STYLE SHEET

All articles submitted to <ONLINE MODERN HISTORY REVIEW> must
observe the Turabian style sheet for endnotes and bibliography.
Notes must be attached to the end of the article.  

Special characters -- underline, bold, italics, etc -- are represented as


Underline and italics will be displayed in the form <This is underline>. 
The symbol '<' appears at the beginning of the phrase or passage and the
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     Superscript note numbers will represented as +12+.  


     Subscript text will appear as -12-





     +1+M. C. Reed, <Investment in Railways in Britain, 1820-1844>
(London: Oxford Press, 1975), 6.

     +2+Reed, <Investment>, 131.


Atkinson, Frank, "Pontiac and the Priests." <Pontiac's Rebellion>.
Edited by Ronald Humphrey. 3 vols. London: Phoenix Press, 1925.

Wicks, Stanley; Morgan, Herbert; Bonvecchio, Alex.
<The Rebellions of 1837>. 2nd. ed. Toronto: McClelland & Stewart,

Sample text:+1+

     By canon law the crucial ingredient for a legitimate
     marriage was the exchange of immediate, present consent
     to marry (<verba de presenti>).  Mere words of betrothal
     -- the promise to marry, that is, to consent in the
     future (<verba de futuro>) -- did not make a marriage,
     though some canonists held that <verba de futuro>
     followed by sexual intercourse (as consummation) amounted
     to valid marriage.  The ring was also important. 
     According to the Franciscan preacher, Bernardino da Siena
     (1380-1444), a promise of marriage that was accompanied
     by a ring and consummated constituted an indissoluble

     +33+Bernardino da Siena's sermon, as translated in
<University of Chicago Readings in Western Civilization>, vol. 5,
<The Renaissance>, ed. Eric Cochrane and Julius Kirshner (Chicago,
1986), p. 126.  On the symbolism of the ring in Florentine
marriages, see Christiane Klapisch-Zuber, "The Griselda Complex:
Dowry and Marriage Gifts in the Quattrocento," in her
<Women, Family, and Ritual Renaissance Italy>, trans. Lydia
Cochrane (Chicago, 1985), pp. 213-46.


     +1+Extracted from Thomas Kuehn, "Reading Microhistory: The Example of
Giovanni and Lusanna," <The Journal of Modern History> 61 (no.
3, September, 1989), p.520.