British Columbia History Internet/Web Site
Historical Disciplines
and Subjects: Literary
Literary / Publishing / Journalism / Writing History
This section includes bibliographical and librarianship history.
- The bp Nicol
Project (Coach House Books). This Web site documents the life and works
of Barrie Phillip Nicol (1944-1988) who was born in Vancouver, BC, and became
widely known for his concerete poety while living there in the 1960s.
- The British
Columbia Digital Library (Compiled by David Mattison; hosted by the
BC Community Networks Association). A guide to BC digital collections, primarily
of print formats (books, serials, ephemera), and with extensive links to
electronic collections around the world.
- Canada's Early Women Writers
(Simon Fraser University Library). Developed by Department of English Professor Carole Gerson, this
database documents nearly 500 women writers who "lived in Canada or wrote about Canada, and authored an
English-language book or pamphlet of fiction or poetry that was published before
1940." Date added: 2002-04-30.
- Canadian
Literature Archive (University of Manitoba).
- Canadian Poetry Archive
(National Library of Canada) contains a database and biographies of over
100 early Canadian English and French language poets.
- Canadian Private Presses (National Library of Canada). Barbarian Press is one of the seven highlighted presses and is based in Mission, BC. Date added: 2002-04-30.
- Canadian Publishers'
Records Database (Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, BC): Instructions
for access via SHARP (Society
for the History of Authorship, Reading & Publishing).
- Coach House Books
(Toronto, ON). This innovative publisher makes many of its books available
- The Earle Birney
Web Site (University College of the Cariboo and Canada's
Digital Collections) is a posthumous tribute to this British Columbia
- "The
First Newspapers on Canada's West Coast: 1858-1863" by Hugh Doherty,
University of Victoria, Dept. of History Graduate Research Paper, 1973.
- "The History
of the Book in British Columbia: A State of the Art Review" (Bibliographical
Society of Canada) essay includes a link to a bibliography.
- Impressions:
250 Years of Printing in the Lives of Canadians Exhibit (National
Library of Canada).
- Literary
Manuscripts: A Guide to the Literary Fonds at the National Library of Canada.
By Linda Hoad, Geralyn Dionne and Catherine Hobbs. Ottawa, ON: National
Library of Canada, 2001. French ed.: Les Manuscrits littéraires. Date
accessed: 2002.04.09. Date added: 2002.04.09.
- The Pauline
Johnson Archive (McMaster University and Canada's
Digital Collections).
- Women in Canadian Librarianship and Bibliography:
Celebrating Women's Achievements (National Library of Canada).
- Women in Canadian Life and Society, Music and
Literature: Celebrating Women's Achievements (National Library of Canada).
- Women in the Book Trade: Celebrating Women's
Achievements (National Library of Canada).

Compiled by David Mattison,
Victoria Telecommunity Network, BC. Copyright
© 1995-2003 by David Mattison. This page may be freely linked to but not duplicated
in any fashion without my consent.