Here you behold the modell of a plaine Country mans house, without plaster or imbosture, because it is to be intended, that it is as well to be built of studde and plaster as of lime and stone; or if timber be not plentiful, it may be built of courser wood, and covered with lime and haire; yet if a man would bestow cost in this modell, the foure inward corners of the hall would be convenient for foure turrets, and the foure gavell ends being thrust out with bay windowes, might be formed in any curious manner: and where I place a gate and a plaine pale, might bee either a tarriffe, or a gatehouse, of any fashion whatsoever; besides all those windowes which I make plaine, might be made bay windowes, either with battlements, or without; but the scope of my booke tendeth only to the use of the honest Husbandman, and not to instruct men of dignity, who in Architecture are able wonderfully to controle me, therfore that the Husbandman may know the use of of this facsimile, he shall understand it by this which followeth.
Signifieth the great Hall. B.
The dining Parlor for entertainment of strangers. C.
An inward Closset within the parlor for he Mistrisses use, for necessaries. D.
A strangers lodging within the Parlor. E.
A staire-case ino the rooms over the Parlor. F.
A staire-case into the Good-mans roomes over the Kitchin and Buttery. G.
The Skreene in the Hall. H.
An inward cellar within the Buttery, which may serve for a Larder. I.
The Buttery. K.
The Kitchin, in whose Range may be placed a Brewing Lead, and convenient Ovens, the brewing vessels adjoyning. L.
The Dairy house for neccesary businesse. M.
The Milke-house. N.
A faire fawne pale before the formost Court. O.
The great gate to ride in at to the Hall dore. P.
A place where a Pumpe would be placed to serve the offices of the house.
This figure signifieth the dores of the house.
This figure signifieth the Windowes of the house.
This figure signifieth the Chimneyes of the house.Now you shall further understand, that on the south side of your house, you shall plant your Garden and Orchard, as wel for the prospect therof to all your best rooms as also because your house will be a defence against the Northerne coldnesse, whereby your fruits wil much better prosper. You shall on the West side of your house, within your inward dairy and kitchin Court, fence in a large base Court, in the midst whereof would be a faire large Pond...
- From Gervase Markham, The English Husbandman, 1635.
A. All these squares must be set with trees. The Garden and other ornaments must stand in spaces betwixt the trees and other borders and fences.
B. Trees 20 yards asunder.
C. Garden knot.
D. Kitchen garden.
E. Bridge.
F. Conduit.
G. Stairs.
H. Walks set with great wood thicket.
I. Walks set with great wood round about your orchard.
K. The outfence
L. The outfence set with stone fruit.
M. Mount.
N. Stillhouse.
O. Good standing for bees, if you have a house.
P. If the river runs by your door and under your mount, it will be pleasant.
- From William Lawson, A New Orchard and Garden, 1618.
Transcribed by G.Edward
Godwin for research purposes.
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