[Advisors] CIRA elections -- no my turn this time

Kerry Brown kerry at kdbsystems.com
Wed Oct 10 12:45:20 PDT 2018

I can confirm what Marita says about the information flow. I tried many times over my nine years on the board to get the policy changed. That is in the public minutes so I’m allowed to talk about it. If it wasn’t in the minutes I’d have to be silent. Even though I’m no longer on the board I’m still bound by the non-disclosure agreement. This policy really stifles directors communications with members.

Kerry Brown

From: <advisors-bounces at tc.ca<mailto:advisors-bounces at tc.ca>> on behalf of Marita Moll <mmoll at ca.inter.net<mailto:mmoll at ca.inter.net>>
Date: Wednesday, October 10, 2018 at 11:59 AM
To: Peter Frampton <pframpton at lefca.org<mailto:pframpton at lefca.org>>
Cc: TC Advisors <advisors at tc.ca<mailto:advisors at tc.ca>>
Subject: Re: [Advisors] CIRA elections -- no my turn this time

That is true Peter. Both Brian Beaton and Kerry Brown are on the community investment fund evaluation committee. I forgot to mention Kerry in my last e-mail, but yes, that's two evaluators on the team who will be looking at applications from a community networking perspective.

Something most people here don't know (it took me by surprise!) is that CIRA directors have to sign a non-disclosure agreement -- so no information flows out of board meetings at all. Minutes are vague. It is pretty much of a black box. Some people have tried unsuccessfully to bring some openness. But it would take a major bottom up effort coming from members to change that. There sure was not any movement in that direction during my term.

ICANN, on the other hand, could not be more open. Absolutely everything is on the public record and all meetings are open. So, you will be hearing from me about what is going on there.  I will be attending the ICANN AGM in Barcelona which starts on Oct. 20. Much of the discussion is quite esoteric and technical but there are some areas that are easy to relate to -- for example current  rounds of discussions about geonames at the top level -- whether or not some categories of names should be protected in the next round of new gTLDs (generic top level domains -- .com, .biz, .berlin, etc.). Mind you, everything takes a long time. The dispute about who gets to control .amazon (amazon the company or the group of 8 countries through which this river flows) is still not settled.

Stay tuned


On 10/9/2018 6:23 PM, Peter Frampton wrote:
you probably deserve the break!  so good news for you
not so great for “us”

but we have many ways to keep an eye on them!

Peter Frampton
pframpton at lefca.org<mailto:pframpton at lefca.org>

On Oct 7, 2018, at 12:12 PM, Marita Moll <mmoll at ca.inter.net<mailto:mmoll at ca.inter.net>> wrote:

Thanks to everyone here for their support for my candidacy during the CIRA elections. It was not my turn this time -- and one always has to expect such surprises with elections.  I will continue to do whatever I can to raise the profile on communities online in whatever fora I am engaged in. For the next year, it will be through my position on the At-large council at ICANN and the steering committee for the Canadian Internet Governance Forum.

One of our colleagues, Brian Beaton, is currently on the CIRA community investment fund evaluation team. And I know Brian will keep reminding everyone that communities have many needs that are sometimes not apparent to those who sit around these tables.


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