From: John Moulder <> Organization: Medical College of Wisconsin Subject: Powerlines and Cancer FAQs (2 of 2) To: Multiple recipients of list SCIFAQ-L <SCIFAQ-L@YaleVM.YCC.Yale.Edu> Status: U Archive-name: powerlines-cancer-FAQ/part2 Last-modified: 1993/12/28 Version: 2.2 FAQs on Power-Frequency Fields and Cancer (part 2 of 2) 19) What criteria do scientists use to evaluate all the confusing and contradictory laboratory and epidemiological studies of power-frequency magnetic fields and cancer? There are certain widely accepted criteria that are weighed when assessing such groups of epidemiological and laboratory studies. These are often called the RHill criteriaS [23]. Under the Hill criteria one examines the strength (Q19A) and consistency (Q19B) of the association between exposure and risk, the evidence for a dose-response relationship (Q19C), the laboratory evidence (Q19D), and the biological plausibility (Q19E). These criteria are viewed as a whole; no individual criterion is either necessary of sufficient for the conclusion that there is a causal relationship between an exposure and a disease. Overall, application of the Hill criteria shows that the current evidence for a connection between power frequency fields and cancer is quite weak, because of the weakness (Q19A) and inconsistencies (Q19B) in the epidemiological studies, combined with the lack of a dose-response relationship in the human studies (Q19C), and the negative laboratory studies (Q19D&E). 19A) Criterion One: How strong is the association between exposure to power frequency fields and the risk of cancer? The first Hill criterion is the *strength of the association* between exposure and risk. That is, is there a clear risk associated with exposure? A strong association is one with a RR (Q12) of 5 or more. Tobacco smoking, for example, shows a RR for lung cancer 10-30 times that of non-smokers. Most of the positive power-frequency studies have RRs of less than two. The leukemia studies as a group have RRs of 1.1-1.3, while the brain cancer studies as a group have RRs of about 1.3-1.5. This is only a weak association. 19B) Criterion Two: How consistent are the studies of associations between exposure to power frequency fields and the risk of cancer? The second Hill criterion is the *consistency* of the studies. That is, do most studies show about the same risk for the same disease? Using the same smoking example, essentially all studies of smoking and cancer showed an increased risk for lung and head-and-neck cancers. Many power-frequency studies show statistically significant risks for some types of cancers and some types of exposures, but many do not. Even the positive studies are inconsistent with each other. For example, while a new Swedish study [46] shows an increased risk for childhood leukemia for one measure of exposure, it contradicts prior studies that showed a risk for brain cancers [7, 39], and a parallel Danish study [36] shows a risk for childhood lymphomas, but not for leukemia. Many of the studies are internally inconsistent. For example, where the Swedish study [46] shows an increased risk for childhood leukemia, it shows no overall increase in childhood cancer, implying that the rates of other types of cancer are decreased. In summary, few studies show the same positive result, so that the consistency is weak. 19C) Criterion Three: Is there a dose-response relationship between exposure to power frequency fields and the risk of cancer? The third Hill criterion is the evidence for a *dose-response relationship*. That is, does risk increase when the exposure increases? Again, the more a person smokes, the higher the risk of lung cancer. No published power-frequency exposure study has shown a dose-response relationship between measured fields and cancer rates, or between distances from transmission lines and cancer rates. The lack of a relationship between exposure and increased cancer risk is a major reason why many scientists are skeptical about the significance of the epidemiology. Not all relationships between dose and risk can be described by simple linear no-threshold dose-response curves where risk is strictly proportional to risk. There are known examples of dose-response relationships that have thresholds, that are non-linear, or that have plateaus. For example, cancer induced in rodents by ionizing radiation shows curves in which the risk rises with dose, but only up to a certain point; beyond that point the risk plateaus or even drops. Without an understanding of the mechanisms connecting dose and risk it is impossible to predict the shape, let alone the magnitude of the dose-response relationship. 19D) Criterion Four: Is there laboratory evidence for an association between exposure to power frequency fields and the risk of cancer? The fourth Hill criterion is whether there is *laboratory evidence* suggesting that there is a risk associated with such exposure? Epidemiological associations are greatly strengthened when there is laboratory evidence for a risk. When the US Surgeon General first stated that smoking caused lung cancer, the laboratory evidence was ambiguous. It was known that cigarette smoke and tobacco contained carcinogens, but no one had been able to make lab animals get cancer by smoking (mostly because it is hard to convince animals to smoke). Currently the laboratory evidence linking cancer and smoking is much stronger. Power-frequency fields show little evidence of the type effects on cells, tissues or animals that point towards their being a cause of cancer, or to their contributing to cancer. 19E) Criterion Five: Are there plausible biological mechanisms that suggest an association between exposure to power frequency fields and the risk of cancer? The fifth Hill criterion is whether there are *plausible biological mechanisms* that suggest that there should be a risk? When it is understood how something causes disease, it is much easier to interpret ambiguous epidemiology. For smoking, while the direct laboratory evidence connecting smoking and cancer was weak at the time of the Surgeon Generals report, the association was highly plausible because there were known cancer-causing agents in tobacco smoke. >From what is known of power-frequency fields and their effects on biological systems there is no reason to even suspect that they pose a risk to people at the exposure levels associated with the generation and distribution of electricity. 20) If exposure to power-frequency magnetic fields does not explain the positive residential and occupations studies, what other factors could? There are basically four factors that can result in false associations in epidemiological studies: inadequate dose assessment (Q20A), confounders (Q20B), inappropriate controls (Q20C), and publication bias (Q20D). 20A) Could problems with dose assessment affect the validity of the epidemiological studies of power lines and cancer? If power-frequency fields are associated with cancer, we do not know what aspect of the field is involved. At a minimum, risk could be related to the peak field, the average field, of the rate of change of the field. If we do not know who is really exposed, and who is not, we will usually (but now always) underestimate the true risk. 20B) Are there other cancer risk factors that could be causing a false association between exposure to power-frequency fields and cancer? Associations between things are not always evidence for causality. Power lines (or electrical occupations) might be associated with a cancer risk other than magnetic fields. If such an associated cancer risk were identified it would be called a RconfounderS of the epidemiological studies of power lines and cancer. An essential part of epidemiological studies is to identify and eliminate possible confounders. Many possible confounders of the powerline studies have been suggested, including PCBs, herbicides, traffic density, and socioeconomic class. - PCBs: Many transformers contain polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and it has been suggested that PCB contamination of the power-line corridors might be the cause of the excess cancer. This is unlikely. First, PCB leakage is rare. Second, PCB exposure has been linked to lymphomas, not leukemia or brain cancer. - Herbicides: It has been suggested that herbicides sprayed on the powerline corridors might be a cause of cancer. This is an unlikely explanation, since herbicide spraying would not effect distribution systems in urban areas (where 3 of 5 positive childhood cancer studies have been done). Traffic density: Transmission lines frequently run along major roads, and the Rhigh current configurationsS associated with excess childhood leukemia in the US studies [1-3, Q13] are associated with major roads. It has been suggested that power lines might be a surrogate for exposure to cancer-causing substances in traffic exhaust. This may be a real confounder, since traffic density has been shown to correlate with childhood leukemia risk [28]. Note that this would explain only the residential connection, not the occupational connection. - Socioeconomic class: Socioeconomic class may be an issue in both the residential and occupational studies, as socioeconomic class is clearly associated with cancer risk, and "exposed" and "unexposed" groups in many studies are of different socioeconomic classes [29]. This is of particular concern in the US residential exposure studies that are based on "wirecoding", since the type of wirecodes that are correlated with childhood cancer are found predominantly in older (poorer?) neighborhoods, and/or neighborhoods with a high proportion of rental housing. 20C) Could the epidemiological studies of power lines and cancer be biased by the methods used to select control groups? An inherent problem with many epidemiological studies is the difficulty of obtaining a RcontrolS group that is identical to the RexposedS group for all characteristics related to the disease except the exposure. This is very difficult to do for diseases such as leukemia and brain cancer where the risk factors are poorly known. An additional complication is that often people must consent to be included in the control arm of a study, and participation in studies is known to depend on factors (such socioeconomic class, race and occupation) that are linked to differences in cancer rates. See Jones et al [48] for an example of how selection bias could effect a powerline study. 20D) Could analysis of the epidemiological studies of power lines and cancer be skewed by publication bias? It is a known that positive studies in many fields are more likely to be published than negative studies (see Dickersin et or examples from cancer clinical trials). This can severely bias meta-analysis studies such as those discussed in Q12 and Q14. Such publication bias will increase apparent risks. This is a bigger potential problem for the occupational studies than the residential ones. It is also a clear problem for laboratory studies -- it is much easier to publish studies that report effects than studies that report no effects (such is human nature!). Several specific examples of publication bias are known in the studies of electrical occupations and cancer (see Doll et al [39], page 94). In their review Coleman and Beral [8] report the results of a Canadian study that found a RR of 2.4 for leukemia in electrical workers. The British NRPB review [39] found that further followup of the Canadian workers showed a deficiency of leukemia (a RR of 0.6), but that this followup study has never been published. This is an anecdotal report, but publication bias, by its very nature is usually anecdotal. 21) What is the strongest evidence for a connection between power-frequency fields and cancer? The best evidence for a connection between cancer and power-frequency fields is probably: a) The four epidemiological studies that show a correlation between childhood cancer and proximity to high-current wiring [1-3, 45]. b) The epidemiological studies that show a significant correlation between work in electrical occupations and cancer, particularly leukemia and brain cancer [8-10, 36]. c) The lab studies that show that power-frequency fields do produce bioeffects. The most interesting of the lab studies are probably the ones showing increased transcription of oncogenes at fields of 1-5 G (100 - 500 microT) [17, 18]. d) The one laboratory study that provides evidence that power-frequency magnetic fields can promote chemically-induced breast cancer [32]. 22) What is the strongest evidence against a connection between power-frequency fields and cancer? The best evidence that there is not a connection between cancer and power-frequency fields is probably: a) Application of the Hill criteria (Q19) to the entire body of epidemiological and laboratory studies [24, 27]. b) The fact that all studies of genotoxicity, and all but one study of promotion have been negative (Q15). c) Adair's [25] biophysical analysis that indicates that Rany biological effects of weak [less than 40 mG, 4 microT] ELF fields on the cellular level must be found outside of the scope of conventional physics" d) JacksonUs [26] and OlsenUs [38] epidemiological analysis that shows that childhood and adult leukemia rates have been stable over a period of time when per capita power consumption risen dramatically 23) What studies are needed to resolve the cancer-EMF issue? In the epidemiological area, more of the same types of studies are unlikely to resolve anything. Studies showing a dose-response relationship between measured fields and cancer incidence rates would clearly affect thinking, as would studies identifying confounders in the residential and occupational studies. In the laboratory area, more genotoxicity and promotion studies may not be very useful. Exceptions might be in the area of cell transformation, and promotion of chemically-induced breast cancer. Long-term rodent exposure studies (the standard test for carcinogenicity) would have a major impact if they were positive, but if they were negative it would not change very many minds. Further studies of some of the known bioeffects would be useful, but only if they identified mechanisms or if they established the conditions under which the effects occur (e.g., thresholds, dose-response relationships, frequency-dependence, optimal wave-forms). 24) What are some good overview articles? A good review of the area was published by Oak Ridge Associated Universities [40]. It is available from National Technical Information Service (ARAU 92/F-8) and the US Government Printing Office (029-000-00443-9). If you are in the U.K., the National Radiation Protection Board has a good review [39]. Two other good review are Theriault [24] and Bates [27]. 25) Are there exposure standards for power-frequency fields? Yes, a number of governmental and professional organizations have developed exposure standards. These standards are based on keeping the body currents induced by power-frequency EM fields to a level below the naturally occurring fields (Q8). The most generally relevant are: - Board statement on restriction on human exposures to static and time varying EM fields and radiation, National Radiation Protection Board, Chilton, 1993. 50 Hz electrical field: 12 kV/m 60 Hz electrical field: 10 kV/m 50 Hz magnetic field: 1.6 mT (16 G) 60 Hz magnetic field: 1.33 mT (13.3 G) - Sub-radiofrequency (30 KHz and below) magnetic fields, In: Documentation of the threshold limit values, American Committee of Government and Industrial Hygienists, pp. 55-64,1992. At 60 Hz: 1 mT (10 G); 0.1 mT (1 G) for pacemaker wearers - HP Jammet et al: Interim guidelines on limits of exposure to 50/60 Hz electric and magnetic fields. Health Physics 58:113-122, 1990. *H-field (rms) 24 hr general public: 0.1 mT = 1 G Short-term general public: 1 mT = 10 G Occupational continuous: 0.5 mT = 5 G Occupational short-term: 5 mT = 50 G *E-field (rms) 24 hr general public: 5 kV/m Short-term general public: 10 kV/m Occupational continuous: 10 kV/m Occupational short-term: 30 kV/m 26) What effect do powerlines have on property values? There is very little hard data on this issue. There is anecdotal evidence and on-going litigation (Wall Street Journal, Dec 9, 1993). There have been Rcomparable propertyS studies, but I would argue that any studies done prior to about 1991 (when London et al [3] was published) would be irrelevant. So far I have found one recent RstudyS [50]. The first part of the study was a survey of homeowners in Tennessee who lived adjacent to high voltage transmission lines. Of these owners, 53% considered the lines Ran eyesoreS, but none considered the lines a health hazard. Of owners who thought the towers were eyesores, 28% said that the presence of the lines adversely affected then price they were willing to pay. None of the owners Rhad any knowledge of possible evidence connecting power transmission lines to certain health risks such as cancerS; but 87% said that if they had known of potential health risks, it would have adversely affected then price they were willing to pay. In the second part of the studies, the values of comparable houses adjacent to, and not adjacent to, the powerlines were found to have sold for the same price. It appears possible that the presence of obvious transmission lines or substations will adversely affect property values if there has been recent local publicity. It would appear less unlikely that the presence of Rhigh current configurationS distribution lines of the type correlated with childhood cancer in the US studies [1-3] would affect property values, since few people would recognized their existence. ----------------------- References: 1) N Wertheimer & E Leeper: Electrical wiring configurations and childhood cancer. Amer J Epidemiol 109:273-284, 1979. 2) DA Savitz et al: Case-control study of childhood cancer and exposure to 60-Hz magnetic fields. Amer J Epidemiol 128:21-38, 1988. 3) SJ London et al: Exposure to residentlectric and magnetic fields and risk of childhood leukemia. Amer J Epidemiol 134:923-937, 1991. 4) MP Coleman et al: Leukemia and residence near electricity transmission equipment: a case-control study. Br J Cancer 60:793-798, 1989. 5) ME McDowall: Mortality of persons resident in the vicinity of electrical transmission facilities. 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Br J Indust Med 50:758-764, 1993. 37) PJ Verkasalo et al: Risk of cancer in Finnish children living close to power lines. BMJ 307:895-899, 1993. 38) JH Olsen et al: Residence near high voltage facilities and risk of cancer in children. BMJ 307:891-895, 1993. 39) R Doll et al, Electromagnetic Fields and the Risk of Cancer, NRPB, Chilton, 1992. 40) JG Davis et al: Health Effects of Low-Frequency Electric and Magnetic Fields. Oak Ridge Associated Universities, 1992. 41) J Walleczek: Electromagnetic field effects on cells of the immune system: the role of calcium signaling. FASEB J 6:3177-3185, 1992. 42) RG Stevens et al: Electric power, pineal function, and the risk of breast cancer. FASEB J 6:853-860, 1992. 43) RJ Reiter & BA Richardson: Magnetic field effects on pineal indoleamine metabolism and possible biological consequences. FASEB J 6:2283-2287, 1992. 44) GH Schreiber et al: Cancer mortality and residence near electricity transmission equipment: A retrospective cohort study. 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Lancet 343:1295-1296, 1993. -------------- Acknowledgments: This FAQ sheet owes much to the many readers of show have sent me comments and suggestions, including: (from whom I stole most of Q5) (who suggested adding a quantum approach) (suggestions on thermal effects and confounders) (SI units, suggesting the pro/con arguments section) (a start on the property value question) John Moulder ( Voice: 414-266-4670 Radiation Biology Group FAX: 414-257-2466 Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee