern Asia; AK to Greenland, south to n BC BC range: Summit Pass, Jct. of Toad and Racing River, Good Hope Lake, Haines Road (Mile 66) Biogeocl.: AT, SW Habitat: Clay soils, alluvium Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: BLUE [var. arctica] Status outside: Rare in AB, MB, PQ Name: Leucanthemum arcticum (L.) DC. Syn.: Chrysanthemum arcticum L. Herbaria: CAN, GD Map: Porsild and Cody 1980 Range: Eastern Asia to coastal AK, south to nw BC BC range: Observatory Inlet Biogeocl.: CH Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: RED Status outside: Rare in YK, Continental NT, MB Name: Leucanthemum integrifolium (Richards.) DC. Syn.: Chrysanthemum integrifolium Richards. Herbaria: CAN, DAO, GD, UBC, V Range: Northeastern Asia to e NT and PQ, south to n BC BC range: AK Hwy. (Summit Pass, Muncho Lake, Mile 390) Biogeocl.: BS, AT Habitat: Rock outcrops, tundra Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: BLUE Name: Lewisia columbiana (T.J. Howell) B. Rob. Herbaria: CAN, DAO, UBC, V Range: Southwestern BC to nw CA, also in ne OR and adjacent ID BC range: Southwestern BC (Mt. Whymper, Mt. Arrowsmith, Manning Park, Skagit area) Biogeocl.: AT, MH, ES Habitat: Exposed gravel banks and rocky slopes Rare status: R3 BC CDC status: YELLOW Status outside: Rare in WA Name: Lewisia pygmaea (Gray) B. Rob. Herbaria: ALTA, DAO, GD, UBC, V Map: Hulten 1968 Range: Southern YT, BC and sw AB to s CA, MT, AZ and NM BC range: Southern BC (Mt. Arrowsmith, Errington, Botanie Valley, Nicola, Kamloops, Penticton, Mt. Baldy, Similkameen area, Westbranch area, Flathead) Biogeocl.: AT, MH, ES Habitat: Open, gravelly sites in mountains, alpine tundra Rare status: R3 BC CDC status: YELLOW Name: Lewisia rediviva Pursh Rare status: not-included BC CDC status: YELLOW Name: Lewisia triphylla (S. Wats.) B. Rob. Herbaria: DAO, UBC, V Ref.: McNeill 1973 Range: Southern BC south to CA, east to MT and CO BC range: Vancouver Island Mtns. - Vancouver Island Ranges; Selkirk Mtns.; Rocky Mtn. Trench (Crest Mtn., Nelson, Fort Steele) Biogeocl.: AT, MH, ES Habitat: Open sandy soil where moist in spring Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: BLUE Name: Lewisia tweedyi (Gray) B. Rob. Herbaria: UBC, V Ref.: Chuang 1974, Kershaw and Morton 1976 Range: Southern BC and WA BC range: Hozameen Range: (Manning Park) Biogeocl.: ES Habitat: Well-drained talus slopes, rock crevices Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: RED Status outside: Rare in WA Name: Leymus triticoides (Buckley) Pilger Syn.: Elymus triticoides Buckley Rare status: not-included BC CDC status: RED Name: Ligusticum calderi Mathias & Constance Herbaria: DAO, UBC, V Ref.: Kershaw and Morton 1976, Mathias and Constance 1959 Map: Calder and Taylor 1968 Range: Western BC BC range: Queen Charlotte Islands (Victoria Lake, Mt. Moresby, Shrimp Lake, Chaatl Island), Calvert Island, Vancouver Island (Brooks Peninsula) Biogeocl.: MH Habitat: Boggy slopes, rocky habitats, alpine areas Rare status: R3 BC CDC status: BLUE Note: Endemic to BC Name: Ligusticum canbyi Coult. & Rose Herbaria: CAN, UBC, V Ref.: Haber and Soper 1980 Range: BC and WA to ne OR, east to ID and MT BC range: Southern BC (Kokanee, Trail, Salmo, Moyie, Trout Lake, Rossland, Nelson, Flathead, Mt. Revelstoke, Creston, Glacier National Park, Rogers Pass, Spillimacheen) Biogeocl.: ES, IF, IF, CH Habitat: Moist meadows, streambanks, boggy slopes Rare status: R3 BC CDC status: YELLOW Name: Ligusticum scoticum L. subsp. hultenii (Fern.) Calder & Taylor Herbaria: CAN, DAO, UBC, V Map: Calder and Taylor 1968, Hulten 1958, 1968 Range: Western and s AK, south to BC and e North America; Europe, Asia BC range: Queen Charlotte Lowland - Argonaut Plain; Queen Charlotte Mtns. - Skidegate Plateau, Queen Charlotte Ranges; Hecate Lowland (Moresby Camp, Skincuttle Inlet, Langara Island, Skidegate, Prince Rupert area) Biogeocl.: CH Habitat: Seashores, salt marshes Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: YELLOW Name: Ligusticum verticillatum (Geyer) Coult. & Rose Herbaria: UBC Range: Northern ID and w MT to se BC BC range: Selkirk Mtns. (Salmo-Creston summit, Canyon Creek) Biogeocl.: ES Habitat: Streambanks Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: BLUE Name: Lilaea scilloides (Poir.) Haum. Herbaria: ALTA, CAN, DAO, UBC, V Ref.: Pojar 1975 Range: BC to AB and s SK, south through WA and OR to CA, s ID, NV and MT; South America BC range: Skeena River (Khyex River delta), Pitt River, North Delta, Somass River Biogeocl.: CH Habitat: Shallow water, coastal tidalflats, interior valleys Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: BLUE Status outside: Rare in Canada Name: Lilaeopsis occidentalis Coult. & Rose Herbaria: CAN, DAO, UBC, V Map: Calder and Taylor 1968 Range: Southwestern BC to c CA BC range: Queen Charlotte Islands (Juskatla, Port Clements), Vancouver Island (Kyuquot, Nootka, Tofino, Ucluelet, Alberni, Qualicum Beach), Georgia and Fraser Lowlands (Point Grey, Caufield, Pitt Lake, Gibsons Landing) Biogeocl.: CF, CH Habitat: Marshes, salt flats, sandy or muddy beaches, lake margins Rare status: R3 BC CDC status: YELLOW Name: Lilium philadelphicum L. Herbaria: CAN, DAO, UBC, V Ref.: Taylor 1974b Map: Taylor 1974b Range: BC south to NM, east to SK, NE, MI, KY, OH, WV and ME BC range: Eastern BC (Peace River District, Columbia River Valley south from Kinbasket Lake) Biogeocl.: ES, BS, IH, IF Habitat: Heavy meadowland to montane forest Rare status: R3 BC CDC status: YELLOW [var. andinum] Name: Limnanthes macounii Trelease Herbaria: CAN, DAO, UBC, V Ref.: Ornduff 1971 Range: Southern Vancouver Island and adjacent islands BC range: Metchosin, Victoria, Trial Island, Yellow Point, Saltspring Island Biogeocl.: CF Habitat: Vernal pools, seepage areas on rocky slopes, wet depressions in open Douglas fir forests Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: BLUE Note: Endemic to BC Name: Limosella aquatica L. Herbaria: DAO, UBC, V Ref.: Pojar 1975, Taylor 1974a Map: Hulten 1968, Taylor 1974a Range: Widespread in the Northern Hemisphere; Greenland, NT and AK, NF, PQ to BC BC range: Southern and c BC (New Westminster, Kamloops, Peace River area, Alberni, Comox, Skeena River, Kootenay Lake) Biogeocl.: CA, PP, CH Habitat: Muddy shores of streams and ponds Rare status: R3 BC CDC status: YELLOW Status outside: Rare in YT, Continental NT, ON, endangered in MO Name: Linanthus bicolor (Nutt.) Greene Herbaria: CAN, DAO, UBC, V Range: Southern Vancouver Island to s CA; west of the Cascades, extending through the Columbia River Gorge to Klickitat County WA BC range: Nanimo Lowland (Sooke, Curlew Island, east Mayne Island), Victoria, Nanaimo, Saltspring Island, Duncan, Saturna Island, Hornby Island, Wellington, Sahtlam, S. Pender Island) Biogeocl.: CF Habitat: Open places at lower elevations Rare status: R2 BC CDC status: YELLOW Name: Linanthus harknessii (Curran) Greene Herbaria: DAO, UBC, V Range: Cascade-Sierra region from Kittitas County WA to CA, occasionally east to c ID and ne NV, s BC BC range: Thompson Plateau, Selkirk Mountains (Nelson, Kamloops area, Slocan Lake, Coldstream River) Biogeocl.: PP, IF Habitat: Forest openings, dry meadows, open slopes and ridges Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: RED Name: Linanthus septentrionalis Mason Herbaria: DAO, UBC, V Range: East of the Cascades from s BC to CA, east to Ab and SK, WY and CO BC range: Thompson Plateau, Okanagan Range, Purcell Mountains, Border Ranges (Galton Range, Clark Range); (Kamloops area, Ashnola River, Cranbrook, Flathead area, Osoyoos, Spences Bridge) Biogeocl.: IF, PP Habitat: Forest openings, dry meadows, open places Rare status: R2 BC CDC status: RED Status outside: Rare in SK, endangered in SD Name: Linaria canadensis (L.) Dum. de Cours. var. texana (Scheele) Penn. Herbaria: CAN, UBC, V Ref.: Taylor 1974a Map: Taylor 1974 Range: Widespread across the US and adjacent Canada and MX BC range: Southwestern BC, Southern Vancouver Island, adjacent Gulf Islands and the Lower Mainland Biogeocl.: CF Habitat: Sandy places in the open, seepage areas on grassy slopes Rare status: R4 BC CDC status: none Status outside: Rare in PQ Name: Lindernia anagallidea (Michx.) Penn. Syn.: Lindernia dubia (L.) Penn. var. anagallidea (Michx.) Cooperrider Herbaria: DAO, UBC, V Ref.: Kershaw and Morton 1976, Taylor 1974a Map: Taylor 1974 Range: Widespread in North and South America BC range: South-central BC (Osoyoos Lake, Kamloops, Sicamous, Langley) Biogeocl.: PP, IF, CH Habitat: Wet sandy or muddy places Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: RED Status outside: Rare in MI, WA Name: Liparis loeselii (L.) L.C. Rich. Herbaria: DAO, UBC Ref.: Correll 1950, Kershaw and Morton 1976, Luer 1975, Maher et al. 1979, Revel and Beamish 1972 Map: Hulten 1958, Luer 1975 Range: BC and SK east to NS, NB and PE, south to WA and most of the US east of the Rocky Mtns. BC range: Shuswap Highland (Mara, Enderby) Biogeocl.: IF Habitat: Around springs, in bogs, damp thickets Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: RED Status outside: Rare in Continental NT, SK, IL, IA, NJ, endangered in MO, NC, ND, VT, threatened in RI, WA, extirpated in KS Name: Lithophragma tenellum Nutt. Herbaria: DAO, UBC, UC, V Ref.: Taylor 1965 Map: Taylor 1965 Range: East of Cascades in s BC, WA, OR; east and south to ID and CO BC range: South-central BC; Okanagan Highland (Anarchist Mtn., Penticton, Princeton) Biogeocl.: PP Habitat: Open Pinus ponderosa forests and grasslands R4 Rare status: R4 BC CDC status: YELLOW Name: Lithospermum incisum Lehm. Herbaria: ALTA, CAN, DAO, UBC, V, WS Range: Plains of c US and adjacent Canada and MX, west to UT, MT and s BC to s ON BC range: Southern BC (Merritt, Chilcotin area, Kamloops, Sumerland, Kimberley, Invermere, Spences Bridge, Lytton, Lillooet, Quesnel, Radium Hotsprings, Fort Steele, Clinton, Keremeos, Hedley, Oliver, Penticton, Ashcroft, Lac la Hache) Biogeocl.: PP, CA, IF Habitat: Dry open plains and foothills Rare status: R3 BC CDC status: YELLOW Status outside: Rare in ON, IN Name: Lloydia serotina (L.) Richenb. Herbaria: CAN, DAO, UBC, V Ref.: Taylor 1974b Map: Porsild 1966, Taylor 1974b Range: AK to nw OR, east to AB and south to NV, CO and NM; Arctic Eurasia BC range: Western BC (Haines Rd. area, Smithers, Haxelton, Terrace, throughout the Queen Charlotte Island, Gladys Lake, Cassiar, Brooks Peninsula, Manning Park Biogeocl.: AT, MH, ES, CH Habitat: Gravelly ridges, cliffs, rock crevices, alpine tundra Rare status: R4 BC CDC status: BLUE [var. flava (Calder & Taylor) Boivin] Status outside: Rare in WA Name: Lobelia dortmanna L. Herbaria: CAN, DAO, UBC, UVIC, V Map: Clader and Taylor 1968 Range: NF to MN, Vancouver Island and adjacent mainland in WA and BC, south to the Cascades of n OR; nw Europe BC range: Nanaimo Lowland, Georgia Lowland, Gulf Islands, Queen Charlotte Islands (Port Hardy, Sproat Lake, Cameron Lake, Shawnigan Lake, Wellington, Saltspring Island, Cowichan Lake, Powell River) Biogeocl.: CF, CH Habitat: Shallow water at margins of lakes and ponds Rare status: R3 BC CDC status: none Status outside: Rare in AB, MB, Continental NT, WA, NJ, threatened in PA, RI Name: Lomatium brandegei (Coult. & Rose) J.F. Macbr. Herbaria: CAN, DAO, UBC, V Ref.: Kershaw and Morton 1976 Range: Southwestern BC and WA BC range: Hozameen Range; Okanagan Range: (se corner of Manning Park, Ashnola Range, Hedley area) Biogeocl.: ES,IF,PP Habitat: Open or wooded slopes Rare status: R2 BC CDC status: BLUE Name: Lomatium foeniculaceum (Nutt.) Coult. & Rose Herbaria: DAO,UBC, V Ref.: Theobald 1966 Map: Theobald 1966 Range: BC to MB, MO and TX, west MT, c and s ID, c and se OR, NV and AZ BC range: Alberta Plateau (Fort St. John, Bear Flat) Biogeocl.: BS Habitat: Dry open slopes Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: RED [var. foeniculaceum] Name: Lomatium grayi (Coult. & Rose) Coult. & Rose Rare status: not-included BC CDC status: RED Name: Lomatium sandbergii (Coult. & Rose) Coult. & Rose Herbaria: ALTA, CAN, DAO, UBC, V Range: Southeastern BC, sw AB, nw MT and n ID BC range: Purcell Mtns; Rocky Mtn. Trench; Border Ranges-Clark Range, (South Kootenay Pass, Flagstone, Marysville, Sage Pass, Flathead area, N of Blue R (49 37' and 115 25'), Wall Lake Area) Biogeocl.: ES Habitat: Open rocky slopes and ridges Rare status: R2 BC CDC status: BLUE Status outside: Rare in AB Name: Lomatium urticulatum (Nutt. ex Torr. & Gray) Coult. & Rose Rare status: not-included BC CDC status: YELLOW Name: Lomatogonium rotatum (L) Fries ex Nyman Herbaria: ALTA, CAN, DAO, UBC, V Ref.: Fernald 1970, Gillett 1963 Map: Gillett 1963, Hulten 1971, 1968, Porsild 1966, 1964 Range: Greenland to AK, south to AB and BC, in the Rocky Mountains from ID and WY to NM; Siberia; PQ, ON, MB, NF and Labrador, Sk, MB and Co; Circumboreal BC range: Boundary Ranges, Fort Nelson Lowland, Continental Ranges (Park Ranges) Rocky Mountain Foothills, Muskwa Ranges Biogeocl.: AT, MH, ES Habitat: Wet, saline soil, turfy or sandy seashores Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: BLUE Status outside: Rare in MB, Continental NT, ME Name: Lonicera caerulea L.var. cauriana (Fern.) Boiv. Herbaria: V Ref.: Taylor and Taylor 1979b Map: Hulten 1971 Range: Canada south of 60 N lat., south to CA, NV, Wy, MN, PA; Eurasia BC range: Southwest BC (S of 52 N); Pacific Ranges Biogeocl.: IH Habitat: Streambanks, moist places Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: YELLOW Name: Lonicera dioca L. Herbaria: CAN, DAO, UBC, V Range: PQ to NC, west Mackenzie, ne BC, SD and OK, se BC BC range: Georgia Lowland, Rocky Mountains, Columbia Mountains, Alberta Plateau (Liard Hot Springs, Canal Flats, Mt. Robson Park, Windermere, Field, Fort St. John, Fort Nelson, Powell River) Biogeocl.: ES, SW, BS, IH Habitat: Woods, wet places Rare status: R3 BC CDC status: none Status outside: Rare in Continental NT, PQ Name: Lonicera hispidula (Lindl.)Dougl. ex Torr. & Gray Herbaria: UBC, UVIC, V Range: Southern BC to s CA BC range: Southwestern BC and ne BC (Vancouver Island, Gulf Islands, Toad River) Biogeocl.: CF, CH, BS Habitat: Woods and thickets Rare status: R4 BC CDC status: YELLOW Name: Lotus formosissimus Greene Herbaria: UBC,UVIC, V Ref.: Szczawinski and Harrison 1973, Taylor 1974c Map: Taylor 1974c Range: Southwestern BC to c CA BC range: Southern Vancouver Island and adjacent islands (Victoria, Foul Bay, Rocky Point, Trial Island, Alpha Islet, Bentinck Island) Biogeocl.: CF Habitat: Moist places Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: RED Name: Lotus micranthus Benth Herbaria: UBC, UVIC Ref.: Taylor 1974c Map: Taylor 1974c Range: Southern BC to CA BC range: Southwestern mainland and s Vancouver Island (Caulfield, Victoria, Wellington, Nanoose Hill, Sooke, Parksville, Cowichan Lake), Gulf Islands (Mayne, Galiano, Saltspring, Gabriola, Savary, Doomville) Biogeocl.: CF Habitat: Grassy places, mossy rocky bluffs Rare status: R4 BC CDC status: YELLOW Name: Lotus nevadensis (S. Wats.) Greene Rare status: not-included BC CDC status: RED [var. douglasii (Greene) Ottley] Name: Lotus pinnatus Hook Herbaria: UBC,V Ref.: Taylor 1974c Map: Taylor 1974c Range: Southwestern BC to CA and ID BC range: Southern Vancouver Island (Nanaimo) Biogeocl.: CF Habitat: Streambanks and wet places Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: RED Name: Lotus purshianus (Benth.) Clem. & Clem. Herbaria: UBC, V Ref.: Szczawinski and Harrison 1973, Taylor 1974a Map: Taylor 1974c Range: Southwestern BC to n MX and east to MN and MO BC range: Southern Vancouver Island (Cowichan Lake), Gulf Islands (Saturna, South Pender) Biogeocl.: CF, CH Habitat: Open rocky woods Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: BLUE Status outside: Rare in SK Name: Ludwigia palustris (L.) Elliott Herbaria: DAO, UBC, UVIC, V Range: BC, WA, OR, and CA, east to ON, PQ, NB, NS, MN, TX, FL; MX, Africa, Eurasia BC range: Southwestern BC (Alberni, Little Campbell River, Somenos Lake, Chilliwack, Burnaby Lake) Biogeocl.: CF,CH Habitat: Marshes, bogs, ponds Rare status: R4 BC CDC status: none Name: Luina nardosmia (Gray) Cronq. var. glabrata (Piper) Cronq. in Hitchc. et al. Syn.: Cacaliopsis nardosmia (Gray) Gray var. glabrata Piper Herbaria: DAO, UBC, V Ref.: Douglas 1982, Strother 1978 Map: Douglas 1982 Range: Southern BC south to n CA BC range: Cascade Mountains; Manning Park (Mt. Frosty) Biogeocl.: ES Habitat: Grassy ravines, edges of forests Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: RED Name: Lupinus arbustus Dougl. ex Lindl. subsp. neolaxiflorus D. Dunn Herbaria: DAO Ref.: Dunn and Gillett 1066, Taylor 1974c Map: Dunn and Gillett 1966, Taylor 1974c Range: Southeastern BC south to n OR and s ID BC range: Moyie Lake, Fernie Biogeocl.: IH, IF Habitat: Meadows and rocky hills Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: RED Name: Lupinus arbustus Dougl. ex Lindl. subsp. pseudoparviflorus (Rydb.) Dunn Rare status: not-included BC CDC status: RED Name: Lupinus argenteus Pursh Herbaria: UBC, V Ref.: Dunn and Gillett 1966, Taylor 1974c Map: Dunn and Gillett 1966, Taylor 1974c Range: Southern BC to s SK and south to NM BC range: Skagit Valley (near Ross Lake), s Okanagan Valley Biogeocl.: IF, PP Habitat: Sagebrush hills, Pinus ponderosa forests and grasslands Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: RED [var. tenellus (Dougl. ex G. Don) D. Dunn] Name: Lupinus bicolor Lindl. Herbaria: DAO, UBC, UVIC, V Ref.: Dunn and Gillett 1966, Taylor 1974c Map: Dunn and Gillett 1966, Taylor 1974c Range: Southwestern BC to CA BC range: Southern Vancouver island (Nanoose Hill, Victoria, Thetis Lake, Qualicum Falls, Nanimo), Gulf Islands (south Pender, Trail, Savary, Saturna, Saltspring) Biogeocl.: CF, CH Habitat: Sandy coastal areas Rare status: R4 BC CDC status: YELLOW Name: Lupinus densiflorus Benth. Herbaria: CAN, UBC, V Ref.: Dunn and Gillett 1966, Taylor 1974c Map: Dunn and Gillett 1966, Taylor 1974c Range: Southwestern BC south to Baja CA; Chile BC range: Victoria (Beacon Hill Park, Dallas Rd., Clover Point) Biogeocl.: CF Habitat: Open, grassy areas Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: RED [var. scopulorum C.P. Sm.] Note: possibly introduced Name: Lupinus kuschei Eastw. Herbaria: UBC, V Ref.: Dunn and Gillett 1966, Taylor 1974c Map: Dunn and Gillett 1966, Hulten 1968 Range: Northern BC and s YT to c CA BC range: Teresa Island, Mt. Edziza Biogeocl.: AT, BS Habitat: open woods and river terraces Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: BLUE Name: Lupinus lepidus Dougl. ex Lindl. Herbaria: UBC, V Ref.: Dunn and Gillett 1966, Taylor 1974c Map: Dunn and Gillett 1966, Taylor 1974c Range: Southern BC to n OR BC range: Scattered distribution is s part of Province (Victoria, Cathedral Lakes, Lillooet, Mt. McLean, Bomford Mtn., Noaxe Lake, Cranbrook) Biogeocl.: CF Habitat: Dry gravelly places, meadows Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: RED [var. lepidus] Name: Lupinus leucophyllus Dougl. ex Lindl. Herbaria: UBC, V Ref.: Dunn and Gillett 1966, Taylor 1974c Map: Dunn and Gillett 1966, Taylor 1974c Range: Southern BC to se WY and south to UT and CA BC range: Lumby, Lone Pine Creek Biogeocl.: PP Habitat: Open pine woods Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: YELLOW Name: Lupinus littoralis Dougl. ex Lindl. Herbaria: DAO,UBC, V Ref.: Calder and Taylor 1968, Dunn and Gillett 1966, Taylor 1974c Map: Calder and Taylor 1968, Dunn and Gillett 1966, Taylor 1974c Range: Coastal BC to n CA BC range: Queen Charlotte Islands (Tiell, Masset), Vancouver Island (Sooke, Jordan River, Comos, n. of Campbell River), Savary Island, Denman Island, Point Grey Biogeocl.: CF, CH Habitat: Sandy beaches and dunes Rare status: R4 BC CDC status: YELLOW Name: Lupinus minimus Dougl. Herbaria: V Ref.: Dunn and Gillett 1966, Taylor 1974c Range: Southern BC and sw AB south to e WA and MT BC range: Columbia River drainage, Keremeos (Anvil Mtn) Biogeocl.: IF, PP Habitat: Open grasslands Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: none Status outside: Rare in AB Name: Lupinus polycarpus Greene Herbaria: DAO,UBC, V Ref.: Dunn and Gillett 1966, Taylor 1974c Map: Dunn and Gillett 1966, Taylor 1974c Range: Southwester BC south to s CA BC range: Vancouver Island (Victoria, Nanoose Hill, Sidney, Nanaimo, Mt. Douglas Park, Goldstream) Biogeocl.: CF Habitat: Open sandy and gravelly areas Rare status: R2 BC CDC status: YELLOW Name: Lupinus rivularis Dougl. ex Lindl. Herbaria: UBC, V Ref.: Dunn and Gillett 1966, Taylor 1974c Range: Southwestern BC south to n CA BC range: Vancouver Island (Sooke), head of Bute Inlet Biogeocl.: CH Habitat: Open lowlands, mudflats Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: RED Name: Lupinus sulphureus Dougl. ex Hook. subsp. kincaidii (C.P. Smith) Phillips Rare status: not-included BC CDC status: RED Name: Lupinus sulphureus subsp. subsaccatus (Suksd.) Phillips Rare status: not-included BC CDC status: RED Name: Lupinus vallicola A. Heller Herbaria: UBC, V Ref.: Dunn and Gillett 1966, Taylor 1974c Map: Dunn and Gillett 1966, Taylor 1974c Range: Southwestern BC south to s CA BC range: Southern Vancouver Island (Thetis Lake, Victoria, Comox) Biogeocl.: CF Habitat: Open pastures and fields Rare status: R2 BC CDC status: none Name: Lupinus wyethii S. Wats. Herbaria: UBC, V Ref.: Dunn and Gillett 1966, Taylor 1974c Map: Dunn and Gillett 1966, Taylor 1974c Range: Southern BC and s AB south to CA and CO BC range: Okanagan Highland and Lower Arrow Lakes area (Penticton, Olalla, Kaleden, Anarchist Mtn., Oliver, Monashee Mtns.) Biogeocl.: IH, IF, PP Habitat: Open places Rare status: R2 BC CDC status: RED Status outside: Rare in AB Name: Luzula confusa Lindeb. Herbaria: CAN, UBC Map: Hulten 1968, Porsild and Cody 1980 Range: Circumboreal south in w North America to BC and AB BC range: Summit Pass, Spatsizi Plateau (Maternity Mtn.) Teresa Island, Mt. Hazel, Liard Plateau, Gladys Lake Biogeocl.: AT, SW, BS Habitat: Alpine tundra and heathlands, sandy or gravelly soils Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: YELLOW Status outside: Rare in SK, endangered in ME Name: Luzula groenlandica Bocher Herbaria: SFUV, UBC, V Range: AK south to BC and east to Greenland BC range: Northwestern BC (Teresa Island, Level Mountain) Biogeocl.: AT Habitat: Wet places in alpine tundra Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: BLUE Status outside: Rare in YT Name: Luzula nivalis (Laest.) Beurl. Syn.: Luzula arctica Blytt Herbaria: V Range: Circumpolar, south in western North America to Ak, NT and BC BC range: Northwestern BC (n Rocky Mountains, Liard Plateau, Mt. Edziza) Biogeocl.: AT Habitat: Cold exposures in alpine tundra Rare status: R2 BC CDC status: BLUE Status outside: Rare in PQ Name: Luzula rufescens Fisch. ex E. Meyer Syn.: Luzula pilosa (L.) Willd. var. rufescens (Fisch. ex Meyer) Boivin Herbaria: CAN, UBC Map: Porsild and Cody 1980 Range: Eastern Asia, AK to n BC BC range: Sikanii and Beaton rivers; AK Hwy. Mile 276, Richardson Hwy. (Shaw Creek) Biogeocl.: BS Habitat: Wet places Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: BLUE Status outside: Rare in Continental NT Name: Lycopus asper Greene Herbaria: CAN, UBC, V Range: Southern BC to CA, east to CO, IA, MN, SK and rarely to MI and ON; c AK BC range: Interior Highlands (Nicola Lake, Okanagan Lake, Spotted Lake, Kamloops, Williams Lake, Lac la Hache, Spences Bridge, Cache Creek, Vernon) Biogeocl.: PP, IF Habitat: Marshes, shores of streams and lakes at lower elevations Rare status: R4 BC CDC status: YELLOW Name: Lygodesmia juncea (Pursh) D.Don Herbaria: CAN, UBC, V Ref.: Tomb, 1980 Map: Tomb 1980 Range: Southeastern BC east to MN and south to AR and AZ BC range: Columbia River Valley (Canal Flats, Invermere, Windermere), southwest of Princeton Biogeocl.: IF Habitat: Grassy fields Rare status: R2 BC CDC status: none Name: Lythrum alatum Pursh Herbaria: CAN, UBC Range: BC east to s ON and MA, south to SD, TX and GA BC range: Thompson Plateau (Griffin Lake) Biogeocl.: IH, IF Habitat: Swampy to fairly dry soil Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: none Status outside: Rare in Canada Name: Lythrum hyssopifolia L. Rare status: not-included BC DCD staus: RED Name: Machaeranthera canescens (Pursh) Gray Syn.: Aster canescens Pursh Herbaria: CAN, DAO, GD, UBC, V Ref.: Douglas 1984 Map: Douglas 1984 Range: Southern BC east to SK and south to AZ and s CA BC range: Okanagan Highland (Osoyoos, Penticton, Anarchist Mtn. Kelowna, Summerland), Cranbrook Biogeocl.: CH, IF, PP Habitat: Sagebrush hillsides Rare status: R4 BC CDC status: none Name: Madia gracilis (Sm.) Keck Rare status: not-included BC CDC status: YELLOW Name: Madia madioides (Nutt.) Greene Herbaria: CAN, UBC, V Range: Southwestern BC south to CA BC range: Vancouver Island (Victoria, Durrance Lake, Saanichton, Cowachan Lake, Nanaimo, Cameron Lake), Gulf Islands (Mayne, Prevost, Saltspring, Saturna) Biogeocl.: CF Habitat: Open fields and woods Rare status: R4 BC CDC status: none Name: Madia minima (Gray) Keck Herbaria: DAO, UBC, V Range: Southern BC and n ID south to CA BC range: Southern Interior (46 mi. north of Grand Forks), Vancouver Island (Snooke, Mt. Finlayson) Biogeocl.: IF Habitat: Grassy areas Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: none Name: Malaxis monophyllos (L.) Swartz var. brachypoda (Gray) F. Morris & Eames Rare status: not-included BC CDC status: BLUE Name: Malaxis monophyllos (L.) Swartz var. diphyllos (Cham.) Luer Herbaria: UBC Ref.: Beese 1983 Map: Beese 1983 Range: Aleutian Islands; Coastal BC BC range: Queen Charlotte Islands (Graham Island, Skowkona Creek) Biogeocl.: CH Habitat: Boggy areas Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: BLUE Name: Malaxis monophyllos (L.) Swartz var. monophyllos Herbaria: ALTA, DAO, UBC, V Ref.: Luer 1975, Szczawinski 1975a Map: Hulten 1962, 1968; Luer 1975, Szczawinski 1975a Range: AK, YT, BC to NB, NS, to NF, south to CA and CO, the Great Lakes and New England states, NJ, ME and PA; Japan BC range: Kitimat Ranges; Muskwa Ranges; Pacific Ranges; Vancouver Island Mtns. - Vancouver Island Ranges (Salvus, AK Hwy - mile 396, North Nanaimo River, Bute Inlet) Biogeocl.: BS, CF, CH Habitat: Shady places, along streams, damp woods, bogs, muskegs Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: none Status outside: Rare in AB, SK, MB, NS, NB, CA, CT, MA, NJ, endangered in CO, ME, VT, threatened in WI, extirpated in WI, possible Name: Marah oreganus (Torr. & Gray) T.J. Howell Syn.: Echinocystis oregana (Torr. & Gray) Cogn. Herbaria: UBC, UVIC, V Ref.: Stocking 1955 Range: Southern BC to n CA, rarely extending east as far as the Snake River along the OR-ID boundary BC range: Southwest BC (Vancouver Island, Gulf Islands, Nanaimo Lowlands) Biogeocl.: CF, CH Habitat: Bottom lands, fields, thickets and open hillsides Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: BLUE Name: Marsilea vestita Hook. & Grev. Herbaria: UBC, V Ref.: Taylor 1971 Map: Taylor 1971 Range: Southern BC south to s CA and TX BC range: Thompson Plateau and Shuswap Highland (Kamloops, Vernon, Osoyoos Lake) Biogeocl.: PP Habitat: Shallow lake margins Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: RED Name: Mecodium wrightii (Bosch) E.B. Copeland Syn.: Hymenophyllum wrightii Bosch Herbaria: UBC Ref.: Calder and Taylor 1968, Taylor 1967, 1971 Map: Calder and Taylor 1968, Hulten 1968, Taylor 1967, 1971 Range: Japan, Korea, s AK, coastal BC BC range: Queen Charlotte Islands, Vancouver Island (Brooks Peninsula), n coastal islands Biogeocl.: CH Habitat: Humid, shaded boulders, cliffs, tree trunks Rare status: R2 BC CDC status: YELLOW Name: Meconella oregana Nutt. Herbaria: CAN, UBC, V Ref.: Janszen 1977 Range: West of the Cascades from BC south to CA BC range: Nanaimo Lowland (Victoria, Nanaimo, Saturna Island, Tod Inlet, Mt. Douglas, Mt. Finlayson) Biogeocl.: CF Habitat: Open ground and prairies where wet in spring Rare status: R2 BC CDC status: RED Status outside: Rare in WA Name: Melica bulbosa Geyer, Porter & Coult. Rare status: not-included BC CDC status: BLUE Name: Melica harfordii Boland Herbaria: CAN, UBC, WS, V Ref.: Boyle 1945, Hubbard 1955 Map: Boyle 1945 Range: BC through WA and OR to CA BC range: Vancouver Island Mountains - Alberni Basin; Nanaimo Lowlands, Selkirk Mountains (Alberni, Cameron Lake, Saanich, Trout Lake) Biogeocl.: CH Habitat: Dry areas in lower mountains, open woods Rare status: R2 BC CDC status: YELLOW Name: Melica smithii (Porter ex Gray) Vasey Rare status: not-included BC CDC status: BLUE Name: Melica spectabilis Scribn. Herbaria: CAN, UBC, V, WS Ref.: Boyle 1945, Hubbard 1955 Map: Boyle 1945 Range: BC south to n CA, east to AB, MT, WY and CO BC range: Throughout s BC (Spences Bridge, Okanagan, Kootenays, Flathead) Biogeocl.: IF, PP Habitat: Moist meadows, open parks in mountain forests Rare status: R3 BC CDC status: BLUE Status outside: Rare in AB Name: Mentzelia albicaulis Dougl. ex Hook. Herbaria: CAN, DAO, UBC, V Range: BC to s CA, east to MT and NM BC range: Southern BC (Lytton, Spences Bridge, Osoyoos, Lillooet, Cache Creek, Keremeos, Savona, Oliver, Summerland) Biogeocl.: IF, PP Habitat: Dry sandy soil in desert valleys and foothills Rare status: R4 BC CDC status: YELLOW Name: Mentzelia dispersa S. Wats. Rare status: not-included BC CDC status: YELLOW Name: Mertensia maritima (L.) S.F. Gray Herbaria: CAN, DAO, UBC, V Ref.: Argus and White 1977 Map: Calder and Taylor 1968; Hulten 1958, 1968, Porsild 1964 Range: Circumpolar; (Coastal-insular AK, coastal n YT, east to NF, south to MA) BC range: Queen Charlotte Islands (Skidegate Plateau, Argonaut Plain, Tiell, Sandspit, Massett, Skidegate) Biogeocl.: CH Habitat: Sandy seashores Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: BLUE Status outside: Rare in YT, MB, Continental NT, ON, MA Name: Mertensia oblongifolia (Nutt.) G. Don Herbaria: UBC, V, WS Range: East side of the Cascades in WA to the edge of plains east of the mountains, Shuswap Highland: Cranbrook, Chase) BC range: Southern BC (Purcell Mountains, Shuswap Highland: Cranbrook, Chase) Biogeocl.: ES, IF, PP Habitat: Open slopes and drier meadows Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: none Name: Mertensia paniculata (Ait.) G. Don var. borealis (J.F. Macbr.) Welsh Rare status: not-included BC CDC status: BLUE Name: Microseris bigelovii (Gray) Sch.-Bip. Herbaria: CAN, DAO, F, GH, MO, NY, UC, V Ref.: Chambers 1955 Map: Chambers 1955 Range: Southern BC south to CA BC range: Southern Vancouver Island Biogeocl.: CF, CH Habitat: Open moist places Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: RED Status outside: Rare in WA Name: Microseris lindleyi (DC.) Gray Syn.: Uropappus lindleyi (DC.) Nutt. Microseris linearifolia (DC.) Schultz-Bip. Herbaria: V Ref.: Doughlas and Ruyle-Douglas 1978 Range: Southwestern BC; e WA south to UT and NV BC range: Gulf Islands (Saturna Island, Ruxton Island) Biogeocl.: CF Habitat: Grassy, open bluffs Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: RED Name: Mimulus alsinoides Dougl. ex Benth. Herbaria: UBC, UVIC, V Ref.: Taylor 1974a Map: Taylor 1974a Range: Southwestern BC to n CA, west of the Cascades BC range: Southwestern BC, Southern Vancouver Island and adjacent islands and mainland to Hellsgate Biogeocl.: CF Habitat: Wet places, mossy cliffs Rare status: R4 BC CDC status: YELLOW Name: Mimulus breviflorus Piper Herbaria: DAO, V Ref.: Taylor 1974 Map: Taylor 1974a Range: WA to c OR, east of the Cascades to e ID BC range: Southern Interior (Grand Forks, Newgate, Adams Lake) Biogeocl.: IF, PP Habitat: Damp open places Rare status: R3 BC CDC status: YELLOW Name: Mimulus breweri (Greene) Coville Herbaria: CAN, DAO, UBC, V Ref.: Taylor 1974 Map: Taylor 1974a Range: In and east of the Cascades from s BC to ID, south to CA, MT and WY BC range: Monashee Mountains (Near Rossland, Bridesville) Biogeocl.: IH Habitat: Damp sandy soil at moderate elevations Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: BLUE Name: Mimulus dentatus Nutt. ex Benth. Herbaria: V Range: Southwestern BC south to CA BC range: Vancouver Island (Port Renfrew, Nitinat River) Biogeocl.: CH Habitat: Alluvial forests Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: RED Name: Mimulus floribundus Dougl. Rare status: not-included BC CDC status: YELLOW Name: Minuartia austromontana S.J. Wolf & Packer Rare status: not-included BC CDC status: BLUE Name: Minuartia biflora (L.) Schinz & Thellung Rare status: not-included BC CDC status: BLUE Name: Minuartia dawsonensis (Britt.) House Syn.: Arenaria dawsonensis Britt. Herbaria: V Map: Hulten 1968 Range: AK and n BC, south to AB and MN, east to NF BC range: Throughout n BC Biogeocl.: BS Habitat: Moist places in the lowlands Rare status: R3 BC CDC status: none Name: Minuartia elegans (Cham. & Schlecht.) Shishkin Syn.: Minuartia rossii (R. Br.) Graebn. var. elegans (Cham. & Schlecht.) Hulten, Arenaria rossii R. Br. var. elegans (Cham. & Schlecht.) Welsh BC CDC status: BLUE Name: Minuartia nuttallii (Pax) Briq. Syn.: Arenaria nuttallii Pax Herbaria: ALTA, CAN, DAO, UBC, V Ref.: Porter 1972 Range: BC and AB south to WY, UT, NV and CA BC range: Southern BC (Cheam, Garibaldi, South Kootenay Pass, Sage Pass, Akamina Ridge, Trophy Mtn.) Biogeocl.: ES, IF, PP Habitat: Sagebrush hills, alpine tundra Rare status: R3 BC CDC status: none Status outside: Rare in AB Name: Minuartia pusilla (S. Wats.) Mattf. Syn.: Arenaria pusilla S. Wats. Herbaria: V Ref.: Ceska and Ceska 1980 Range: Southwestern BC to nw CA BC range: Southern Vancouver Island (Church Mountain) Biogeocl.: CF Habitat: Depressions in rocks close to the shore Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: RED Name: Mirabilis hirsuta (Pursh) MacM. Syn.: Allionia hirsuta Pursh Rare status: not-included BC CDC status: RED Name: Mitella caulescens Nutt. Herbaria: CAN, V Range: Southern BC to nw CA, east to n ID and nw MT BC range: Vancouver Island Mountains (Alberni Basin, Roger Creek), Skagit Range:of Cascades (Chilliwack River and Lake) Biogeocl.: CH Habitat: Deep woods, seacoast to midmontane Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: BLUE Name: Mitella ovalis Greene Rare status: not-included BC CDC status: YELLOW Name: Mitella trifida Graham Rare status: not-included BC CDC status: YELLOW Name: Mollugo verticillata L. Herbaria: DAO, UBC, V Ref.: Eastham 1947 Range: BC to Baja CA, east over most of temperate North America BC range: Fraser Lowland (Agassiz, Mission), Shuswap Highland (Sicamous) Biogeocl.: CH, CF, IF Habitat: Swampy to moderately dry soil Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: none Name: Monarda menthifolia R. Grah. Syn.: Monarda fistulosa L. Herbaria: CAN, DAO, UBC, V, WS Range: BC to PQ, south to AZ, n MX and GA BC range: Southern and ne BC (Williams Lake, Dawson Creek, Fort St. John, Vernon, Cranbrook, Armstrong, Penticton, Waldo, Elko, Tobacco Plains, Wardner, Kamloops, Chase, Manning Park, Clayhurst) Biogeocl.: IF, PP, BS Habitat: Moist open places in valleys and mountains Rare status: R3 BC CDC status: none Name: Monardella odoratissima Benth. Rare status: not-included BC CDC status: RED Name: Montia bostockii (Porsild) Welsh Herbaria: CAN, UBC, V Ref.: McNeill and Findlay 1971 Map: Hulten 1968 Range: Southwestern YT and e-c AK Biogeocl.: SW, AT Habitat: Wet places in mountains Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: BLUE Status outside: Rare in Canada, threatened in AK Name: Montia chamissoi (Ledeb. ex Spreng.) Greene Syn.: Claytonia chamissoi Ledeb. ex Spreng. Rare status: not-included BC CDC status: BLUE Name: Montia dichotoma (Nutt.) T. J. Howell Herbaria: CAN, UBC, V Range: Southwestern BC and w WA to n CA, east to ID and w MT BC range: Nanaimo Lowland; Okanagan Highland; Thompson Plateau (Mayne Island, Victoria, Nanaimo, Vernon, Oliver) Biogeocl.: IF, PP, CF Habitat: Moist areas in lowlands Rare status: R2 BC CDC status: YELLOW Name: Montia diffusa (Nutt.) Greene Herbaria: UBC, V Range: West side of the Cascades from BC to CA BC range: Vancouver Island Mtns. - Vancouver Island Ranges, Alberni Basin (Cameron Lake, Alberni) Biogeocl.: CF, CH Habitat: Moist woods Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: RED Status outside: Rare in WA Name: Montia fontana L. subsp. variabilis Walt. Herbaria: UBC Map: Calder and Taylor 1968, Hulten 1968 Range: AK south to CA and ID, east across Canada to ME; Greenland, Iceland, Eurasia BC range: Vancouver Island (Somass River, Alberni, Millstream, Victoria) Trial Island, Triangle Island Biogeocl.: CH Habitat: Wet places (sometimes aquatic and floating) Rare status: R4 BC CDC status: YELLOW Status outside: Rare in YT, ON, Continental NT, MB Name: Montia howellii S. Wats. Herbaria: CAN, UBC, V Range: West of the Cascades from BC to nw CA BC range: Nanaimo Lowland; Hecate Lowland (Nanoose Bay, Mayne Island, Trial Island, Triangle Island) Biogeocl.: CF Habitat: Moist lowland areas Rare status: R2 BC CDC status: RED Name: Montia parvifolia (Moc. ex DC.) Greene var. flagellaris (Bong.) C.L. Hitchc. Rare status: not-included BC CDC status: YELLOW Name: Muhlenbergia andina (Nutt.) A.S. Hitchcock Rare status: not-included BC DCD staus: RED Name: Muhlenbergia filiformis (Thurb. ex S. Wats.) Rydb. Herbaria: CAN, UBC, V Range: BC to AB and SD, south to CA, AZ and NM BC range: Vancouver Island Mtns. - Estevan Coastal Plain; Fraser Lowland; Alberta Plateau (Ucluelet, Chilliwack Lake, Clayhurst Ecological Reserve) Biogeocl.: ES, IF, CH Habitat: Near springs or seepage, moist meadows in mountian valleys, subalpine slopes Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: YELLOW Name: Muhlenbergia glomerata (Willd.) Trin. Herbaria: ALTA, CAN, DAO, UBC, V Ref.: Hamet-Ahti 1965, Hubbard 1955, Mitchell and Pohl 1966 Map: Hulten 1968, Mitchell and Pohl 1966 Range: BC south to ne OR, NV, AZ and n MX, east to NF, SI, IN, ME, OK, TN, VA and MD BC range: Throughout e BC (Liard River, Wells Gray Park, Columbia River Valley) Biogeocl.: IH, IF, PP Habitat: Moist meadows, streambanks, irrigation ditches, lake margins Rare status: R3 BC CDC status: BLUE Status outside: Rare in YT Name: Muhlenbergia mexicana (L.) Trin. Rare status: not-included BC CDC status: YELLOW Name: Muhlenbergia racemosa (Michx.) B. S. P. Rare status: not-included BC DCD staus: RED Name: Myosotis verna Nutt. Herbaria: UBC, V Range: Eastern US and adjacent Canada, s BC, WA, OR and ID BC range: Southern BC; Pacific Ranges, Fraser Lowland, Thompson Plateau, Purcell Mountains, Border Ranges (Clark Range); (Crawford Bay, Osoyoos, Lake Erroch, Sage Pass, Bella Coola) Biogeocl.: IF, PP, CF Habitat: Open wet or dry places in foothills and lowlands Rare status: R3 BC CDC status: none Status outside: Rare in MN Name: Myosurus aristatus Benth. ex Hook. Syn.: Myosurus apetalus Gay var. borealis Whittemore Herbaria: CAN, DAO, UBC, V Range: Southern BC south to CA east of Cascades; east to MT, WY and UT BC range: Thompson and southern Fraser Plateau (Merritt, Spences Bridge, Lytton) Biogeocl.: PP, IF Habitat: Sagebrush and grassland, moist in spring Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: RED Status outside: Rare in AB Name: Myosurus minimus L. Herbaria: UBC, V Range: Southern BC, south to CA east to ON, VA, NC, and TX BC range: Southwestern and s-c BC (Whipsaw Creek, Merrit, Saanich) Biogeocl.: CF, PP Habitat: Sagebrushland grassland, sandy shores Rare status: R3 BC CDC status: BLUE Status outside: Rare in MB, ON Name: Myrica californica Cham. & Schiecht. Herbaria: CAN, DAO, UBC, V Ref.: Brayshaw 1976 Map: Brayshaw 1976 Range: Southwestern BC to CA BC range: Estivan Coastal Plain (Clayoquot, Tofino, Ucluelet, Kennedy Lake, Stubbs Island, Cox Bay) Biogeocl.: CH Habitat: Forest edges facing ocean beach, sand dunes Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: BLUE Name: Myriophyllum farwellii Morong Herbaria: CAN,DAO, UBC, UC, UVIC, V Ref.: Aiken 1981, Ceska and Warrington 1976 Range: NS to NY and MN; BC BC range: Vancouver Island, Campbell River area (Echo Lake, Mahun Lake, Brewster Lake), Wells Gray Park Biogeocl.: CF, IF Habitat: Lakes Rare status: R2 BC CDC status: none Status outside: Rare in NS, endangered in WI, threatened in MI, PA Name: Myriophyllum hippuroides Nutt. ex Torr. & Gray Herbaria: UBC, V Ref.: Aiken 1981 Range: Southwestern BC to NE and TX BC range: Fraser Lowland (Queensborough, Mission City, Pitt Lake, Steelhead) Biogeocl.: CH Habitat: Ponds Rare status: R2 BC CDC status: none Name: Myriophyllum quitense HBK Syn.: Myriophyllum elatinoides Gaud. Herbaria: CAN, V Map: Hulten 1968, 1971 Range: Scattered in North America; BC, WA, OR, PE, MX and South America BC range: Vancouver Island (Cowichan River, Kennedy Lake) Biogeocl.: CF, CH Habitat: exposed beaches with surf Rare status: R2 BC CDC status: BLUE Name: Myriophyllum ussuriense (Regel) Maximovicz Herbaria: V Range: Eastern Asia; w North America (BC) BC range: Vancouver Island (Kennedy River), lower mainland (Pitt Lake, Hatzic Lake), Kootenay Lake, Shuswap Lake Biogeocl.: CH, IH Habitat: Muddy lake margins or river banks Rare status: R2 BC CDC status: BLUE Name: Navarretia intertexta (Benth.)Hook. Herbaria: DAO,UBC, V Range: Southwestern BC, WA to CA, eastward to SK, CO and AZ BC range: Thompson Plateau, Nanaimo Lowland (Anderson Creek, Victoria Millstream, Langley Prairie, Thetis Lake Park) Biogeocl.: CF Habitat: Open slopes, meadows, margins of pools Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: RED Name: Navarretia squarrosa (Eschscholtz) Hooker & Arnott Herbaria: CAN, DAO, UBC, UVIC, V Ref.: Janszen 1977 Range: West of the Cascades from s Vancouver Island to CA BC range: Southwestern BC (Saanich, Sidney, Victoria, Ganges, Mayne Island, Cowichan Lake, Gabriola Island, Saturna Island) Biogeocl.: CF Habitat: Open places Rare status: R4 BC CDC status: YELLOW Name: Nemophila breviflora Gray Herbaria: ALTA, CAN, DAO, UBC, V Ref.: Constance 1941 Map: Constance 1941 Range: Marble Mountains, BC and east of the Cascades in WA, OR and n CA, east to MT, CO, sw AB, ID and n UT BC range: Thompson Plateau, Okanagan Highland, Selkirk Mountains, Monashee Mountains (Okanagan area, Spences Bridge, Penticton, Nelson, Oliver, Rossland) Biogeocl.: IH, IF, PP Habitat: Wooded slopes, thickets, open places Rare status: R2 BC CDC status: BLUE Status outside: Rare in AB Name: Nemophila pedunculata Dougl. ex Benth. Herbaria: DAO, UBC, V, WS Ref.: Constance 1941 Map: Constance 1941 Range: OR, and CA, extending into adjacent parts of Baja CA, NV and ID, north through w WA to s Vancouver Island BC range: Nanaimo Lowland (Victoria, Duncan, Nanoose, Saanichton, Cowichan River, Saltspring Island) Biogeocl.: CF Habitat: Moist open places, meadows, bottomlands Rare status: R2 BC CDC status: BLUE Name: Nicotiana attenuata Torr. ex S. Wats. Herbaria: DAO, UBC, V Range: Southern BC and n ID to Baja CA, Sonora MX and TX, east of the Cascades BC range: Thompson Plateau, Cascade Mountains, Nanaimo Lowland (Spences Bridge, Lytton, Victoria) Biogeocl.: PP, CF Habitat: Dry sandy bottom lands, dry open areas Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: RED Status outside: Rare in WA Name: Nothocalais troximoides (Gray) Greene Syn.: Microseris troximoides Gray Herbaria: CAN, DAO, UBC, V Range: Southern BC east to w MT and south to n CA and n UT BC range: Interior Highlands (Oliver, Penticton, Anarchist Mountain, Osoyoos, Summerland, Hedley, Kelowna) Biogeocl.: PP Habitat: Grasslands, open forest of Pinus ponderosa Rare status: R4 BC CDC status: none Name: Nymphaea tetragona Georgi Herbaria: UBC Map: Porsild and Cody 1980 Range: Circumboreal, south in w North America to n WA and ID BC range: Scattered distribution; ne of Prince George (Aleza Lake, Hansard Lake, Eaglet Lake), Spider Island, Wells, Seymour Inlet Biogeocl.: BS, CA, CH Habitat: Ponds and quiet waters Rare status: R2 BC CDC status: BLUE Status outside: Rare in Continental NT, AB, SK, PQ, WA, ME, MI, MN Name: Oenothera pallida Lindl. Herbaria: CAN, UBC, V, WS Range: South-central BC, e WA and OR to ID, NM and AZ BC range: Thompson Plateau; Okanagan Highland (Kelowna, Osoyoos, Keremeos, Penticton) Biogeocl.: IF, PP Habitat: Sand or gravelly soil, dunes Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: YELLOW Name: Oenothera villosa Thunb. Syn.: Oenothera depressa Greene, Oenothera strigosa (Rydb.) Mack. & Bush Herbaria: UBC, V, WS Ref.: Dietrich and Raven 1976 Range: Southern BC and e WA south to CA, east to MN and KS BC range: Southern BC (Parksville, Victoria, Saltspring Island, New Westminster, Agassiz, Yale, Spences Bridge, Pavilion area, Osoyoos, Nakusp, Tranquille, Nelson, Kingsgate, Monkman Pass) Biogeocl.: ES, IH, IF, PP, CF Habitat: Meadows, along streambanks, roads, waste places Rare status: R4 BC CDC status: none Name: Ophioglossum vulgatum L. Syn.: Ophioglossum pusillum Raf. Herbaria: UBC, V Range: Circumpolar, south in w North America to MX BC range: Wells Gray park (Ray Farm), Saturna Island, Vancouver Island (sutton Pass, Kathleene Lake near Port Alice) Biogeocl.: IH, CF Habitat: Meadows, open woods, lake margins Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: RED Status outside: Rare in NB, PQ, WA, MD, MN, MS, RI, VA, treatened in MI, WI, extirpated in DE Name: Opuntia polyacantha Haw. Herbaria: CAN, UBC, V Ref.: Raup 1934 Range: BC south to e OR, east to AB, SK, AZ, MO and TX BC range: Interior Highlands (13 miles east of Keremeos, Spences Bridge, Lytton area, Ashcroft, Cache Creek, Penticton, Kelowna), Gulf Islands (Hornby, Saltspring), Alberta Plateau (Taylor Flat) Biogeocl.: CA, IF, PP, CF Habitat: Plains and foothills to lower mountains, sandhills, rock crevices Rare status: R3 BC CDC status: none Name: Orobanche californica Cham. & Schiecht. Syn.: Orobanche grayana auct., non G. Beck Herbaria: UBC, UVIC, V, WS Ref.: Heckard 1973 Map: Heckard 1973 Range: WA and adjacent s BC to s CA BC range: Southern BC (Victoria, Sidney, Parksville, Campbell River, Bowen Island, Vancouver, Mitlenatch Island, South Pender Island) Biogeocl.: CF Habitat: Sandy beaches, parasitic on Grindelia integrifolia or Franseria chamissonis Rare status: R3 BC CDC status: YELLOW Name: Orobanche corymbosa (Rydb.) Ferris Herbaria: DAO,V Range: Southern BC, east of the Cascades in WA and OR, east of the Sierra Nevada in CA, east to MT, WY and UT BC range: Thompson Plateau, Okanagan Highland (Lumby, Ashnola Range, Osoyoos) Biogeocl.: PP Habitat: Sagebrush slopes and plains, parasitic on Artemisia spp. Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: RED [subsp. mutabilis Heckard] Name: Orobanche pinorum Geyer ex Hook. Herbaria: V Ref.: Southern BC, WA and n ID to nw CA Range: Southern BC, WA and N ID to nw CA BC range: Nanaimo Lowland (Cowichan River) Biogeocl.: CF Habitat: Coniferous woods, parasitic on conifers Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: RED Status outside: Rare in WA Name: Orthocarpus attenuatus Gray Herbaria: DAO, UBC, V Ref.: Taylor 1974a Map: Taylor 1974a Range: Southern Vancouver Island CA west of Cascades BC range: Southwestern and s-c BC (near Victoria and on some Gulf Islands) Biogeocl.: CF Habitat: Open grassy places Rare status: R4 BC CDC status: none Name: Orthocarpus bracteosus Benth. Herbaria: UBC, V Ref.: Taylor 1974a Map: Taylor 1974a Range: Southern BC to n CA BC range: Central BC, Nanaimo Lowland, Okanagan Highland (Victoria, Sidney, Osoyoos, Bridesville) Biogeocl.: PP, CF Habitat: Grassy places at low elevations Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: RED Name: Orthocarpus castillejoides Benth. Syn.: Castilleja ambigua Hook. & Arn. Herbaria: CAN, DAO, UBC, V Ref.: Taylor 1974a Map: Taylor 1974a Range: Southern Vancouver Island to c CA BC range: Nanaimo Lowland, Vancouver Island Mountains (Victoria, Alberni, Alberni Basin, Oak Bay) Biogeocl.: CF Habitat: Saline soils, salt marshes Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: RED Name: Orthocarpus faucibarbatus Gray Syn.: Triphysaria versicolor Fischer & C. Meyer subsp. faucibarbata (Gray) Chuang & Heckard Herbaria: DAO, UBC, V Ref.: Taylor 1974a Map: Taylor 1974a Range: Southern OR to c CA BC range: Nanaimo Lowland (Near Victoria) Biogeocl.: CF Habitat: Grassy places Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: RED [Orthocarpus faucibarbatus Gray subsp. albidus (Keck) J.T. Howell = Triphysaria versicolor Fischer & C. Meyer subsp. versicolor] Name: Orthocarpus hispidus Benth. Syn.: Castilleja tenuis (Heller) Chuang & Heckard Herbaria: UBC, V Ref.: Taylor 1974a Map: Hulten 1968, Taylor 1974a Range: South-central BC to CA, east to ID and NV BC range: Chilcotin, Fort Steele Biogeocl.: CA, IF Habitat: Moist grassy sites Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: RED Name: Orthocarpus imbricatus Torr. ex S. Wats. Herbaria: CAN, UBC, V Ref.: Ceska and Ceska, 1980 Range: Olympic Mtns. of WA, Cascade Range: from c OR to n CA, Klamath region of sw OR and adjacent CA BC range: Vancouver Island Ranges (Mt. Hooper) Biogeocl.: MH Habitat: Meadows and open slopes in the mountains Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: RED Status outside: Rare in WA Name: Orthocarpus pusillus Benth. Syn.: Triphysaria pusilla (Benth.) Chuang & Heckard Herbaria: DAO, UBC, V Ref.: Taylor 1974a Map: Taylor 1974a Range: Southern BC to CA, west of Cascades BC range: Southwestern BC (Southern Vancouver Island and adjacent Gulf Islands) Biogeocl.: CF Habitat: Damp places at low altitudes Rare status: R4 BC CDC status: none Name: Orthocarpus tenuifolius (Pursh) Benth. Herbaria: UBC, V, WS Ref.: Taylor 1974a Map: Taylor 1974a Range: Southeastern BC to OR, east to MT BC range: Southeastern and s-c BC (South Columbia Valley) Biogeocl.: IF, PP Habitat: Open places Rare status: R4 BC CDC status: YELLOW Name: Oryzopsis canadensis (Poir.) Torr. Herbaria: ALTA, CAN, DAO, UBC, V Ref.: Hitchcock 1951 Range: BC to Labrador and NF, south to the Great Lake and New England states BC range: Alberta Plateau (Pouce Coupe) Biogeocl.: BS Habitat: Woods and thickets Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: RED Status outside: Rare in AB, MB, NS, NH, NY, endangered in WI, threatened in MI Name: Oryzopsis exigua Thurb. Rare status: not-included BC CDC status: YELLOW Name: Oryzopsis micrantha (Trin. & Rupr.) Thurb. Herbaria: CAN, DAO, UBC, V Ref.: Hubbard 1955 Range: BC to AB, MT and ND, south to NV, CA, OK, NM and AZ BC range: South-central and se BC (Riske Creek, Williams Lake, Alexis Creek, pavillion Lake, Little Fort, Canal Flats) Biogeocl.: CA, IF Habitat: Open woods, rocky ridges or slopes Rare status: R3 BC CDC status: YELLOW Status outside: Rare in AB, MB, CA, OK, extirpated in TX Name: Osmorhiza occidentalis (Nutt. ex Torr. & Gray) Torr. Herbaria: CAN, UBC, V Ref.: Constance and Shan 1951 Map: Constance and Shan 1951 Range: Southeastern BC and sw AB, south to s CO, nw WA, c CA and w MT BC range: Southern BC (Manning Park, Garibaldi Park, Mt. Kobau, Nelson, Kaslo, Rossland, Crawford Bay, Flathead) Biogeocl.: ES, IF Habitat: Thickets, open slopes, woods in mountains Rare status: R4 BC CDC status: YELLOW Name: Oxalis oregana Nutt. ex Torr. & Gray Herbaria: UBC, V Ref.: Ogilvi et al. 1984 Range: Coastal BC to CA, west of the Cascades BC range: Queen Charlotte Mtns. - Queen Charlotte Ranges (Slim Inlet), Vancouver Island (Klanawa River, ne of Pachena Beach) Biogeocl.: CH Habitat: Moist woods Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: BLUE Name: Oxytropis arctica R. Br. Herbaria: GD, UBC, V Ref.: Douglas and Ruyle-Douglas 1978 Map: Hulten 1968 Range: Arctic Asia to NT and nw BC BC range: AK Hwy, Mile 416. Nevis Creek Biogeocl.: BS Habitat: Talus slopes, tundra, riverbanks Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: BLUE Status outside: Rare in YT, MB, PQ Name: Oxytropis campestris (L.) DC. var jordalii (A.E. Porsild) Welsh Syn.: Oxytropis jordalii A.E. Porsild Herbaria: UBC, V Map: Hulten 1968 Range: Northern AK east to NT and south to s AK and nw BC BC range: Eaglenest Range: (Sheeplick Mtn.), Northwest of Nation Peak, Liard Hot Springs Biogeocl.: AT Habitat: Alpine areas Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: BLUE [subsp. jordalii] Status outside: Rare in AB Name: Oxytropis columbiana St.John Rare status: not-included BC CDC status: BLUE Name: Oxytropis huddelsonii A.E. Porsild Herbaria: GD,UBC,V Ref.: Pojar et al. 1976 Map: Hulten 1968 Range: AK to nw BC BC range: Atlin, Gladys Lake, Mt. Edziza, Spatsizi Plateau Biogeocl.: AT, ES, BS Habitat: Ridgetops, heaths Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: none Name: Oxytropis jordalii Pors. ssp. davisii (Welsh) Elisens & Packer Rare status: not-included BC CDC status: BLUE Name: Oxytropis maydelliana Trautv. Herbaria: CAN, UBC, V Ref.: Taylor 1974c Map: Hulten 1968, Taylor 1974c, Welsh 1967 Range: Eastern Asia to e NT and south to nw BC BC range: AK Hwy. (Summit Lake), Cassiar area (Eddontenajo Lake), Liard Plateau Biogeocl.: AT, BS Habitat: Tundra, boggy areas Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: BLUE Name: Oxytropis nigrescens (Pallas) Fischer ex DC. Herbaria: UBC, V Ref.: Taylor 1974c Map: Hulten 1968, Taylor 1974c, Welsh 1967 Range: Northeastern Asia to w NT and south to BC BC range: Mt. Edziza, Gladys Lake, Summit Pass, Nevis Creek, Pine Pass, Good Hope Lake, Cassiar Carbon Creek Biogeocl.: AT Habitat: Rocky trundra, unstable alpine ridges Rare status: R4 BC CDC status: none Status outside: Rare in YT Name: Oxytropis podocarpa Gray Herbaria: CAN, UBC, V Ref.: Taylor 1974 Map: Taylor 1974 Range: NT and n and e BC east to NF and south to CO BC range: Marble Mtns, Mt. Assiniboine, 9-Mile Creek at Carbon Creek, Paxton Mtn., Bullmoose Mtn., Kotuik Mtn., Snowbird Pass Biogeocl.: AT Habitat: Rocky alpine areas Rare status: R3 BC CDC status: YELLOW Status outside: Rare in PQ Name: Oxytropis scammaniana Hulten Herbaria: V Ref.: Taylor 1974, Welsh 1967 Map: Taylor 1974 Range: Eastern AK and w YT to n BC BC range: Teslin Lake, AK Hwy. Mile 390, Atlin Biogeocl.: AT, SW Habitat: Rocky hillsides and heaths Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: BLUE Status outside: Rare in Continental NT Name: Oxytropis viscida Nutt. Herbaria: UBC, V Ref.: Taylor 1974 Map: Taylor 1974 Range: AK to PQ and south or OR and CO BC range: Alaska Hwy. (Mile 402, Lower Post, Summit Pass), Cassiar, Stewar- Watson Lake Rd., Haines Rd. Mile 68, Kootenay National Park (Paint Pots), Yoho National Park (Johnson's Canyon) Biogeocl.: AT. ES. OF Habitat: Alpine areas, talus slopes, dry hillsides Rare status: R3 BC CDC status: none Status outside: Rare in ON, PQ, WA, CO, MN Name: Panicum capillare L. Herbaria: CAN, DAO, UBC, V Ref.: Frankton and Mulligan 1970 Range: BC to PQ, south to most of the US BC range: Southern BC (Parksville, Sproat Lake, Nanaimo, Agassiz, Spences Bridge, Keremeos, Okanagan, Kootenays, Fernie) Biogeocl.: IH, CF Habitat: Irrigated or moist areas, along streams near ponds, disturbed sites Rare status: R4 BC CDC status: none Name: Panicum occidentale Scribn. Syn.: Dichanthelinum lanuginosum (Ell.) Gould., Dichanthelinum acuminatum (Sw.) Gould & Clark Rare status: not-included BC CDC status: YELLOW Name: Panicum thermale Bolander Herbaria: CAN, DAO, UBC, V Ref.: Hubbard 1955 Map: BC to sw AB, south to w MT, CA, WY and AZ Range: BC to sw AB, south to w MT, CA, WY, and AZ BC range: Skagit Range; Rocky Mtn. Trench (Hope, Fairmont Hot Springs) Biogeocl.: IF Habitat: Wet saline soil, near hot springs in mountains Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: none Status outside: Rare in AB, endangered in CA Name: Papaver alboroseum Hulten Herbaria: CAN Ref.: Kershaw and Morton 1976, Porsild 1951, Welsh and Rigby 1971 Map: Hulten 1968 Range: Southern AK, sw YT, n BC; Kamchatka BC range: Skeena Mtns. (Spatsizi Plateau Wilderness Provincial Park) Biogeocl.: AT Habitat: Sandy gravelly soil, rock outcrops Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: BLUE Name: Papaver macounii Greene Herbaria: UBC, V Ref.: Kiger 1975 Map: Hulten 1968, Porsild 1966 Range: AK and YT north of 62 N latitude, east to the Mackenzie; Asia BC range: Rocky Mtn. Foothills; Tahitan Highland; Kawdy Plateau (Mt. Edziza, Beattie Peak, Metah Mtn.) Biogeocl.: AT Habitat: Sandy gravelly soil, tundra, heathlands Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: none Name: Papaver pygmaeum Rydb. Syn.: Papapver alpinum L., Papaver nudicaule L. subsp. radicatum (Rottb.) Fedde var. psudocorylalifolium Fedde Herbaria: ALTA, CAN, DAO, UBC, V Ref.: Kershaw and Morton 1976 Map: Kiger 1975, Love 1969 Range: BC to se AB and nw MT BC range: Purcell Mtns.; Continental Ranges-Ferni Basin; Border Ranges- Macdonald Range, Clark Range: (South Kootenay Pass, Sage Pass, extreme southeastern BC) Biogeocl.: AT Habitat: Talus slopes of higher mountains Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: BLUE Status outside: Rare in Canada, MT Name: Parietaria pensylvanica Muhl. ex Willd. Rare status: not-included BC CDC status: YELLOW Name: Parrya nudicaulis (L.) Boiss. Herbaria: CAN, V Range: AK south to nw BC BC range: Father Mtn., Log Jam Creek (50 mi. east of Teslin Lake) Biogeocl.: BS Habitat: Alpine meadows Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: RED Status outside: Rare in Continental NT Name: Pectocarya linearis (Ruiz-Pavon) DC. Syn.: Pectocarya penicillata (Hook. & Arn.) A. DC. Herbaria: DAO, UBC, V Range: Southern BC to Baja CA, east to ID, sw WY BC range: South-central BC; Thompson Plateau, e Cascade Mountains (Osoyoos, Spences Bridge, Lytton) Biogeocl.: IF, PP Habitat: Dry sandy soils at lower elevations Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: RED [var. penicillata (Hook. & Arn.) M.E. Jones] Name: Pedicularis contorta Benth. Herbaria: DAO, UBC, V Ref.: Taylor 1974a, Ulke 1934 Map: Taylor 1974a Range: Southwestern BC and AB, south to n CA, c ID and n and w WY BC range: Selkirk Mountains, Purcell Mountains, Border Ranges (Clark Range, Continental Ranges, Park Ranges) Biogeocl.: ES Habitat: Wooded or dry open sites Rare status: R2 BC CDC status: BLUE Name: Pedicularis lanata Cham. & Schlecht. Herbaria: ALTA, DAO, UBC, V Ref.: Raup 1934 Map: Calder and Taylor 1968, Hulten 1968, Porsild 1964 Range: Thoughout AK and YT, east to Greenland and south to BC and w AB; Asia BC range: Northern BC (Queen Charlotte Islands, AK Hwy. (Summit Pass), Fort Nelson, Smithers, Robb Lake, Redfern Lake, Mt. Selwyn) Biogeocl.: AT, MH, SW Habitat: Wet to dry tundra and heathlands Rare status: R3 BC CDC status: none Status outside: Rare in AB Name: Pedicularis macrodonta J. Richards. Herbaria: CAN, DAO, V Ref.: Annas 1973 Map: Hulten 1968 Range: Boreal America; s AK and sw YT, NT, east to Hudson Bay, south BC, c AB, SK, PQ and ON BC range: Fort Nelson Lowland, Rocky Mountain, Foothills, Alberta Plateau, AK Hwy. (Mile 80, Mile 375 Summit Lake) Biogeocl.: BS Habitat: Swamps, muskeg, marshes, bogs, wet meadows Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: none Status outside: Rare in AB, SK, MB, YT Name: Pedicularis oederi Vahl Herbaria: CAN, DAO, UBC, V Ref.: Raup 1934, Taylor 1974a Map: Calder and Taylor 1968, Hulten 1968, Porsild 1966 Taylor 1974a Range: Circumboreal, south in the Rocky Mountains to WY BC range: Extreme n BC, Queen Charlotte Islands, c and se BC Biogeocl.: AT, MH Habitat: Arctic-alpine, tundra and alpine slopes Rare status: R3 BC CDC status: BLUE Status outside: Rare in Continental NT Name: Pedicularis parviflora J.E. Smith Herbaria: UBC, V Ref.: Taylor 1974a Map: Hulten 1968, Taylor 1974a Range: AK to Hudson Bay, south to c BC BC range: Central and ne BC (Bowron Lake, Prince George and Queen Charlotte islands, Pouce Coupe, south to Barkerville, Fort Nelson area) Biogeocl.: MH, SS Habitat: Muskeg, wet places Rare status: R3 BC CDC status: YELLOW Status outside: Rare in Contintal NT Name: Pedicularis verticillata L. Herbaria: DAO, UBC, V Ref.: Taylor 1974a Map: Calder and Taylor 1968, Hulten 1968, Taylor 1984a Range: AK, YT, and n BC; Eurasia BC range: Queen Charlotte Islands and extreme n BC Biogeocl.: AT, CH Habitat: Tundra, mountain meadows, rocky slopes Rare status: R3 BC CDC status: BLUE Status outside: Rare in contintental NT Name: Pellaea atropurpurea (L.) Link Herbaria: UBC, V Ref.: Rigby and Britton 1970, Taylor 1971 Map: Rigby and Britton 1970, Taylor 1971 Range: Southeastern BC east to PQ and VA and south to AZ BC range: Chilcotin District Columbia River Valley (Fairmont, Golden, Sicamous) Biogeocl.: IF Habitat: Limestone cliffs Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: BLUE Status outside: Rare in Canada, CO, IA, LA, MA, MN, RI, WV, threatened in MI, SC, endangered in WI Name: Pellaea occidentalis (E. Nels.) Rydb. subsp. simplex (Butters) Gastony Syn.: Pellaea suksdorfiana Butters, Pelaea glabella Mett. ex Kuhn var. simplex Butters Rare status: not-included BC CDC status: YELLOW Name: Penstemon albertinus Greene Herbaria: ALTA, CAN, DAO, UBC, V Ref.: Taylor 1974a Map: Taylor 1974a Range: Southeastern BC and sw AB, south to w MT and c ID BC range: Southeastern BC (Front Ranges, Fernie Basin) Biogeocl.: ES, IF Habitat: Gravelly slopes, rocky ridges Rare status: R4 BC CDC status: YELLOW Status outside: Rare in AB Name: Penstemon attenuatus Dougl. ex Lindl. Herbaria: UBC, V, WS Ref.: Taylor 1974a Map: Taylor 1974a Range: Southeastern BC and nw MT, south to n-c WY, c WA, e OR and s ID BC range: Southeastern Kootenays (Fernie Basin) Biogeocl.: ES, IF Habitat: Pine woods, dry meadows, open hillsides Rare status: R4 BC CDC status: none Name: Penstemon cusickii Gray Herbaria: M.O.E.K. Range: Southwestern BC and w ID to OR BC range: Selkirk Mountains (Charbonneau Creek) Biogeocl.: IF Habitat: Sagebrush slopes and plains Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: none Name: Penstemon eriantherus Pursh Herbaria: DAO, UBC, V WS Ref.: Taylor 1974a Map: Hulten 1968, Taylor 1974a Range: Southeastern BC to ND and NE, south to OR and CO BC range: Southeastern BC; from south Columbia Valley and eastward (from Rossland) Biogeocl.: IF Habitat: Dry open places Rare status: R4 BC CDC status: YELLOW Status outside: Rare in AB, WA Name: Penstemon gormanii Greene Herbaria: ALTA, CAN, SFUV, UBC, V Ref.: Porsild and Crum 1961, Taylor 1974a Map: Hulten 1968, Taylor 1974a Range: AK, YK, NT and n BC BC range: Northern BC (Cassiar District, Liard Hot Springs, Atlin, Kechikan River) Biogeocl.: SW, BS Habitat: Dry mountain slopes and rocky areas Rare status: R4 BC CDC status: BLUE Status outside: Rare in Continental NT Name: Penstemon gracilis Nutt. Herbaria: ALTA, DAO, UBC, V Ref.: Taylor 1974a Map: Taylor 1974a Range: Southern AB and ne BC, south to NM, east to IA, WI and sw ON BC range: Alberta Plateau (Peace River District, Elkford, Fort St. John) Biogeocl.: BS Habitat: Moist prairie grasslands, sandy or rocky soil Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: RED Status outside: Rare in ON, MN Name: Penstemon lyallii Gray Herbaria: ALTA, CAN, DAO, UBC, WS, V Ref.: Taylor 1974a Map: Taylor 1974a Range: Southwestern AB and se BC, south to MT and e WA and ID BC range: Southeastern and c BC (Crow's Nest area, Flathead, Elko, Fernie, Alexis Creek, Williams Lake) Biogeocl.: ES Habitat: Open rocky slopes, shale slides, gravel bars along streams Rare status: R3 BC CDC status: BLUE Status outside: Rare in AB, WA Name: Penstemon montanus Greene Herbaria: UBC, V Range: Park County MT to mtns. of c ID, south through w WY and e ID to c UT, se BC BC range: Selkirk Mountains (Kootenay area) Biogeocl.: IH Habitat: Shifting talus slopes, rocky crevices Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: none Name: Penstemon nemorosus (Dougl.) Trautv. Syn.: Nothochelone nemorosa (Dougl. ex Lindl.) Straw Herbaria: UBC, UVIC, V Ref.: Taylor 1974a Map: Taylor 1974a Range: Southwestern BC south to n CA, west of the Cascades BC range: Southern Vancouver Island (Cameron Lake, Mt. Arrowsmith, Maltby Lake, Port Alberni, Koksilah River and Homathko River) Biogeocl.: CH Habitat: Woods and moist rocky slopes at mid-altitudes Rare status: R4 BC CDC status: BLUE Name: Penstemon nitidus Dougl. ex Benth. Herbaria: DAO, UBC, V Ref.: Taylor 1974a Map: Taylor 1974a Range: Southeastern BC and sw AB, south to ID and w MT, east to ND, WY and MB BC range: Continental Ranges (Fernie Basin, Front Ranges), Border Ranges (Macdonald Range), Crowsnest Pass Biogeocl.: ES Habitat: Dry hills, disturbed areas and banks, talus Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: RED Status outside: Rare in MB Name: Penstemon ovatus Dougl. ex Hook. Herbaria: DAO, UBC, UVIC, V Ref.: Taylor 1974a Map: Taylor 1974a Range: Southern BC to n OR BC range: Southwestern BC (Lower Fraser Valley and Vancouver Island) Biogeocl.: PP, CF Habitat: Open woods, open mossy ledges Rare status: R4 BC CDC status: YELLOW Name: Penstemon pruinosus Dougl. ex Lindl. Herbaria: CAN, DAO, UBC, V Ref.: Taylor 1974a Map: Taylor 1974a Range: Southern BC and n WA, east of the Cascades BC range: South-central BC (Manning Park, Princeton, Keremeos, Penticton, Vaseaux Lake, Creston, Cranbrook, Fort Steele) Biogeocl.: IF, PP Habitat: Sage brush, open forest, rocky slopes Rare status: R4 BC CDC status: YELLOW Name: Penstemon richardsonii Dougl. ex Lindl. Herbaria: CAN, UBC, V Ref.: Taylor 1974a Map: Taylor 1974a Range: Extreme s BC to OR, east of the Cascades BC range: South-central BC (Keremeos and Osoyoos areas, Vaseaux Lake, Spences Bridge, Penticton, Hedley, Kelowna) Biogeocl.: PP Habitat: Dry open rocky sites at low elevations Rare status: R4 BC CDC status: BLUE [var. richardsonii] Name: Perideridia gairdneri (Hook. & Arn.) Mathias Herbaria: CAN, DAO, UBC, V Range: Southern BC to s CA, east to SK, SD, CO and NM BC range: Southern BC (Campbell River n to mouth of Dean River, Parksville, Victoria, Sprout Falls, Saltspring Island, Mitlenatch Island, Whytecliff, Point Atkinson, Milner, Flathead, Grand Forks) Biogeocl.: IF, PP, CF, CH Habitat: Woodlands, dry or wet meadows Rare status: R4 BC CDC status: YELLOW Status outside: Rare in SK Name: Phacelia franklinii (R. Br.) Gray Herbaria: CAN, DAO, UBC, V Ref.: Raup 1934 Map: Hulten 1968, Porsild 1966 Range: AK to NT, BC, AB, SK to MB, n-c ON, w MT, n WY and c ID BC range: Northern and c BC (Tetsa River Valley, AK Hwy. Mile 86, Cameron River, Anahim Lake, Stewart-Watson Lake Road, 100 mi. nw of Fort St. John) Biogeocl.: BS, CA Habitat: Streambanks, meadows, open slopes, sandy soil Rare status: R3 BC CDC status: none Status outside: Rare in ON, WA Name: Phacelia lyalli (Gray) Rydb. Herbaria: ALTA, CAN, UBC, V Range: Western MT and adjacent AB to se BC, south to ID BC range: Southeastern BC (Akamina/Kishinena area) Biogeocl.: ES Habitat: Talus slopes, rock crevices in mountains Rare status: R3 BC CDC status: BLUE Status outside: Rare in AB, MT, ID Name: Phacelia mollis J.F. Macbr. Herbaria: DAO Map: Hulten 1968 Range: Central eastern AK, YT and adjacent BC BC range: Northwestern BC Biogeocl.: BS Habitat: Dry slopes, roadsides, rock outcrops, open woods Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: RED Status outside: Rare in Canada Name: Phacelia ramosissima Dougl. ex Lehm. Rare status: not-included BC CDC status: RED Name: Phlox alyssifolia Greene Herbaria: ALTA, CAN, DAO, V Ref.: Clark 1973 Range: Southwest MT to s SK, AB and se BC; w ND, SD, n-c CO BC range: Border Ranges Biogeocl.: ES Habitat: Dry open places in plains, valleys and foothills Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: BLUE Status outside: Rare in Canada Name: Phlox caespitosa Nutt. Herbaria: DAO, UBC, UVIC, V Range: Northern ID and adjacent n MT, s BC and e WA, occasionally west to Chelan County WA, also in ne OR BC range: Vancouver Island, se BC (Nelson, Cranbrook, Waldo, Elko, Kimberley) Biogeocl.: MH, ES, IH, IF Habitat: Open or partly shaded, dry places Rare status: R4 BC CDC status: YELLOW Name: Phlox hoodii Richards. Herbaria: CAN, DAO, UBC, V Ref.: Clark 1973, Porsild 1951 Map: Hulten 1968 Range: East of the continental divide from n CO and w NE to AB, MB and SK, north to YT and e AK, west through WY to s ID, n UT, ne CA, e OR, c WA and occasionally to c ID BC range: Continental Ranges: Front Ranges (Crowsnest) Biogeocl.: ES Habitat: Dry open places in foothills, valleys and plains Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: BLUE Name: Phlox longifolia Nutt. Herbaria: DAO, UBC, V, WS Range: WA and adjacent BC to CA, east to MT, WY, CO and NM BC range: South-central BC; Okanagan Highland (Kaleden, Oliver, Osoyoos, Keremeos, Hedley, Ashnola) Biogeocl.: IF, PP Habitat: Dry, open rocky places Rare status: R4 BC CDC status: YELLOW Name: Phlox speciosa Pursh Herbaria: DAO, UBC, V WS, D.L.P.P.S. Range: South-central BC, south to Wasco County OR, irregularly east to ID and MT, sw OR south to the Sierra Nevada of CA BC range: Thompson Plateau, Okanagan Highland (Penticton area north to Summerland, Olalla) Biogeocl.: IF, PP Habitat: Sagebrush and Pinus ponderosa areas Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: RED Name: Phragmites australis (Cav.) Trin. ex Steud. Syn.: Phragmites communis (L.) Trin. Herbaria: CAN, V Ref.: Braun 1967, Hitchcock 1951, Voss 1972 Range: BC to NS, south to MD, NC, IL, LA, CA and FL; MX and the West Indies Chile, Argentina, Eurasia, Africa and Australia BC range: Nanaimo Lowland; Georgia Lowland; Fraser Lowland; Fraser Basin; Thompson Plateau; Rocky Mtn. Trench (Swan Lake, Texada Island, Ladner, Spences Bridge, Summit Lake, Invermere, Fairmont Hot Springs, Osoyoos, Nelway, Columbia Lake) Biogeocl.: CF, IF, PP Habitat: Marshes, wet shores, ditches, tamarack bogs Rare status: R2 BC CDC status: YELLOW Status outside: Rare in Continental NT Name: Phyllospadix torreyi S. Wats. Herbaria: V Range: Southwestern BC south to nw MX BC range: Vancouver Island (Ucluelet, Clayoquot, Triangle Island, Bamfield), Calvert Island Biogeocl.: CH Habitat: Coastal waters Rare status: R4 BC CDC status: none Name: Physaria didymocarpa (Hook.) Gray Rare status: not-included BC CDC status: BLUE [var. didymocarpa] Name: Physocarpus malvaceus (Greene) Kuntze Herbaria: ALTA, CAN, DAO, UBC, V Ref.: Argus and White, 1978, Taylor 1973 Map: Taylor 1973 Range: Southern BC to e OR, east to s AB, MT, WY and UT BC range: Southeastern BC (Okanagan Valley, Columbia Valley) Biogeocl.: IH, IF, PP Habitat: Dry situations, rocky hillsides, canyons Rare status: R4 BC CDC status: YELLOW Status outside: Rare in AB Name: Physostegia parviflora Nutt. ex Gray Herbaria: SFUV, UBC, V Ref.: Reid 1978 Range: Southern BC and WA through the Columbia gorge to near Portland, OR east through ID to s SK, ND, s Continental NT, w MN and w New England BC range: Scattered in Province (Kaslo, Canoe, Pitt Meadows, Kamloops, Kimberley, Prince George, Crawford Bay, Salmon Arm, Liard Hot Springs, Nakusp) Biogeocl.: SS, CA, IF, PP, CH Habitat: Shores of streams and lakes, marshes, moist low places Rare status: R3 BC CDC status: none Status outside: Rare in Continental NT Name: Pinguicula villosa L. Herbaria: CAN, DAO, UBC Ref.: Maher et al. 1979 Map: Calder and Taylor 1968, Hulten 1968, 1971 Range: Through most of AK and the YT to NT; Eurasia; BC to PQ, Labrador BC range: Northwestern BC, Queen Charlotte Islands (Port Clements, Tlell) Biogeocl.: CH Habitat: Peat bogs around creeks and pools Rare status: R3 BC CDC status: BLUE Status outside: Rare in AB, SK Name: Pinguicula vulgaris L. subsp. macroceras (Link) Calder & Taylor Syn.: Pinguicula macroceras Link Herbaria: DAO, UBC, V Map: Calder and Taylor 1968, Casper 1962, Hulten 1958, 1968, Porsild 1964 Range: Circumboreal, south to sw OR, MT, MI and NY BC range: West-central BC (Masset, Mt. Arrowsmith, Brooks Peninsula, Dewdney Island, Dupont Island) Biogeocl.: MH, CF, CH Habitat: Bogs, wet soil in mountains, moist places, beaches, meadows Rare status: R4 BC CDC status: none Status outside: Rare in SK, NS, NB, NH, NY, VT, threatened in MI, WI Name: Pinus banksiana Lamb. Herbaria: DAO, UBC Ref.: Fowells 1965, Hosie 1969 Map: Critchfield and Little 1966, Fowells 1965, Hosie 1969, Hulten 1968, Little 1971 Range: BC and NT east to NS, ME, NY and WI BC range: Liard Plain Biogeocl.: BS Habitat: Boreal forest, rocky, sandy soil Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: BLUE Name: Pinus flexilis James Herbaria: UBC, V Ref.: Critchfield and Little 1966, Hosie 1969, Ulke 1934 Map: Critchfield and Little 1966, Hosie 1969, Little 1971 Range: Southeastern BC and sw AB to ND and SD, south to ID, MT, NM and CA BC range: Selkirk Mountains, Park Ranges, Purcell Mountains (Marysville, Nelson, Golden, Canal Flats, Columbia Valley, Yoho National Park - Mt. Stephen) Biogeocl.: ES Habitat: Dry, rocky exposed slopes near timber line Rare status: R2 BC CDC status: none Name: Piperia elegans (Lindl.) Rydb. Syn.: Platanthera elegans Lindl., Habenaria elegans (Lindl.) Boland., Piperia transversa Suksd. Rare status: not-included BC CDC status: YELLOW Name: Pityrogramma triangularis (Kaulf.) Maxon Syn.: Pentagramma triangularis (Kaulf.) Yatskievych, Windham & Wollenweber Herbaria: BD, UBC, V Ref.: Taylor 1971 Map: Taylor 1971 Range: Southwestern BC to w ID and south to MX BC range: Vancouver Island (Nanaimo, Cowichan Lake, Mt. Finlayson, Victoria, Duncan, Cowichan Bay), Gulf Islands (Saturna, North Pender, Mayne, Bowen, Texada, Galiano, Gabriola, lower mainland (Gibsons, Horshoe Bay, Sumas Mtn.) Biogeocl.: CF, CH Habitat: Rock crevices Rare status: R3 BC CDC status: YELLOW Name: Plagiobothrys figuratus (Piper) I. Johnst. ex M.E. Peck Herbaria: CAN, DAO, UBC, V Range: Southern Vancouver Island to sw OR, west of the Cascades extending through the Columbia Gorge to Klickitat County WA; sw AK BC range: Nanaimo Lowland (Nanaimo, Wellington, Lost Lake, Hornby Island) Biogeocl.: CF Habitat: Moist fields, vernal pools, seepage areas Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: RED Name: Plagiobothrys tenellus (Nutt. ex Hook.) Gray Herbaria: DAO, UBC, V, WS Range: WA and adjacent s BC and w ID, south to Baja CA, NV and UT BC range: Nanaimo Lowland (Victoria, Saturna Island) Biogeocl.: CF Habitat: Dry open places at lower elevations Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: RED Name: Plantago bigelovii Gray Herbaria: DAO, UBC, V Ref.: Bassett 1973 Map: Bassett 1973 Range: Along the coast from sw BC to Monterey County CA BC range: Central and sw BC (Kamloops area, s Vancouver Island, Gulf Islands) Biogeocl.: CF, CH Habitat: Salt marshes along the coast, inland alkaline flats Rare status: R4 BC CDC status: none Name: Plantago canescens Adams Herbaria: ALTA, CAN, DAO, UBC, V Ref.: Bassett 1967, 1973 Map: Bassett 1967, 1973, Hulten 1968, Porsild 1964 Range: Eastern AK, YT, NT, south to sw AB, e BC and nw MT; Asia BC range: Border Ranges; Front Ranges (ne of Crowsnest Pass) Biogeocl.: ES Habitat: Grassy slopes, open soil, riverbanks, roadsides, rock outcrops Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: BLUE Status outside: Rare in AB Name: Plantago elongata Pursh Herbaria: CAN, DAO, UBC, V Ref.: Bassett 1973 Map: Bassett 1973 Range: BC, AB, SK and MB, south through ND and WA to TX and CA BC range: Southwestern BC (Victoria, Sidney, Gordon Head, Otter Point, harrison and Deadman River) Biogeocl.: IF, PP, CF Habitat: Vernal pools, marshy areas, beaches, alkaline regions Rare status: R3 BC CDC status: YELLOW Status outside: Rare in MB, MN Name: Plantago eriopoda Torr. Herbaria: CAN, DAO, UBC, V Ref.: Bassett 1973 Map: Bassett 1967, 1973, Hulten 1968, Porsild 1966 Range: From CO and NE north to s Mackenzie and YT, west to c ID and through the Great Basin to CA and the s OR coast, along the lower St. Lawrence River in PQ; n MX BC range: Southeastern and nw BC (Tagish, Windermere, Kimberley) Biogeocl.: BS, IF Habitat: Alkaline meadows in plains and valleys, salt marshes Rare status: R3 BC CDC status: BLUE Status outside: Rare in Continental NT Name: Plantago macrocarpa Cham. & Schlecht. Herbaria: DAO, UBC, V Ref.: Bassett 1973 Map: Bassett 1973, Calder and Taylor 1968, Hulten 1968 Range: Subcoastal from Grays Harbor County WA to the Aleutian Islands; Lincoln County OR BC range: Western BC (Queen Charlotte Islands, Vancouver Island, along the coast, near Williams Lake, north to Stewart) Biogeocl.: CF, CH Habitat: Sphagnum bogs, lake shores, cold wet places Rare status: R3 BC CDC status: YELLOW Status outside: Rare in WA Name: Plantago tweedyi Gray Herbaria: DAO, V, WTU Ref.: Bassett 1967 Map: Bassett 1967 Range: AB and SK to ID, UT and CO, se BC BC range: Columbia River Valley (Athalmer) Biogeocl.: IF Habitat: Non-alkaline meadows in mountains Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: none Name: Platanthera chorisiana (Cham.) Reichen. f. Syn.: Habenaria chorisiana Cham. Herbaria: DAO, UBC, V Ref.: Correl 1943, Luer 1975, Szczawinski 1975a Map: Hulten 1968, Luer 1974, Szczawinski 1975a Range: AK, BC; Japan BC range: Coastal BC (throughout the Queen Charlotte Islands, Prince Rupert, Kitimat, Brooks Peninsula, Woss Lake, Ucluelet, Tofino) Biogeocl.: CF, CH Habitat: Swamps near the sea, sphagnum bogs Rare status: R4 BC CDC status: YELLOW Status outside: Threatened in WA Name: Platanthera dilatata (Pursh) Lindl. ex Beck var. albiflora (Cham.) Ledeb. Rare status: not-included BC CDC status: BLUE Name: Platanthera unalascensis (Spreng.) F.Kurtz subsp. maritima (Rydb.) Defillips Syn.: Piperia maritima Rydb., Habenaria greenei Jepson Herbaria: DAO, UBC, UVIC, V Ref.: Luer 1975 Map: Luer 1975 Range: Islands of Puget Sound, along the Pacific Coast from BC to CA BC range: Queen Charlotte Islands, Vancouver Island, Nanaimo Lowland, Georgia Lowland (Shushartie Bay, Haida Point near Skidegate, Texada Island, Trial Island, Faliano Island, South Pender Island, Victoria, Courtenay) Biogeocl.: CF, CH Habitat: Cliffs and dry hills, where moist in early spring Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: BLUE Status outside: Rare in AB, WA, threatened in MI Name: Plectritis macrocera Torr. & Gray Herbaria: DAO, UBC, V Ref.: Taylor and Taylor 1979a Range: Southern BC to s CA, east to MT and UT BC range: Southern BC (Creston, Vernon, Lytton, Botanie Valley, Kelowna, Summerland, Oliver, Kootenay Lake, Osoyoos) Biogeocl.: PP, IF Habitat: Stream banks and vernally moist, open places Rare status: R4 BC CDC status: YELLOW Name: Pleuricospora fimbriolata Gray Rare status: not-included BC CDC status: RED Name: Pleuropogon refractus (Gray) Benth. Herbaria: DAO, UBC, V Ref.: Hubbard 1955 Range: BC south through WA and OR to CA BC range: Vancouver Island Mtns. - Vancouver Island Ranges; Fraser Lowland; Pacific Ranges (Cowichan Lake, Coquitlam, Callaghan Lake, Garibaldi, Hollyburn) Biogeocl.: MH, CF Habitat: Bogs, streambanks, swampy meadows, shaded woods Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: BLUE Name: Poa abbreviata R. Br. Herbaria: CAN, DAO, UBC, V Ref.: Pojar et al. 1976 Map: Hulten 1958, 1968; Porsild 1964 Range: Circumpolar; westernmost Aleutians, AK, n YT, east through the Canadian Arctic Archipelago BC range: Tahltan Highland; Rocky Mtn. Foothills (Mt. Edziza, Mt. Selwyn) Biogeocl.: AT, ES Habitat: Arctic tundra Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: RED [subsp. pattersonii (Vasey) Love, Love & Kapoor] Status outside: Rare in Continental NT Name: Poa confinis Vasey Herbaria: CAN, DAO, UBC, V Ref.: Hubbard 1955 Range: BC south to CA BC range: Coast of Vancouver Island, Queen Charlotte Islands, Squamish Biogeocl.: CF, CH Habitat: Coastal sand dunes and meadows Rare status: R4 BC CDC status: YELLOW Name: Poa douglasii Nees subsp. macrantha (Vasey) Keck Syn.: Poa macrantha Vasey Herbaria: CAN, DAO, UBC, V Ref.: Hubbard 1955 Range: Coastal BC south to n CA BC range: Coast of Vancouver Island and the Queen Charlotte Islands Biogeocl.: CH Habitat: Sand dunes Rare status: R4 BC CDC status: YELLOW Name: Poa eminens Presl Rare status: not-included BC CDC status: BLUE Name: Poa fendleriana (Steud.) Vasey Rare status: not-included BC CDC status: RED [subsp. fendleriana] Name: Poa howellii Vasey & Scribn. Herbaria: CAN, UBC, V Ref.: Hubbard 1955 Range: Southwestern BC south to WA and OR and s CA BC range: Nanaimo Lowland; Fraser Lowland; Hozameen Range: (Goldstream, Saturna Island, Mayne Island, Crescent Beach, Manning Park) Biogeocl.: CF, CH Habitat: Prairies and lightly wooded area where moist, rocky banks Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: YELLOW Name: Poa kelloggii Vasey Herbaria: UBC, UVIC Ref.: Jamieson 1979 Range: Coastal c CA to sw OR; coastal BC BC range: Vancouver Island (Pachena Bay) Biogeocl.: CH Habitat: Open areas in forest Rare status: R5 (orig. R1) BC CDC status: none Note: voucher specimen is Poa laxiflora or P. marcida Name: Poa laxa Haenke susbp. banffiana Soreng Rare status: not-included BC CDC status: RED Name: Poa laxiflora Buckley Herbaria: CAN, DAO, UBC, V Ref.: Hubbard 1955 Map: Hulten 1968 Range: Southern AK, south to the Olympic Peninsula and nw OR BC range: Queen Charlotte Mtns. - Queen Charlotte Ranges; Hozameen Range; Fraser Plateau; Thompson Plateau (Kootenay Inlet, Cumshewa Inlet, Kaisun, Manning Park, Festuca Pass, Tunkwa Lake, Langara Island, Mt. Morsbey, Tow Hill, Masset Inlet) Biogeocl.: CH Habitat: Moist woods to rocky open slopes Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: none Status outside: Rare in WA Name: Poa marcida A. Hitchc. Herbaria: UBC, V Ref.: Kershaw and Morton 1976 Range: Southwestern BC south to nw OR BC range: Vancouver Island and the Lower Mainland (Pachena Bay, 4th Nanaimo Lake, Tsitika River, Stanley Park, Lulu Island) Biogeocl.: MH, CF Habitat: Moist areas in coastal mountains Rare status: R4 BC CDC status: YELLOW Status outside: Rare in WA Name: Poa nervosa Presl Rare status: not-included BC CDC status: RED Name: Poa pattersonii Vasey Syn: Poa abbreviata R. Br. subsp. pattersonii (Vasey) Love, Love & Kapoor Herbaria: CAN, UBC, V Range: Southern AB to c ID and s-c MT, south to CO, UT and NV BC range: Scattered (Kostuik Mtn., Crowsnest Pass) Biogeocl.: AT, ES Habitat: Alpine meadows, open slopes and talus Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: none Name: Poa pseudoabbreviata Rosh. Rare status: not-included BC CDC status: BLUE Name: Poa suksdorfii (Beal) Vasey Herbaria: CAN, GD, V Ref.: Douglas and Ratcliffe 1981 Range: Southcentral BC south to CA BC range: Cathedral Park Biogeocl.: AT Habitat: Alpine sedge meadows Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: none Status outside: Rare in WA Name: Poa tracyi Vasey Herbaria: V Ref.: Hitchcock 1951, Kershaw and Morton 1976, Porter 1964 Map: Hulten 1968 Range: AK, to OR, CA and CO, east to WY and adjacent ID, UT and NM BC range: Liard Plateau (Liard Hot Springs Park) Biogeocl.: MH, IH Habitat: Open woods Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: none Name: Polemonium boreale J.E. Adams Rare status: not-included BC CDC status: BLUE Name: Polemonium caeruleum subsp. amygdalinum Rare status: not-included BC CDC status: BLUE Name: Polemonium elegans Greene Rare status: not-included BC CDC status: BLUE Name: Polemonium micranthum Benth. Herbaria: CAN, DAO, GH, NY, UBC, UC, US, V Ref.: Davidson 1950 Map: Davidson 1950 Range: Southern BC and WA to CA, UT and MT, east of the Cascades; Argentina and Chile BC range: South-central BC (Spence's Bridge, Lytton, Boston Bar, Penticton, Vernon, Kelowna, Kamloops, Nicola, Merritt, Manning Park) Biogeocl.: ES, IF, PP Habitat: Open, dry or vernally moist places in plains and foothills Rare status: R4 BC CDC status: YELLOW Name: Polygala senega L. Herbaria: UBC, V Ref.: Gillett 1968, Scoggan 1957 Map: Gillett 1968 Range: AB to PQ and NB, south to SD, AR, TN, GA and NC BC range: Alberta Plateau (Pouce Coupe, north side of the Peace River) Biogeocl.: BS Habitat: Open woods, moist prairies, meadows Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: RED Status outside: Rare in PQ, NB, CT, ME, MA, DE, NJ Name: Polygonum achoreum Blake Rare status: not-included BC CDC status: YELLOW Name: Polygonum austiniae Greene Syn.: Polygonum douglasii Greene subsp. austiniae (Greene) M.E. Jones Herbaria: ALTA, CAN Range: Southern BC, sw AB, south to c OR and ne CA, east across s ID to c MT and WY BC range: Border Ranges - Clark Range: (South Kootenay Pass) Biogeocl.: ES Habitat: Dry flats or banks, sagebrush plains, Pinus ponderosa forest Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: BLUE Status outside: Rare in AB, WA Name: Polygonum engelmannii Greene Herbaria: ALTA, CAN, DAO, UBC, WS Ref.: Argus and White 1978 Range: Southeastern BC and sw AB, south to ID, WY and CO BC range: Continental Ranges - Park Ranges (Southeast Kootenays, Field) Biogeocl.: ES, IF Habitat: Dry to moist sandy soil in sagebrush desert to lower mountains Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: BLUE Status outside: Rare in Canada Name: Polygonum erectum L. Herbaria: CAN, DAO, UBC, UVIC, V Range: AK, YT, BC, AB, SK to NF and NB, south to ID, CO, MN, MO and ne US, KS, TN, GA BC range: Nahwittf Lowland; Nanaimo Lowland; Fraser Plateau - Marble Range; Thompson Plateau (Port McNeill, Victoria, Ballingall Islets, Clinton, Nicola) Biogeocl.: ES, IF PP, CF, CH Habitat: Dry semi-waste ground, roadsides Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: none Status outside: Rare in ON Name: Polygonum fowleri B.L. Robbins. Rare status: not-included BC CDC status: YELLOW Name: Polygonum hydropiperoides Michx. Rare status: not-included BC CDC status: BLUE [var. hydropiperoides] Name: Polygonum kelloggii Greene Syn.: Polygonum polygaloides Meisn. subsp. kelloggii (Greene) Hickman Herbaria: CAN, UBC, V Range: BC and sw AB, south to n CA, MT, WY, CO and AZ BC range: Pacific Ranges, Hozameen Range; Thompson Plateau; Selkirk Mtns. (Lytton, Nelson, Mt. Kobau, Whipsaw Creek) Biogeocl.: ES, IH Habitat: Meadows and vernal pools to dry subalpine slopes Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: BLUE Name: Polygonum majus (Meisn.) Piper Syn.: Polygonum douglasii Greene subsp. majus (Meisn.) Hickman Herbaria: UBC, V, WS Range: East of the Cascades from BC and n WA to n CA, east to ID and w MT BC range: Clear Range; Thompson Plateau; Okanagan Highland; Purcell Mtns.; Monashee Mtns.; Okanagan Range: (Manning Park, Lytton, Spences Bridge, Osoyoos, Kamloops, Cascade, Marysville) Biogeocl.: IF, PP Habitat: Dry gravelly soil, sagebrush desert to mountains Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: none Name: Polygonum nuttallii Small Herbaria: CAN, DAO, UBC, V WS Range: West of the Cascades from BC to nw OR BC range: Western BC (Cowichan Lake, Strathcona Provincial Park Salvus, Kimsquit, Mt. Waddington, Harrison Lake, North Vancouver, Hope, Manning Park) Biogeocl.: MH, ES, CH Habitat: Dry prairies, open sites in lower mountains Rare status: R4 BC CDC status: none Name: Polygonum paronychia Cham. & Schlecht. Herbaria: UBC, UVIC, V Range: Southwestern BC south to CA BC range: Southwestern BC (Victoria, Sooke, Comox, Long Beach, Saanichton, Trial Island, Lighthouse Park) Biogeocl.: CF, CH Habitat: Coastal sand dunes and beaches Rare status: R4 BC CDC status: YELLOW Name: Polygonum polygaloides Meisn. subsp. confertiflorum (Nutt. ex Piper) Hickman Rare status: not-included BC DCD staus: RED Name: Polygonum prolificum (Small) B.L. Robins. Syn.: Polygonum ramosissimum Michx. var. prolificum Small Rare status: not-included BC CDC status: RED Name: Polygonum punctatum Ell. Rare status: not-included BC CDC status: BLUE Name: Polygonum ramosissimum Michx. Herbaria: UBC, V Range: AK, YT, s Canada from BC to NS, south to e WA, OR CA and ne US BC range: Thompson Plateau, Shuswap Highland (Cache Creek, Kamloops, Armstrong) Biogeocl.: PP Habitat: Moist to dry soil, wasteland, shores Rare status: R2 BC CDC status: RED Status outside: Rare in NB, NH Name: Polypodium amorphum Suksd. Herbaria: UBC, UC, V, WTU Ref.: Lang 1971 Map: Taylor 1970 Range: Central BC south to n CA and AZ BC range: Vancouver Island (Forbidden Plateau, Gold River, Tahsis Peak), Coast Mountains (Cheekeye, Garibaldi, Mt. Seymour, Hazelton), Fraser Canyon (Hells Gate, Yale, Stein River) Biogeocl.: MH, CF, CH Habitat: Rocks and rock crevices Rare status: R3 BC CDC status: none Name: Polypodium scouleri Hook. & Grev. Herbaria: UBC, V Ref.: Lloyd and Lang 1964, Taylor 1971 Map: Taylor 1971 Range: Coastal BC south to s CA BC range: Queen Charlotte Islands, west coast of Vancouver Island Biogeocl.: CH Habitat: On trees and rocks near coast Rare status: R4 BC CDC status: none Name: Polypodium virginianum L. Syn.: Polypodium sibiricum Schischk. Herbaria: UBC, V Ref.: Lang 1971, Lloyd and Lang 1964 Map: Taylor 1970 Range: Eastern Asia; NT south to ne BC and east to GA BC range: Alberta Plateau (Pouce Coupe, Beaton River, Ft. Nelson) Biogeocl.: BS Habitat: On rocks and in rock crevices Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: RED Status outside: Rare in AB, YT, AK Name: Polypogon interruptus HBK. Herbaria: CAN, DAO, UBC, V Ref.: Hubbard 1955 Range: BC to CA, east across the s US to LA; MX to South America; Europe BC range: Nanaimo Lowland (Victoria, Sidney, James Bay) Biogeocl.: CH Habitat: Moist ground at lower elevations Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: none Name: Polystichum californicum (D.C. Eat.) Diels Herbaria: V Ref.: Wagner 1979 Map: Wagner 1979 Range: Southwestern BC south to s CA BC range: Texada Island Biogeocl.: CF Habitat: Rocky areas Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: RED Status outside: Rare in WA Name: Polystichum imbricans (D.C. Eat.) D.H. Wagner Herbaria: UBC, UC, WS, V Ref.: Wagner 1979 Map: Wagner 1979 Range: West-central BC south to s CA BC range: Powell River, Nanoose Bay, Shawnigan Lake, Kitimat, Cowichan Lake, Victoria, near Yale Biogeocl.: CF Habitat: Rocky hillsides, woods Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: YELLOW Name: Polystichum kruckebergii W.H. Wagner Herbaria: UBC, UC, WTU, V Ref.: Kruckeberg 1982, Kruckeberg 1979, Wagner 1979 Map: Wagner 1979 Range: Central BC and nw WA south to n CA and n UT BC range: Cassiar Mountains (W. Kwanika Creek), Interior Plateau (Lillooet area, Chilcotin, Coquihalla) Biogeocl.: AT, ES, PP, SS, [MH?] Habitat: Serpentine soils among rocks, meadows, open areas in forests Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: BLUE Status outside: Rare in WA Name: Polystichum lemmonii Underw. Syn.: Polystichum mohroides auct., non (Bory) Presl Herbaria: DAO, V Ref.: Cody and Britton 1984 Range: Southern Bc to OR and CA BC range: Okanagan Highland (ne of Baldy Mtn.) Biogeocl.: ES Habitat: Serpentine rock outcrops Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: RED Name: Polystichum scopulinum (D.C. Eat.) Maxon Herbaria: UC, V, WTU Ref.: Taylor 1971, Wagner 1979 Map: Taylor 1971, Wagner 1979 Range: Southwestern BC south to s CA, east to nw WY and se AZ; Gaspe Peninsula BC range: Tulameen River at Britton Creek Biogeocl.: IF Habitat: Rock outcrops, serpentine soils Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: RED Name: Polystichum setigerum (K. Presl) K. Presl Herbaria: DAO, NY, UC, WS Ref.: Wagner 1979 Map: Wagner 1979 Range: Southern AK to sw BC; Attu Island, AK BC range: Queen Charlotte Islands (Mt. Moresby, Blackwater Creek, Dawson Inlet), Alice Arm, Port Simpson, Squamish, Strathcona Park, Nootka Sound Biogeocl.: CH Habitat: Lowland forest Rare status: R2 BC CDC status: BLUE Name: Potamogeton illinoensis Morong Herbaria: UBC, V Range: Southern BC south to s CA and east to ON and FL BC range: Scattered in s BC (Tachis River, Creston, Mirror Lake, Okanagan Lake, Christina Lake, Skaha Lake, Sumas Lake, Chilliwack Lake, McLeese lake) Biogeocl.: IF, PP, IH Habitat: Lakes and river edges Rare status: R3 BC CDC status: YELLOW Status outside: Rare in MB, PQ, continental NT, KS, IN, endangered in NC Name: Potamogeton nodosus Poir. Rare status: not-included BC CDC status: YELLOW Name: Potamogeton oakesianus Robbins Herbaria: V Ref.: Ceska and Ceska 1980 Range: BC to NF, ME and NJ BC range: Steelhead (McCoomb's Rd.) Biogeocl.: CH Habitat: Lake Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: BLUE Status outside: Rare in ON Name: Potamogeton obtusifolius Mertens & Koch Herbaria: CAN, UBC, V Ref.: Haynes 1974 Map: Haynes 1974, Porsild and Cody 1980 Range: NS to ON, south to WI and NJ; BC BC range: Scattered distribution in Province (Beaver Lake near Victoria, Manning Park, sw of Pouce Coupe, Lumby, Hazelton, Cowichan Lake, lake at 59 degrees 50' and 122 degrees 03', Saltspring Island, 30 w of Prince George) Biogeocl.: CF, CH, BS, PP, IF Habitat: Open lakes Rare status: R2 BC CDC status: none Status outside: Rare in AB, SK, MB, YT, NS, WY, KS, PA Name: Potamogeton perfoliatus L. Herbaria: V Range: Circumpolar, in North America disjunctly distributed in n regions BC range: Cassiar Mtns. (Swan Lake at Swift Creek) Biogeocl.: BS Habitat: Lakes Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: BLUE Name: Potamogeton strictifolius A. Bennett Herbaria: UBC, V Range: PQ to NY and west to NT and BC BC range: Hope, Windermere Lake, Columbia Lake Biogeocl.: CH, IF Habitat: Lakes Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: BLUE Status outside: Rare in AB, MB, CT, IL, MA, probably extirpated in OH Name: Potentilla biennis Greene Herbaria: CAN, UBC, V Ref.: Taylor 1973 Map: Hulten 1968, Taylor 1973 Range: BC to Baja CA, east to SK, ND, SD, CO and AZ BC range: Interior Highlands (Clinton, Keremeos, Kamloops, Princeton, Tupper, Swan Lake, Mulki Lake) Biogeocl.: IF, PP Habitat: Open, damp situations, waste places, sandy soil Rare status: R3 BC CDC status: YELLOW Name: Potentilla biflora Willd. ex Schlecht. Herbaria: CAN, UBC, V Ref.: Taylor 1973 Map: Hulten 1968, Porsild 1966, Taylor 1973 Range: NT to n BC; east Asia BC range: Northern BC (Liard Plateau, Summit Pass, Mt. St. George, Fort Nelson area) Biogeocl.: AT Habitat: Stony alpine regions, tundra, hillsides Rare status: R4 BC CDC status: BLUE Status outside: Rare in Continental NT Name: Potentilla diversifolia Lehm. var. perdissecta (Rydb.) C.L. Hitchc. Rare status: not-included BC CDC status: BLUE Name: Potentilla elegans Cham. & Schlecht. Herbaria: CAN, DAO, UBC, V Ref.: Kershaw and Morton 1976, Taylor 1973 Map: Hulten 1968, Taylor 1973 Range: AK, YT, NT and n BC; east Asia BC range: Stikine Ranges; Rocky Mtn. Trench; Alsek Ranges (Mt. McDame near Cassiar, AK Hwy - mile 391, Haines Road area) Biogeocl.: AT Habitat: Rocky slopes and crevices at high altitudes Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: BLUE Status outside: Rare in continental NT Name: Potentilla flabellifolia Hook. ex Torr. & Gray Herbaria: CAN, UBC, V Ref.: Taylor 1973 Map: Taylor 1973 Range: Southern BC and sw AB, south to c CA, MT and ID BC range: Coastal mtns. from Garibaldi south, Lillooet area, Manning Park Biogeocl.: AT, MH, ES Habitat: Alpine meadows and slopes, talus slopes Rare status: R4 BC CDC status: none Name: Potentilla hippiana Lehm. Herbaria: CAN, DAO, UBC, V, WS Ref.: Taylor 1973, Ulke 1934 Map: Hulten 1968, Taylor 1973 Range: AK, BC to NM and AZ, east to SK, MB, ON, ND, SD and NE BC range: Central and e BC (Lillooet area, 4 miles west of Kleena Kleene Lodge, Clinton, Quesnel, Cranbrook, Pine Pass, Telegraph Creek, Yoho National Park) Biogeocl.: ES, BS, SS, CA, IH, IF,PP Habitat: Plains, dry slopes, grassland, pine forest Rare status: R3 BC CDC status: YELLOW Status outside: Rare in ON, MN, threatened in MI Name: Potentilla hookeriana Lehm. Herbaria: CAN, DAO, UBC, V Ref.: Buttrick 1977, Taylor 1973 Map: Hulten 1968, 1971; Taylor 1973 Range: AK, south to BC, AD and SK; Siberia BC range: Scattered throughout BC (Atlin Lake, Liard Platau, Cassiar, Mt. Edziza, Clinton, Ross Lake, Pavilion Lake) Biogeocl.: SE, BS, SS, CA, PP Habitat: Gravelly places in alpine regions, rocky outcrops Rare status: R3 BC CDC status: none Name: Potentilla hyparctica Malte Herbaria: ALTA, CAN, DAO, UBC, V Ref.: Buttrick 1977, Taylor 1973 Map: Hulten 1968, 1971; Porsild 1964, Taylor 1973 Range: AK, south to BC, east to Greenland; arctic Eurasia BC range: Scattered throughout BC (Teresa Island, Summit Pass, Mt. Robson Park, Wells Gray Park) Biogeocl.: AT, MH, ES, SW Habitat: Alpine meadows and screes, tundra, coastal beaches Rare status: R3 BC CDC status: none Name: Potentilla multifida L. Herbaria: ALTA, CAN, DAO, UBC, V Ref.: Maher et al. 1979, Taylor 1973 Map: Hulten 1968, Porsild 1966, Taylor 1973 Range: AK, YT, NT, BC to n SK, east to PQ; Eurasia and e Artic BC range: Fraser Plateau (Chezacut area, Tweedsmuir Park) Biogeocl.: CA Habitat: Dry situations in open ground, rock crevices Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: none Status outside: Rare in AB, SK, PQ Name: Potentilla ovina J.M. Macoun Herbaria: UBC, V Ref.: Taylor 1973 Map: Taylor 1973 Range: Southeastern BC to n CA, east to SK, ID, MT, WY, UT, CO and NM BC range: Rocky Mtn. Trench; Border Ranges - Flathead Basin (Sheep Mtn., Flathead) Biogeocl.: ES Habitat: Damp ground in high montane regions, open ridges Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: BLUE Name: Potentilla paradoxa Nutt. ex Torr. & Gray Herbaria: DAO, UBC, V Ref.: Taylor 1973 Map: Taylor 1973 Range: Southern BC to ON, south to WA, ID, NM, MO DS, OH, PA and w NY; east Asia BC range: Thompson and Okanagan Highlands (Spences Bridge, Osoyoos) Biogeocl.: PP Habitat: Damp places, meadows, streambanks Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: RED Status outside: Rare in AB, ON, NY, PA, threatened in OH Name: Potentilla quinquefolia Rydb. Herbaria: DAO, UBC, V Ref.: Maher et al. 1979, Porsild and Crum 1961, Taylor 1973 Map: Taylor 1973 Range: YT, BC to c SK and MB, south in the Rocky Mtns. to MT, OR, SO and UT BC range: Scattered in Interior mtns. (Liard Hot Springs, Cassiar) Biogeocl.: BS, SW Habitat: Gravelly soil in high montane regions Rare status: R3 BC CDC status: BLUE Status outside: Rare in SK Name: Potentilla rivalis Nutt. Herbaria: DAO, UBC, V Ref.: Taylor 1973 Map: Taylor 1973 Range: BC to s CA, east to SK, w ON, MN, IL, MO and NM; n MX BC range: Okanagan Valley, Kootenay Valley, Columbia Valley Biogeocl.: CA, IH, IF, PP Habitat: Damp bottom lands, near water Rare status: R4 BC CDC status: YELLOW Status outside: Rare in ON, endangered in IL Name: Prenanthes racemosa A. Michx. Herbaria: DAO, V Range: Eastern BC east to NS and south to CO and OH BC range: Alberta Plateau (Pouce Coupe, Dawson Creek) Biogeocl.: BS Habitat: Meadows Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: RED [subsp. multiflora Cronq.] Status outside: Rare in NS, CO, WY, threatened in PA, endangered in ME, MO Name: Primula cuneifolia Ledeb. subsp. saxifragifolia (Lehm.) Smith & Forrest Herbaria: GD, UBC, V Ref.: Douglas and Ruyle-Douglas 1978 Map: Hulten 1968 Range: Western BC, AK; Asia BC range: Boundary Ranges (White Pass, Mt. Rapho, Haines Road), n Vancouver Island (Zeballos Peak) Biogeocl.: MH, AT Habitat: Wet meadows, tundra Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: BLUE Name: Primula egaliksensis Wormsk. Herbaria: ALTA, CAN, DAO, UBC, V Ref.: Raup 1934 Map: Hulten 1971, 1968 Range: AK, YT, NT, n BC, e North America; Greenland, w AB, n MB to PQ, NF to Labrador, CO BC range: Alsek Ranges, Teslin Plateau, Muskwa Ranges, Rocky Mountain Foothills, Hart Ranges, Continental Ranges, Selkirk Mountains, Vancouver Island Mountains, (Haines Rd. mi 75, Liard Hot Springs, Atlin Lake, Mt. Kenny, Graham River, Cariboo Pass) Biogeocl.: MH, ES, AT Habitat: Wet meadows, along streams, marshes Rare status: R3 BC CDC status: none Status outside: Rare in AB, endangered in CO Name: Primula incana M.E. Jones Herbaria: ALTA, DAO, UBC, V Ref.: Ulke 1934 Map: Hulten 1968 Range: Rocky Mountains from CO and UT to AK and n Canada; YT, MB, SK and PQ BC range: Eastern and n BC (Moberly, Peace River area, Tupper Creek, Boya Lake, Hudson Hope, Leanchoil, Yoho National Park) Biogeocl.: ES, BS Habitat: Streambanks, moist meadows, ledges Rare status: R3 BC CDC status: none Status outside: Rare in YT, Continental NT, ND, threatened in UT Name: Primula mistassinica A. Michx. Herbaria: ALTA, CAN, DAO, SFUV, UBC, V Ref.: Maher et al. 1979, Porsild and Crum 1961 Map: Hulten 1968 Range: Central-eastern AK to se YT and NT, east of NF and south to BC and New England BC range: Continental Ranges, Muskwa Ranges, Thompson Plateau (Liard Hot Springs, Keremeos, Kootenay Park) Biogeocl.: ES, BS, PP Habitat: Meadows, along streams Rare status: R2 BC CDC status: YELLOW Status outside: Rare in SK, YT, NS, IL, ME, threatened in NY, WI, possibly extirpated in VT Name: Primula sibirica Jacq. Syn.: Primula clusiana Tausch Rare status: not-included BC CDC status: RED Name: Primula stricta Hornem. Herbaria: CAN, DAO, UBC, V Map: Hulten 1958, 1968, Porsild 1964 Range: Northern North America, from AK to NT, BC w AB, MB to PQ, NF, Labrador, Greenland, Iceland and Europe BC range: Alsek Ranges (Haines Rd.) Biogeocl.: ES, BS Habitat: Moist places, saline soil Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: BLUE Status outside: Rare in AB, MB Name: Psilocarphus elatior Gray Herbaria: CAN, DAO, UBC, V Range: Southwestern BC east to ID and south to OR BC range: Southern Vancouver Island Biogeocl.: CF Habitat: Vernally moist places Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: RED Status outside: Rare in AB Name: Psilocarphus tenellus Nutt. Herbaria: CAN, DAO, UBC, V Range: Southwestern BC east to ID and south to n MX BC range: Southern Vancouver Island (Victoria) Biogeocl.: CF Habitat: Vernally moist places Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: RED Name: Psoralea physodes Dougl. ex Hook. Herbaria: CAN, UBC, V Ref.: Szczawinski and Harrison 1973, Taylor 1974 Map: Taylor 1974 Range: Southwestern BC to CA BC range: Southern Vancouver Island (Shawnigan, Sahtlam, Wolf Mtn., Blackjack Ridge, Albernie), Fraser Lowland (Langley) Biogeocl.: CF, CH Habitat: Open woods Rare status: R2 BC CDC status: BLUE Name: Puccinellia interior Sorensen Herbaria: CAN, UBC Map: Hulten 1968, Porsild 1966 Range: Most of contnental AK and YT, widespread in North America; Europe BC range: Boundary Ranges; Tagish Highland (Bennett and vicinity) Biogeocl.: ES, BS Habitat: Wet places, ponds, streambanks, sloughs, roadsides Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: none Status outside: Rare in AB, YT Name: Puccinellia lemmonii (Vasey) Scribn. Herbaria: CAN, UBC, V Range: Southwestern BC, to s SK, south to se WA, e OR, ne CA, w NV, w WY and UT BC range: Nanaimo Lowland (Victoria, Sidney, Oak Bay, Saltspring Island) Biogeocl.: CH, CF Habitat: Moist alkaline places, sagebrush desert Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: none Status outside: Rare in SK, CA Name: Pyrola dentata J.E. Smith Herbaria: UBC, V Ref.: Szczawinski 1975b Map: Szczawinski 1975b Range: BC south to Sierran CA, east to ID, MT and WY BC range: Vancouver Island (Milne's Landing Station, Nootka, Esquimalt Nanoose, Cowichan, Nanaimo, Alberni) and the mainland south from Lytton Biogeocl.: IF, CF, CH Habitat: Coniferous woods, dry slopes Rare status: R3 BC CDC status: BLUE Name: Pyrola elliptica Nutt. Herbaria: CAN, DAO, UBC, V Ref.: Szczawinski 1975b Map: Szczawinski 1975b Range: BC and AB east to NS and ne US, south to w MT, ID, NM, SD, OH, NV and PA; Japan BC range: Scattered throughout BC (Vancouver, Haney, Macalister, Quesnel, Dawson Creek) Biogeocl.: SS, CA, IF, CH Habitat: Moist woods Rare status: R3 BC CDC status: BLUE Name: Pyrola grandiflora Radius Herbaria: CAN, DAO, UBC, V Ref.: Buttrick 1977, Porsild and Crum 1961, Szczawinski Map: Hulten 1958, Porsild & Crum 1961, Szczawinski 1975b Range: Circumpolar; AK, YT and NT south to n BC, AB, SK, MB, n ON, PQ, NF and Labrador; Greenland, Iceland, Eurasia BC range: Northern BC (Atlin, Liard Hot Springs, Telegraph Creek, Dawson Creek, Dease Lake) Biogeocl.: AT, SW, BS Habitat: Dry places on tundra and in mountains Rare status: R3 BC CDC status: none Status outside: Rare in SK Name: Ranunculus alismifolius Geyer ex Benth. Syn.: Ranunculus alismaefolius [orthographic variant] Herbaria: CAN, DAO, V Range: Southwestern BC, w US BC range: Nanaimo Lowland (Victoria area); southern Okanagan Range:of Cascade Mountains (Paul Creek) Biogeocl.: CF, ES Habitat: Mudflats to alpine meadows Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: RED Name: Ranunculus californicus Benth. Herbaria: V Range: Southwestern BC south to CA BC range: Nanaimo Lowland (Trial Island, Alpha Islet, Chatham Island) Biogeocl.: CF, CH Habitat: Grassy coastal bluffs Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: RED Name: Ranunculus cardiophyllus Hook. Herbaria: V Range: BC to AB and SK; south to ne WA, sporadically farther south BC range: Fort Nelson Lowland (Dawson Creek) Biogeocl.: BS Habitat: Meadows, lowland to mountains Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: RED Name: Ranunculus eschscholtzii Schlecht. var. suksdorfii (Gray) L. Benson Syn.: Ranunculus suksdorfii Gray Rare status: not-included BC CDC status: BLUE Name: Ranunculus eximus Greene Herbaria: UBC, V Range: Southeastern BC and sw AB BC range: Park Ranges (Yoho Park, Burgess Pass) Border Ranges (Akamina and Kishinena Creeks, Wall Lake) Biogeocl.: AT Habitat: Alpine meadows, rock slides and lake shores Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: none Name: Ranunculus flabellaris Raf. Rare status: not-included BC CDC status: RED Name: Ranunculus grayi Britt. Herbaria: UBC, V Range: AK, YT south to BC, AB, MT and CO BC range: Northwestern to se BC (Mt. Edziza, Relay Mountain, Ilgachuz Mtns. Pine Pass) Biogeocl.: AT Habitat: Talus slopes and alpine meadows Rare status: R3 BC CDC status: none Name: Ranunculus inamoenus Greene Herbaria: CAN, UBC, V Range: Southern BC to AB, south to WA, ID, UT, AZ and CO BC range: Chilcotin Ranges of Coast Mountains (Relay Mountain area); Nechako Plateau (Angus Lake); Border Ranges of Rocky Mtns. (Flathead, Wall Lake) Biogeocl.: ES, CH Habitat: Mountain meadows and moist slopes Rare status: R2 BC CDC status: none Status outside: Rare in SK Name: Ranunculus lobbii (Hiern) Gray Herbaria: DAO, V Range: Pacific Coast (Vancouver Island), OR, CA BC range: Nanaimo Lowland (Victoria) Biogeocl.: CF Habitat: Vernal pools Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: RED Name: Ranunculus macounii Britt. var. oreganus (Gray) Davis Rare status: not-included BC CDC status: BLUE Name: Ranunculus pedatifidus J.E. Smith Herbaria: UBC, V Range: Circumpolar, sporadically south to MT, WY, CO, NM and AZ BC range: Okanagan Range:of Cascade Mountains (Lakesview Mountain) Biogeocl.: ES, AT Habitat: Meadows, arctic or alpine tundra Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: BLUE Status outside: Rare in ON, MB Name: Ranunculus pygmaeus Wahl. Herbaria: UBC Range: AK to Greenland, south to WY and CO BC range: Western BC (St. Elias Mountains, Cassiar, Ilgachuz Mountains, Traughton Lake; Vancouver Island - Zeballos Peak) Biogeocl.: AT, ES Habitat: Alpine meadows Rare status: R3 BC CDC status: none Status outside: Rare in YT Name: Ranunculus rhomboideus Goldie Herbaria: CAN, DAO, UBC, V Range: BC east to ON, south to NE and MA BC range: Fort Nelson Lowland (Hudson's Hope, Dawson Creek, Rose Prairie) Biogeocl.: BS Habitat: Prairie rock outcrops, open woods Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: RED Status outside: Rare in Continental NT Name: Ranunculus sulphureus Solander ex Phipps Herbaria: UBC, V Ref.: Pojar et al. 1976 Range: AK to Labrador; Eurasia, including Arctic Islands BC range: Spatsizi Plateau (Maternity Mtn.); Liard Plateau (ca. 59 degrees N 125 degrees W) Biogeocl.: AT Habitat: Moist tundra Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: BLUE Name: Ranunculus verecundus B. Rob. Herbaria: UBC, V Range: BC and AB to WA, ID and MT BC range: Coast Mountains, Border Ranges (Garibaldi, Tenquille Lake, Flathead area) Biogeocl.: AT, MH, ES, IH Habitat: Wet slopes, sea level to alpine meadows Rare status: R3 BC CDC status: YELLOW Status outside: Rare in AB Name: Rhamnus alnifolia L'Her. Herbaria: CAN, DAO, UBC, V Range: BC to PQ, NF, NB, PE and NS, south to CA, ID, MT, WY, ME and PA BC range: Southeastern BC (Flathead, Cranbrook, Waldo, Kimberley, Hosmer, Jaffray) Biogeocl.: IH, IF Habitat: Moist ground, near streams Rare status: R4 BC CDC status: YELLOW Name: Rhododendron lapponicum (L.) Wahlenb. Herbaria: ALTA, CAN, DAO, SFUV, UBC, V Ref.: Raup 1934 Map: Hulten 1958, 1968, Porsild 1964, Szczawinski 1975b Range: AK, YT, NT and BC east to PQ, Labrador, NF and NY; Eurasia BC range: Northeast and Northern Interior (Summit Pass, Muncho Lake, Cassiar Mountains, Atlin, Redfern Lake) Biogeocl.: AT, ES, SW Habitat: Rocky alpine slopes and cliffs, alpine barrens Rare status: R4 BC CDC status: none Status outside: Rare in AB, endangered in ME, WI Name: Rhododendron macrophyllum D. Don ex G. Don Herbaria: CAN, UBC, V Ref.: Szczawinski 1975b, Taylor and Taylor 1973 Range: In the Cascades, from BC through WA to OR and n CA BC range: Southwestern BC: Skagit Range, Hozameen Range, Nanaimo Lowland (Chilliwack Valley, Hope, Skagit Valley, Manning Park, two localities on Vancouver Island: Rhododendron Lake - Nanaimo, Weeks Lake between Shawnigan and Port Renfrew) Biogeocl.: CF, CH Habitat: Moist woods in shade, ravines, openings in shady forests Rare status: R2 BC CDC status: YELLOW Name: Rhynchospora capillacea Torr. Rare status: not-included BC CDC status: RED Name: Ribes howellii Greene Herbaria: CAN, UBC, V Range: Southwestern BC south to OR and ID BC range: Southwestern BC (Mt. Cheam, Elk Mtn., Manning Park, Yale, Grouse Mtn., n Vancouver Island (Gibson Rd.) Biogeocl.: MH, ES, CH Habitat: Alpine meadows, subalpine streambanks Rare status: R4 BC CDC status: none Name: Ribes irriguum Dougl. Rare status: not-included BC CDC status: YELLOW Name: Ribes lobbii Gray Herbaria: CAN, UBC, UVIC, V Range: Southwestern BC to nw CA BC range: Vancouver Island (Esquimalt, Bowser, First Nanaimo Lake, Parkville, Nanoose Hill, Victoria, Duncan, Mt. Arrowsmith, Sooke), Gulf Islands (Saltspring, Denman, Galiano) Biogeocl.: CF Habitat: Open woods and streambanks Rare status: R3 BC CDC status: YELLOW Name: Ribes montigenum McClat. Herbaria: CAN Range: BC to s CA and NM BC range: South-central BC (Midway) Biogeocl.: IF Habitat: Alpine slopes, ridges Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: RED Name: Ribes oxycanthoides L. subsp. congnatum (Greene) Sinnott Herbaria: UBC Range: BC south to OR and east to ID BC range: South-central BC (Grand Forks, Anarchist Mtn.) Biogeocl.: IF Habitat: Rocky hillsides Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: RED Status outside: Rare in WA Name: Romanzoffia tracyi Jeps. Herbaria: DAO, UBC, V Ref.: Kershaw and Morton 1976 Range: Humboldt County CA and north at widely scattered sites to the Olympic Peninsula of WA, sw BC BC range: Western and s Vancouver Island (Ucluelet, Tofino, Sooke, Long Beach, Victoria) Biogeocl.: CF, CH Habitat: Coastal bluffs Rare status: R3 BC CDC status: BLUE Name: Rosa arkansana T.C. Porter Herbaria: UBC, V Ref.: Harms 1974, Taylor and Taylor 1978 Map: Taylor and Taylor 1978 Range: East of the Rocky Mtns. from BC to NY, south to NM, TX, KS, MO, IN and DC BC range: Northeastern BC from Fort Nelson to Pine Pass and from Chetwynd to the AB border Biogeocl.: BS Habitat: Prairies, open sandy plains Rare status: R4 BC CDC status: BLUE Name: Rotala ramosior (L.) Koehne Herbaria: DAO, UBC, V, WTU Ref.: Ceska and Ceska 1980 Range: BC to MX, east to NH, FL and West Indies BC range: Okanagan Highland (Osoyoos), Thompson Plateau (Kamloops) Biogeocl.: PP Habitat: Inundated lake shores Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: RED Status outside: Rare in ON Name: Rubus arcticus L. subsp. stellatus (J.E. Smith) Boivin Syn.: Rubus stellatus J.E. Smith Herbaria: CAN, DAO, UBC, V Ref.: Taylor 1973 Map: Hulten 1968, 1971; Taylor 1973 Range: AK to Labrador, BC, SK, MB, PQ, south to MT, Eurasia BC range: Alsek Ranges; Tanzilla Plateau; Muskwa Ranges; Fort Nelson Lowland (Dease Lake, Haines Road, Liard Hot Springs, Sikanni River), Vancouver Island (Paradise Meadows) Biogeocl.: SW, BS, CH, MH Habitat: Tundra and cold bogs, heath, woodlands Rare status: R3 BC CDC status: none Status outside: Rare in YT Name: Rubus lasiococcus Gray Herbaria: CAN, UBC, V Ref.: Taylor 1973 Map: Taylor 1973 Range: Southern BC to nw CA BC range: Hozameen Range; Okanagan Range; Cascade Mtns.; Nanaimo Lowland (Ladysmith, Mt. Brenton, Hope, Yale, Skagit Valley, Manning Park) Biogeocl.: ES Habitat: Open montane situations, moist to dry woods Rare status: R2 BC CDC status: BLUE Name: Rubus nivalis Dougl. ex Hook. Herbaria: CAN, UBC, V Ref.: Taylor 1973 Map: Taylor 1973 Range: Southern BC to OR, east to ID BC range: Vancouver Island Mtns. - Vancouver Island Ranges; Fraser Lowland; Monashee Mtns.; Selkirk Mtns. (Strathcona Provincial Park, Nanaimo river Valley, Victoria, Alouette Mtn., Nakusp, Seymour Arm) Biogeocl.: MH, ES, IH, CF Habitat: Open to shaded montane areas at high altitudes Rare status: R2 BC CDC status: BLUE Name: Rumex arcticus Trautv. Rare status: not-included BC CDC status: BLUE Name: Rumex paucifolius Nutt. Herbaria: CAN, UBC, V Range: Cascade Mtns. from s BC to s CA, east to the east side of the Rocky Mtns. from AB to CO BC range: Scattered through BC (Nakusp, Edgewood, Ootsa Lake, Little Tuya Lake) Biogeocl.: MH, ES, SS Habitat: Wet meadows, moist mountain slopes Rare status: R3 BC CDC status: BLUE Status outside: Rare in AB Name: Sagina decumbens (Ell.) Torr. & Gray subsp. occidentalis (S. Wats.) Crow Rare status: not-included BC CDC status: RED Name: Sagina intermedia Fenzl Syn.: Sagina nivalis (Lindbl.) Fries Herbaria: UBC, V Map: Hulten 1968, 1971; Porsild 1964 Range: Throughout coastal AK and n YT, east to Labrador; Greenland; Eurasia BC range: Hart Ranges - Misinchinka Ranges (Morfee Mtn.) Biogeocl.: SW, BS Habitat: Moist rock outcrops, beaches, spits, hillsides Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: BLUE Status outside: Rare in YT, PQ Name: Sagittaria latifolia Willd. Herbaria: UBC, V Range: BC to NS and south to CA, MX and FL; West Indies; n South America BC range: Scattered in southern part of Province (Williams Lake, Lac La Hache, Windermere Lake, Steveston, South Vancouver, Kamloops, Pitt Meadows, Tranquille, Ladner) Biogeocl.: SS, CA, IH, IF, PP CF, CH Habitat: Swamps, ponds and streams Rare status: R3 BC CDC status: YELLOW Status outside: Rare in AB Name: Salix amygdaloides Anderss. Herbaria: UBC, V Ref.: Brayshaw 1976 Map: Brayshaw 1976 Range: Southern BC (east of Cascades) east to NY and PQ, south to AZ, TX and KY BC range: Okanagan Highland and Thompson Plateau (Spences Bridge, Osoyoos, Penticton), Alberta Plateau Biogeocl.: IH, IF, PP Habitat: Riverbanks and lakeshores Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: RED Name: Salix athabascensis Raup Herbaria: CAN, DAO, UBC, V Ref.: Argus 1973, Brayshaw 1976, Porsild and Crum 1961, Raup 1959 Map: Argus 1973, Brayshaw 1976 Range: AK, YT, NT, BC TO MB BC range: Northeastern BC (Liard Hot Springs, Taylor, Tadyah Lake, Albreda, 100 Mile House, Valemont, Tete Jaune Cache, Morfee Creek) Biogeocl.: BS Habitat: Wet meadows, muskegs and bogs Rare status: R3 BC CDC status: none Name: Salix boothii Dorn Rare status: not-included BC CDC status: BLUE Name: Salix farriae Ball Rare status: not-included BC CDC status: YELLOW Name: Salix geyeriana Anderss. Herbaria: CAN, UBC, V Ref.: Brayshaw 1976 Map: Brayshaw 1976 Range: Southern BC south to CA and CO, east to MT, UT and SD BC range: Southern BC (Vancouver Island south from Nanaimo, Vancouver, Logan Lake, Cranbrook) Biogeocl.: CF, CH Habitat: Streamside and lakeshore thickets Rare status: R2 BC CDC status: YELLOW Name: Salix lemmonii Bebb Rare status: not-included BC CDC status: RED Name: Salix petiolaris J.E. Smith Syn.: Salix gracilis Anderss. Herbaria: CAN, UBC, V Ref.: Brayshaw 1976 Map: Brayshaw 1976 Range: Northern BC and YT east to NB, NJ and south to MT, CO, VA and OK BC range: Alberta Plateau (Dawson Creek, Sundance Lake) Biogeocl.: BS Habitat: Stream-side thickets Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: BLUE Status outside: Rare in Continental NT Name: Salix planifolia Pursh subsp. pulchra (Cham.) Argus Herbaria: CAN, V Ref.: Brayshaw 1976 Map: Brayshaw 1976 Range: Eastern Asia; AK to nw NT and n BC BC range: Northern BC (White Pass, Haines Road Mile 56, 66, 72, Atlin, Mt. Edziza, Mt. Hazel, AK Hwy. Mile 88, 392) Biogeocl.: SW, BS Habitat: Wet meadows and tundra, dry rocky slopes Rare status: R2 BC CDC status: YELLOW Name: Salix raupii Argus Herbaria: CAN, UBC, V Ref.: Argus 1974, Kershaw and Morton 1976 Range: Northern BC, NT and AB BC range: Muskwa Ranges; Skeena Mtns. (MacDonald Creek, Fern Lake, Gladys Lake) Biogeocl.: BS Habitat: White spruce woods Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: RED Name: Salix reticulata L. subsp. glabellicarpa Argus Herbaria: CAN, UBC, V Ref.: Argus 1973, Brayshaw 1976 Map: Argus 1973, Brayshaw 1976 Range: Queen Charlotte Islands, AK BC range: Graham Island (Masset Inlet, Tan Mtn.), Moresby Island (Lake Takakia, Tasu Mtn., Mosquito Lake) Biogeocl.: AT, MH Habitat: Alpine tundra, wet seepage areas Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: RED Name: Salix serissima (Bailey) Fern. Herbaria: CAN, UBC, V Ref.: Brayshaw 1976 Map: Hulten 1968 Range: NT, BC, AB to ON, PQ, labrador, NF, south to CO, ND, PA and NJ BC range: Alberta Plateau (Dawson Creek) Biogeocl.: BS Habitat: Swamps, riverbanks Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: BLUE Status outside: Rare in PQ, CT, IN, MA, ME Name: Salix sessilifolia Nutt. Herbaria: CAN, UBC, V Ref.: Brayshaw 1973 Map: Brayshaw 1973, 1976 Range: BC to OR, west of the Cascades BC range: Southwestern BC (Vancouver Island south from Cowichan Lake, Lower Fraser River Valley east to Hope, Rock Creek) Biogeocl.: CF, CH Habitat: Sandbars and gravel bars in river Rare status: R4 BC CDC status: BLUE Name: Salix setchelliana C.R. Ball Herbaria: CAN, UBC, V Ref.: Argus 1973 Map: Argus 1973, Hulten 1968, Porsild 1966 Range: AK, YT, BC BC range: Icefield Ranges; Alsek Ranges (Alsek River) Biogeocl.: CH Habitat: Gravel bars, sandbars and beaches Rare status: R2 BC CDC status: BLUE Status outside: Rare in YT Name: Salix tweedyi (Bebb ex Rose) Ball Rare status: not-included BC CDC status: BLUE Name: Sambucus racemosa L. subsp. pubens (Michx.) House var. leucocarpa (Torr. & Gray) Cronq. Rare status: not-included BC CDC status: YELLOW Name: Samolus valerandi L. Syn.: Samolus parviflorus Raf. ? Herbaria: DAO, UBC Range: BC and NB to MX; South America BC range: Agassiz Biogeocl.: CH Habitat: Swamps and streams Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: RED Status outside: Rare in NB, WA Name: Sanguisorba menziesii Rydb. Rare status: not-included BC CDC status: BLUE Name: Sanguisorba occidentalis Nutt. Rare status: not-included BC CDC status: BLUE Name: Sanicula arctopoides Hook. & Arn. Herbaria: CAN, DAO, UBC, UVIC, V Range: Southwestern BC to WA and CA BC range: Nanaimo Lowland (Victoria, Trial Island, Cadboro Bay, Saxe Point, Equimalt, Beacon Hill) Biogeocl.: CF, CH Habitat: Coastal bluffs and headlands Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: RED Status outside: Threatened in WA Name: Sanicula bipinnatifida Dougl. ex Hook. Herbaria: CAN, DAO, UBC, V Range: Southwestern BC and w WA, OR and CA BC range: Nanaimo Lowland (Victoria north to Nanaimo, Oak Bay) Biogeocl.: CF, CH Habitat: Open or sparsely wooded slopes and drier meadows Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: RED Name: Sarracenia purpurea L. Herbaria: ALTA, CAN, DAO, UBC, V Ref.: Cody and TAlbot 1973, Krajina 1968, Taylor 1979 Map: Cody and Talbot 1973 Range: NT, n BC east to Labrador and NF, south to the Great Lake states and e US BC range: Fort Nelson Lowland (Fort Nelson area) Biogeocl.: BS Habitat: Peat bogs Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: BLUE [subsp. purpurea] Status outside: Rare in AB, Continental NT, IL, endangered in GA, SC, threatened in MI, LA Name: Satureja douglasii (Benth.) Briq. Herbaria: UBC, UVIC, V Map: Hulten 1968 Range: Southern BC south to s CA and east to n ID BC range: Southern BC (Ainsworth, Lasqueti Island, Gulf Islands, Nanaimo, Cowichan Lake, Kaslo, Sidney, Nanoose, Armstorng, Crawford Bay, Victoria) Biogeocl.: IH, CF Habitat: Coniferous woods Rare status: R4 BC CDC status: none Name: Saussurea americana D.C. Eat. Herbaria: CAN, UBC, V Ref.: Douglas and Ruyle-Douglas 1978 Range: Southern AK south to n ID and ne OR BC range: Scattered; Selkirk Mountains (Crutch Creek), Haines Hwy. (Mile 47), Queen Charlotte Islands (Tasu mtn.), Lower Mt. Hooper, mtn. west of Green Mtn., Port Alberni area) Biogeocl.: MH, SW, BS Habitat: Open forests Rare status: R3 BC CDC status: none Status outside: Rare in AB, YT, CA Name: Saussurea angustifolia (Willd.) DC. var. yukonensis A.E. Porsild Syn.: Saussurea viscida Hulten var. yukonensis (A.E. Porsild) Hulten Herbaria: V (photo) Range: AK and w NT south to nw BC BC range: Atlin Biogeocl.: AT Habitat: Tundra Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: none Status outside: Rare in Continental NT Name: Saussurea angustifolia (Willd.) DC. var. angustifolia Rare status: not-included BC CDC status: BLUE Name: Saussurea nuda Ledebour var. densa (Hook.) Hulten Syn.: Saussurea densa (Hook.) Rydb. Herbaria: UBC, V Range: Eastern Asia; AK south to s BC BC range: Yoho Park, Kootenay Park (Ball Pass, Mt. Assiniboine, Kicking Horse lake), Flathead River Biogeocl.: ES, IF Habitat: Rock crevices, alpine meadows Rare status: R4 BC CDC status: none Name: Saxifraga davurica Willd. subsp. grandipetala (Engl. & Irmsch.) Hulten Rare status: not-included BC CDC status: BLUE Name: Saxifraga flagellaris Sternb. & Willd. Herbaria: DAO, UBC Range: Circumboreal, south in W North America to BC and CO BC range: Northern to w-c BC (Itcha Mtns., Nevis Creek, Mt. Edziza, Sheep Lick Mtn., Cullivan Creek, Summit Pass, Good Hope Lake) Biogeocl.: AT Habitat: Open tundra, rock scree Rare status: R2 BC CDC status: none Status outside: Rare in AB Name: Saxifraga hieracifolia Waldst. & Kit. Syn.: Saxifraga hieraciifolia Waldst. & Kit. [orthographic variant] Herbaria: V Range: Circumboreal, south in w North America to n BC BC range: Liard Plateau (59 degrees 45 N, 125 degrees 30 W) Biogeocl.: BS Habitat: Wet tundra, solifluction soil Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: BLUE Name: Saxifraga hirculus L. Herbaria: V Range: Circumboreal, south in w North America to n BC Rocky Mountains of CO and UT BC range: Maklin Platea of Stikine Plateau (Ketchum Lake, Level Mtn.), Liard Plateau (59 degrees 45 N 125 degrees 30 W) Biogeocl.: SW Habitat: Bogs and wet meadows Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: BLUE Status outside: Rare in MB Name: Saxifraga nelsoniana D. Don ssp. carlottae (Calder & Savile) Hult. Rare status: not-included BC CDC status: RED Name: Saxifraga nidifica Greene Syn.: Saxifraga integrifolia Hook. var. columbiana (Piper) C.L. Hitchc., Saxifraga columbiana Piper Rare status: not-included BC CDC status: YELLOW Name: Saxifraga reflexa Hook. Herbaria: DAO, UBC, V Range: AK, n YT, w NT BC range: Northwestern BC (Mile 81, Haines Road, Cassiar, Atlin Lake) Biogeocl.: AT Habitat: Dry, rocky ground Rare status: R3 BC CDC status: none Name: Saxifraga serpyllifolia Pursh Herbaria: UBC, V Ref.: Pojar et al. 1976 Range: Asia, AK, YT, n BC BC range: Tahltan Highland (Mt. Edziza); Teslin Plateau (Gladys Lake) Biogeocl.: AT Habitat: Alpine or artic tundra, rock outcrops, soilifluction soil Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: BLUE Status outside: Rare in Continental NT Name: Saxifraga taylori Calder & Savile Herbaria: DAO, UBC, V Map: Calder and Taylor 1968 Range: Mountains of Queen Charlotte Islands and Vancouver Island BC range: Queen Charlotte Mountains, Vancouver Island Mountains (Brook Peninusla, Snowsaddle Mtn., Zeballos Peak, Merry Widow Mtn.) Biogeocl.: CH Habitat: Alpine and subalpine cliffs and slopes Rare status: R4 BC CDC status: BLUE Note: Endemic to BC Name: Schizachyrium scoparium (Michx.) Nash Syn.: Andropogon scoparius Michx. Herbaria: DAO, UBC, V Range: Southeastern BC to PQ, south to ID, MT, UT and AZ, east to most of the US; MX BC range: Rocky Mtn. Trench (Bull River, Fairmont Hot Springs) Biogeocl.: IF, PP Habitat: Prairies and foothills Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: RED Name: Scirpus cernuus Vahl Herbaria: UBC, V Ref.: Taylor 1983 Map: Calder and Taylor 1968, Taylor 1983 Range: Southwestern BC to n MX; South Amreica; Europe; Africa, Australia, New Zealand BC range: Queen Charlotte Islands (Port Clements, Juskatla), Vancouver Island (Parksville, Point-no-Point, Qualicum River, Nanaimo, Tofino, Brooks Peninsula, Alberni), Port Moody Biogeocl.: CH Habitat: Fresh or brachish marshes Rare status: R4 BC CDC status: none Name: Scirpus fluviatilis (Torr.) Gray Herbaria: V Ref.: Taylor 1983 Map: Taylor 1983 Range: Southern BC east to PQ, south to CA, MO and VA BC range: West coast of Vancouver Island, Vancouver, Osoyoos Biogeocl.: CH, PP Habitat: Stream and lake margins Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: BLUE Status outside: Rare in AB, NB, MA, PA Name: Scirpus nevadensis S. Wats. Rare status: not-included BC CDC status: YELLOW Name: Scirpus olneyi Gray Herbaria: V Ref.: Dawe and White 1982 Range: BC and NS, south to FI and MX BC range: Qualicum Beach, Pemberton (Meager Creek Hot Springs) Biogeocl.: CF, CH Habitat: Brackish marshes, wet meadows Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: BLUE Status outside: Rare in Canada, KS, WA, endangered in NC, threatened in MI Name: Scirpus pallidus (Britt.) Fern. Herbaria: V Ref.: Taylor 1983 Map: Taylor 1983 Range: Western North America from BC to OR, UT, NM, TX and MN BC range: Columbia Valley (Fairmont Hot Springs), Arrow Lake (Needles) Biogeocl.: IF Habitat: River banks Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: BLUE Name: Scirpus supinus L. var. saximontanus (Fern.) T. Koyama Syn.: Schoenoplectus saximontanus (Fern.) J. Raynal BC CDC status: RED Name: Scolochloa festucacea (Willd.) Link Rare status: not-included BC CDC status: BLUE Name: Scrophularia californica Cham. & Schlecht. Herbaria: UBC, UVIC, V Ref.: Taylor 1974a Map: Taylor 1974a Range: Southwestern BC to CA and adjacent NV, west of the Cascades BC range: Southwestern BC (Vancouver Island and Gulf Islands) Biogeocl.: CH Habitat: Low moist ground, along steams Rare status: R4 BC CDC status: YELLOW Name: Scrophularia lanceolata Pursh Rare status: not-included BC CDC status: BLUE Name: Scutellaria angustifolia Pursh Herbaria: CAN, UBC, V Map: Epling 1939 Range: Southeastern BC south to s CA and east to w and n ID BC range: Southeastern BC (Trail) Biogeocl.: IF Habitat: Open moist or dry, rocky areas in foothills and lowlands Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: BLUE Name: Scutellaria lateriflora L. Herbaria: CAN, DAO, UBC, V Ref.: Epling 1939, Maher et al. 1979 Range: Southern BC to NF, south to GA and CA and TX BC range: Vancouver Island, New Westminster, Burnaby, Okanagan, Vancouver, Quesnel) Biogeocl.: SS, CF, CH, PP Habitat: Moist bottom lands Rare status: R3 BC CDC status: YELLOW Status outside: Rare in SK, CO Name: Selaginella oregana D.C. Eat. Herbaria: UBC Range: Coastal BC south to nw CA BC range: West coast of Vancouver Island (Power River, Barkley Sound) Biogeocl.: SS, CF, CH, PP Habitat: On rock outcrops and tree trunks Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: BLUE Name: Selaginella sibirica (Milde) Hieron. Rare status: not-included BC CDC status: YELLOW Name: Senecio atropurpureus (Ledeb.) Fedch. Herbaria: GD, V Ref.: Douglas 1982, Douglas and Ruyle-Douglas 1978 Map: Douglas 1982, Hulten 1968 Range: Northern Asia to AK and w NT, south to n BC BC range: Northern BC (Chilkat Pass area, Blanchard River, Liard Plateau) Biogeocl.: BS, AT Habitat: Tundra and boggy areas Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: BLUE Name: Senecio congestus (R. Br.) DC. Herbaria: V Ref.: Douglas 1982, Douglas and Ruyle-Douglas Map: Douglas 1982, Hulten 1968 Range: Circumboreal, south in w North America to n BC BC range: Northern BC (White Pass, AK Hwy, Mile 581) Biogeocl.: BS Habitat: Wet places Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: BLUE Name: Senecio conterminus Greenm. Herbaria: DAO, UBC, V Ref.: Douglas 1982, Packer 1972 Map: Douglas 1982, Hulten 1968 Range: Southwestern AB and se BC to nw MT BC range: Flathead area (Mile 19 Flathead Road) Biogeocl.: ES Habitat: Rocky alpine areas Rare status: R2 BC CDC status: RED Status outside: Rare in AB, MT Name: Senecio elmeri Piper Herbaria: GD, NY, UBC, V Ref.: Douglas 1982, Barkley 1978 Map: Douglas 1982 Range: Southern BC south to c WA BC range: Scattered distribution in s BC (Chilliwack Valley, Relay Mountain, Cinnabar Basin, Noaxe Lake, Pemberton, Cathedral Lake, Mt. Matier, Big Dog Mountain) Biogeocl.: MH Habitat: Gravel and talus subalpine slopes Rare status: R4 BC CDC status: none Status outside: Rare in WA Name: Senecio foetidus J.T. Howell var. foetidus Herbaria: CAN, DAO, V Ref.: Douglas 1982 Map: Douglas 1982 Range: Southern BC east to w ID and south to c CA BC range: South of Rossland (Sheep Creek), Flathead River area Biogeocl.: IH, IF Habitat: Wet meadows Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: RED Status outside: Rare in AB Name: Senecio foetidus J.T. Howell var. hydrophiloides (Rydb.) Barkley ex HerbarCronq. in FerrisDAO, GD, UBC, V Ref.: Barkley 1978, Douglas 1982 Map: Douglas 1982 Range: Southeastern BC and sw AB south to MT and e OR BC range: West of Yahk, Flathead area, Grand Forks Biogeocl.: IH, ES Habitat: Wet meadows Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: RED Status outside: Rare in Canada and CO Name: Senecio hydrophylus Nutt. Herbaria: CAN Ref.: Barkley 1978, Douglas 1982 Map: Douglas 1982 Range: Southern BC south to c CO and c CA BC range: Southeastern BC (Kootenay Flats, Salmon River) Biogeocl.: ES Habitat: Alkali marshes Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: RED Name: Senecio integerrimus Nutt. var. ochroleucus (Gray) Cronq. Rare status: not-included BC CDC status: RED Name: Senecio macounii Greene Herbaria: CAN, DAO, UBC, V Ref.: Barkley 1978, 1980, Douglas 1982 Map: Barkley 1980, Douglas 1982 Range: Southwestern BC south to nw CA BC range: Southern Vancouver Island (Victoria, Shawnigan Lake, Bald Mountain, Duncan, Durrace Lake) Biogeocl.: CF, CH Habitat: Grassy open areas, edges of salt marshes Rare status: R4 BC CDC status: BLUE Name: Senecio megacephalus Nutt. Herbaria: CAN, DAO, GD, UBC, V Ref.: Barkley 1978, Douglas 1982 Map: Douglas 1982 Range: Southeastern BC and s AB south to w-c MT and ID BC range: Southeastern BC (Mile 19 Flathead Rd., Crevice Mtn., Pollock Mtn., Grizzly Mtn., King Edward Peak) Biogeocl.: ES, IH Habitat: Talus and rocky slopes Rare status: R4 BC CDC status: BLUE Status outside: Rare in AB, WY Name: Senecio moresbiensis (Calder & Taylor) G.W. Douglas & G. Ruyle-Douglas Syn.: Senecio Cymbalarioides Bueck subsp. moresbiensis Calder & Taylor Herbaria: DAO, UBC, V Ref.: Calder and Taylor 1968, Douglas 1982 Map: Calder and Taylor 1968, Douglas 1982 Range: Southeastern AK to sw BC BC range: Queen Charlotte Islands (Louscoone Inlet, Mine Mtn, Moresby Mtn., Chaatl Island, Shrimp Creek), nw Vancouver Island (Port Hardy, Brooks Peninsula) Biogeocl.: CF, MH Habitat: Rocky, boggy slopes Rare status: R2 BC CDC status: BLUE Note: Endemic to BC and s AK Name: Senecio newcombei Greene Herbaria: DAO, UBC, V Ref.: Barkley 1978, Calder and Taylor 1968, Douglas 1982 Map: Calder and Taylor 1968, Douglas 1982 Range: Queen Charlotte Islands BC range: Queen Charlotte Islands (Slate Chuck Mtn., Cumshewa Inlet, Peel, Runnell Sound, Bigsby Inlet, Atlow Bay, Mine Mtn., Shrimp Creek) Biogeocl.: MH, CF Habitat: Wet hillsides, boggy slopes, alpine meadows Rare status: R4 BC CDC status: BLUE Note: Endemic to BC Name: Senecio ogotorukensis Packer Herbaria: GD, V Ref.: Douglas 1982, Packer 1972 Map: Douglas 1982 Range: AK to NT and south to nw BC BC range: Northwestern BC (Alsek River) Biogeocl.: AT Habitat: Rocky alpine and subalpine slopes Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: BLUE Name: Senecio plattensis Nutt. Herbaria: V Ref.: Douglas 1982, Douglas and Ruyle-Douglas 1978 Map: Douglas 1982 Range: NT east to MB and south to BC, VA and TX BC range: Interior Highlands (Ft. Fraser, Kamloops, Nulki Lake, Prince George, Chilcotin, Ft. Steel, Lac la Hache, Alexis Creek) Biogeocl.: PP, IF Habitat: Open forests Rare status: R2 BC CDC status: BLUE Status outside: Rare in SK, threatened in PA Name: Senecio pseudo-arnica Less. Syn.: Senecio pseudoarnica, S. pseudarnica [orthogr. variants] Herbaria: DAO, UBC, V Ref.: Barkley 1978, Douglas 1982 Map: Calder and Taylor 1968, Douglas 1982 Range: Eastern Asia; AK east to NF and south to BC BC range: Queen Charlotte Islands (Rose Spit, between Masset and Tow Hill) Biogeocl.: CH Habitat: Beaches Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: BLUE Status outside: Rare in NS, NB Name: Senecio serra Hook. Herbaria: V Ref.: Douglas 1982, Douglas and Ruyle-Douglas 1978 Map: Douglas 1982 Range: BC south to CA and UT BC range: Pine Pass Biogeocl.: BS Habitat: Wet meadows Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: BLUE Name: Senecio sheldonensis A.E. Porsild Herbaria: UBC, V Ref.: Douglas 1982 Map: Douglas 1982, Hulten 1968, Porsild and Cody 1980 Range: Central YT and sw NT south to n BC BC range: Northern BC (Muncho Lake, Teresa Island, Mile 98 Haines Road, Mt. Will, between Tanzilla River and Dease Lake) Biogeocl.: SW Habitat: Subalpine meadows and bogs Rare status: R3 BC CDC status: BLUE Status outside: Rare in Continental NT Name: Senecio tundricola Tolmie Syn.: Senecio fuscatus (Jordan & Fourreau) Hayek Herbaria: GD, V Ref.: Douglas 1982, Douglas and Ruyle-Douglas 1978 Map: Douglas 1982 Range: Circumboreal, south in w North America to n BC; MT and WY BC range: Northern BC (Chilcat Pass, Swan Lake) Biogeocl.: AT, SW Habitat: Dry rocky tundra Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: BLUE Name: Senecio yukonensis Porsild Rare status: not-included BC CDC status: BLUE Name: Shepherdia argentea (Pursh) Nutt. Herbaria: CAN, DAO, UBC, V Ref.: Clark 1973, Daup 1934 Range: BC to MB, south to se OR, e and s CA and MN BC range: Alberta Plateau (Hudson's Hope), Interior Highlands Biogeocl.: BS, PP Habitat: Along watercourses, open woods, thickets Rare status: R2 BC CDC status: RED Name: Sidalcea hendersonii S. Wats. Herbaria: CAN, UBC, UVIC, V Range: Southwestern BC to OR BC range: Vancouver Island ( Victoria, Alberni, Campbell River), Fraser Lowland (Pt. Grey, Ladner, Langley), Alta Lake, Gabriola Is. Biogeocl.: CF Habitat: Meadows, wet places, tidal flats Rare status: R2 BC CDC status: BLUE Status outside: Rare in WA Name: Sidalcea oregana (Nutt.) Gray Herbaria: UBC Range: South-central BC south to CA and east to WY and UT BC range: Thompson Plateau (Kamloops) Biogeocl.: PP Habitat: Sagebrush hillsides Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: RED [var. procera C.L. Hitchc.] Status outside: Threatened in WA Name: Silene drummondii Hook Herbaria: UBC, V Range: BC to SK, south to MT, ID, CO and AZ BC range: Central BC (Smithers area, Peace River area, Mt. Kobau, White Lake) Biogeocl.: ES, CH, BS Habitat: Sagebrush slopes to alpne ridges Rare status: R3 BC CDC status: BLUE [var. drummondii] Name: Silene involucrata (Cham. & Schlecht.) Bocq. Herbaria: CAN, DAO, UBC, V Map: Hulten 1968, 1971; Porsild 1964 Range: Circumpolar; most of AK, YT, NT, east to Labrador, south to BC, w AB, MB to PQ BC range: Rocky Mtn. Foothills (Nevis Creek) Biogeocl.: ES Habitat: Alpine meadows, gravel bluffs, tundra Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: BLUE [subsp. involucrata] Status outside: Rare in AB, MB, ON Name: Silene repens Patrin ex Pers. Herbaria: CAN, UBC, V Map: Hulten 1968 Range: AK and YT, east to Mackenzie, south to BC, ID, WY and MT; Eurasia BC range: Eastern and s BC (Eldorado Creek, Nevis Creek, Cathedral Lakes Provincial Park) Biogeocl.: ES Habitat: Dry grassy slopes, open woods, rock outcrops, meadows, scree slopes Rare status: R3 BC CDC status: BLUE Name: Silene scouleri (Eastw.) C.L. Hitchc. & Maguire ssp. grandis (Eastw.) C.L. Hitchc. & Maguire Rare status: not-included BC CDC status: RED Name: Silene scouleri (Eastw.) C.L. Hitchc. subsp. scouleri Rare status: not-included BC CDC status: YELLOW Name: Silene spaldingii S. Wats. Rare status: not-included BC CDC status: RED Name: Silene taimyrensis (Tolmatchev) Bocq. Herbaria: UBC, V Ref.: Raup 1934 Map: Hulten 1968, Porsild 1966 Range: Central AK, YT, NT and n BC BC range: Northern BC (Dease Lake, north of Cassiar junction) Biogeocl.: AT, SW Habitat: Calcareous clays and gravels, stony barrens in mountains Rare status: R3 BC CDC status: BLUE Name: Silene uralensis (Rupr.) Bocq. subsp. attenuata (Farr) McNeil Herbaria: CAN, DAO, UBC, V, WS Ref.: Raup 1934, Ulke 1934 Map: Hulten 1968, 1971 Range: Circumpolar; AK and YT east to the Atlantic, south in the Rocky Mtns. to s BC, MT, ID, UT and CO BC range: Northern and c BC (Liard Plateau, Gladys Lake, Spatsizi Plateau, Summit Pass, Revelstoke, Yoho Park, Mt. Selwyn, Mt. Kenney, Mt. Assiniboine, Mt. Robson Park) Biogeocl.: AT, ES Habitat: Alpine tundra, talus slopes, riverbanks, meadows Rare status: R3 BC CDC status: none Status outside: Rare in YT Name: Sisyrinchium californicum (Ker-Gawler) Dryand. Herbaria: UBC, V Range: Southwestern BC south to CA, west of the Cascade Mtns. BC range: Southwestern BC (Vancouver Island from Tofino and Comox south to Sooe, the Gulf Islands, Texada Island, Powell River) Biogeocl.: CF, CH Habitat: Edge of bogs or lakes Rare status: R4 BC CDC status: YELLOW Name: Sisyrinchium douglasii A.G. Dietrich Syn.: Olsynium douglasii (A. Dietr.) Bickn. Herbaria: DAO, UBC, UVIC, V Range: Southwestern BC through WA and OR to CA BC range: Southwestern BC (Saanich, Nootka, Gulf Islands) Biogeocl.: CF Habitat: Rocky slopes where moist in early spring Rare status: R4 BC CDC status: YELLOW Name: Sisyrinchium idahoense Bickn. var. macounii (Bickn.) Henderson Rare status: not-included BC CDC status: YELLOW Name: Sisyrinchium inflatum (Suksd.) St. John Syn.: Olsynium inflatum Suksd., Sisyrinchium douglasii (A. Dietr.) Bricknell var. inflatum (Suksdorf) P. Holmgren Herbaria: CAN, V Range: Southern BC to CA, east of the Cascades, east to ID and n UT BC range: Shuswap Highland (Adams Lake, Chase) Biogeocl.: IF, PP Habitat: Grassy areas where moist in spring and dry in summer Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: RED Name: Sisyrinchium littorale Greene Rare status: not-included BC CDC status: YELLOW Name: Sysirinchium septentrionale Bickn. Rare status: not-included BC CDC status: YELLOW Name: Smelowskia calycina (Stephan) C.A. Meyer Herbaria: DAO, GD, UBC, V Ref.: Drury and Rollins 1952 Map: Drury and Rollins 1952, Hulten 1968 Range: Northern Asia; n AK to AB, south to w WA and CO BC range: Extreme se BC (Flathead area, Mt. Assiniboine, Mt. Cautly, Akamina and Kishinena Creeks) Biogeocl.: ES Habitat: Talus slopes Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: none Status outside: Rare in Continental NT, YT Name: Smelowskia ovalis M.E. Jones Herbaria: UBC, V Ref.: Drury and Rollins 1952 Map: Drury and Rollins 1952 Range: Southern BC to n CA BC range: Cascade Mtns. (Mt. Cheam, Mt. McFarlane), Cathedral Prov. Park Biogeocl.: MH Habitat: Rock crevices on ridgetops Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: BLUE Name: Solanum triflorum Nutt. Herbaria: CAN, UBC, V, WS Range: Great Plains to the Cascades, WA and OR east of the Cascades to AB, ND, KS, NM, AZ and in CA, PQ to BC BC range: Southeastern BC (Kootenay area-Michel, Fort Steele, Kimberley) Biogeocl.: CA, IF Habitat: Along roads, disturbed sites, dry areas Rare status: R4 BC CDC status: YELLOW Name: Solidago gigantea W. Ait. var. serotina (Kuntze) Cronq. Herbaria: CAN, V Ref.: Douglas 1984 Map: Douglas 1984 Range: BC and AB to PQ, south to OR, NM and GA BC range: Trail, Golden Biogeocl.: IF Habitat: Moist sites Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: none Name: Solidago missouriensis Nutt. Rare status: not-included BC CDC status: YELLOW Name: Solidago nemoralis W. Ait. var. logipetiolata (Mackenz. & Bush) Palmer & Steyermark Herbaria: CAN, DAO, UBC Ref.: Douglas 1984 Map: Douglas 1984 Range: NS west to BC and south to FL and TX BC range: Eastern BC (Golden, Wapta Falls, Columbia River Valley, Tete Jaune Cache) Biogeocl.: ES Habitat: Flood plains, riverbanks Rare status: R2 BC CDC status: none Name: Sparganium fluctuans (Morong) B. Rob. Herbaria: UBC, V Ref.: Ceska et al. 1976 Range: BC to NF and south to NM and PA BC range: Scattered distribution in Province: Shadow Lake (Garibaldi Park), McCreight Lake (north of Campbell River), Wells Gray Park Biogeocl.: IF, CH Habitat: Shallow water Rare status: R2 BC CDC status: BLUE Status outside: Rare in AB, SK, threatened in PA Name: Sparganium glomeratum Laest. ex Beurl. Herbaria: UBC Range: BC, AB, PQ, MN; n Eurasia BC range: Queen Charlotte Islands (Buck Channel opposite Chaatl Island) Biogeocl.: CH Habitat: Boggy pools Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: BLUE Status outside: Rare in AB, endangered in MN Name: Sparganium hyperboreum Laest. ex Beurl. Herbaria: TRT, UBC, V Ref.: Harms 1973 Map: Calder and Taylor 1968, Hulten 1968, Porsild and Cody 1980 Range: AK to Greenland, south to n BC and NS; Eurasia BC range: Scattered distribution in Province: Queen Charlotte Islands, AK Hwy. mile 366, north of Cache Creek (Kliqeguh Creek), ne Vancouver Island (Tsitika watershed), Calvert Island (Mt. Buxton), Haines Road mile 75 Biogeocl.: CH, SW, BS, IF Habitat: Cold still water Rare status: R4 BC CDC status: none Status outside: Rare in AB, NS Name: Spergularia macrotheca (Hornem.) Heynh. Herbaria: CAN, UBC, V Range: BC south to Baja CA BC range: Nanaimo Lowland (Victoria, Gordon Head, Saanich, Sidney, Mayne Island, Chain Islands, Trial Island) Biogeocl.: CF Habitat: Salt marshes, along seashores Rare status: R2 BC CDC status: BLUE Name: Sphaeralcea coccinea (Nutt.) Rydb. Herbaria: UBC Range: Southern BC to AB and s MN, south to OR, UT, TX and IA BC range: Southern BC (Kamloops, Kimberley, Windermere) Biogeocl.: IF Habitat: Dry hillsides Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: RED Name: Sphaeralcea munroana (Dougl. ex Linl.) Spach ex Gray Herbaria: CAN, V Range: South-central BC and w MT south to CA and UT BC range: Okanagan Highland (Osoyoos, south to Penticton, Fairview, between Oliver and Osoyoos) Biogeocl.: IF, PP Habitat: Dry hillsides Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: RED Name: Sphenopholis obtusata (A.Michx.) Scribn. Herbaria: DAO, UBC, V Ref.: Erdman 1965, Hubbard 1955 Map: Erdman 1965 Range: BC and YT, south to CA and MX, east to ON, ME and FL; West Indies BC range: Southern BC (Lillooet, Kamloops, Gray Creek, Fairmont Hotsprings, Jaffray) Biogeocl.: IF, PP Habitat: Stream and lake margins, moist grassland Rare status: R4 BC CDC status: RED [var. obtusata], RED [var. major (Torr.) K.S. Erdman] Status outside: Rare in Canada, CA, CO, ME, NH, threatened in OH Name: Spiraea densiflora Nutt. ex Torr. & Gray Herbaria: CAN, DAO, UBC, V Ref.: Taylor 1973 Map: Taylor 1973 Range: Southern BC to CA, east to sw AB, MT, ID and e OR BC range: Southern BC (Strathcona Provincial Park, Cowichan Lake, mainland north to Pemberton, Revelstoke and Glacier) Biogeocl.: MH, IF, IH Habitat: Montane areas, moist areas, open rocky slopes Rare status: R4 BC CDC status: none Status outside: Rare in AB, WA Name: Spiraea stevenii (C.K. Schneid.) Rydb. Syn.: Spiraea beauverdiana C.K. Schneid. var. stevenii C.K. Schneid. Herbaria: CAN, UBC, V Ref.: Taylor 1973, Uttal 1973 Map: Hulten 1968, Taylor 1973 Range: AK, YT, NT, nw BC; Asia and ne Siberia BC range: Icefield Ranges; Alsek Ranges; Boundary Ranges (Haines Road region) Biogeocl.: SW, BS Habitat: Muskeg, tundra, heathlands, woods Rare status: R2 BC CDC status: none Name: Sporobolus airoides (Torr.) Torr. Herbaria: UBC, V Range: South-central BC and e WA to SD, south to CA, TX and MX BC range: Okanagan Highland (Keremeos) Biogeocl.: IF Habitat: Prairies, deserts and mountian foothills, where moist and somewhat alkaline Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: RED Name: Sporobolus asper (Michx.) Kunth Rare status: not-included BC CDC status: RED Name: Stachys mexicana Benth. Herbaria: UBC, V Map: Hulten 1968 Range: Extreme se AK, south to CA, inland to Portland OR BC range: Western BC (Fraser R. Valley, Cowichan Lake, Alouette Lake, Skeena R. Valley, Ucluelet, Kyuquot, Kitimat) Biogeocl.: CF, CH Habitat: Moist woods, swamps, near the coast Rare status: R3 BC CDC status: none Name: Stachys palustris L. subsp. pilosa (Nutt.) Epling Rare status: not-included BC CDC status: YELLOW Name: Stellaria americana (Porter ex B. Rob.) Standley Herbaria: DAO, V Range: Waterton Lakes National Park AB to s-c MT; s-c BC BC range: Okanagan Range: (Ashnola River Valley) Biogeocl.: ES Habitat: Talus slopes at higher elevations Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: none Status outside: Rare in AB Name: Stellaria longipes Goldi var. edwardsii (R. Br.) Gray Herbaria: ALTA, CAN, DAO, UBC, V Ref.: Buttrick 1977, Raup 1934 Map: Hulten 1968, Porsild 1963 Range: AK to NF, south to CA, AZ, NM, MN and NY; Eurasia BC range: Alsek Ranges; Tagish Highland; Muskwa Ranges; Stikine Ranges; Hart Ranges - Misinchinka Ranges (Haines Road area, Atlin Lake, Toad River, Peace River area) Biogeocl.: AT Habitat: Moist soil, streambanks, rocky slopes, mountain meadows Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: none Status outside: Rare in NB, MI Name: Stellaria nitens Nutt. Herbaria: UBC, V, WS Range: BC and sw AB, south to Baja CA, ID, w MT and UT BC range: Southern and c BC (Vancouver Island from Parksville to Sooke, Saltspring Island, Pemberton, Lower Fraser Valley, Okanagan from Osoyoos to Armstrong, Bridge Lake, Morfee Mtn.) Biogeocl.: PP, CF, CH Habitat: Gravelly prairies, streambanks to grassy hillsides Rare status: R4 BC CDC status: none Status outside: Rare in AB Name: Stellaria obtusa Engelm. Herbaria: CAN, DAO, UBC, V Range: Southern AK, BC south through WA and OR to CA, east to AB, CO and UT BC range: Southern BC (Lillooet, Mt. Robson Provincial Park, Nelson, Crawford Bay) Biogeocl.: ES, IH Habitat: Damp meadows, along streams Rare status: R3 BC CDC status: BLUE Status outside: Rare in AB, CO Name: Stellaria umbellata Turcz. ex Karel. & Kir. Herbaria: CAN, UBC, V Map: Hulten 1968 Range: Western AB, south to OR, CA, MT and CO; AK; Siberia, Asia BC range: Hozameen Range; Fraser Basin - Nechako Plain (Hope, Manning Park, Prince George) Biogeocl.: ES, CH Habitat: Moist soil of montane forest or meadowland, in shade, alpine tundra Rare status: R2 BC CDC status: BLUE Status outside: Rare in AB, YT, Continental NT Name: Stipa lemmonnii (Vasey) Scribn. Herbaria: CAN, DAO, UBC, V Ref.: Barkworth and Linman 1984, Hubbard 1955 Map: Barkworth and Linman 1984 Range: BC south through WA and OR to CA, east to sw MT, n ID, w NV and AZ BC range: Queen Charlotte Mtns. - Skidegate Plateau; Nanaimo Lowland; Hozameen Range: (Sandspit, Comox, Victoria, Nanoose Bay, Mt. Douglas, Saturna Island, Manning Park) Biogeocl.: CF Habitat: Valleys, Pinus ponderosa forest Rare status: R2 BC CDC status: YELLOW Name: Stipa spartea Trin. Herbaria: DAO, UBC, V Ref.: Hubbard 1955 Range: BC to ON, south to MT, WY, CO and NM, east through most of the central states to PA BC range: Throughout e and s-c BC Biogeocl.: CA, IF, PP Habitat: Along river, prairies, grassy benchlands in foothills Rare status: R3 BC CDC status: RED Status outside: Rare in Continental NT, ON, CO, OK, PA, WY, endangered in OH Name: Suksdorfia ranunculifolia (Hook.) Engl. Rare status: not-included BC CDC status: YELLOW Name: Suksdorfia violacea Gray Rare status: not-included BC CDC status: YELLOW Name: Swertia perennis L. Herbaria: DAO, UBC, V Ref.: Gillett 1963 Map: Calder and Taylor 1968, Gillett 1963, Hulten 1968 Range: AK to CA and NM, east through the Rockies; MT, WY, CO; Eurasia BC range: Alsek Ranges, Queen Charlotte Lowland, Queen Charlotte Mountains, Fraser Plateau, Haines area, Lac la Hache Biogeocl.: MH Habitat: Montane to subalpine meadows, streambanks and other moist places Rare status: R2 BC CDC status: none Name: Symphoricarpus mollis var. hesperius Rare status: not-included BC CDC status: YELLOW Name: Symphoricarpos oreophilus Gray Herbaria: UBC Range: Southern BC to MT, south to CA, NM and n MX BC range: Central southern BC Biogeocl.: IF, PP Habitat: Open slopes, dry meadows Rare status: R4 BC CDC status: YELLOW [var. utahensis] Name: Talinum okanoganense C.S. English Syn.: Talinum sediforme v. Poellnitz Herbaria: CAN, DAO, UBC, V Ref.: Kershaw and Morton 1976 Range: Lower mountains of s BC and WA BC range: Thompson Plateau (Kamloops area: Savona Mtn., Stump Lake, Mt. Baldy, Tranquille Range) Biogeocl.: IF, PP Habitat: Rocky exposed slopes and ledges Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: BLUE Status outside: Threatened in WA Note: proper name should be T. sediforme Name: Talinum spinescens Torr. Herbaria: CAN, UBC Ref.: Kershaw and Morton 1976 Range: BC, c WA and n-c OR BC range: Thompson Plateau (Stump Lake) Biogeocl.: PP Habitat: Rocky basaltic outcrops and badlands Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: none Status outside: Rare in WA Name: Tanacetum bipinnatum (L.) Sch.-Bip. subsp. huronense (Nutt.) Breit. Syn.: Tanacetum douglasii DC. Herbaria: UBC, V Ref.: Calder and Taylor 1968 Map: Calder and Taylor 1968, Porsild and Cody 1980 Range: AK east to NF and south to n CA and NY BC range: Queen Charlotte Islands (Tlell, Massett, Rose Spit), Vancouver Island (Guise Bay, Long Beach) Biogeocl.: CH Habitat: Sand dunes Rare status: R4 BC CDC status: YELLOW Status outside: Rare in AB, YT, MB, Continental NT, endangered in WI, endangered in ME, MI Name: Tetradymia canescens DC. Herbaria: UBC Ref.: Douglas 1982 Map: Douglas 1982 Range: Southern BC east to MT and south to CA BC range: Thompson Plateau and Okanagan Highland (Penticton, Summerland, Nicola Lake, Tranquille, Kamloops) Biogeocl.: IF, PP Habitat: Sagebrush hills Rare status: R4 BC CDC status: none Name: Teucrium canadense L. susbp. viscidum (Piper) Taylor & MacBryde Rare status: not-included BC CDC status: YELLOW Name: Thalictrum dasycarpum Fisch. & Ave-Lall. Herbaria: UBC, V Range: BC to PQ, south to WA, AZ, NM, TX, LA and OH BC range: Between Selkirk and Purcell Mtns. (Crawford Bay, Creston Reclamation area); Rocky Mountain Trench (Golden) Biogeocl.: IF, PP Habitat: Meadows, swampy grassland Rare status: R2 BC CDC status: BLUE Status outside: Rare in AB, PQ, WA Name: Thellungiella salsuginea (Pall.) O. Schultz Herbaria: V Range: YT and NT east to MB and south to BC and CO; Eurasia BC range: Windermere, Columbia Lake Biogeocl.: IF Habitat: Dry lakes, grassy areas Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: RED Status outside: Rare in AB, Continental NT, YT, CO Name: Thelypodium laciniatum (Hook.) Endl. Herbaria: UBC, V Range: Southern BC south to se CA and east to sw ID and w NV BC range: Thompson Plateau and Okanagan Highland (Ashnola Creek, Penticton, Hedley, Summerland, Osoyoos) Biogeocl.: PP Habitat: Open, dry, rocky areas Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: BLUE [var. laciniatum] Name: Thelypodium milleflorum A. Nels. Syn.: Thelypodium laciniatum (Hook.) Endl. var. milleflorum (A. Nels.) Payson Herbaria: UBC Range: Southern BC south to NV and ID BC range: Thompson Plateau (Vaseaux Lake), Olalla) Biogeocl.: PP Habitat: Dry sagebrush hillsides Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: BLUE Name: Thelypteris limbosperma (All.) Fuchs Syn.: Thelypteris quelpaertensis (Christ.) Ching, Oreopteris limbosperma (All.) Holub s.l., Oreopteris quelpaertensis (Christ) Holub Herbaria: UBC, V Ref.: Taylor 1971 Map: Taylor 1971 Range: Eurasia; coastal AK south to s BC and c WA BC range: Coast Mountains (Prince Rupert, Alice Arm), Queen Charlotte Islands, Vancouver Island (Tofino, Brooks Peninsula, Sproat Lake), Williams Lake, Selkirk Mtns. Biogeocl.: MH, CH, CA, ES Habitat: Rocky woods and subalpine meadows Rare status: R3 BC CDC status: BLUE Name: Thelypteris nevadensis (J.G. Baker) Clute ex Manton Herbaria: UBC, V Ref.: Taylor 1971 Map: Taylor 1971 Range: Southwestern BC south to c CA BC range: Vancouver Island (Sooke River) Biogeocl.: CF Habitat: Edges of streams, woods Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: RED Status outside: Rare in WA Name: Thermopsis montana Nutt. Herbaria: UBC Range: Southeastern BC south to NV, UT and CO BC range: Ingenika River, Marysville (Bear Creek) Biogeocl.: IF, IH Habitat: Gravel river benches Rare status: R2 BC CDC status: RED Name: Thermopsis rhombifolia (Nutt. ex Pursh) Nutt. ex J. Richards. Herbaria: V Ref.: Taylor 1974c Map: Taylor 1974c Range: Southeastern BC and AB to CO and ND BC range: Erickson Biogeocl.: IF Habitat: Sandy grasslands Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: RED Status outside: Rare in MB Name: Thysanocarpus curvipes Hook. Herbaria: UBC, V Range: Southwestern BC south to CA and east to ID BC range: Vancouver Island (Mt. Finlayson, Mt. Douglas, Thetis Lake) Biogeocl.: CF, CH Habitat: Rocky, grassy slopes Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: YELLOW Name: Tofieldia coccinea J. Richards. Herbaria: CAN, DAO, UBC, V Ref.: Taylor 1974b Map: Hulten 1968, Porsild 1964, Taylor 1974b Range: AK and YT east to Greenland, south to n BC and n AB; Arctic Eurasia BC range: Northeastern and c BC (Fort Nelson, Muncho Lake, McBride, Eutsuk Lake) Biogeocl.: ES, BS, SS, CA Habitat: Tundra and heathland, stony dry places Rare status: R3 BC CDC status: BLUE Status outside: Rare in AB, PQ Name: Tonella tenella (Benth.) Heller Herbaria: GD, UBC, WTU Ref.: Douglas and Ruyle-Douglas 1978 Range: Along the Columbia R. from east end of the gorge to near the coast, south in the Puget trough to central CA BC range: Nanaimo Lowland (Saltspring Island) Biogeocl.: CF Habitat: Steep, dry, rocky slope Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: BLUE Name: Torreyochloa pallida (Torr.) Church Syn.: Glyceria pallida (Torr.) Trin., Puccinellia pallida (Torr.) Clausen Herbaria: DAO Ref.: Hitchcock 1951, Kershaw and Morton 1976, Maher et al. 1979, Voss 1972 Map: Koyama and Kawano 1964 Range: NT, BC, n SK, ON to NF, south to MO, OH, NC, and ME BC range: Muskwa Ranges, Fraser Basin - Nechako Plain (Peace River area, Vanderhoof) Biogeocl.: BS Habitat: Pond borders, bogs, marshes, wet hollows Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: RED Status outside: Rare in SK, MB, ON, PQ, PH, MO, RI endangered in BA, MN, threatened in NC Name: Townsendia exscapa (J. Richards.) T.C. Porter Herbaria: UBC, UC Ref.: Beaman 1957, Douglas 1984 Map: Beaman 1957, Douglas 1984 Range: Southeastern BC east to MN and south to TX and AZ BC range: Southeastern BC (Athalmer) Biogeocl.: IF Habitat: Meadows Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: RED Status outside: Rare in MB Name: Townsendia hookeri Beaman Herbaria: CAN, UBC, V Ref.: Beaman 1957, Douglas 1984 Map: Beaman 1957, Douglas 1984 Range: Northeastern BC south to s CA and c UT BC range: Eastern BC (Ft. Mcleod, Marysville, Windermere, between Windermere and Fairmont Hot Springs, Canal Flats, Radium Hot Springs) Biogeocl.: IF, BS Habitat: Prairies, dry hillsides Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: RED Status outside: Rare in SK, YT Name: Townsendia parryi D.C. Eat. Herbaria: DAO, GH, UBC, V Ref.: Beaman 1957, Douglas 1984 Map: Beaman 1957, Douglas 1984 Range: Southeastern BC east to AB and south to OR and CO BC range: Southeastern BC (Crowsnest Pass, Pollock, Mt. Turnbull) Biogeocl.: AT, ES Habitat: Talus slopes Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: RED Name: Toxicodendron diversilobium (Torr. & Gray) Greene Syn.: Rhus diversiloba Torr. & Gray Herbaria: UBC, V Range: West of the Cascades and Sierra Nevada from Puget Sound to MX, inland along the Columbia River in WA BC range: Nanaimo Lowland, Georgia Lowland (Victoria, Saanich Arm, Nanaimo, Texada Island, Bowen Island, Howe Sound) Biogeocl.: CF Habitat: Boulders of streams, thickets, wooded slopes Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: BLUE Name: Trichophorum pumilum (Vahl) Schinz & Tell. Syn.: Scirpus pumilus Vahl, Scirpus rollandii Fern., Baeothryon pumilum (Vahl) A. & D. Love Herbaria: CAN, UBC, V Ref.: Taylor 1983 Map: Hulten 1968, Taylor 1983 Range: Circumboreal south in w North America to n BC BC range: AK Hwy. (Muncho Lake, Mile 397) Biogeocl.: BS Habitat: Wet places Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: BLUE Status outside: Rare in SK, YT, PQ Name: Trifolium bifidum Gray Herbaria: CAN, V Ref.: Taylor 1974c Map: Taylor 1974c Range: Southwestern BC south to Baja CA BC range: Southern Vancouver Island (Victoria), Savary Island Biogeocl.: CF Habitat: Grassy places Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: RED Name: Trifolium cyathiferum Lindl. Herbaria: CAN, UBC, V Ref.: Taylor 1974c Map: Taylor 1974c Range: Southern BC south to Ca and ID BC range: Victoria, Duncan, Alberni, Revelstoke, Rossland Biogeocl.: IH, CF Habitat: Sandy areas, mossy rock faces Rare status: R2 BC CDC status: RED Name: Trifolium depauperatum Desvx. Herbaria: CAN, DAO, UBC, V Ref.: Taylor 1974c Map: Taylor 1974c Range: Southwestern BC south to s CA BC range: Southern Vancouver Island (Victoria) Biogeocl.: CF Habitat: Wet places, grassy areas Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: RED Name: Trifolium macraei Hook. & Arn. Herbaria: CAN, UBC, V Ref.: Taylor 1974c Map: Taylor 1974c Range: Southwestern BC south to Baja CA; Chile BC range: Southeastern Vancouver Island (Nanaimo), Gulf Islands (Galiano, Saltspring) Biogeocl.: CF Habitat: Open grassy places Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: RED [var. dichotomum (Hook. & Arn.) Brewer ex S. Watson] Name: Trifolium microcephalum Pursh Herbaria: CAN, UBC, V Ref.: Taylor 1974c Map: Taylor 1974c Range: Southern BC south to Baja CA and east to MT and AZ BC range: Southern Vancouver Island (Nanoose Hill, Nanaimo, Victoria, Sooke, Saanichton, Cameron Lake, Cowichan Lake,), Gulf Islands (Saturna, Thormanby, Savary, Saltspring, Mayne), Okanagan Highland (Lund, Summerland, Naramata, Grand Forks) Biogeocl.: CH, CF, PP Habitat: Grassy places Rare status: R3 BC CDC status: YELLOW Name: Trifolium microdon Hook. & Arn. Herbaria: CAN, UBC, V Ref.: Taylor 1974c Map: Taylor 1974c Range: Southwestern BC south to CA; South America BC range: Southern Vancouver Island (Sooke, Bear Hill, Campbell River, Langford, Victoria, Thetis Lake), Gulf Islands (Saturna), Georgia Lowland (Powell River) Biogeocl.: CF Habitat: Open sandy places, meadows Rare status: R3 BC CDC status: YELLOW Name: Trifolium oliganthum Steud. Herbaria: UBC, V Ref.: Taylor 1974c Map: Taylor 1974c Range: Southwestern BC south to CA BC range: Southern Vancouver Island (Cowichan, Sooke, Mt. Tolmie, Cameron Lake, Nanoose Hill, Parksville), Gulf Islands (Saltspring, Saturna, Savary), Georgia Lowland (Powell River, Egmont, Deeks Creek, West Vancouver) Biogeocl.: CF Habitat: Open woods, rocky places Rare status: R4 BC CDC status: YELLOW Name: Trifolium tridentatum Lindl. Herbaria: CAN, UBC, V Ref.: Taylor 1974c Map: Taylor 1974c Range: Southwestern BC south to CA BC range: S. Vanc. Isl. (Thetis Lk., Sooke, Victoria, Langford, Cowichan Lk., Sprout Falls, Nanaimo, Comos, Parksville) Gulf Isl. (Savary, N Pender, Saturna, Saltsprng, Texada, Anniversary, Mitlenatch), Georgie and Fraser Lowlands (Agassiz, West Vancouver, Harrison Mills, Egmont, Lund) Biogeocl.: CF, CH Habitat: Grassy places Rare status: R4 BC CDC status: YELLOW Name: Trifolium variegatum Nutt. Herbaria: CAN, UBC, V Ref.: Taylor 1974c Map: Taylor 1974c Range: Southwestern BC south to CA and east to MT and UT BC range: S. Vancouver Island (Sprout Falls, Nanaimo, Nanoose Hill, Cowichan, Victoria, Sooke), Gulf Islands (Saltspring, Baliano, Mitlenatch, Danman, Savary), Georgia & Fraser Lowlands (Chilliwack, Van., Lions Bay, Gibson, Egmont) southern interior (Trail, Lake Okanagan) Biogeocl.: CF, CH, PP Habitat: Moist places Rare status: R4 BC CDC status: YELLOW Name: Triglochin concinnum Davy Herbaria: CAN, DAO, UBC, V Range: Southwestern BC, south to CA, east to ND, SD, WY, CO and AZ BC range: Nanaimo Lowland, Queen Charlotte Plateau (Sidney, South Pender Island, Queen Charlotte City, Lina Island, Hanna River) Biogeocl.: CH Habitat: Dry meadows and marshes Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: RED [var. concinnum] Name: Trillium ovatum Pursh f. hibbersonii Taylor & Szczawinski Herbaria: DAO, UBC, V Ref.: Mitchell 1970, Taylor 1974b, Taylor and Taylor 1977a Map: Fukudo 1975, Mitchell 1970 Range: Southwestern BC BC range: Vancouver Island (Kyuqyuot, Boat Basin) Biogeocl.: CH Habitat: Streambanks to open or thick woods, damp woods Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: none Note: Endemic to BC Name: Trisetum wolfii Vasey Rare status: not-included BC CDC status: BLUE Name: Triteleia grandiflora Lindl. Syn.: Brodiaea grandiflora (Lindl.) J.F. Macbr., Brodiaea douglasii (Lindl.) S. Wats. Herbaria: DAO, UBC, V, WS Range: Southern BC, south to se OR and n CA, east to ID, w MT BC range: Dry Interior valleys east of the Coast Mtns. (Spences Bridge, Princeton, Oliver to Enderby, Trail, Fort Steele, Tobacco Plains) Biogeocl.: IF, PP Habitat: Grassland and sagebrush deserts to pine woodlands Rare status: R4 BC CDC status: none Name: Triteleia howellii (S. Wats.) Greene Syn.: Brodiaea howelli S. Wats. Herbaria: DAO, UBC, V Range: Southwestern BC through WA to OR BC range: Nanaimo Lowland; Fraser Lowland; Pacific Ranges (Victoria, Saanich Arm, Thetis Lake, West Vancouver, Caulfeild) Biogeocl.: CF Habitat: Grassy coastal Bluffs Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: RED Name: Triteleia hyacinthina (Lindl.) Greene Syn.: Brodiaea hyacinthina (Lindl.) J. Baker Herbaria: CAN, DAO, UBC, UVIC, V Ref.: Taylor 1974b Map: Taylor 1974b Range: Southwestern BC, through WA and OR to c CA, east to NV and ID BC range: Southeastern Vancouver Island south from Campbell River, the Gulf Islands, and adjacent mainland south from Powell River and Lund Biogeocl.: CF, CH Habitat: Open grassy flats to midmontane meadows Rare status: R4 BC CDC status: YELLOW Name: Utricularia gibba L. Herbaria: UBC, V Ref.: Ceska and Bell 1973, Maher et al. 1978 Map: Ceska and Bell 1973 Range: CA, through the e states; south to FL and TX, MX, Central America, South America, Africa; also OR, WA, BC; NS, NB to PQ and ON BC range: Nanaimo Lowland, Fraser Lowland (Lakes near Victoria, Port Alberni, Vancouver, Teanook Lake) Biogeocl.: CF, CH Habitat: Shallow water Rare status: R2 BC CDC status: BLUE Status outside: Rare in PQ, NB, NS, IA, endangered in GA, MN, threatened in OH Name: Vaccinium globulare Rydb. Herbaria: UBC, V Ref.: Szczawinski 1975b Map: Szczawinski 1975b Range: Eastern WA and OR, east through ID to MT and WY, se BC and AB BC range: Southeast Interior: Continental Ranges (Park Ranges), Purcell Mountains, Border Ranges (Clark Range, Macdonald Range), Selkirk Mountains, Fraser Lowland, Nechako Plateau; (Flathead Valley, Biogeocl.: ES, IF Habitat: Coniferous open forests, in mountains at lower elevations Rare status: R3 BC CDC status: none Name: Vaccinium myrtillus L. Herbaria: CAN, UBC, V Ref.: Szczawinski 1975b Map: Szczawinski 1975b Range: AB to NM, west to BC on east side of Cascades to WA; Eurasia; Greenland BC range: Restricted to se Interior; Flathead area, Cranbrook, Nelson, Continental Ranges (Park Ranges, Fernie Basin), Monashee Mountains, Selkirk Mountains, Purcell Mountains Biogeocl.: ES, IH Habitat: Moist areas at high altitudes Rare status: R2 BC CDC status: none Status outside: Rare in Continental NT Name: Valeriana edulis Nutt. ex Torr. & Gray Herbaria: DAO, US, NY, UBC, V Map: Meyer 1951 Range: Southern BC, e WA, MT, south to MX, also from MN and IA to ON and OH BC range: Alberta Plateau, Okanagan Range, Okanagan Highland (Peace River area, Cathedral Park, Bridesville, Midway) Biogeocl.: ES, IF, BS Habitat: Moist, saline meadows, open habitats Rare status: R2 BC CDC status: BLUE [subsp. edulis] Name: Valeriana scouleri Rydb. Syn.: Valeriana sitchensis Bong. var. scouleri (Rydb.) Piper Herbaria: CAN, UBC, V Ref.: Hamet-Ahti 1965, Meyer 1951 Map: Meyer 1951 Range: Southern Vancouver Island and adjacent mainland of BC to nw CA, and sw AB BC range: Southern BC (Wells Gray Park, Craig, Gibson Pass, Youbou, Manning Park, Mt. Revelstoke National Park, Yale, Chilliwack, Nanaimo, Ucluelet, Sooke) Biogeocl.: CF, CH, IF, ES, CA Habitat: Moist woods, wet meadows and cliffs Rare status: R4 BC CDC status: YELLOW Name: Verbena bracteata Lag. & Rodrig. Herbaria: CAN, DAO, UBC, V Range: BC to ME, south to CA, MX and east to s ON and FL BC range: Peace River area, s BC (Kamloops, Osoyoos, Kimberley, Spences Bridge, Grand Forks, Savona, Penticton, Westbank, Oliver, Newgate, Roosville, Princeton) Biogeocl.: IF, PP Habitat: Roadsides, disturbed sites Rare status: R3 BC CDC status: YELLOW Status outside: Rare in ON Name: Verbena hastata L. Herbaria: DAO, TRT, UBC, V Range: Southern BC, SK to NB, NS, south to CA, AZ and FL BC range: Southern BC (Alberni area, Vancouver, Okanagan Lake, Vernon, Kelowna, Oliver Cawston) Biogeocl.: IF, PP, CF, CH Habitat: Ditch banks, moist low ground, alluvial soils Rare status: R4 BC CDC status: RED Status outside: Rare in SK, NS Name: Veronica catenata Penn. Herbaria: V, WS Ref.: Taylor 1974a Map: Hulten 1971, Taylor 1974a Range: Widespread in the US and s Canada; Europe BC range: Nanaimo Lowland, Purcell Mountains (Esquimalt, Cranbrook) Biogeocl.: IF, CF Habitat: Slowly flowing water, wet shores Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: RED Status outside: Rare in AB Name: Veronica cusickii Gray Herbaria: CAN, DAO, UBC, V Ref.: Taylor 1974a Map: Taylor 1974a Range: Southern BC and WA, east to ID and MT and OR BC range: Thompson Plateau, Okanagan Range, Hozameen Range, (se corner of Manning Park; south side of Quiniscoe Lake) Biogeocl.: AT, ES Habitat: Rocky soil in open forests, alpine meadows Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: none Name: Viburnum opulus L. subsp. trilobum (Marsh.) R.T. Clausen Herbaria: CAN, DAO, UBC, V Ref.: Hamet-Ahti 1965, Taylor and Taylor 1977a Map: Hulten 1958 Range: NF to s BC, south to PA, IL, SD, WY, n ID, WA; Eurasia BC range: Interior Plateau; Fraser Basin, Thompson Plateau (Wells Gray Park, Quesnel, Shuswap Lake, Armstrong, Matsqui, Prince George) Biogeocl.: CA, IH, IF, CH Habitat: Moist woods, along brooks Rare status: R2 BC CDC status: none Name: Viola biflora L. subsp. carlottae Calder & Taylor Herbaria: DAO, UBC, V Ref.: Kershaw and Morton 1976 Map: Calder and Taylor 1968 Range: Western BC (Queen Charlotte Islands) BC range: Queen Charlotte Mtns. (Skidegate Plateau); Queen Charlotte Lowland (3 miles southwest of Jalun Lake, Long Inlet south of Upper Victoria Lake) Biogeocl.: AT, MH, CH Habitat: Alpine meadows, scree slopes, moist tundra and woods Rare status: R2 BC CDC status: BLUE Note: Endemic to BC Name: Viola epipsila Ledeb. subsp. repens (Turcz.) W. Becker Herbaria: CAN, DAO, UBC, V Ref.: Buttrick 1977, Hamet-Ahti 1965 Map: Hulten 1958, 1968 Range: AK, YT, NT, BC to MB, n-c ON and labrador, south to CA; Eurasia BC range: Northern BC (Langara Island, Atlin Lake, Haines Road area, Fort St. John, Liard Hotsprings, Terrace, Murtle Lake, Anahim Lake, Ilgachuz Mtns.) Biogeocl.: ES Habitat: Wet meadows, peaty soil, brooksides, swamps Rare status: R3 BC CDC status: none Status outside: Rare in Continental NT, ON Name: Viola howellii Gray Herbaria: UBC, V Range: Southern BC to CA BC range: Nanaimo Lowland; Vanc. Island Mtns. - Vanc. Island Ranges; Fraser Lowland; Skagit Range; Bulkley Ranges (Victoria, Sooke, Saanichton, Saltspring Island, Skagit River, Caulfield, South Hazelton) Biogeocl.: CF Habitat: Moist woods, prairies Rare status: R2 BC CDC status: BLUE Name: Viola maccabeiana M.S. Baker Herbaria: DAO, UBC, UC, V Ref.: Baker 1940, Hamet-Ahti 1965 Range: Central to se BC BC range: Bugaboo Mtns.; Quesnel Highland; Shuswap Highland; Thompson Plateau; Rocky Mtn. Trench (Wells Gray Park, Mara Meadows, Canal Flats, Kinbaket Lake, Vaseaux Lake, Kelowna, Inadianpoint Lake) Biogeocl.: SS, CA, IF Habitat: Moist Places, meadows, along streams Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: none Note: Endemic to BC Name: Viola praemorsa Dougl. ex Lindl. susbp. praemorsa Syn.: Viola nuttallii Pursh var. praemorsa (Dougl. ex Lindl.) S. Wats. Rare status: not-included BC CDC status: RED Name: Viola purpurea Kellogg var. venosa (S. Wats.) Brainerd Rare status: not-included BC CDC status: BLUE Name: Viola selkirkii Pursh ex Goldie Rare status: not-included BC CDC status: YELLOW Name: Viola septentrionalis Greene Herbaria: CAN, UBC, V Range: Southern BC east to ON and south to PA BC range: Southern BC (Vancouver, Cascade, Pend'Oreille River, Kootenay Valley, Thetis Lake, Prospect Lake) Biogeocl.: IF, CF Habitat: Moist open woods Rare status: R4 BC CDC status: BLUE Name: Vulpia microstachys (Nutt.) Munroe ex Benth. Syn.: Vulpia pacifica (Piper) Rydb., Festuca microstachys Nutt., Festuca pacifica Piper, Festuca reflexa Buckl., Vulpia reflexa (Buckl.) Rydb. Herbaria: CAN, DAO, UBC, V, WS Ref.: Janszen 1977 Range: BC to Baja CA, east to MT, UT and NM; South America BC range: Nanaimo Lowland, Fraser Lowland, Georgia Lowland, Monashee Mountains (Victoria to Nanaimo, Saturna Island, West Vancouver, Gibsons Landing, Kettle River) Biogeocl.: PP, CF Habitat: Coastal strand to inland valleys, deserts, woodland, lower montane forest, embankments, wasteland Rare status: R2 BC CDC status: none Name: Wolffia borealis (Engelm.) Land. Syn.: Wolffia punctata auct., non Griseb. Herbaria: V Ref.: Ceska and Ceska 1980 Range: BC east to ON and south to the Bulf States BC range: Fraser Lowland (Hatzic), Creston (Duck Lake) Biogeocl.: CH Habitat: Stagnant ponds Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: RED Status outside: Rare in PQ, IN, MO, VT Name: Wolffia columbiana Karst. Rare status: not-included BC CDC status: RED Name: Woodsia alpina (Bolton) S.F. Gray Herbaria: UBC Ref.: Taylor 1971 Map: Hulten 1968, Taylor 1971 Range: Circumpolar, south in w North America to nw BC BC range: Northwestern BC (Haines Road) Biogeocl.: BS Habitat: Rockcrevices and talus Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: BLUE Status outside: Rare in MB, Continental NT, ON, PQ, NS, NB, ME, VT, threatened in MI, NY Name: Woodsia glabella R. Br. Herbaria: UBC, V Ref.: Taylor 1971 Map: Hulten 1968, Taylor 1971 Range: Circumpolar, south in w North America to c BC BC range: Park Ranges (Mt. Robson), Fraser Basin (Ft. St. James), Cassiar Mountains (Cassiar), Muskwa Ranges (Summit Lake) Biogeocl.: SS, BS, ES Habitat: Limestone ledges Rare status: R3 BC CDC status: BLUE Status outside: Rare in AB, SK, MB, NS, ME, MN, NH, NY, VT Name: Woodsia ilvensis (L.) R. Br. Herbaria: UBC, V Ref.: Taylor 1971 Map: Hulten 1968, Taylor 1971 Range: Circumpolar, south in w North America to c BC BC range: Scattered distribution in Province (150 Mile House, Prince George, Stone Mtn., Cassiar) Biogeocl.: SS, CA, AT Habitat: Rock crevices and talus slopes Rare status: R3 BC CDC status: BLUE Status outside: Rare in AB, YT, IL, IA, endangered in NC, possibly extirpated in RI Name: Woodwardia fimbriata J.E. Smith ex Rees Herbaria: GD, UBC, V Ref.: Taylor 1971 Map: Taylor 1971 Range: Southwestern BC south to CA and AZ BC range: Vancouver Island (Saanich Peninsula, Malahat) Gulf Islands (Texada and Lasqueti) Biogeocl.: CF Habitat: Shaded ravines Rare status: R1 BC CDC status: RED Status outside: Rare in WA Name: Xerophyllum tenax (Pursh) Nutt. Herbaria: CAN, UBC, UVIC, V Ref.: Taylor 1974b Map: Maule 1959, Taylor 1974b Range: Southeastern BC and sw AB, south to nw WA and c CA, east to ID, M BC range: Southeastern BC (Kelowna, Trail, Nelson, Ymir, Salmo, Crawford Bay, Kimberley, Flathead, Akamina Pass) Biogeocl.: ES, IH Habitat: Open woods and clearings, dry or peaty soil Rare status: R4 BC CDC status: YELLOW Status outside: Rare in AB Name: Zannichellia palustris L. Herbaria: DAO, UBC, V Map: Hulten 1968 Range: Throughout North America and Eurasia; Africa; South America BC range: Scattered distribution in Province (Vanderhoof, Delta, Hat Lake, Woodward Island, Osoyoos Lake, Enderby) Biogeocl.: IF, PP, CF, CH Habitat: Fresh or brackish water Rare status: R3 BC CDC status: none Status outside: Rare in YT, IN