Albert's Hiccup Cure
I humbly submit my cure for hiccups. For it to work, it is helpful to know the theory that makes it work. I confess that this theory of mine is unencumbered by medical knowledge, so parts of it may be faulty. However, it makes sense to me and it may make sense to you.
Here's The Theory:
I believe hiccups are caused by a faulty nerve signal to the diaphragm muscles in the abdomen. If the diaphragm is immobilized, the nerve signal will stop and the hiccups will end. Since the lungs are right on top of the diaphragm, we can use them to stop the diaphragm from moving.
Here Is What You Have To Do:
Inhale slowly until your lungs are FULLY inflated. If your hiccups continue, it means that your diaphragm can still move thus your lungs are not fully inflated. When you've sucked in enough air, wait until you should have had another hiccup. When it doesn't come, exhale slowly. Yes, you looked silly doing this, but your hiccups are now gone! Coming soon ... My cure for the common cold ;)
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