WHAT IS THE SALVATION ARMY? Although many people recognize The Salvation Army as one of the world's most effective and trusted social service agencies that reaches out constantly to those in need, few seem to know that the Salvation Army is an Evangelical Christian Church. Putting its Christian beliefs and principles into practical action has motivated The Salvation Army for over 125 years to reach out to people in trouble, people in need, people in prison, people who are lost, people who are hungry, people who are lonely, and people who are lacking shelter. The Salvation Army is reaching out to help people today in over 100 countries as well as in Victoria. The Salvation Army is working in the refugee camps in Asia and Africa. It is helping the lepers in Indonesia, the sick in India and the blind in Jamaica. In Canada, The Salvation Army operates alcohol and drug rehabilitation centres, hospitals, seniors homes, suicide prevention services, emergency services, women's shelters as well as helping the street people and assisting individuals in prison. But behind this social service face is The Salvation Army Church which is called a "corps". In most communities The Salvation Army corps hold worship services on Sunday mornings and evenings. Members of The Salvation Army are called Salvationists and they come from all walks of life. There are business people, professional people, trades people, students and retired people. Anyone and everyone is welcome. The Salvation Army motto - "Heart To God And Hand To Man".