[Advisors] Art of Hosting

Monique Chartrand direction at communautique.qc.ca
Sat, 9 Feb 2013 08:18:15 -0500

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Un partage !

Art of Hosting is an international community of practice focused on =
engaging groups of people in action for the common good, particularly in =
complex situations.

We just have the first Art of Hosting meet up in january in Montreal, =
http://www.aohmontreal.org/en/, we will have a video soon, but you can =
see how it goes in this one :
2012 Leading Edge Summit - Cultivating Bold Leadership to Recharge our =
Rural Ontario Communities


Bonne Ann=E9e 2013 !


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<html><head></head><body style=3D"word-wrap: break-word; =
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normal; line-height: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: -webkit-auto; =
text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; widows: 2; =
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auto; -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px; font-size: medium; ">Un partage =
!</span></div><div><br =
class=3D"webkit-block-placeholder"></div><div><em><a =
href=3D"http://www.artofhosting.org/">Art of Hosting</a></em>
 is an international community of practice focused on engaging groups of
 people in action for the common good, particularly in complex=20
situations.</div><div><br class=3D"webkit-block-placeholder"></div><div>We=
 just have the first Art of Hosting meet up in january in Montreal, <a =
, we will have a video soon, but you can see how it goes in this one =
:</div><div><h1 itemprop=3D"name">2012 Leading Edge Summit - Cultivating =
Bold Leadership to Recharge our Rural Ontario Communities</h1><div><a =
div><div><br></div><div>Bonne Ann=E9e 2013 =
