TV Series Premiere on CTV Network (Canada): January 23, 1998
Set and filmed in Vancouver, British Columbia, this police detective series is similar to The X-Files in that both rely on unsolved cases from historical police records to create dramatic tension between the present and past. Both series also feature extensive use of modern police investigative techniques.
In the series opener the eldest member of the squad, Det. Logozzo, recalls a similar child-murder case. He proceeds to the room where the "cold files" (unsolved case records) are housed in records storage boxes and rummaging through two or three file folders manages to produce a photo from a 20-year-old murder whose modus operandi is identical to the current case.
The series stars two young women, Sergeant Ali McCormick (Julie Stewart) and researcher-criminal psychologist Jill Stone (Joy Tanner), burned out old-time cop Detective Tony Logozzo (Michael Hogan), and the young and handsome Detective Nick Gallagher (Paul Boretski), former partner of McCormick.
The Fictional World of
Submitted by David Mattison, 1998.01.25. Updated 1999.07.03.