[Advisors] O Canada

Marita Moll mmoll at ca.inter.net
Fri, 22 Jun 2012 09:23:51 -0400

Thanks Monique.  This is a great video and a great song in the 
tradition of good old protest songs --  just in time for both Canada 
Day and the Rio Summit.

Oh Canada, we've all agreed to stand for the true north strong and free
With glowing hears from sea to sea, we stand on guard for thee

Oh Canada, our native land, we wash the oil from tar and sand
 From pipe to power this darkest hour, from sea to shining sea  ...........

Let's help get it out there to as many people as we can.


At 11:11 PM 21/06/2012, Monique Chartrand wrote:
>Partage - Share !
>Bonne St-Jean,
>Advisors mailing list