[Sican] revised draft

Gareth Shearman shearman at victoria.tc.ca
Thu, 11 Sep 2008 15:15:16 -0700

Recently we asked if some of you would be willing to provide a letter  
of support for our Job Creation Partnership proposal.  It has been  
suggested that we provide a suggested format for the letter.  Please  
modify the following suggestion as you see fit.

Thank you,
Gareth Shearman

Programs Officer
Service Canada
Greater Victoria

Dear Sir

______  would like to express its support for the Job Creation  
Partnership proposal being submitted by the Victoria Free-Net  
Association.  We have worked with the Free-Net for more than five  
years and consider their proposal to be very worthwhile.  They have  
provided us with support for our public access site and we think this  
new initiative will assist us further because it will enhance our  
operations and it adds another dimension to what we already do via our  
public access site.  The site supports our clients to educate and  
inform themselves.  The clients have been enabled to conduct their own  
research and maintain contact with their friends and family.