Original Novel Title: Publish and Perish
Author: Sally S. Wright
Publisher: Portland, OR: Multnomah Press - Questar Publishers, January 1997 (hardcover); paperback, Ballantine Books, February 1999.
Alexandra S. Gressitt reported "The sleuth [Ben Reese] in this mystery is a curator, educated at I[ndiana] U[niversity] - Bloomington and working at a small liberal arts college in Ohio. Interesting representation of an 'archivist' if not always accurate."
The second Ben Reese novel is titled Pride and Predator and was published in hardcover in July 1997 and in paperback by Ballantine Books in December 1999. According to Amazon.com:
Archivist Ben Reese, in Scotland to appraise the treasures of Balnagard Castle for his old friend Lord Alexander Chisholm, suspects cold-blooded murder.
Amazon.com also notes that the character of Ben Reese was inspired by a real-life archivist who was also a former intelligence agent in World War Two.
The third volume in the Ben Reese series is being published in March 2000 in paperback by Multnomah Publishers.
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The Fictional World of Archives
Submitted by Alexandra S. Gressitt, 1997.05.14; additional description by David Mattison. Updated 2000.02.27.