The VICTORIA TELECOMMUNITY NETWORK is supported by all-volunteer effort and donations of money, equipment and services from individuals and organizations. Your donation is important for the continuing success of the VICTORIA TELECOMMUNITY NETWORK. To make a donation, simply make out a cheque to the VICTORIA FREE-NET ASSOCIATION and mail it to:
The Victoria Free-Net Association 220 - 4252 Commerce Circle Victoria British Columbia Canada V8Z 4M2No amount is too large or too small.
If you would like to make a substantial, ongoing contribution to the VICTORIA TELECOMMUNITY NETWORK, then you may consider sponsoring a public dial-in line and modem to the TELECOMMUNITY NETWORK. Contact VIFA directly by e-mail ( or by phoning 727-7057 if you would like to become a phone line sponsor.
Public terminals are a very visible and tangible way to give access to the TELECOMMUNITY NETWORK to those who do not own or have access to a computer and modem. By sponsoring a public terminal, you can make a worthwhile contribution to your local community by empowering local individuals with access to information. Please contact VIFA directly if you would like to establish a public terminal.
phone: (250)