Triumph for Prince Charles at Norwich, 1623

This day [9 October 1623] vpon certaine intelligence brought to mr Maior by diuerse Letters that the high & mightie Prince Charles ys safely returned from Spayne mr Maior sent for the Iustices of peace & for the Aldermen and Captaines to the Counsell Chamber of this City of which Capteines Alderman Cock & Alderman Anguishe did appeare And mr Maior required them forthwith to expresse the Ioy of this City by beatinge vpp their Drummes & assemblinge their lieutenantes & their officers & such voluntary shott as would attend the present service who forthwith came in great multitudes And Comandement beinge gyven that the great peeces should be prepard to be shott of vpon the Castle hill & that a bonefire be made vpon the top of mushold & such Ioy expressed by all orderly & due meanes as ys fitt for such a solempnity [And] mr Maior also gaue order to the officers of the Dutch & ffrench Companyes to performe the like service with their drummes & shott And a hoggeshead of wyne was comanded to be provided at the Cities Chardge & set at the market Crosse & there drunke out to the Soldiers All which thinges were duly and orderly performed with such further tryumph by ringinge of Belles multitude of bonefires & other Ioyful acclamacions as did well expresse the generall Ioy of all the Citizens

Mayors' Court Books VX NRO: 16.a f499*
From: Norwich 1540 - 1642. Ed. David Galloway. Records of Early English Drama series. University of Toronto Press, 1984.


Transcribed by G.Edward Godwin for research purposes.
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