Welcome to THE NPTN CARDIOLOGY CLINIC. In this area, you will 
find a wealth of medical information. The purpose of this area 
is provide material for personal and community education. 
Although it may be tempting to use this medium for individual 
issues, do not rely on computer-based data to diagnose or 
treat medical conditions.  The only safe way to take care of a 
medical problem is by direct consultation with a doctor. 

This area is staffed by Cardiologists, specialists in heart 
and circulatory disorders, who will provide medical 
information and answer questions. All questions will be posted 
anonymously, so that no one can tell who wrote the question.  
This allows the questioner to ask about things that might be 
very personal without concerns about embarrassment.

The NPTN CLINICS are staffed by volunteer experts in various 
locations throughout the world.  Because these individuals 
have other full-time responsibilities, it may take several 
days for questions to be answered and posted.

The material in this area is the sole property of the authors 
and or contributors as indicated by either their full name, 
partial name, and or e-mail address.  The mterial is 
copyrighted as of the date of its submission by the author and 
or contributor to this special interest group ("SIG") area.  
Use (except for personal, one time use) of the material 
without the prior permission of the author or contributor is a 
violation of copyright law.  Violators will be prosecuted and 
will have their access to this system terminated immediately.  
Use of this SIG demonstrates one's consent to the foregoing.  
All questions regarding copyright policy may be directed to 
the SIG moderator or to Peter F. Harter (pfh@nptn.org) for 
prompt consideration.  In addition, it is important for all 
users to report the misconduct of another user with respect to 
copyright and all other rules and laws governing and or 
touching upon the operation of this SIG and or the system as a 
whole.  Thank you for your cooperation in these matters.

Specific questions concerning any area within THE NPTN CLINIC 
can be directed to the individual Clinic sysops or to the NPTN 
Medical Director, Richard E. Gans, M. D. (aa014@nptn.org)