Book review index
This is excerpted from Rob Slade's Book Review Index, a listing of (mostly
technical) book reviews.  The initial coding is the review file name (and
approximate size of the file): this is followed by the name of the book and
author(s) and a very brief description.  (Some versions of this file may also
contain listings of software reviews.)  This version contains books related to
computer viral programs and data security.
BK2NDCNT RVW  2832 "Second Contact", Resnick - fiction about hacking for data,
                   some reasonable database security stuff
BKADOLP1 RVW  1484 "The Adolescence of P-1", Ryan, 1977 - fiction, my personal
                   favourite of the classic "computer virus" stories
BKA-LIFE RVW  4116 "Artificial Life", Levy, 1992, 0-679-73489-8,
                   U$13.00/C$17.00 - an interesting wander through fields
                   studying artificial life but no strong points
BKBSECCS RVW  4880 "Building a Secure Computer System", Gasser - heavy on
                   technical, particularly secure hardware
BKBURGER RVW 11277 "Computer Viruses and Data Protection", Burger - poorly
                   written with little solid information, some viral programs
                   in source code
BKCMPETH RVW  1492 "Computer Ethics", Johnson, 1994, 0-13-290339-3 - the basic
                   work in the field, thorough coverage and good discussion
BKCMPSEC RVW  5779 "Computer Security Basics", Russell/Gangemi - good overview,
                   but some problems (SEC931)
BKCMRLCR RVW  1257 "Computer Related Crime", 1-55950-027-1, U$10.00 - pretty
                   banal but not completely inaccurate overview of computer
BKCMVRCR RVW  3662 "Computer Virus Crisis", Fites/Johnston/Kratz - somewhat
                   sloppy and a number of errors
BKCNTCRP RVW  1235 "Contemporary Cryptology", Simmons, 1991, 0-87942-277-7 -
                   thorough collection of theoretical essays
BKCPTETH RVW  3961 "Computer Ethics", Forester/Morrison, 1994, 0-262-56073-9 -
                   lots of great stories, but short on analytical depth
BKCSIBGD RVW  1678 "93 Computer Security Products Buyers Guide" - excellent
                   first start when looking for security products
BKCURRY  RVW  3171 "Unix System Security - A Guide for Users and System
                   Administrators", Curry - not as good as Spafford/Garfinkel
BKDENING RVW  8118 "Computers Under Attack", Denning, ed. - collection of
                   essays roughly related to security, also "the net"
BKDGTLWO RVW  6883 "Digital Woes", Wiener, 1993, 0-201-62609-8, U$22.95/C$29.95
                   - excellent introduction to the risks of software
BKDRSVEN RVW  1328 "Dr. Solomon's Virus Encyclopedia", Solomon, 1992, 1-897661-
                   00-2 - good listing of MS-DOS viral programs
BKETHICS RVW  4331 "Computers, ethics and society", Ermann/Williams/Gutierrez -
                   textbook for computer ethics course: not great
BKEYESTM RVW  2465 "Eye of the Storm", Gold Eagle/Worldwide - fiction, virus is
                   minor subplot
BKFARROW RVW  3556 "Unix System Security", Farrow - basic
BKFEUDO  RVW  4414 "Computer Virus Desk Reference", Feudo - collects basic
                   virus reference sources for those without online access
BKFLSRUN RVW  1309 "The Fool's Run", Camp, 1989, 0-451-16712-0. U$4.95/C$5.95 -
                    good fun and a more than adequate account of tiger teams
                   and cracking (the basis for "Sneakers"?)
BKFRINSC RVW  2096 "Firewalls and Internet Security", Cheswick/Bellovin, 1994,
                   0-201-63357-4, U$26.95 - solid and practical guide for
                   building firewall machines on TCP/IP (or other networks)
BKFUTCRM RVW   919 "Future Crime", Bova, 1990, 0-812-53241-4 - fiction, short
                   story collection only one dealing (tangentially) with data
BKHACKRS RVW  2943 "Hackers", Levy, 1984, 0-385-31210-5 - entertaining but
                   trivial and limited collection of anecdotes about two of the
                   many hacker communities
BKHARLIE RVW  3344 "When H.A.R.L.I.E. Was One", Gerrold, 1972/1988 - fiction,
                   often cited as first fictional reference to a computer virus
BKHGHLND RVW  5286 "Computer Virus Handbook", Highland - good overview,
                   unfortunately somewhat dated
BKHKRCRK RVW  2413 "The Hacker Crackdown", Sterling, 1992, 0-553-56370-X -
                   collection of the stories surrounding Operation Sundevil in
                   1990, not analytical but entertaining
BKHODGE  RVW  2393 "Rid Me of This Virus!", Hodge - short, uneven material,
                   perhaps a good pamphlet
BKHOFMAN RVW  5768 "Rogue Programs", Hoffman, ed. - good collection of essays
BKHRUSKA RVW  4664 "Computer Viruses and Anti-Virus Warfare", Hruska, 0-13-
                   036377-4 - MS-DOS specific, technically reasonable but
                   commentary very suspect
BKHTHGRP RVW  2270 "The Hawthorne Group", Hauser - fiction, supposedly high
                   tech thriller.  Yawn.
BKILOBYT RVW  4410 "Kill-o-byte", Anthony, 1993, 0-441-44425-3 - fiction,
                   unreal version of gaming and virtual reality
BKISPME  RVW  2110 "Information Security Policies Made Easy", Wood, 1994, 1-
                   881585-01-8, U$495.00 - expensive, but if it is the
                   difference between having a security policy and not having
                   one it's worth it
BKITSALV RVW  3084 "It's Alive!", Cohen, 1994, 0-471-00860-5, U$39.95 - an
                   intriguing, provoking and practical exploration of computer
                   programs as "artificial life", but somewhat narrow
BKKANE   RVW  2494 "PC Security and Virus Protection Handbook", Kane, 1994, 1-
                   55851-390-6, U$39.95/C$49.95 - good overview for the MS-DOS
BKLEVIN  RVW  3793 "Computer Virus Handbook", Levin - vague and undisciplined
BKLNSCNW RVW  2516 "LAN Desktop Guide to Security, NetWare Edition", Sawicki,
                   1992, 0-672-30085-0, U$27.95/C$34.95 - good inside info on
                   NetWare, but a trifle paranoid
BKLUDWIG RVW  6838 "Little Black Book of Computer Viruses", Ludwig - MS-DOS
                   specific, not very accurate, viral source code
BKLUNDEL RVW  4304 "Virus!", Lundell - a lot of research, but a lot of errors
                   as well
BKMCAFEE RVW  5668 "Computer Viruses, Worms, Data Diddlers, Killer Programs and
                   Other Threats to Your System", McAfee/Haynes - some
                   interesting speculations buried in a mass of undisciplined
BKNAISDV RVW  1437 "Naissance d'un virus", Ludwig translated by Condat - French
                   translation of Ludwig's "Little Black Book"
BKNHACKD RVW  2453 "The New Hacker's Dictionary", Raymond, 1993, 0-262-68079-3,
                   U$14.95 - excellent introduction not only to hacker language
                   but also culture and society
BKNSDNAV RVW  2298 "Inside the Norton Antivirus", Norton/Nielsen, 1992, 0-13-
                   473463-7 - not much good as a general guide, plus outdated
                   docs for NAV
BKNTSCSE RVW  3055 "Network Security Secrets", Stang, 1993, 1-56884-021-7 -
                   practical and thorough security at the right level for most
                   LAN managers
BKPCVIRS RVW  6620 "PC Viruses: Detection, Analysis and Cure", Solomon - very
                   accurate, slightly dated, somewhat demanding technically
BKPCVRCH RVW  2474 "The PC Virus Control Handbook", Jacobson, 1990, 0-87930-
                   194-5, U$24.95 - dated and uneven, but a good chapter on how
                   to deal with infections
BKPTHVIR RVW  1395 "A Pathology of Computer Viruses", Ferbrache, 1992, 0-387-
                   19610-2 - good technical overview for the serious researcher
BKRDDBSC RVW  3796 "Research Directions in Database Security", Lunt (ed.) -
                   rather generic, but a good intro to the various problems in
                   a very complex area
BKRSI    RVW  3582 "Repetitive Strain Injury", Pascarelli, 1994, 0-471-59533-0
                   - important and often misunderstood problem which can have
                   severe implications for both individuals and the industry as
                   a whole
BKSCNCMP RVW  2839 "Security in Computing", Pfleeger - reasonable textbook, but
                   some shortcomings
BKSCSUHK RVW  2719 "Secrets of a Super Hacker", Fiery, 1994, 1-55950-106-5,
                   U$19.95 - oddly disjointed perspective, generally good for
                   protection awareness but no tech details
BKSGTCVR RVW  6052 "Survivor's Guide to Computer Viruses" - relatively
                   accurate, but disappointing coming from the Virus Bulletin
BKSHKWAV RVW  2582 "Shockwave Rider", John Brunner - fiction, "tapeworm" is a
                   minor but important aspect of the plot
BKSHRTVR RVW  1892 "A Short Course on Computer Viruses", Cohen, 1994, 0-471-
                   00768-4 - excellent analysis providing thorough guidance for
                   antiviral policy and procedures
BKSNCRSH RVW  4150 "Snow Crash", Stephenson, 1992, 0-553-56261-4 - fiction,
                   sound technical background for nets and programming,
                   interesting plot line about an "information virus" and funny
BKSYSLAW RVW  3685 "Syslaw", Rose/Wallace, 1992 - legal aspects of BBSes and
                   online systems (COM932) (SEC932)
BKTOJOVR RVW  3239 "The Tojo Virus", Randall, 1991, 0-8217-3436-9,
                   U$4.95/C$5.95 - fiction, corporate insider info at IBM, but
                   no really accurate technical stuff
BKTRMCMP RVW 12846 "Terminal Compromise", Schwartau - fiction, some good
                   security ideas buried in a lot of bad writing
BKTSDET  RVW  1787 "Top Secret Data Encryption Techniques", Held, 1993, 0-672-
                   30293-4, U$24.95/C$31.95 - fun and maybe useful but *not*
                   top secret.  BASIC source included.
BKUMASSC RVW  4709 "Using McAfee Associates Software for Safe Computing",
                   Jacobsen - printed docs for SCAN et al
BKZAP    RVW  3803 "Zap!", Sellers, 1994, 1-56609-021-0 - discussion and
                   suggestions regarding various ills that can be related to
                   computer use
MVSNEAKR RVW  4726 "Sneakers", Universal Pictures - fictional, but reasonably
                   good portrayal of a "tiger team"
Publishers or authors wishing to have their books reviewed and added to the
list should have copies sent to Rob Slade at 3118 Baird Road, North Vancouver,
BC, Canada, V7K 2G6.  Publishers shipping from outside of Canada are advised to
label the materials as samples per GST section 215(1), without value and not
subject to GST.
copyright Robert M. Slade, 1993, 1994   REVIEWBK.AVL   940911

DECUS Canada Communications, Desktop, Education and Security group newsletters
Editor and/or reviewer,, Rob Slade at 1:153/733
Author "Robert Slade's Guide to Computer Viruses" (Sept. '94) Springer-Verlag