[Sican] February 20th Workshop agenda

Gareth Shearman shearman@victoria.tc.ca
Tue, 10 Feb 2004 00:27:55 -0800

8:30 - 9:00 registration

9:00 am opening remarks and greetings
John Webb (Prov. of BC)
Chris Bywater (Industry Canada)

9:15 am Keynote - Matt Wenger (Columbia Mountain Open Network, "BC3" 
and Pacific Community Networks Association (Introduced by John Webb)

"Innovative Approaches to Sustainability Funding"

10:15 Coffee

10:45 "Where are we going - our CAP future"
Moderators - Garth Graham (Victoria Free-Net)
              Nina Linguanti (Victoria Free-Net and Sooke Family 
Resource Centre)

11:30 - 11:40 Web4all - Brian Oulton (Neil Squire Foundation and 
Pacific Community Networks Association)

11:40 - Introduction to the afternoon sessions.

12 Noon - Lunch (provided)

1:00 - 2:15  - Concurrent sessions A:

I Resources for Enhancing your CAP site - (Wireless, Voice over the Net, etc.)
    (Gareth Shearman, Ian White, Kevin Priebe - Victoria Free-Net Association)

II "e-Health" - Canadian Health Network

III "Our CAP Future - roundtable (Garth Graham and Nina Linguanti - moderators)

2:15 Coffee

2:30 - 3:45 - Concurrent Sessions B:

IV (Repeat of Session I)

V "citysoup.ca in a box" - Smart Communities

VI (repeat of Session III)

(we will send a note with the URL for the on-line registration form tomorrow)