The oathe to be ministered unto the souldiers
upon their enteringe into Paye.

[for service in the Netherlands]
Wee doe sweare and promise to doe all loyall true and faythefull sarvice unto the Queene of Englande her most Excell. majesty: and unto the provinces and citties united in theis countries and their associates, under the charge and obedience of the Right excelent the Earle of Leicester Governor generall of the said provinces and citties and their associates, and of her majesties Army and forces withinthe same; And all lawfull and due obedience unto the Governor and to any other superior that shall have charge under him for the governement in this Army; And further we do endevore our selves to keep and fulfill all such lawful ordinances as his Exelencie hath or shall set forth and establish for the better orderinge of this Army as much as concerns us, so long as we shall serve under him, so help us God by Jhesus Christe.

From Elizabeth's Army, by C.G. Cruickshank, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1966.
(Harl. MSS. 168, f. 109b. Cf. S.P. Holland, Eliz. 18, f. 105.)


Transcribed by G.Edward Godwin for research purposes.
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