[Advisors] ICANN meeting in Toronto

Gareth Shearman shearman at victoria.tc.ca
Mon, 13 Aug 2012 14:37:23 -0700

Telecommunities Canada was accepted as a constituent organization =
supporting the "At Large Advisory Committee" (ALAC) of the Internet =
Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) in 2007.

In ICANN speak that makes us an ALS (At Large Structure) of NARALO =
(North American Regional At Large Organization)  NARALO is one of 5 =
regions.  The ICANN meetings rotate among the regions.  For this next =
meeting it is North America's turn and the meeting will be in Toronto =
from October 14th to 19th.


I woud like to urge all of you who can make it to Toronto at that time =
to attend at least some of the sessions.  Admission is free.  It would =
be great to see a significant TC presence at the event.

ICANN deserves our support.  There is a continuing threat to the =
organization from some governments who would like to exert more control =
over the Internet.
