Title: CAPTAIN AMERICA#350, ?, 394 by Mark Gruenwald
(writer), Kieron Dwyer (350) & Ron Lim (394)
Synopsis: Red Skull, the employer of the Scourge from #347
the Scourge operation was his idea. He has Scourge attack Captain America
VI, who degfeats Scourge. Scourge is not captured, however. He makes other
appearances in the Red Skull's employ before being killed by him
Is it a key part of the Scourge storyline? Kind of. It makes
for an
interesting red herring, but Scourge is basically used as a token gunman
Is it part of the main story in these issues? Scourge is often
present in Red Skull
plot threads for the next little while (can't remember where all,
hoiwever) but is mainly backup to the main plot.
Comments: Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Masters
confirms what
one can extrapolate from the US Agent mini-series: the Scourge in the Red
Skull plot thread is a renegade, and the Red Skull lied about coming up
with and running the show. This makes sense since while one can see the
Red Skull taking advantage of the Scourge operation to eliminate the
competition, had he thought of the idea on his own, he most lilely would
have targeted heroes first.