[Advisors] Final Evaluation of CAP

Marita Moll mmoll at ca.inter.net
Mon, 28 Nov 2011 19:27:33 -0500

Yes, it's a very interesting document.  Actually=20
called "Final Evaluation of Community Access=20
Program (CAP). Final Report." Approved by the=20
deputy minister October 21, 2009.  Starts here:=20
http://www.ic.gc.ca/eic/site/ae-ve.nsf/eng/03126.html  .

Darlene has put it in a nutshell -- "This is a=20
really cost effective program but hey, we are now=20
focussing on household access, not community=20
access.  So it doesn't belong here," is what the report says.

Funny how the generally positive relevance=20
findings in 4.1.2.  Is CAP aligned...........

"Key informants offered differing views regarding=20
the alignment of CAP with current GOC priorities.=20
Overall, most key informant interviewees agreed=20
that CAP fits well with the priorities of the=20
Federal Government. There was agreement among=20
these interviewees that the program aligns with=20
the priorities of key aspects of the Economic=20
Action Plan, given that the Plan represents the=20
priorities of the current government. They=20
include 'Supporting Families and Communities' and=20
'Stimulating the Economy'. In contrast, a few=20
interviewees felt that CAP does not support=20
Federal Government priorities, noting the program=20
is too vague and broad to align with any of the=20
Federal priorities of the Economic Action Plan. "

turned into the "barely relevant to current=20
priorities" statement in the summary:

"A review of program relevance in relation to=20
Government of Canada and Industry Canada=20
priorities has found that the program is less=20
aligned with the current priorities of the=20
Federal Government and the department than it=20
once was. CAP has always held affordable public=20
access to the internet as one of its core=20
objectives. While the Federal Government views=20
broadband internet access as essential=20
infrastructure, it is now emphasizing private=20
sector development and access by households,=20
rather than public access. In addition, budget=20
reductions and shorter renewals also suggest that=20
CAP is less of priority than it once was. Program=20
funding has fallen steadily from a high of $64=20
million in 1999=962000 to its current level of $15=20
million, while the program has only been granted=20
one-year renewals since 2006=962007.

The evaluation has also found that CAP is less=20
aligned with Industry Canada priorities. An=20
historical review of the Department's Reports on=20
Plans and Priorities found that it has steadily=20
reduced its focus on individual skills=20
development, long a part of CAP programming.=20
While aspects of Industry Canada's legislation=20
and mandate partially support the objectives of=20
increased access to and use of the internet, the=20
most recent Extending Broadband initiative shifts=20
focus away from public access sites. Moreover,=20
Industry Canada staff interviewed for the=20
evaluation had differing views on whether CAP=20
aligned with the priorities of the department. In=20
the main, Industry Canada's current priorities=20
tend to emphasize household access through the=20
development of broadband infrastructure, rather=20
than public access at the community level."

Of course, this was produced by the bureaucracy=20
-- meanwhile, it was political heat that has kept=20
the program going to this point.


At 02:49 PM 28/11/2011, Thompson, Darlene wrote:
>Hi all,
>I don=E2=80=99t think that I=E2=80=99ve seen this report=20
>Basically, it shows that the digital divide is=20
>still alive and well in Canada and that CAP is=20
>effective in combating it.  The problem is that=20
>CAP is no longer as aligned with Government of=20
>Canada and, especially, Industry Canada=20
>objectives.  So, it means that the program is=20
>still needed but government objectives have=20
>changed such that they are no longer wanting to=20
>support it because it doesn=E2=80=99t easily fit into a specific cubby hole=
 any more.
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>=E1=90=85=E1=96=84=E1=93=9A=E1=90=85=E1=91=8E: 867 975-5631
 867 975-5610
>Taliin Taamsan
>Qaritauyani Atuqtauningitnun Titiraqtia Nunavut Kavamangat
>Titiraqarvia 1000,
>Nayugaa 910
>Iqaluit, Nunavut
>Hivayautik : 867 975-5631
>Kayumiktuk : 867 975-5610
>Darlene Thompson
>Community Access Program Administrator/N-CAP
>Corporate Services Division
>Department of Education
>Government of Nunavut
>PO Box 1000, Station 910
>Iqaluit, Nunavut, X0A 0H0
>Ph:   867 975-5631
>Fax: 867 975-5610
>Darlene Thompson
>Administratrice du programme d=E2=80=99acc=C3=A8s communautaire
>Division des services minist=C3=A9riels
>Minist=C3=A8re de l=E2=80=99=C3=89ducation
>Gouvernement du Nunavut
>Case postale 1000, Succursale 910
>Iqaluit Nunavut, X0A 0H0
>T=C3=A9l. : 867 975-5631
>T=C3=A9l=C3=A9c. : 867 975-5610