Original Novel Title: Widows of Hamilton House
Author: Christina Penner
Publisher: Winnipeg, MB: Enfield & Wizenty, September 2008 (hardcover)
features two intertwining stories, one of a young woman who lives in the house of physician TG Hamilton, who with his wife held séances in their home on Henderson Highway in Winnipeg from 1918 to 1935, and one of the archives of this family, held by the University of Manitoba Archives & Special Collections. In this novel Penner explores not only what is in the archives, but what isn't in the archives and what might explain this absence. It is a thoughtful and extended look at this fonds and how the materials reflect the family that made them and I would recommend the book to anyone interested in archives. Don't forget Christmas is coming for all those archivists on your list! I must warn you however, that the cameo of the devastatingly witty and attractive head archivist is sorely lacking.
Fictional World of Archives
Submitted by Dr. Shelley Sweeney, 2008.10.28. Updated 2008.10.28.