[Advisors] teleconference -- draft notes

Bev Campbell bev at valleylinks.net
Wed, 25 Apr 2012 12:24:25 -0700

Thanks for the quick updates, sorry I could not partake.  I am spending tim=
e over the next few days polling sites to see how many will continue to off=
er access in our region.  So far it appears that most are supported by othe=
r organizations (such as literacy funding, chambers, community schools, etc=
.) and will continue.  As the network coordinator depending on administrati=
on funding we are probably the hardest hit within our network and since 201=
0 have been moving toward re-aligning our strategic plan to put cap at the =
bottom of the pile and move other programs up the ladder, most of our progr=
ams include education and training components so the site will remain activ=
e through those.

I am also looking at other funding opportunities for those left standing wh=
ile continuing pressure on our MP's and MLA's.  I agree that the pressure n=
eeds to continue.  There is no reason another funder would not want to pick=
 up support of this program.  These sites are a huge asset.

Bev Campbell, cva
Executive Director
Home of Volunteer Comox Valley
250.334.8063 (phone)
250-338-2488 (fax)
"I can't see who you are until I surrender my expectations of you"
~Paul Ferrini

Bev Campbell

-----Original Message-----
From: advisors-admin@tc.ca [mailto:advisors-admin@tc.ca] On Behalf Of Marit=
a Moll
Sent: Wednesday, April 25, 2012 12:03 PM
To: advisors
Subject: [Advisors] teleconference -- draft notes

Here's a rough draft -- let me know what I got wrong or left out.
