Health Stuff

I added this section to my page mainly because I have diabetes, and also because I have many of the characteristics of autism/Asperger's Syndrome. I decided to expand it into a full list of links dealing with my health concerns, hoping that people who share them will be able to find information here.

I've had diabetes since age 5. Diabetes is caused when the pancreas stops producing insulin (in the case of Type I, the type I have) or when the body is unable to use the insulin produced (in Type II). Thanks to strict blood glucose monitoring and attention to my diet when I first developed diabetes, I have remained complication-free for 30 years. I haven't always been a "good" diabetic. I went through a stage I call "diabetes denial" when I was in my 20s, a reaction to the strict monitoring of my diet and blood sugar testing when I was living with my parents. But today, thanks to support from my friends, especially my boyfriend John, I am getting back to a regular regime of blood sugar testing and diet monitoring. Sure I "cheat" sometimes and eat chocolate or cookies or cake, but I adjust my insulin to cover for it and usually get away with it - though not always.

In January of 2000 I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia, and in January 2001 I was diagnosed with asthma.

I hope the information here is helpful, and I am always looking for more links, so if you have any suggestions, feel free to email me.

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