RUN: Marvel Comics Index:
issues (1-14; some issues have A+B; various
editions updated more than once) (various
publishers, not Marvel); original run 197_; final? run 1981.
Official Marvel Index to Marvel
Team-Up 6 issues 1986; to the Amazing Spider-Man 9 issues 1985;
to the Avengers 7+6 issues 1987-88/1994-95, to the Fantastic
Four 12 issues 1985-86;
to the X-Men 7+5 issues 1986-87/1994
(pre-1990s); Murray Ward (1990s) (writers)
OUTLINE: Chronologies, data,
and, except for the earliest indices, synopses
OVERALL: The original
series published by Olshevsky himself is an interesting curiousity piece
but a bit lacking, since he doesn't mention what happens in a particular
issue. On the other hand, he does cover a (then) complete run of a given
series in a single volume, and most volumes have more than one series
Many, such as Hulk, have never been indexed in the Official series.
Once he takes over the official
series, he really gets thorough. The comments are more detailed than
and his synopses are extremely thorough. So thorough in fact that if you
want to avoid the scripting in a particular comic (maybe you find Lee's
jokes too painful to read, or cringe at any 1960s dialogue), you can read
the synopses and never miss a thing.
His Avengers and X-Men volumes are
a bit disappointing compared to the other. Despite the prestige format
and larger page count, you actually get fewer synopses per issue and the
thoroughness of the synopses are reduced slightly. Full page cover
and in some places larger type account for this
Murray Ward's synopses are sparser
still when he updates the Avengers and X-Men indices, but I still enjoyed
them. These issues use a decent shorthand to get as much info on a page
regarding chronology as possible,
and with usually two issues per page for
32 pages, a lot of ground is covered quickly. I still might have liked
a slightly longer synopsis, but it gives you enough to know what the
about and for the most part
tries to give you as much indexing
in a small package as possible.
people might find the original indices useful in some ways as references,
but keep in mind that much of the chronology is outdated and it doesn't
make for an engaging read. Overall, not
recommended, but if you really must
have info on a title and there isn't anything better, it'll do.
The Official indices are all
most of all the standard format 1980s ones and least of all the prestige
format versions
incarnations, flashbacks and explaining away stories might outdate some
of the chronological analysis not long after, but as a rough guide it's
fun to track the paths of the characters.