[Sican] CAP 2008 - 09

Gareth Shearman shearman at victoria.tc.ca
Wed, 18 Jun 2008 09:57:50 -0700

The long awaited announcement for 2008/09 has now been made.

If you wish to participate in the CAP program for this coming year,  
please forward a signed request on your letterhead to this office.   
Please either send it as an e-mail attachment to my address (shearman@victoria.tc.ca 
) or by Fax to 250-744-2970.  Please reply by Tuesday June 24th.

Wording similar to the following should be sufficient:

"(name of organization) wishes to participate in the Industry Canada  
Community Access Program (CAP) for fiscal 2008/09 as part of the South  
Island Community Access Network (SICAN)"

Thank you,

Gareth R. Shearman
Victoria Free-Net Association