Making Waves on the Net
Updated:April 21, 2002
Note: All VRML/Web3D Worlds From This Page Require VRML 2.0
Browser or Plug-in
Vermal (VRML) Resources
- Focus on Web3D -
(Sandy Ressler)
- MacWeb3D is "your resource for Web3D and Virtual Worlds on the Macintosh."
- 3D World News
(Graeme Bennett)
Developer's Resource Guide (Intervista Software)
- The VRML Interactive Tutorial by Antonio Ramires Fernandes is an amazing tool for learning VRML. You can copy and paste the code right into your own VRML file.
- VRML 98 Symposium,
February 16-19, 1998, Monterey, California
- VRML 99 Symposium, February
23-26, 1999, Paderborn, Germany
- The VRML Repository (San
Diego Supercomputer Center)
- VRMLion: Objects and
Resources for VMRL. Free 3D objects, textures, sounds, and more.
- VRML Ring
Homepage. What it is and how to join.
- VRMLSite Magazine: 3D on the
Internet (Aereal Inc.)
- VRMLworks (Bob
- VRweb: Ultimate VRML Directory
Service. Better than Yahoo! and with its own site-search engine.
- Web 3D Consortium (formerly the
VRML Consortium) includes the
Java3D and VRML
Working Group who are creating a complete Java3D-based VRML browser.
- Web3D RoundUP lets cutting-edge Web3D designers strut their stuff and win fabulous prizes. Ok, maybe I made up the prizes part. You'll also find information here on past SIGGRAPH and VRML conferences.
- Yahoo!:
Virtual Reality Modeling Language
VRML Plug-ins
These plug-ins appear to work best with Netscape Navigator 3.x+ or
Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.x+
- Windows 95/98/NT:
Cortona (ParallelGraphics) is
from the Russian-American company whose VRML authoring product was acquired by
Silicon Graphics. You will notice definite similarities between Cosmo HomeSpace
Designer 2.5 and ParallelGraphics' Internet Scene Assembler.
- Windows 3.1/95/98/NT; IRIX; Power Mac: Cosmo
Software and its CosmoPlayer VRML 97 viewer disappeared in 1999 when Platinum Technology withdrew its support. Computer Associates now (June 2000) make CosmoPlayer available again at An alternate source for CosmoPlayer is TriVista; it has the Windows 95/98/NT version available at
- Windows 95/98/NT: Rover is a free, proprietary viewer from Flatland required to view Web3D spots or islands created with their 3DML technology.
- Windows 95/98/NT: Download
Universal from Superscape, Inc. This plug-in allows viewing of both VRML97
and worlds created in Superscape's proprietary 3D .SVR format.
- Macintosh or Windows 95/98/NT:
Download WorldView
2.0 from Intervista Software (a Platinum Technology Inc. company)
Selected Free and Demo/Trial Version VRML/Web3D Authoring Tools and World Builders
- Windows 95/NT: AvatarMaker
3D(Sven Technologies Inc.). Need an avatar (3D personality) for your VRML
world? Try the demo!
- Windows 95: Beyond 3D Extreme. Demo product
with certain features disabled.
- Windows 95/98/NT: Sony's Community Place contains downloadable software for the Sony Virtual Society Web3D/VRML multiuser worlds.
- Windows 95/98/NT: Cosmo Worlds (CosmoSoftware) is no longer available.
- Windows 95/98/NT: Dune is an extremely compact and useful authoring tool written by Stephen F. White. If you liked Spazz3D, give Dune a try.
- Windows 95/98/NT: Flatland's 3DML is a Web3D markup language similar to HTML but which generates 3D worlds called islands or spots. Full tools, an interactive spot-building site, and free 20MB of Webspace can be found at the company's Web site. A free, proprietary viewer called Rover must be downloaded and filesets of building blocks are also automatically downloaded as required for viewing 3DML spots. An extremely powerful and fun alternative to VRML!
- Windows 95/98/NT:
Internet Scene Assembler, Internet Space Builder, and Internet Character Animator can all be downloaded as trial verisons from
ParallelGraphics. VRMLpad is a free editing tool from ParallelGraphics.
- Windows 95/98/NT: Realism 3D
(iDREAM Software L.L.C.). Full-feature 30-day trial version.
- Windows 95/98/NT: Spazz3D: The VRML 2.0 Animation Editor, is available as a trial version and for continued use must be purchased.
Includes VRML screensaver.
- Windows 95/98/NT:
3D Webmaster
(Superscape Inc.) demo version.
- Windows 95/98/NT: VRCreator 2.0
Learning Edition (Platinum Technology, Inc.). Full-feature VRML 2.0 world
builder with certain limitations.
- Windows 95: World Studio 98 (Avilon

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