Welcome to the Wicca-Pagan-Earth Religions SIG The purposes of this SIG are several: 1. To provide a forum for rational discussion of Wicca, Pagan religions, Earth religions, and Witchcraft, 2. To provide information about the above to anyone interested, 3. To provide an electronic meeting and networking forum for Pagans (and non-Pagans!) who might otherwise never have heard of each other, and 4. To provide, once the postings get rolling, perhaps a bit of entertainment... :) Please keep your postings rational. This SIG isn't intended as just another forum for flame wars, and the legal beagles are out there... Feel free to read the "What is Wicca" file (#2 on your Pagan menu) for a bit more information as to what this is all about. Or, contact one of the groups listed in "Local Contacts" (#4). Blessed be!