<<< THE CONGRESSIONAL MEMORY PROJECT >>> Each week the National Public Telecomputing Network will be cybercasting six brief summaries of bills being acted upon in Washington D.C.--three from the House and three from the Senate-- and will show how your representatives voted on each of those bills. It's called the "Congressional Memory Project" because that phrase pretty much describes its function. It is a way for a community to keep on record, in easily accessable form, exactly how our representatives voted on the various issues of the day. Whether you agree or disagree; whether you are politically on the left, right, or somewhere in-between; we hope this feature will help you to become a better citizen and a more informed voter. This feature is prepared each week in Washington D.C. by the staff at INSIGHT MAGAZINE and is brought to you by NPTN with special permssion of the Washington Times Corporation. The codes used in these files to denote which way the various Congresspersons and Senators voted are as follows: Y - Voted for N - Voted against F - Favored but did not vote O - Opposed but did not vote P - Voted Present only * - Seat Vacant; also used for House speaker when not voting ? - Position unknown And finally... Please Remember: THIS FEATURE IS FOR THE USE OF NPTN AFFILIATED COMPUTER SYSTEMS ONLY. ANY RE-PUBLICATION, WHETHER ELECTRONIC OR OTHERWISE, WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF THE WASHINGTON TIMES CORPORATION, IS PROHIBITED.