[Advisors] how public submissions affect regulatory decisions

Marita Moll mmoll at ca.inter.net
Sun Mar 11 16:31:56 PDT 2018

A number of people on this list are intervening in CRTC and other 
regulatory proceedings. The following analysis tool can show how 
submission content varies depending on types of submissions:

For the recent CRTC basic service hearings "Breaking the submissions 
down into groups (advocacy agencies, government, telecom companies, 
individuals, etc.) revealed interesting patterns in what issues were 
emphasized. Advocacy groups focused on affordability and telecom 
operating costs, while government groups discussed minimum speeds and 
how government funding should be allocated. The telecom companies 
focused their responses on the definition of “basic service," and 
described how their revenue systems work and what plans they currently 
offer to address “affordability” needs."


Collating and analyzing the 65,000+ pages of material submitted to the 
2015 consultation required building a new data mining tool. This work 
was carried out by the data science team at Cybera (Alberta’s 
not-for-profit technology accelerator), with funding from the Canadian 
Internet Registration Authority’s Community Investment Program.


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