[Advisors] TC AGM and filing with ISED

Marita Moll mmoll at ca.inter.net
Thu Nov 23 07:59:34 PST 2023

Hello advisors. I can barely believe that year has passed and I am once 
again needing to file our information with ISED to retain our non-profit 
corp. status. Filing deadline - Dec. 13.

In conjunction with this we try to hold a virtual AGM facilitated by 
Garth Graham who will set up a zoom link once we have chose a date/time. 
I will be sending out a doodle poll with choices between Dec. 4-8. 
Please let me know when you might be able to attend. At the moment, we 
are making very important contributions to internet policy at the 
international level through our participation in ICANN and WSIS+20. That 
is as far as my energy and time extends. But we are open to other agenda 
within our mandate should someone wish to take the lead on them.

In conjunction with the AGM, I will finally get down to doing and 
circulating last year's minutes. I am also looking for volunteers to sit 
on our board of directors. Please let my know if you are willing to 
continue in this role and/or if you would like to join us. We do have 
room to expand the roster. The current list, copied from the website is 
as follows:

        Marita Moll

        *Vice president:*
        Clarice Leader

        Tracey Axelson
        British Columbia

        Chris Cope

    *Directors at large: *

        *Fred Campbell*

        *Garth Graham*
        British Columbia

        *James Van Leeuwen*

        *Kathryn Carruthers*

Marita Moll

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