_____ _____ ____ _______ _____ / ___) | \ | | / ____) / ___) | <___ | \ | | | |__ | <___ \___ \ | |\ \| | | __) \___ \ ____> | | | \ | | |____ ____> | (______/ |__| \____| \_______) (______/ ACTRAISER II Use this code to fight an od boss from Actraiser: XxxxYyyyZzzz 38 lives and last level: MFMJ TVSY FVPX End of first game: MTKM SKTK HNSH Play the demo mode: BJQX YRKC DLSV LEVEL EASY NORMAL 1-2 XZKC XBZM XXZD XZKC XBZM WTHC 2-1 JCLD XYTX SLCS JCLD XYTX TMCT 2-2 MLWK BPZW DTZS MLWK BPZW YJCW 3-1 MMFH MBKC WHWL MMFH MBKC FFTL 3-2 MCSY HKHD KHHY MCSY HKHD ZFCH 4-1 MFLT CMSP LTYF MFLT CMSP XWPS 4-2 MFLH MFDS LTYP MFLH MFDS MXPS 5-1 MFMJ PLBW YYJP MFMJ PBLW LPCX 5-2 MFMJ TTLK WSFP MFMJ TTLK WSFP 6-1 MFMJ TWSY FYPX MFMJ TWSY HMTF 6-2 MFXT SHJT BDLY MFXT SHJT CYTP DIFFICULT 1-2 XZKC XBZM FSFC 2-1 JCLD XYTX XXXJ 2-2 MLWK BPZW LBPJ 3-1 MMFH MBKC HJWD 3-2 MCSY HKHD BYMF 4-1 MFLT CMSP WXJK 4-2 MFLH MFDS PHYX 5-1 MFMJ PLBW MSYW 5-2 MFMJ TTLK HTWT 6-1 MFMJ TWSY JSHJ 6-2 MFXT SHJT DLWP AERO THE ACROBAT Level skip: at the title screen press DOWN, A, DOWN, Y, DOWN,A, DOWN, Y, then start a new game. Pause the game as soon as you can,then press UP, X, DOWN, B, LEFT, Y, RIGHT, A, L, and R. Now you can skip a level by pausing the game and pressing select. Ifinite stars/No enemy collisions: at the level select screen press L. R, X, B, LEFT, UP, RIGHT, DOWN, Y, A. 5 continues: at the title screen press X,Y,B,A,A,B,Y,UP,L 9 continues: at the title screen prees X,Y,B,A,X,A,B,Y,UP,R ALADDIN Stage2: GENIE-ABU-ALADDIN-KING 3: JAFFAR-ABU-PRINCES-GENIE 4: GENIE-JAFFAR-ALADDIN-ABU 5: ABU-ALADDIN-GENIE-PRINCS BONUS: PRINCES-JAFFAR-KING-PRINCES 6: JAFFAR-PRINCES-ALADDIN-JAFFAR 7: ALADDIN-PRINCES-ABU-KING ALIENS vs. PREDATOR Stage Select: when the title screen appears press select to reachthe configureation mode. Press start and the option mode will appear. On contoller two simultaneously pres and hold L,R,X, and A. Press start on controller one and select your stage. ALIEN III Use this trick to activate a cheat mode that gives you all kinds of special weapons. Begin a regular game, then press A,B,Y, and X on controller two. Next, press one of the following buttons on controller one to activate the cheats: Invincibility: A Do more damage with weapons: B Unlimited weapons: X To turn of the cheats simply press the button that activated the option one more time. You can tell which cheat you activated by looking at the number in the left-hand corner of the screen. 1= invincibility 2= do more damage with weapons 4= unlimited weapons 7= all cheats activated Level2: QUESTION 5: CABINETS 3: MASTERED 6: SQUIRREL 4: MOTORWAY END: OVERGAME ARCANA Level Select: at the title screen press DOWN, SELECT, SELECT, X, Y, SELECT, SELECT, L, R, SELECT, SELECT, LEFT, RIGHT, UP, and then one of the following buttons: chapter 2:A 4:X 3:B 5:Y ART OF FIGHTING Credits: begin a new game and select the story mode. When the game starts pause the game then press UP, X, LEFT, Y, DOWN, B, RIGHT, A, L, and Y. A.S.P. Mid-air refuel: when you run out of fuel, missles and or armour, pause your game and on controller two press A, B, A, B, SELECT, A, then B. Super A-10: as soon as the good luck message disappears shoot your 30mm cannon once then hold X until the Super A-10 message appears at the bottom of the left-hand area of the screen. Now your 30mm cannon can destroy buildings. BATMAN RETURNS Extra lives: go to the option mode and select REST. On controller two press UP, UP, DOWN, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT, LEFT, RIGHT B, A, B, A. You'll hear a tone if done right. When you do use controller one to choose extra lives. Extra continues: at the option screen highlight the REST option, on controller two press UP, X, LEFT, Y, DOWN, B, RIGHT, A, UP, and X. BATTLE CARS Secret game: at the title screen press UP, DOWN, L, R, then SELECT, got to options and select Mystery Mode. BATTLE CLASH Change the difificulty: at the title screen simultaneously press L and SELECT. After you adjust your aim and chossen your options, an option screen will appear. Use this screen to select your difficulty. BATTLE TECH Level 2: STJNNN 4: BBYLND 3: GRBCHU 5: BMBRMN BATTLE TOADS/DOUBLE DRAGON: THE ULTIMATE TEAM Warp menu and 10 lives: at the character select screen press UP, DOWN, DOWN, UP, X, B, Y, A. 5 lives: at the title screen simultaneously press DOWN, A, B, and START. If the trick worked a brief red flash will appear. BATTLETOADS IN BATTLEMANIACS Extra lives and continues: at the title screen hold A, B, and DOWN and press START. BEST OF THE BEST Super password: 99% resistance, 99% reflex, Kumate champion, all 16 trophies and $975,000: RHT25554447K BIOMETAL Stage select: at the title screen hold A, B and press UP-RIGHT, DOWN-LEFT, push SELECT and L or R and you can go anywhere. BLACKTHORNE Mine level 2: FBWC Sand level 1: TJ1F 3: QP7R 2: GSG3 4: WJTV 3: BMHS Tree level 1: RRYB 4: Y4DJ 2: ZS9P Castle Level 1: HCKD 3: XJSN 2: J6BZ 4: CGDM 3: J6BZ 4: MJXG 5: K3CH B.O.B All weapons: 0900 Goth Area 1: 000000 Arcenia Area 1: 672451 2: 171058 2: 272578 3: 950745 4: 472149 4: 265648 5: 462893 5: 481376 6: 583172 Ultra World Area 1: 743690 2: 703928 3: 144895 4: 775092 BREATH OF FIRE See Chun Li: go to the town of Bleak and talk to the magician who does illusions and give him 100 gp, when he asks you to look behind you say "no" 2 times then say "yes" the third time. BRUTAL Dali Llama: at the title screen press X, A, B, A, LEFT, A. You'll hear a sound if the tricked worked right. BUBSY: CLAWS ENCOUNTER OF THE FURRED KIND Chapter 1: JSSCTS 2: CKBGMM 3: SCTWMN 4: MKBRLN 5: LBLNRD 6: JMDKRK 7: STGRTN 8: SBBSHC 9: DBKRRB 10: MSFCTS 11: KMGRBS 12: SLJMBG 13: TGRTVN 14: CCLDSL 15: BTCLMB 16: STCJPH BUBSY II: BODACIOUS BOBCAT BLITZ Do any of these codes at the title screen. All levels complete: UP, A, A, A, DOWN Jump frenzy: B, A, B, Y 99 diving siuts: B, L, UP, B 99 portable holes: RIGHT, UP, SELECT, SELECT 99 smart bombs: X, X, UP, DOWN, X 99 nerf ballzooka slots: B, A, LEFT, LEFT 50 lives: B, UP, B, SELECT, Y Invulnerability: X, A, B, Y, UP, DOWN. BUSTER BROS Stage Select: at the title screen press L, R, R, L, UP and DOWN. CACOMA KNIGHT IN BIZZYLAND Cheat menu: at the player select screen press UP, UP, DOWN, DOWN, RIGHT, LEFT, RIGHT, LEFT, B, A. CAL RIPKEN JR BASEBALL Cal galore: pick any team, then simultaneously press L, R,L, and START. Now every player on the team is Cal Ripken Jr. CHAVEZ BOXING New champion and credits: beat any opponent and when the ref. holds up your hand press and hold X, Y, A, B, L, R, and SELECT then press start. CLAYFIGHTER II: JUDGEMENT CLAY Play as Jack: at the main menu screen hold UP and press X, A, R, R, Y, A. Dr. Peel Good: at the main menu screen hold DOWN-LEFT and press B, Y, Y, A, Y. CLAYFIGHTER TOURNAMENT EDITION Special options: select your character and press start then simultaneously press LEFT and SELECT. COMBATRIBES 10 continues: hold X, A, and L on controller two and reset the game. During the title screen let go of the buttons and away you go. 30 lives: at the game over screen simultaneously hold L, R and SELECT on contorller two. When the title screen appears, go to the options screen and adjust your credits to 30. Shorten fights: hold A, B on controller two and restart the game, select vs. game and start. CONTRA III: THE ALIEN WARS Quick End: anytime during the game hold L, R, and START, then press select. 30 lives and stage select: at the title screen press LEFT, DOWN, DOWN-LEFT, LEFT, and START all in one motion for level select. Listen for the humming sound to tell you if the trick worked. 30 lives: at the player select screen press RIGHT, DOWN-RIGHT, RIGHT and START all in one motion. COOL WORLD Ending: at the title screen press L, LEFT, R, RIGHT, UP, X, DOWN, and B. CYBERNATOR 6 credits: in the space between the Konami Logo and the title screen hold L, R, and UP and push START. When the title screen appears press start again, hit start once more when the game start options appear then release all the buttons you've been holding . CYBERSPIN Passwords Peru: MBC27-44111 Kenya: GYP74-MGD11 11111-3P121 2121K-4R161 Spain: NZR78-MRH11 America: V?X8K-MTH11 21211-1K179 212112-2C189 DAFFY DUCK AND THE MARVIN MISSIONS 50 ducks and $30,000: in the option menu change your men to 5 and star your game . When the screen says "Where there's duck there's fire" press LEFT, LEFT, RIGHT, RIGHT, Y, A, B, X. If done correctly you'll hear Daffy say "MOTHER". DARIUS TWINS 49 extra ships: do the following on the one/two player screen simultaneously press and hold L and R on controller two, then push SELECT then START on controller one. DEATH AND RETURN OF SUPERMAN Cheat mode: Listen to these sounds in this order 0B, 29, 2C and 05. Now just start a regular game. When your in need of a cheat just press the following Simultaneously: refill your lives: A+B+X+Y Skip to next level: A+B+X+Y+SELECT DEMON'S CREST Full life meter at all times. FDQP QRMB FGNH GTKL Full life meter at all times, and Crest of Leaven. QFFF KNRR DDLR XGTQ DESERT STRIKE Level 2: 3ZJMZT7 5: F9N5CJ8 3: K32L82R 10 MEN: BS9JS27 4: JR8P8M8 DONKEY KONG COUNTRY Sound test: before you start a game go to the game select screen and highlight erase game option. Now press A, R, B, Y, DOWN, A, then Y. If you enter the code correctly you can change the music with select and listen to the music as long as you like by keeping erase game highlighted. DOUBLE DRAOGN: THE SHADOW FALLS Fight as the the bosses: at the title screen press L, R, UP, L, L, DOWN, R, and R on controller one, then begin a new game. Turn off dizzies: at the main title screen press DOWN, LEFT, UP, UP, R, R, and L. Trun off throws: at the main title screen press R, RIGHT, L, L, LEFT, LEFT, R, and R. DRAGONS LAIR After the snake boss: 2D, 4C, 6A, 8B After the large bat: 1B, 2D, 7A, 8C After the grim reaper: 1A, 4B, 5C, 6A The Dragons lair: 1A, 3B, 5C, 6D EARTHWORM JIM Warp to " What the heck": pause the game and then press Y, X, Y, X, A, B, A, X then unpause. Full charge( once per level): pause the game and then press A, B, X, Y, Y, X, B, A then unpause. EQUINOX Bonus Mode: at the title screen press L, L, R, R, L, L, L, R, R, R, L, L, R, R, L, and R. The box in the title screen will turn green when done correctly. F-1 ROC Extra cash: Use the name SETAUSA Hidden game: on the second controller press Y, Y, Y, Y, X, X. Choose Track, Car and Time: on the second controller at the NOTICE/WARNING screen press UP, X, RIGHT, Y, DOWN, B, LEFT, A, A. Must be done extremly fast. F-15 STRIKE EAGLE Mission 2: 4H6F8392 3: 4GBF8757 4: 7F6G42F4 5: 09BD42F4 6: FO6D86O9 7: DOBG83FG 8: 67654475 9: 4HB705FG FACEBALL 2000 Options select: hold L and R at the same time and hit Start. FAMILY FUED Start with $14,000: Password HFHKRQ FATAL FURY SPECIAL Max out lives, hearts, coins...etc...: when the Takara Logo appears press DOWN, RIGHT-DOWN, RIGHT, RIGHT-DOWN, DOWN, LEFT-DOWN, LEFT, and X all in one motion. FIFA INTERNATIONAL SOCCER Super goalies: during the game options screen press A, A, A, A, A, Y, Y, Y, Y, and Y. Dream Team: during game options screen press A, A, B, B, Y, Y, X, and X. FIGHTERS HISTORY Play as the bosses: at the fighters history logo press Right, Right, UP, UP, L, R, and START. FINAL FIGHT Option screen: to access the hidden option screen, hold L and R and press START. You'll be able to change the number of starting lives and difficulty plus sample some sounds. FIREPOWER 2000 Use these codes while the game is paused. Level 1: R, L, R, R, L, L, R, L, R, R, L, L. 2: R, L, R, R, L, L, R, R, R, L, R, R. 3: L, R, L, L, R, R, L, L, L, L, R, R, R, L. 4: R, R, R, L, L, L, R, R, L, L, R, L, R, L. 5: R, L, R, L, L, L, R, R, L, L, R, L, R, L, L. FLASHBACK Passwords: New Washington: JNGLQ Paradise Club: BWNGH Cyber Tower: HNYTM Planet Morph1: STBRM Earth: KVNF Planet Morph2: RDBQLR GODS Level 2: SD1 3: BMH 4: MGB GOOF TROOP Level 1: banana, red diamond, cherry, banana, cherry. 2: cherry, red diamond, blue diamond, banana. 3: red diamond, cherry, blue diamond, red diamond. 4: banana, cherry, blue diamond, red diamond, banana. GRADIUS III 30 ships: at the title screen hold LEFT and press a, a, a then hit Start. More continues: Hit X as fast as you can during the title screen then press Start before the screen changes. Power up all weapons: pause your game and press UP, UP, DOWN, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT, LEFT, RIGHT, B, A and then unpause. HOLE-IN-ONE-GOLF Professional metal clubs: enter METAL*PLAY as your name. Hole in one: enter either code in the memory shot option code 1: CQJB83CFDJ#H?LBBT7BJCF code 2: B!5B9GB5SFGB3J5BB?GMBYQ HYPERZONE Sound test: at the title screen hold L and R and press Start. INSPECTOR GADGET Debug Mode: hld L, R, and B then press DOWN, DOWN, UP, LEFT, RIGHT, DOWN, RIGHT, LEFT. Then release the buttons. JAMES BOND JR. Level 2: 0007 3: 3675 4: 9025 5:1813 JIM POWER Multi bonus code: after you start playing the game, find a safe place away from enemies then press X, A, B, Y, A, B, Y, X, B, Y, X, A, Y, X, A, and B on controller two. If you hear a tone then on controller two press the following buttons to access a nu mber of good things: L= Level Skip LEFT= 9 keys UP= 9 lives DOWN= 9 bombs RIGHT= rest timer JOE AND MAC Extra lives: play through one level that has a 1-up ( this dosen't include bonus stages). Return to the level and collect the 1-up then press start and select to exit the level. Repeat until you max out your lives. JOE AND MAC II: LOST IN THE TROPICS 1st stone :RJNK BQKT THQT JGCB 2nd stone :HDMF GRHN KGTK CPBB 3rd stone :GRJN KBTH JLJR HLCB 4th stone :RJNK BRGK TJDH JCDB 5th stone :BMFG RJMB BQLK DSCB 6th stone :CGRG NJGS KDBD GHDB 7th stone :PFGT JPFD QFML FLDB JOHN MADDEN FOOTBALL Championships: BBBB5GSHGH JUNGLE BOOK Stage select: when the Virgin games logo appears quickly press UP, UP, UP, B, B, B, Y, Y, SELECT, UP, DOWN, RIGHT, B, UP, and Y. If done correctly you'll hear a tone, now go to the options screen to choose your level. KABLOOEY Level 1: BPMB 2: TFST 3: SPBP 4: RBOG 5: RPSS 6: FBJR 7: QVJZ 8: RFFD 9: RBTT 10: RBFT 11: PVFN 12: NFWS 13: LJSB 14: MVLF 15: MVFF 16: DJMF 17: DBVG 18: DPLL 19: DJSK 20: GBTF 21: JRPN 22: GBMF 23: PBSS 24: WPRG 25: LFGB 26: CVFF 27: LPJC 28: DBTG 29: WGGD 30: JTMG 31: PBJL 32: SHJP 33: RJNG 34: SHPR 35: SJZF 36: TBLK 37: GJRL 38: ZPPM 39: ZPNG 40: ZJNC 41: GPLD 42: ZGPR 43: YPLK 44: YGLL 45: PPBL 46: YBR 47: WPPL 48: EJRN 49: SPNG 50: WJND 51: WGST 52: WBVF 53: FJRF 54: WPSP 55: VJSB 56: VRST 57: LBMP 58: VNTB 59: TYRF 60: TPYF 61: TRGG 62: TWJN 63: TVSK 64: TVNF 65: TPNY 66: SWBN 67: STBR 68: SPLP 69: LPVG 70: SPVP 71: RPSF 72: RPPF 73: RFST 74: RPPT 75: RFAT 76: RFBD 77: TBPF 78: RBJN 79: NPTF 80: NFST 81: VBSF 82: NBMF 83: NBJL 84: MJND 85: PJLL 86: MBJL 87: LJLY 88: LFNS 89: SPQT 90: LBRK 91: KNQB 92: KNFF 93: PBLM 94: KBNG 95: KBND 96: KBLT 97: LQCK 98: JVNF 99: JFBN 100: JBZZ 101: SBFG 102: JTGM 103: JSLG 104: HQST 105: WQRM 106: HQLD 107: HJLL 108: HGRB 109: NQSF 110: HFLP 111: GVST 112: GQWN 113: FYGS 114: GLQW 115: CJFT 116: FWSG 117: HBJR 118: FJVF 119: FBCG 120: GXJT 121: SKGN 122: GBSG 123: DQXR 124: CRZB 125: MYTH 126: CXPY 127: MBKV 128: BVTP 129: FNDS 130: DRMQ KENDO RAGE Stage select: at the "GAME START" screen press X, Y, A, B, X, Y, A, B, then START. KEN GRIFFY JR PRESENTS: MAJOR LEAGUE BASEBALL Game Ending: at the title screen press B, A, DOWN, UP, B, B, and A. KING ARTHUR'S WORLD S = Solid R = Red Skip Triaining Dark Goblin's Realm R|R|S|S R|S|S|S S|R|S|R S|R|S|S S|S|S|S R|S|S|R S|S|S|R S|S|S|S Demon's Overlord Cloud World S|R|S|S S|S|R|S R|S|R|S S|R|S|R S|S|S|S S|R|S|S R|R|S|S R|S|S|S KING OF THE DRAGONS Extra continues: play the game until you've used one continue, when you're about to use the second continue and the timer is counting down press START on controller two. Now if you press START on controller one you'll have 99 continues. Select the same character: as the Capcom Logo fades, press DOWN, R, UP, L, Y, B, X, A. Before the Logo fades away completely. KRUSTY'S SUPER FUNHOUSE Level 2: BARTMAN 3: SMITHERS 4: SNOWBALL 5: JEBODIAH Strange thing: Enter a space before and after this password. JOSHUA LAWNMOWERMAN Infinite Lives: pause the game and press B, R, A, SELECT, SELECT, Y, A, B, Y, A, B unpause the game and then repause and press R, A, SELECT then START. LEGEND OF THE MYSTICAL NINJA Zone I: MRbjhj II: #rM/B/ III: 8hXwow IV: W:3LNL V: K=bPbR VI: 1+L<H< IX: 8xT>K> Win the lottery everytime: during the lottery rapidly press B. Ulimited cash: Play Uncle chan's pop quiz over and over. LEMMINGS Fun Levels 2: MDJVLXT 3: ZBHPRLQ 4: GWSXMHK 5: NCDKKWG 6: CKWDRKV 7: HCBSMGV 8: JBKZQGS 9: MMDMKKX 10: SKFKNNB 11: LXNLJCP 12: MTPCTNP 13: PCLSRCP 14: KPMDGXZ 15: TLVKLSW 16: HMHRSDR 17: MFLFHSH 18: QXPKCHB 19: MWRTLNR 20: GMXCWPS 21: KGXNLPB 22: DVJJBGM 23: LGSSCZL 24: MVGDKVX 25: LSQHCQS 26: SXRQMVR 27: PMQJPMX 28: DHBPIWQ 29: BCXLWVL 30: FXWBBSL Tricky Levels 1: MGQ2MGG 2: LXSFDXB 3: ZRVXBWQ 4: NKVKRTB 5: GJWDHMG 6: DJCQQZT 7: JHSVCQL 8: RCHFGNN 9: BJWVRCQ 10: MZDCDTC 11: JKJBBRM 12: MZDCDRC 13: ZVMQKXB 14: ZZRHJPL 15: JFLKJPX 16: JQXRNGJ 17: WFVHQQT 18: KWVBVJP 19: TTKLKZT 20: NNFFQPV 21: ZWXBKMP 22: QSLQWTJ 23: BGFVMFR 24: PQZWDKM 25: SBCMSJS 26: BDGGRNX 27: XPPBQWL 28: JHQSPRH 29: GCLKJMQ 30: SRWGXZM Taxing Levels 1: PQFPTBP 2: BPLHRXL 3: CPZRSRV 4: SMSWSPW 5: DXCQKRX 6: MDGMJLV 7: WZWSDMK 8: HZBCFQM 9: SPRPVHR 10: BWCBKXJ 11: WRFVJDL 12: GGBCXXS 13: TTXQXQL 14: DCBBWNH 15: WCBLDQX 16: PFVFXCR 17: NKVCKDN 18: QPDDJFB 19: QBGBPSW 20: JLXJWNW 21: JLHFSRF 22: WCLJNNK 23: LVFHHMM 24: MHNNCPC 25: RNMKXLP 26: XZZSDDN 27: BBTSGZC 28: LXFLJPX 29: QKZVKFT 30: WFCSHNT Mayhem Levels 1: XNMTWVD 2: KDTJQQR 3: VNTGWRB 4: SQDLCRR 5: JHQTCPD 6: RQXNVNP 7: CBWMMLG 8: LCVDQWL 9: KDHWTJL 10: GVNKKJL 11: DXCDGNH 12: GWJTPLW 13: LNZNHWM 14: MZXZKZC 15: RWLTTCQ 16: LGJCRKM 17: SQXKBZN 18: WXTBWCB 19: NPKNRKV 20: PZQWRCP 21: DZWTHVN 22: RMDTBFQ 23: FCSLSPK 24: RNHQXVN 25: LTGNDXH 26: LHLTDDW 27: HCBBKHV 28: MWLGVQS 29: GSPQCRQ 30: ZTTGRFH Sunsoft Levels 1: TPCWFMP 2: WSJCLDX 3: PVNRCMV 4: HZSQQNV 5: KCGHCNC LESTER THE UNLIKELY Stage Select: at the title screen rapidly press X and Y until the stage select screen appears. LEATHAL ENFORCERS 8 continues: pause the game and press UP, UP, UP, DOWN, DOWN, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT, RIGHT, RIGHT, B, A, A, A, A. LOST VICKINGS Level 2: GR8T 3: TLPT 4: GRND 5: LLMD 6: FLOT 7: TRSS 8: PRHS 9: CVRN 10: BBLS 11: VLCN 12: QCKS 13: PHRO 14: CIRO 15: SPKS 16: JMNN 17: TTRS 18: JLLY 19: PLNG 20: BTRY 21: JNKR 22: CBLT 23: HOPP 24: 3MRT 25: V8TR 26: NFL8 27: WKYY 28: CMBO 29: 8BLL 30: TRDR 31: FNTM 32: WRLR 33: TRPD 34: TFFF 35: FRGT 36: 4RN4 37: M5TR MARIO IS MISSING Ludwig's Palace Beat Rome: BCD5L4C Beijing : PC58NDB Nairobi : DH6KL6Z Mosscow : YSWRL4S San Francisco: 7*S36W Paris : T9H*6VD Iggy's Palace Athens: CFZFN6K Buenos Aires: 6CG15VI Sydney: 6D*2PLK Mexico City: F*2 S MDK Roijo's Palace London: KYBZXSR New York: 9BXRPG7 Cairo: 29YKMS4 First Room Second Room 1: PVV23CZ 1: CX746YF 2: FCBSB6W 2: NBGR6CF 3: YHYAMLZ 4: X**KLDK 4: Y4MOPFW 5: S4805N4 5: G5F96CX Third Room 1: DWV6P78 2: PCD1384 3: DJ49LZ3 4: D9FKPTR 5: TTMGMQM MARIO KART Shrinking Characters: press and hold DOWN, and Y, next press A on the character selection screen. MECHWARRIOIR Invincible: before you engage the enemy pause the game and press A, L, L, Y, A, L, L, Y, A, L, L, Y. You should see a red flash or the word "Invincible" appear on the screen. Depending on what veiw your using when you go into battle. MEGAMAN X Sting Chamelion defeated: 4131, 6712, 1221 Extra life tank: 5447, 4177, 4536 Launch Octopus Defeated: 1556, 6642, 7448 MICHEAL JORDAN: CHAOS IN THE WINDY CITY 10 Lives: MJON-23-CH1 73 Lives: 12345678999 MICKEY MANIA Level Select: at the option screen set the music to Beanstalk 1, and the FX to extra try. Go to the exit option and hold L for seven seconds. If you hear a sound effect after seven seconds the trick worked. The level select option will appear on the ma in game screen. MIGHT AND MAGIC III These passwords will help you answer all the riddles throughout the world of Might and Magic III. The "x" and "y" coordinates represent the area you're in and can be used easier by using the Magic Eye Spell. Have fun and enjoy the easy life. Alpha Engine Sector: X6 Y15 =PRIMARY Beta Engine Sector: X6 Y0 =PRIMARY Main Engine Sector: X6 Y0 =WARP X6 Y15 =SUBLEVEL Central Control Sector: X1 Y5 =CREATORS X3 Y5 =CREATORS X9 Y5 =CREATORS X13 Y5 =CREATORS Forward Storage Sector: X9 Y11 =YOUTH Swamp Town: X2 Y13 =MIRROR X6 Y2 =STAIRS Cursed Cold Cavern: X18 Y14 =ICICLE X27 Y25 =TOMORROW X27 Y11 =CHAIN X27 Y17 =ECHO Arachnid Cavern: X14 Y15 =20301 Castle Dragontooth: X13 Y7 =11 X13 Y9 =11 X8 Y0 =20000 Castle Bloodreign: X9 Y15 =OGRE X4 Y10 =NORTIC X4 Y9 =NORTIC X10 Y10 =NORTIC X10 Y9 =NORTIC Castle Graywind: X7 Y5 =CIRCLE Castle Blackwind: X11 Y0 =TEN Castle Whiteshield: X Y =JOABARY X Y =S-MELLO Fountain Head Cavern: X12 Y5 =RATS Slithercut Stronghold: X7 Y26 =EPSILON Dark Warriors Keep: X24 Y2 =314 Cathederal of Carnage: X25 Y14 =JVC The Halls of Insanity: X11 Y12 =TEARS X14 Y9 =BLINK X17 Y12 =EYES Area B3: X9 Y9 =SECRET X13 Y6 =DARKNESS Mirror Portals Fountain Head =HOME Baywatch =SEADOG Wildabar =FREEMAN Swamp Town =DOOMED Blistering Heights =REDHOT Area E4 X3 Y3 =EARTH Area C2 X12 Y0 =FIRE Area F1 X0 Y12 =AIR Area E3 X7 Y10 =WATER Arena =ARENA Use this code first if you want a well equiped character for the beginning of the game, then ask Mr. Wizard for help and you won't be penalized any experience for asking of his assistance. $2,000,000.00 = DOE MIESTER King's Ultamite Power Orb = ORB MIESTER Initialization Sequence: First half=645 Second half=231 End Game Sequence = BLASTOFF To build character levels fast: Fill all of your backpacks and then find a wagon that you can destroy and get experience points for keep doing this as the wagon will return before your eyes then sell off the excess stuff in your packs when your finished. MIGHTY MORPHIN POWER RANGERS Level 2: 38847 3: 5113 4: 3904 5: 1970 6: 8624 7: 2596 Boss 1: 0411 2: 1007 3: 1212 Two Player codes: Scorpina MLBPA BASEBALL Use these codes at the resume season screen. After entering the code begin a new game and start playing. You can use any number of these passwords together. Power Pitching: PWRP Ice Feilds: BRRR Power Hitting: PWRHT Challenge Mode: NNTH Ruber Feild: RBBR MORTAL KOMBAT II All these codes must be done at the character selelct screen, quickly. If done correctly you'll hear a swishing sound. Fight Smoke: UP, LEFT, UP, UP, RIGHT, and SELECT. Fight Jade: UP, DOWN, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT, and SELECT. Fight Noob Saibot: LEFT, UP, DOWN, DOWN, and RIGHT. Fight Kintaro: UP, DOWN, DOWN, RIGHT, RIGHT and SELECT. Fight Shao Khan: RIGHT, UP, UP, RIGHT, LEFT and SELECT. Super Strength: DOWN, UP, RIGHT, UP and LEFT. 29 Kredits: LEFT, UP, RIGHT, DOWN and LEFT. 15 Seconds for fatality: UP, UP, LEFT, UP and DOWN. NBA JAM Power Defense: begin a new game and select any team. when the "tonights macth up" screen appears, press any button 5 times. On the 5th press hold until tipoff and a strange blue mark will appear in the bottom left corner. Power Dunk: after you select you team begin rotating the control pad clockwise while you press B exactly 13 times. On the last one hold B until the tipoff. If you did this correctly you'll be able to dunk from half-court. Power Intercept: after you select your team at the title screen rotate your control pad counter clockwise while pressing any button as fast as you can. When the game starts the words " Power Up int" will appear. Juice Mode ( harder): after you select your team and the "tonights matchup" screen press any button 13 times, then hold B and X till tipoff. NIGEL MANSELL'S WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP RACING Mexico: DPGM15M9.LVYSTT.49 Spain: 95T78JFSG9K3VV7L5L Monaco: QPGJFQFJ12N6KNVWW7 France: WPBQJR46RLLBX.F9S7 Hungary: CWTNWRWC4JNZP25T1T Britain: 72WNBM5V4NT6H5QZQ7 Portugal: 9W1XH9G6H9LKV3.8MH Australia: X46WJ01XN6LW0D3KVY Brazil: 4ZF01QWZW74H3.L4JL San Marino: C89K7.6ZJSGG0XBS4L Canada: N5S9LYBB66KKB4PDXX Germany: DM46FWWGQBCM0F0LT Belgium: VJRPNZXP32PMHQDP2T Italy: WLRCN0QP8LN8FZL12H Japan: HH5GY62QPCVD9ZK5HD The Championships: VM.20HQDMSN0QWLT2Q NINJA WARRIOIRS Level Select: at the title screen press A, A, A, A, B, B, B, B, A, B, A, B, A, B, A, then B. ON THE BALL Level Select: enter the password QWNQP. The title screen will reappear then press up or down to select your level. OUT OF THIS WORLD Level 2: HTDC 3: CLLD 4: LBKG 5: XDDJ 6: FXLC 7: KRFK 8: KLFB 9: DDRX 10: HRTB 11: BRTD 12: TFBB 13: TXHF 14: CKJL 15: LFCK PAC ATTACK Level 90: BTF 91: NSM 92: QYZ 93: KTT 94: FGS 95: RRC 96: YLW 97: PNN 98: SPR 99: CHB 100: LST Game Ending: JFK PACMAN II To play the Arcade version: PCMNDPW To play the Mrs. Pacman Arcade version: MSPCMND PAPERBOY II To play a challenging level punch in 6479 PINK PANTHER: PINK GOES TO HOLLYWOOD Invincibility: just hold L on the second controller. As long as your holding it your invincible. Slow motion: hold R on controller two. Stage Skip: hold SELECT and press Start. PITFALL: THE MAYHEM ADVENTURE Level select: at the title screen press X, SELECT, A, SELECT, Y, A, X, SELECT. POCKY AND ROCKY Stage select: at the player select screen simultaneously press and hold X and Y. While holding these press B, B, B, B, A, A, A, A, B, B, B, B, A, B, A, B, A, B, A, B, and Start. POPULOUS Level select: choose a conquest game and click on the pause icon. Move the cursor onto the world map, then hold L and A. Release these then while holding R press Y, B, X, A. Release R then click on Armageddon. Now enter the set up menuand choose conquest. Inside the conquest menu press X and B to select any level. Level 72: K2LL3M4 244: J5S2N5ND 325: S1D2LD 342: E51D2T5RY 375: SC51SM4T 409: N2M4J5B 586: B2L41H5L4 900: H5B4PIL 988: V4RY5ZL2N PRINCE OF PERSIA Level 2: VW5I+9B 3: BHTRBX4 4: VHB7DV9 5: 3N9N37X 6: MGMGTC9 7: LPC1+H2 8: CPMQTQG 9: BQ1V+2L 10: 951C3ND 11: 3KJ9+LD 12: M8Q8LJZ 13: BYP8W+D 14: 97PZLPZ 15: YMF2L1! 16: 8CZFWBF 17: 7LIGS4C 18: Z35Q9LC 19: Q95YFJC 20: 86W3MY5 RADICAL REX Level Select: on the one-two player screen on controller two press RIGHT, A, DOWN, RIGHT, Y, X. RAMPART Level 1: BCBCBCBC 2: CDDDXXXC 3: BBCXBCBB 4: BBDFGDFG 5: DFDFDXTF 6: BCDFXXBT 7: BBZXYZZZ 8: YYDYCCDC 9: BXTBCDDB 10: WWTTNWWZ 11: CZCTCZCZ 12: BBBZYZDD 13: CXTXCRCR 14: CDCDXXCD 15: BZBDBXBZ 16: H PPYJ Y RISE OF THE ROBOTS Play as the Supervisor: at the options screen press UP, RIGHT, DOWN, LEFT, Y. ROAD RUNNERS: DEATH VALLEY RALLEY Simultaneously press and hold R, Y, LEFT, SELECT and X. ROBO COP VS. TERMINATOR Weird Credits: Finish the game and during the credits press B and at the end you'll see something strange. ROCK 'N' ROLL RACING Planet Skip: select vs. mode and play either one or two player. Before you start racing go to the planet select screen and hold L, R and Select. Scroll through the planets while holding these buttons and the planet info will appear. Lost Vicking as your driver: when your picking your driver press and hold L, R, SELECT, and then push right. $999,000 Veteran Level: 989Y C02V WS6M Warrior Level: J89! C024 WS6M ROCKO'S MODERN LIFE Level 2: BLAZES Easier 2: COMICS 3: O-TOWN 3: MELBA- 4: GRIPES 4: HIPPO- R.P.M. RACING $45,000,000.00: select an empty file and press B and goto the shop select screen. Choose any car and hit B again. Highlight the center/button square then press B, LEFT, B, LEFT, B, RIGHT, B, RIGHT, B, B, B, LEFT, B, B, B, RIGHT, B, RIGHT, B, RIGHT, B an d B. SAMURIA SHOWDOWN Play as Amakusa: at the Takra Logo press A, Y, X, B. SHAQ FU Blood code: at the options screen press Y, X, B, A, L, R. The screen will flash red if done properly. SHIEN'S REVENGE Extra continues: at the title screen press SELECT 7 times on controller two. Special weapons: at the title screen press START 9 times on controller two. Super easy mode: at the title screen press L 7 times on controller two. Super hard mode: at the title screen press R 7 times on controller two. SIMCITY $999,999: Start your game and waist all your money on fire, police, but remeber to build power, residentail, industrial, and comercial zones. Now set your taxes a 0% and your police, fire and maintainance to 0%. Wait for the end of the year, in December when the screen fades to the tax screen hold L and R and don't leg them go till I say. Exit the tax screen and then re-enter it, and set your funding to 100% on everything, you should end up with a -funds in your total. Exit all screens to the play area then release the buttons and you'll have mucho mulla. SKULLJAGGER 2: Cruel Man Cruel Bird 3: Claw Is Mean Dock 4: Big Wild Angry Fly 5: Fly Home Lazy Sword SMARTBALL Level select: when the title screen says "push start" press UP, UP, DOWN, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT, LEFT, RIGHT, B, A, SELECT and START. SOLDIERS OF FORTUNE Brigand and Thug 2: W1V19S2SH21Q 3: RI8VDQWF0IVP 4: 4I4ILIVQVX6 Navvie and Scientist 2: CJWI9D2QQ2XF 3: RJXVD8WFPPIVP 4: 4J3WLPV9XWS6 SPACE FOOTBALL 2: 246860 3: 402713 4: 312171 5: 346312 6: 373243 7: 650665 8: 449357 9: 736725 10: 876963 11: 884887 12: 497998 13: 832115 14: 995306 15: 274443 16: 487435 17: 626631 18: 872669 19: 349583 20: 668227 21: 175485 22: 121915 23: 644028 24: 845684 25: 377493 26: 993201 27: 037362 28: 725375 29: 578456 30: 599544 31: 802775 32: 511588 Password mode: at the title screen press SELECT, and when the options come up again press SELECT. SPANKY'S QUEST 2-1: 732 3-1: 354 4-1: 116 5-1: 988 6-1: 470 SPINDIZY WORLDS Level select: use password MIMICHAN STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION Stage Select: at the title screen press Y, Y, X, X, A, A, B, B. Begin a regular game and then pause it then press Y to see the level select screen. STREET COMBAT More credits: at the title screen move the cursor to the options mode and press Start. Then move the cursor to credit press select 10 times and your credits will change. STREET FIGHTER II Play Champion edition: at the Capcom Logo press DOWN, R, UP, L, Y and B. If it worked you'll hear a chime. SUPER ADVENTURE ISLAND Suprise: At the title screen on its second appearance hold L, RIGHT, and X and press Start. SUPER BATTLESHIP 2: C31D5 3: 32FH42 4: 7159BG 5: 00072077 6: BDFHGF4 7: 012745F 8: F2F406F8 SUPER BOMBERMAN 1-1: 5555 1-2: 7503 1-3: 5543 1-4: 0513 1-5: 5522 1-6: 7564 1-7: 3535 2-1: 0055 2-2: 4005 2-3: 0043 2-4: 5012 2-5: 7024 2-6: 5064 2-7: 0034 3-1: 5453 3-2: 7402 3-3: 3444 3-4: 0412 3-5: 2423 3-6: 3464 3-7: 4434 4-1: 6154 4-2: 4103 4-3: 7144 4-4: 5114 4-5: 1122 4-6: 4164 4-7: 0135 5-1: 5252 5-2: 7204 5-3: 5244 5-4: 6213 5-5: 4224 5-6: 1264 5-7: 3232 6-1: 0652 6-2: 3605 6-3: 7645 6-4: 5615 6-5: 7623 6-6: 4665 6-7: 1635 SUPER BUSTER BROS. Level Select: at the game select screen press L, R, R, L, UP and DOWN. SUPER CASTLEVANIA IV P=Potion A=Axe H=Heart for example C2/A=an axe in the C2 position. Level 4: A1/P A2/A B2/P B3/A B4/P D1/H D2/H D3/A Level 6: A1/P A2/A A4/P B2/P B3/A B4/H D1/P D2/H D3/A Guardian: A1/H A2/A A4/H B2/HH B3/P B4/A D1/P D2/H D3/H SUPER CONFLICT THE MIDEAST Mission select: on the scenario map hold L, B, X and Y. While holding these release X and then hold it again. Now release all of the buttons. Move the Jeep to the unlite area and press L and B to light it up. SUPER EARTH DEFENCE FORCE Immortal: pause just after you start then press A, X, B, A, Y, X, B, A, A, X, B, B, Y, X. SUPER EMPIRE STRIKES BACK End credits: on the game select screen press A, B, A, B, A, B, A, then B. Unlimited thermal detonators: on the game select screen press A,X, B, X, X, A, Y, then START. 99 lives: on the game select screen press X, Y, B, B, B, X, A, Y, Y, B, A, X, Y, then START. Start at Darth Vader: on the game select screen press A, X, B, A, Y, X, B, A, A, X, B, B, Y, X. SUPER GHOULS 'N' GHOSTS Sound test and stage select: at the option screen move the cursor to exit. Hold L and R and START on controller two then press START on controller one. SUPER PUTTY Unlimited putty: pause your game then press R, A, L, L then Y. If you did it correctly the screen will shift. You'll also be able to skip any level by just pressing select. SUPER REUTRUN OF THE JEDI Infinite Thermal Detonators: at the title screen press A, A, B, B, X, X, Y, Y, A, B, X, Y, A, B, X, Y before the screen fades Stage clear: hold B and press START. SUPER R-TYPE Level select: when the title screen appears press R, R, R, R, R,R, R, R, ,R, UP, UP, UP, UP, UP, UP, UP, UP, UP. If done correctly you'll hear a sound. Start a new game then pause and press R, A and SELECT at the same time. You'll see a number in the lower-left corner of the screen. Use the controller to select the level you want. SUPER SMASH T.V. Seven lives and seven continues: at the 1p/2p select screen press DOWN, L, R and UP. You'll enter a speacial option screen to pump up your lives and continues. SUPER STAR WARS Mystery code: plug in both controllers and press A, A, A, A, X, B, B, B, B, Y, X, X, X, X, A, Y, Y, Y, Y, B. SUPER STREET FIGHTER II Computer vs Computer: choose tournament mode then highlight the word "END" and press start. Now all matches are computer vs computer. If you press any button it will speed up. SUPER TENNIS A win at Melbourne Open: NJ5QCHTJWM5JVD5GNYCR25376D6QFLVTK8XD3HRFTLWJPY2PP1JK A win at Paris Paris Open: GXM9QL41ND6DFSWGWLYKQJF6HQZFS47365C6PDJSTK8XD39RSXTBJ A win at London Open: 2B5RZO?2L7WRBNV48699F8TJLV4MC?H3HRFTLWJPCGNY4SD96M4 A win at Grand Slam: K8XD3HRFTLWJPC2GNYBQ14065C6PDJSTK8XD3HRFTLWJPPDLW1RK Bonus player power: choose any player at the player selection screen and while their name is highlighted on controller two press L, L, L, L, L, X, R, R, R, R, R, R, R, X. SUPER WIDGET Stage 2: JHKBHW 3: RKJSHR 4: JKJMFW 5: RBLHKH 6: JBKFFR 7: RJRBFF 8: JJRSHH 9: WSRMHH 10: JSRFKL 11: WLKKKL 12: JLLJKL 13: RMLLKL 14: HWBLBF 15: LRBBJJ 16: KFBRSJ T-2 : ARCADE Level skip: at the title screen press LEFT, UP, RIGHT, UP, LEFT, LEFT, LEFT, RIGHT, DOWN, DOWN. Then at the " Today's Best" screen press RIGHT, UP, UP, LEFT, RIGHT, RIGHT, RIGHT, LEFT, DOWN, DOWN, RIGHT, UP. When playing press L and R at the same time a nd your done that level. TAZ-MANIA Stage select: at the option screen press A, X, A, Y, X, Y, B, A, R and L. Extra continues: at the option screen press B, A, Y, A, X and A. THE ADDAMS FAMILY Defeated the big bird (3 hearts, 37 lives): &1YRT Defeated the Snowman (4 hearts, 49 lives): ?1HZJ Defeated the Centipedes (5 hearts, 42 lives): L1KZR Defeated the dragon (66 lives, Granny and Wednesday saved): LDRGR Defeated the Witch (87 lives, Fester, Granny and Wednesday saved): LLY&W After Pugsly: V1913 After Grandma: B&J15 After Wednesday: BD#K4 After Fester: BL91B Enter the music room and wait for the music to stop. This unlocks the passage to the basement. THE ADVENTURES OF ROCKIE AND BULLWINKLE Stage warp: after starting the game press B, A, A, START, A, B, B and A on controller two. Now whenever you press B on controller two you'll warp. THE DEATH AND RETURN OF SUPERMAN Refill life: playb sounds 0B, 29, 2C, 05, then start a new game,when you want to refill your meter simply press A, B, X and Y at the same time. By pressing SELECT while holding these buttons you can skip to the next level. THE DUEL: TEST DRIVE TWO Turbo thrust: all you have to do is press A on controller two. Customize your car: wait till the game and then simultaneouslypress L, R, Y, X, B and A on controller two. Press start on controller two then press start on controller one. THE LEGEND OF THE MYSTICAL NINJA Level 9: Z+LHdH THE PAGE MASTER Level Select: pause your game then press UP, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT, B, A, SELECT. THE PEACE KEEPERS Extra characters: hlod L, R and A, then turn the power on. Release these buttons after " Press Start" appears. THE SQUIRREL HOARD Ulimited Shurikens: pause game and then quickly press DOWN, A and B. Unlimited Lives: pause game and then quickly press B, A, B,B and Y. Unlimited life: pause game and quickly press B, UP, B, B and A. THE TICK Level select: at the options screen put your lives at 7, your continues at 4, and choose 2 Arthurs. Go to the test soundsand put it on "Teleport" and press start. Begin a regular gameand press Start, then select for the level select screen. THE TWISTED TALES OF SPIKE MCFANG To play as Rudy the second character, go to the title screen andpress DOWN, B, LEFT, B, UP, RIGHT, Y. If the trick worked you'll hear a chime. Now when you beat Felina, Rudy comes to your rescue. As you wlk to town you can control him with controller t wo. TKO CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING Level 2: XQFCNPW 3: VQHPBDK 4: NFDSQRK 5: PRSGQSK 6: VRGJQHW TMNT: TOURNAMENT FIGHTERS Super high speed: at the title screen press UP,UP, DOWN, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT, LEFT, RIGHT, B and A on controller two. Now setthe new speed at the options menu. Play as the Bosses: at the title screen press X, UP Y, LEFT, B, DOWN, A, RIGHT, X, UP on controller two. On versus mode pressleft on controller one. New stage: at the title screen press L, R, R, L, R, L, R and A.Now select versus mode. Extra turtles: at the title screen on controller two press UP, UP, UP, B, A, A, A, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, you'll hear an explosion if done correctly. TOM AND JERRY Stage select: pause the game then press L, X, A, Y, Y, B, R then START. Do it as many times needed. 99 lives: pause your game and press L, Y, B, B, A, X, Y, Y, B and R. TOP GEAR South America: Moonbath Scandinavia: Road Hog Italy: Amalyser Japan: Gearbox France: Emulaterm Germany: Car Park U.K.: Horizons TOTAL CARNAGE Secret voices: play the game until you get the 5th highest score and then die. Enter your name as YAWDIM then press right to find the secret screen. To hear voices press any button while on that screen. TRODDLERS Solo mode missions: 1: BLDT 2: NSWT 3: PYRMD 4: CLRT 5: SPHNX 6: QRTT 7: CNTRN 8: RDGMS 9: CRSSD 10: SKPRND 11: PCKDP 12: PLLRS 13: BZZZZ 14: FVRWS 15: TGHTTM 16: SYN 17: TWTRDS 18: DNTMX 19: HLPMT 20: MNNS 21: NPRBLMS 22: TRSRS 23: STRRM 24: PNDDWN 25: TCHN 26: NNN 27: SXRMS 28: THTWR 29: GFRHRT 30: NWTHNG 31: BLR 32: CRLCBS 34: SLPNSLD 35: KYX 36: CLDCRS 37: STNM 38: HRDRND 39: FRSTGNS 40: CRSSFR 41: RNFRT 42: NLRS 43: NFRLLS 44: RNRND 45: BDBRD 46: CRVTHM 47: SVBLCKS 48: CLMR 49: HCKBCK 50: ZTTD 51: PSDT 52: DRPMN 53: PSSBL 54: CLSP 55: FLSRN 56: JWLPSH 57: GDTRY 58: NBYN 59: LSM 60: MNHNTR 61: XCLLNT 62: BMPRD 63: WTFRT 64: RCKBLST 65: NWSTLL 66: FRMBV 67: SMSHHTS 68: CRSHRSH 69: FRSTFR 70: BRNT 71: RMBLHT 72: MXTR 73: RTHRHRD 74: MRFN 75: SPNRND 76: LTTT 77: LLBT 78: BNCT 79: RNDRPS 80: FRNDC 81: SLWBRN 82: STLLM 83: BDBMBS 84: SLMN 85: MNDTCH 86: FRSTFRST 87: GDLCK 88: TMHNTR 89: NDLY 90: NPLLPLG 91: GNZN 92: DRCTNS 93: BRDGMN 94: FLLT 95: CLRRN 96: TFR 97: SWTHT 98: HVYDTY 99: TWKY TRUE LIES At the password screen enter these passwords: Infinite live: BGLVS Infinite energy: BGGRLY All weaponry: BGWPNS 2: BRMKNRD 3: CXGJMQC 4: FVJBKXF 5: HCHDXVH 6: FBJNDBN 7: HJBGBJC 8: JFFFZHB TUFF ENUFF Play as the bosses: at the title screen go to select mode and on controller two press LEFT, LEFT, LEFT, RIGHT, RIGHT, RIGHT, LEFT, LEFT, LEFT, LEFT, LEFT, LEFT, LEFT. Start your games and if you hear an explision you've done it correctly. TURN AND BURN: NO FLY ZONE Stage 2: NQBJKLFF 3: GSZWBFPT 4: RRHCZJVM 5: BPYXDLNF 6: LFMGWTKQ 7: PDTBCZNJ 8: DKVWGSQK 9: GKQZBLCT 10: DCMHRPFJ 11: WZGNJYZX 12: JDZFMLFV 13: SPBCTRRG 14: SPWVJKDH 15: LPKQBPFZ 16: TDLJGSHX UN SQUADRON Difficulty setting: enter the option mode and highlight the game level. Now on controller two hold A and X, flip through the levels until you see GAMER then play it. WAYNE'S WORLD Stage select: when Wayne and Garth start to sing simultaneously press and hold X, L and R. Then release them. Next, simultaneously press UP, Y and B, a stage select will appear at the bottom of the screen, use select to cycle through the different stages. WILD GUNS Stage select: at the player select screen with the select screen pressed enter A, A, A, A, B, B, B, B, A, B, A, B, A, B, A, B. Choose your character and press start, now choose your stage. WING COMMANDER McAuliffe: JQCCMCBL0W Gimle: JHCYFKXCHH Dakota: XGDHFVWCRC Kurasma: JRNFT1WLCH Venice: DHS2RSVM4W Gateway: 1GBBMGLBLW Chengo: JQBVCJLCMO Port Headland: 1RFKMFTL7C Brimstone: JGFHCGLB8H Hubble: DFH2PKQFGC Rostro: JRN2RV4GCG0 Apocolypse: SQGKPCSFOC WING COMMANDER II: ACES HIGH Air LeBlanc: to start off in the wild blue yonder with Mark LeBlanc fully powered up simply select continue game at the title screen then at the password screen select end. WOLFCHILD Invincibility: play through the first level and then when theboss dies and you raise your arms in victory simultaneouslypress A, B and START. You'll remain invincible until you touchthe energy/mutation icon. WOLFENSTEIN 3D Invincibility: when you get ready to to play hold R on controller one. Then turn on your system. When the title screen appears, release the R and start a new game. Pause the game then press B, UP and A. Level exit: hold R when you turn on the power, at the title screen release R and begin a regular game. Any time you want to exit a level pause your game and press UP, B, R and B, unpause and you'll be on the next level. WORLD HEROES Change colors: begin a one or two player game then at the player select screen choose your favorite fighter and simultaneously press START and SELECT. WWF ROYAL RUMBLE Super punch: as the legal screen begins to fade simultaneously press B and Y, you'll know it worked when you hear "UGH". X-CALIBER 2097 Invincibility: at the title screen press LEFT, LEFT, RIGHT, RIGHT, DOWN, UP, RIGHT, UP, UP, UP. Then goto option and put "No Damage " on. YOSHIES COOKIES Round select: set the round to 10 and the speed to high. Turnthe music off. Then on controller two simultaneously press L,R, SELECT and START. If you hear the word "Yoshie" you'll know that the trick worked. ZOMBIES ATE MY NEIGHBORS Level 5: VHRV 9: PBGG 17: BKYZ 21: YXBB 25: XYLZ 29: YLZD 33: WJQK 37: BZVG 41: BRPK 45: VLHX