[Advisors] Fwd: consultation invitation repeat

Marita Moll mmoll at ca.inter.net
Tue Jun 28 16:15:57 PDT 2016

Sending this around again in case you missed it the first time.  I have 
positive responses from Tracy, Clarice, Mike G. and Charlotte Janes 
(Annapolis Valley Library).

This is a test case -- we want to be able to show we are out there and 
willing to participate in larger discussions.  There will be other 
opportunities if this works out. Please consider giving it a try if you 
are available that day.


-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 	consultation invitation
Date: 	Thu, 23 Jun 2016 15:58:31 -0400
From: 	Marita Moll <mmoll at ca.inter.net>
To: 	TC Advisors <advisors at tc.ca>

Hello all:

There will be a government consultation workshop on July 18 that will 
inform Global Affairs Canada's consultation on Canada's international 
assistance activities re the role ICTs and particularly the Internet. 
This consultation is being hosted by the Canadian Chapter of the 
Internet Society (ISCC). It will take place in a small venue in Ottawa 
(probably CIRA offices) but the potential is there for 
teleconferencing.  I have lobbied hard to make sure people from around 
the country can attend and contribute virtually -- that this not just be 
an Ottawans talking to Ottawans event. So, I am asking you to let me 
know if you would consider being on the list of attendees.  I encourage 
you to take a look at the website below.  There will be more information 
available soon regarding the questions to be discussed, time, etc.  This 
is an initial shout-out.


Please help me make sure that this consultation includes people from
communities all around the country.


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