Recommended Communication Protocol Settings
- Telephone Number: 250-727-3335
- Protocols
- 8 bits (options are usually 7 or 8)
- No parity (options are usually even, odd, or none)
- 1 stop bit (options are usually 0, 1, or 2)
- Terminal Emulation: default vt100/102 (vt220 and vt320 also supported)
- The phone number for your modem to dial is 250-727-3335
- If your telephone service includes the call waiting feature you should
disable call-waiting during this call
- Special Notes:
- XON/XOFF Software Error Correction: Disabled.
- BitCom
- Auto LF: No
- Terminal Emulation; vt100a or vt100b
- Telix
- Backspace sends BS
- Terminal for Windows
- Do NOT use Ctrl, Alt, Function and Arrow keys for Windows