My Pic Menu This is the menu for my pics. I had them all in an album at, but I found it hard for users that weren't used to the layout to navigate.

*NEW* Pics from Canada Day
Ayako w/ 2 patriotic women
Meg, myself and Ayako w/ a crazy Canadian
Ayako driving the Harbour Ferry
Ed & Ayako enjoying the spray from the ferry
Meg feeding the seal

Pics w/ the Japanese girls
Our sleepover/dress up party
Ayako, Ed's mom, Ed, Meg and Olena copying a statue in Buchart Gardens
Ed's mom, Ayako, Meg, Ed, Olena and Lisa at Buchart's in the setting sun

Pics of Meg and/or Ed
Secret Agent Ed!
Meg and Ed at Beacon Hill Park

Pics of Erin
Cowboy Erin
Erin doing...???

Family Pics
Mom in the stocks where she belongs
Dad lookin' good
Homemaker Dad

A whole collection of pics of mom!