File Management

Personal filespace

Each registered VTN user has a personal directory, called for example...


The File Browser

The File Browser gives users access to the files in their own personal directory. While logged in VTN users can use the File Browser to:

The File Browser is available via the Victoria Telecommunity Network Services page or by entering [go files], one of many shortcut commands. Once in the file browser you will be presented with a list of existing filenames and directories. The public_html directory is your showcase. Files placed in the public_html directory can be viewed but not altered by anyone on the World Wide Web who cares to visit. Another directory is called mail. We recommend that you not edit the files and directories found in mail. They contain your mail messages.

You can change the way you view your file listing by setting your options. To reach the options screen, press "s" Among the file management options available are:

	lo(N)g file listing
	l(I)st directory style

While in the file browser, you can view a file by highlighting the filename and pressing the right arrow or by entering the number preceding it. To return to the file listing, press the left arrow or Control-b.

While viewing a file, you can use the following keystrokes:

	\	view document source

	e	edit

	=	will show directory path, owner, size in bytes; 
		date of creation, most recent modification 
		and most recent access; 
		permissions for owner, group and world.


One of the basic file management operations mentioned above is of particular interest to Information Providers and VTN volunteers. This function is used to move a file from your personal file area into the public file area.

Install not only copies a file, it initiates the revision control system and registers the document as Recently changed (created)


The 'r'emove command is final... There is no way to recover a deleted file!


Tag (select multiple files) You can tag and remove or tag and Install files.

Compress and Other Options

For other options use the 'f' key to display the Full Menu

If you are currently logged in to your account you can Browse your files [go files]
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