[Advisors] FW: [CivicAccess-discuss] Wellbeing Toronto input please...

michael gurstein gurstein at gmail.com
Wed, 29 Feb 2012 07:10:00 -0800

A very interesting "open data" initiative in Toronto.


-----Original Message-----
From: civicaccess-discuss-bounces@civicaccess.ca
[mailto:civicaccess-discuss-bounces@civicaccess.ca] On Behalf Of Harvey =
Sent: Wednesday, February 29, 2012 5:53 AM
To: CivicAccess-discuss@civicaccess.ca
Subject: [CivicAccess-discuss] Wellbeing Toronto input please...

This posting is sent from my role as Project Manager for Toronto's still
relatively new online "open data" mapping application called "Wellbeing
Toronto" (www.toronto.ca/wellbeing). For those that don't know about it =
did not engage in any formal media release) this app is a new way to
distribute govt data within a business context (in this case healthy
neighbourhoods).  We just finished  yesterday building in links for the =
to be passed to the city's Open Data Website which now means easier pass =
data across both open data initiatives here at the city and thus =
the same "date vintage". We will be providing enhancements this summer =
will permit the download of address based human services as well once we =
past a few more internal approvals. Please give it a try as we wish to
solicit input as we move forward in more data and enhancements for the
public. Its not perfect but a start. Thanks.

Harvey Low
City of Toronto
CivicAccess-discuss mailing list CivicAccess-discuss@civicaccess.ca