Welcome to The British Columbia History Internet/Web Site
Compiled by David Mattison, Victoria Telecommunity Network, BC. Copyright © 1995-2004 by David Mattison. This site may be freely linked to but not duplicated in any fashion without my consent.
Dedicated to all the historians of British Columbia, Canada.
This site is dedicated to tracking Internet and World-Wide Web resources for the study of British Columbia's history. The compilation is intended to be as comprehensive and broad as possible. Every effort will be made to include links that are sent to the compiler, David Mattison (jump to address). Opinions or views expressed on the BC History Internet/Web Site pages are my own and do not reflect the views of my employer. The compiler is not responsible for the content of other sites linked to from the BC History Internet/Web Site pages.
June 3, 2004: This site was listed as the number one Web site in the History category of 10,000 Web Links published online by the Vancouver Sun on May 18, 2004.
April 21, 2004: Following a domain name crash on the server providing access to the British Columbia History Portal, the site was temporarily available only via a numeric IP address. Thanks to the technical crew at the BC Community Networks Association, the BC History Portal now has its own domain name at either http://bchistoryportal.tc.ca or http://www.bchistoryportal.tc.ca
December 1, 2002: The British Columbia History Internet/Web Site is under redevelopment as the British Columbia History Portal utilizing the free Scout Portal Toolkit software from the Internet Scout Project, University of Wisconsin. Information is being slowly transferred by David Mattison. No site updates are being made to the BC History Internet/Web Site, so you will need to check both locations until such time as content on the BC History Internet/Web Site is fully duplicated on the BC History Portal.
The Scout Portal
Toolkit is a database product with a sophisticated search engine and its own
discussion boards (forums). An RSS news feed is available for those of
you wanting to incorporate resources from the British Columbia History Portal
into your Web sites or news reading/Web channel software.To subscribe to the
RSS feed, copy the URL
associated with the RSS logo (http://bchistoryportal.tc.ca//SPT--RSS.php)
and transfer the URL to your RSS news
reader application. Note that this URL will not display any meaningful information
as-is in either Microsoft Internet Explorer or Netscape Navigator.
Visit the British Columbia History Portal for resources not available on this site.