RUN: 4 issues 1985
KEY CREATORS: Frank Miller (writer/artist); Lynn Varley (colourist; normally I don't list colourists, but Varley's colours have a bigger than usual impact
OUTLINE: In the future, Batman comes out of retirement and find his methods don't bring about the warmest of receptions
OVERALL: Adults Comics refers to this title, Watchmen, and Maus as the most ground breaking of the 1980s American titles. It's hard to disagree with that assessment. The Batman of this title did help to bring about the darker Batman era (though the books were heading that way before Dark Knight anyway), but it also examined the political implications of superheroes. Ironically given how often it's been imitated/paid homage to, I doubt it could be released now, given that it has a character that children read about in a story that children shouldn't read. Some great bits for adults. Without spoiling the gag, Reagan wears a sort of uniform at one point which is both funny and scary. Yet despite the violence and politics, Batman remains who he is at heart. As dark as he is, the Miller Batman is not a killer, despite the many temptations. Batman remains true to his beliefs and his image I didn't care for the gay stereotype aspects of the Joker, though I realize that goes back at least as far as O'Neill/Adams (though less blatantly). And in my heart Harvey does get cured someday. Still, this one of the best comics ever written, superhero or more general
CONTINUITY NOTES: Status a bit debatable pre-Hypertime, though one bit couldn't work post-Death in the Family: in this mini Batman retired after Jason died. The mainstream Batman in contrast, just got a bit grimmer.