[Advisors] RE: Canada UPR submission - can we endorse?
Thompson, Darlene
DThompson1 at GOV.NU.CA
Thu, 4 Oct 2012 18:54:00 +0000
That looks awesome Marita. I think this is something we should weigh in on=
and your wording is perfect.
Darlene A. Thompson
CAP Administrator
N-CAP/Department of Education
P.O. Box 1000, Station 910
Iqaluit, NU X0A 0H0
Phone: (867) 975-5631
Fax: (867) 975-5610
From: Marita Moll [mmoll@ca.inter.net]
Sent: Tuesday, October 02, 2012 8:55 PM
To: TC Advisors; Gareth Shearman; Thompson, Darlene
Subject: Canada UPR submission - can we endorse?
Hello all. Attached please find a draft copy of a document put together by=
APC (Association of Progressive Communications) and CIPPIC (Can. Internet =
Policy and Public Interest Clinic). It is a joint submission to the Univers=
al Periodic Review of Canada which is a regular review of the human rights =
performance of UN member states (see http://www.international.gc.ca/rights-=
droits/upr-epu.aspx?view=3Dd for more information).
We are asked to add our signature and logo (as Telecommunities Canada) to t=
his document. Please let me know if you have a problem with endorsing.
This particular submission is concerned with the recognition of human right=
s on the internet. I have contributed to section B.1 which registers concer=
ns about ending funding for the CAP program:
"B1. 7. The coalition commends the Government of Canada's Broadband Progr=
am for bringing internet access to a total of 218,000 new Canadian househol=
ds between 2009 and 2012, many of which are in rural communities. However w=
e are concerned because funding has ended for both this program, and the Co=
mmunity Access Program (CAP), as of March 31, 2012. CAP operated in over 3,=
000 sites across Canada, offering computer literacy trainings and Internet-=
user skills for youth, seniors, members of low-income communities and resid=
ents of rural and remote regions."
"B1. 8. Industry Canada stated that in the context of =93challenging fisca=
l times,=94 $15 million in funding for CAP was terminated because the progr=
am had =93successfully achieved its objective.=94 However, the digital divi=
de persists in Canada, particularly among First Nations communities."
"Recommendation 38: Provide funding and supports for community access prog=
rams in order to complement new online government services and to ensure fa=
irness and equality in access to online services for all Canadians.