[Advisors] Moving day at Victoria Free-Net

Garth Graham garth.graham at telus.net
Mon Jun 10 19:13:03 PDT 2013

As part of  Victoria Free-Net's "transition" to life beyond CAP, we've moved from our 18 year home at Commerce Circle to a more compact, far less costly, location at the Vancouver Island Technology Park.  The team of volunteers has literally moved heaven and hell over the last several months to accomplish this. Thursday, May 30th, was the last act, shutting down and moving the server room, and thus taking Free-Net offline for a few short hours.  However the list serves have been offline since then, particularly TC advisors/directors.  As far as we can tell, and if you are seeing this, we're fully back online.

The Facebook url below should let anyone see the flavour of the turning point.  As a non-techie, my job was to stay out of the way.  Lucky me!



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