My name, of course, is Iris, though if you can see the title of this page you will see it is called "Rainbow's Web Page." That is because my name, Iris, means "Rainbow." (rainbow is also my irc nick). In ancient Greek mythology, Iris was the goddess of the rainbow and messenger of the gods. She was the one farmers depended on to make it rain so that their crops would grow. She would use her rainbows to travel from place to place carrying messages among the various gods. She also escorted spirits of dead women to the Elysian Fields. Iris is portrayed as a winged woman carrying a staff.
The rainbow is used as a symbol in a few different ways. For Christians, the rainbow is a symbol of God's promise to Noah to never again flood the earth. For some political activists it is a symbol of many different races working together. And for gays and lesbians, it symbolizes diversity. About the rainbow flag
So if you are on Victoria Freenet's irc - accessible if you have a VTN account - and you see the nick "rainbow" - that's me!
Click Here for more links about rainbows
Click Here for links about irises.
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