British Columbia History Internet/Web Site
Historical Disciplines and Subjects
To search for new or updated content, use the page-search function of your
Web browser and search on "date added" or "date updated".
Dates are entered as "", for example, "1995-2003.08.23".
Agricultural / Farming / Fishing
/ Ranching History (New Page)
Archaeology / Archaeological History
/ Building History
Art History
/ Geographic Information Systems (GIS) / Map History
/ Demographic / Population History
/ Missionary / Religious History
/ Drama / Film / Motion Pictures / Theatre History
/ Shipbuilding Industry History
Economic History
Education / School / Teaching History
/ Immigration / Emigration (New Page)
History / Genealogy
First Nations / Aboriginal
/ Native / Indian / Metis History (New Page)
History (New Page)
Forestry / Lumbering
/ Sawmills History
Francophones de Colombie-Britannique
Fur Trade History (New
/ Geological / Regional / Urban History (New Page)
Rush History
Government / Political / Geopolitical
Health / Medical History
/ Numismatics / Symbology (Flags, etc.) History
Labour / Working
/ Legal / Police
History (New Page)
/ Publishing / Journalism / Writing (New Page)
History (New Page)
Mining History
Music History
Sciences History
/ Social / Sports History (New Page)
Science and Technology
History (New Page)
Sciences History
Transportation History
Women's History

Jump to Archaeology
Jump to Social Sciences

Archaeology / Archaeological History
Jump to Anthropology

Architectural / Building History
- Architectural Walking
Tours (Architectural Institute of British Columbia) covers Vancouver
and Victoria.
- The Architecture of Edward & W.S. Maxwell: The Canadian Legacy
(Canadian Architecture Collection,
McGill University, Montreal, and Canada's
Digital Collections). This Montreal firm designed several hotels for
the Canadian Pacific Railway in British Columbia, along with several other
commercial structures in the province. Date added: 2002.11.02.
- The Art and Architecture
of Samuel Maclure by Helen Edwards examines the work of this famous
Victoria domestic architect, a contemporary of F.M. Rattenbury
- British
Columbia's Parliament Buildings was developed for children to commemorate
the centennial of the Buildings in 1998.
- Built in America:
Historic American Buildings Survey / Historic American Engineering Record
(Prints and Photographs Division, Library of Congress, and HABS/HAER, National
Parks Service). This American Memory Project contains keyword-searchable
digital records, including photographs, of heritage buildings in the United
States. Some sites in Oregon, Washington and Alaska are directly connected
to British Columbia's pre-Confederation history.
- The
Canadian Architect and Builder Online (Blackader-Lauterman Library,
McGill University, Montreal, and Canada's
Digital Collections) contains the complete text with keyword searching
and page browsing of this architectural and construction industry periodical
published between 1888-1908.
- Canadian Architecture Collection (CAC)
(McGill University, Montreal, Quebec) contains various links to BC architecture
including the BC portion
of "Building Canada", an image archive assembled by Professor
Emeritus John Bland.
- Canadian Centre for Architecture
(Montreal, Quebec)
- Canadian Civil Engineering History and
Heritage (Canadian Society for Civil Engineering and
Digital Collections). Date added: 2002.11.02.
- Cornelius
John Soule, 1851-1939: Architect, Photographer is a tribute by great-grandson
Ron Soule to the life of this architect and photographer who was active
in other parts of Canada as well as in BC.
- Emily Carr and the House of All Sorts
(Margaret Chantreau and Canada's
Digital Collections)
- Heritage
Square (Victoria Telecommunity Network) contains links to heritage sites
and historical properties in the Greater Victoria.
- Historical Building
Site for Victoria, B.C. (Canada's
Digital Collections) contains numerous factual errors, so use information
with caution (May 13, 1998).
- "International
Exhibitions, Expositions Universelles and World's Fairs, 1851-1951: A Bibliography"
by Alexander C.T. Geppert, Jean Coffey and Tammy Lau. Also published in
Wolkenkuckucksheim: Internationale Zeitschrift fur Theorie und Wissenschaft
der Architektur (Special Issue, 2000).
- Measured
Drawings: An Architectural Heritage of British Columbia (Canada's
Digital Collections)
- Modern Architecture
in Victoria, BC (Maltwood Art Museum and Gallery, University of Victoria).
Traces the history of modernist architecture and its influence on Victoria's
urban structures, including the university campus.
- The Moshe Safdie Hypermedia Archive
(Canadian Architecture Collection, McGill University and Canada's
Digital Collections); Safdie designed Vancouver Public Library's Library
- R.R.
Bayne Exhibition (Maltwood Art Museum and Gallery, University of Victoria).
Documents the life and work of British architect Richard Roskell Bayne (1837-1901)
who practiced architecture for the last decade of his life in Victoria after
retiring here from Calcutta, India. As of February 1995-2003, little British
Columbia content.
- Roedde
House: A Window to the Past (Roedde
House Museum and Canada's
Digital Collections).
- The Social Developer
(Hillside Developments Limited, Vancouver). Includes interviews with Arthur
Erickson, Vancouver's most famous 20th century architect.
Jump to Art History
Jump to Construction / Shipbuilding

Art History
This section consists of selected Web sites featuring exhibits about artists
or Web-based critiques of their art.
- The Art of
Guido Nincheri (Concordia University and Canada's
Digital Collections). Stained glass, fresco and decorative artist whose
work can be found in Holy Rosary Cathedral, Vancouver.
- Canadian Visual Arts Information Network
(CCCAnet, Centre for Contemporary Canadian Art and Canada's
Digital Collections)
- Canadian
War Artists Exhibition (National Archives of Canada)
- Emily Carr: At Home
and At Work: Online Exhibit through the Carr House, Government St.,
- Emily
Carr and the House of All Sorts (Margaret Chantreau and Canada's
Digital Collections)
- First Nations Art: An Introduction
to Contemporary Native Artists in Canada (Concordia University and Canada's
Digital Collections)
- Karma of the Dragon:
The Art of Jack Wise (Art Gallery of Greater Victoria and Canada's
Digital Collections). Date added: 1995-2003.07.20.
- The Kwagiutl Collection: British Columbia
Native Art
- Myfanwy Spencer Pavelic:
A Site Devoted to Her Work (Maltwood Art Museum and Gallery, University
of Victoria).
Library Editorial Cartoons Collection (Electronic Document Centre, Simon
Fraser University Library). Search engine to over 1200 digitized cartoons
by this famous Vancouver Sun artist. A separate virtual
exhibit with digitized images featuring the Filbert Phelps character
is also available.
- "To The Totem
Forests: Emily Carr and Contemporaries Interpret Coastal Villages"
(Curated by Peter Macnair for the Art Gallery of Greater Victoria)
- Unity of Movement:
An Exhibition of Three Modern Artists (Maltwood Art Museum and Gallery,
University of Victoria). Curated by Laurel Terlesky as a History of Art
Project, this exhibit examines the works of Emily Carr, Katharine Maltwood
and Myfanwy Pavelic.
- Walter J. Phillips (1884-1963):
A Life's Work by Roger H. Boulet
- Wilderness
to Studio: Four Views of Paul Kane exhibit overview with a biographical
timeline (Royal Ontario Museum, Toronto).
- Women Artists in Canada
(Pham Van Khanh, Coordinator, and Canada's Digital Collections).
- Women Artists in Canada: Celebrating
Women's Achievements (National Library of Canada). Date added: 2002.10.25
Historical Sources
- Art2Life: The
Canadian Century (McMichael Canadian Art Collection and others). Examines
Canadian 20th century history decade by decade through multimedia resources.
Site also includes grade 7 to 12 lesson plans in Adobe Acrobat Portable
Document Format (PDF) files.
- The Arts and
Crafts Movement in Victoria, British Columbia (Maltwood Art Museum and
Gallery, University of Victoria). An illustrated essay which examines the
influence of this design philosophy on Victoria.
- Artexte: Contemporary Art Information
Centre (Montreal, QC) contains a bibliographical database of exhibition
catalogues; the database interface is only available (as of 2000.10.08)
in French.
- Centre for Maritime Research (National
Maritime Museum, Greenwich, UK) includes the online Prints and Drawings
- Chronology of
West Coast Surrealist and Metaphysical Art (West Coast Foundation for
Modern Art, Vancouver)
- Concordia University, Art History Department: The
Art History Research Centre and Researching
the Visual Arts in Canada are excellent starting points.
- Journal of Canadian Art
- McMichael Canadian Art Collection
(Kleinburg, ON) is best known for works by the Group of Seven, some of whom
painted and taught in BC, as well as inspired Emily Carr.
- National Gallery
of Canada (Ottawa, Ontario).
- Northwest Coast Printmakers
(Maltwood Art Museum and Gallery, University of Victoria).
- Union List of Artist
Names (ULAN) (Getty Information Institute)
- Vancouver Art Gallery
Jump to Architectural / Building History
Jump to Exhibits (BC History
Internet/Web Site)

Botanical History
Natural Sciences
Cartography / Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
/ Map History
- Aboriginal
Mapping Network is maintained by Ecotrust Canada on behalf of First
Nations mappers. Date added: 2002.05.20.
- Association of Canadian
Map Libraries and Archives
- Canada at Scale:
Maps of Our History (National Archives of Canada Virtual Exhibit)
- Cartographic Records
at the British Columbia Archives
- Cartographica
(University of Toronto Press)
- Champlain, a French-language
catalogue of maps based at the Université Laval, Québec.
- City of North Vancouver, GIS
Division, City
Map. Site includes a searchable city map and a searchable cemetery map.
Date added: 2002.08.22.
- A
Collection of Digitized Kansas Maps (Wichita State University Libraries,
Department of Special Collections). This collection contains some of the
earliest maps of North America back to 1556 which include the Pacific Northwest
coast. Digitized maps can be keyword searched or browsed by time period.
Maps are zoomable with the MrSID technology. Date added: 1995-2003.09.12.
- CORDLink:
A Window on Cordilleran Geology (Geological Survey of Canada, Pacific Division;
BC Geological Survey; and UBC Department of Earth and Ocean Sciences). Includes
maps, documents (publications), and images (photographs).
- A
Directory of UK Map Collections (British Cartographic Society).
- Early
Maps of the Fraser Valley (Compiled by Neil Roughley).
- Early Washington Maps: A Digital Collection
Archives, and Special Collections, Washington State University Libraries, and
Map Collections, University of Washington Libraries). Browse or search for
digitized maps relating to the history of the Pacific Northwest centered
on Washington State and including the Strait of Juan de Fuca and Vancouver
Island. Site includes a map timeline of the geopolitics of
Washington State up to 1941. A separate collection of San Juan Islands maps
compiled by the U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey between 1888 and 1897 is
also available. Date added: 1995-2003.11.19. Date updated: 2002.10.14.
- Exploring
the West from Monticello: A Perspective in Maps from Columbus to Lewis
and Clark (University of Virginia Library). Virtual exhibit based on
the physical one from 1995 in the library. Among others, there are maps
by Alexander Mackenzie, David Thompson, Captain James Cook, Captain George
Vancouver, and John Arrowsmith depicting British Columbia.
- Fort Steele Heritage
Town Map Archives
- Geological
Survey of Canada Map Gallery (Earth Sciences Information Centre, Natural
Resources Canada)
- GeoConnections:
Canada's Geographic Information on the Internet (Natural Resources Canada)
- Historical
Atlas of Canada: Data Dissemination Project consists of selected material
from volume 2 covering 1800-1891
- Internet Catalogue:
Maps Worldwide (ETH Library, Zurich, Switzerland)
- Map Collections,
1544-1999 (American Memory, Library of Congress) includes examples from
British Columbia.
- Map History / History of Cartography
- The Gateway to the Subject (Compiled by Tony Campbell, Map Librarian,
British Library, London)
- The
Map Place (BC Ministry of Energy and Mines) allows you to create your
own maps from various Geographic Information System (GIS) data sets and
to view a growing collection of GIS maps, some linked to databases, using
the free AutoDesk MapGuide browser plug-in.
- Mapping
Ancient History draws data from the Canadian Archaeological
Radiocarbon Database (CARD) from 1,000 to 18,000 years ago (GeoServ,
Natural Resources Canada)
- National Mapping Information
(U.S. Geological Survey, Department of the Interior), in addition to map
products (paper and digital), includes an interactive National Atlas of
the United States, aerial photographs, geographic names database, remote
sensing imagery, and the Geospatial Data Clearinghouse. The parts of British
Columbia contiguous with the United States are often mapped by the latter.
- Panoramic
Maps Collection (American Memory, Library of Congress) includes examples
from British Columbia.
- Railroad
Maps, 1828-1900 (Library of Congress)
- Railway Maps
of the 1890's (Compiled by Neil Roughley)
- Toporama (Natural Resources
Canada) is "one of the products of the Centre for Topographic Information,
Sherbrooke", Quebec. The site features digital versions of topographic
maps at various scales. These are searchable by place names, coordinates
or through a clickable index map.
- Useful Maps
(BC Ministry of Agriculture and Food).
- VanMap
(City of Vancouver). Requires the AutoDesk free MapGuide viewer Web browser
plug-in. Date added: 1995-2003.05.29.
- The W. H. Pugsley
Collection of Early Canadian Maps (Department of Rare Books and Special
Collections, McGill University).
Jump to Geographic
section of Historical Disciplines
Jump to Social
Sciences section of Canadiana and British Columbiana

Census / Demographic / Population History
- Census of Canada,
1901 (ArchiviaNet, Library and Archives of Canada). Searchable by geographic
location, this database contains digital facsimiles (scanned page images
from the microfilm) of the entire 1901 census (Schedule 1 [Living Persons]
and Schedule 2 [Buildings and Land, Churches and Schools]. Because this
is not an index, there is no option to search by individual personal name.
An optional free browser plug-in, MrSID, can be downloaded prior to viewing the images. Date
accessed: 2002.06.01. Date added: 2002.06.01. Date updated: 2002.11.02.
- Censuses: Thompson-Okanagan
Region: 1877, 1881, 1891 (Duane Thomson, Okanagan University College,
Living Landscapes Project). Searchable/browsable database of special and
federal censuses of this region. The 1877 censuses are by the Oblates of
Mary Immaculate and the Joint Indian Reserve Commission. The 1881 and 1891
federal censuses, which cover the Yale Census District, include advanced
search options.
- 5% Sample of the 1901 Census of British Columbia
(Canadian Families Project via, History Department, Malaspina University-College).
This is a searchable and downloadable copy (5.4 MB) in the Microsoft Access
2000 database format of a transcribed sample of the 1901 census covering
only Vancouver Island. Date added: 2002.11.02.
- 1901 Victoria Census see British
Columbia Lists From Government Documents
- Parksville and District
Census and Settler Data (1891-1919) available via District 69 Historical
Society members; includes North Nanaimo (1891 and 1901)
- Vancouver
Island 1881 Census ( and Patrick Dunae, History Department, Malaspina University-College).
Searchable database with background information. Basic search by surname,
first name or occupation; the advanced search provides many more options.
Based on data compiled from the archival census record by the Public History
Group at the University of Victoria in 1990 and published as 1881 Canadian
Census: Vancouver Island (1990), the database corrected transcription
errors generated during the Public History Group project. Date updated:
- Vancouver Island 1891 Census ( and Patrick Dunae, History Department, Malaspina University-College).
Searchable database with background information. Basic search by surname,
first name or occupation; the advanced search provides many more options.
Based on data compiled from the archival census record by the Public History
Group at the University of Victoria in 1991 and published as 1891 Canadian
Census: Victoria, British Columbia (1991), the database corrected transcription
errors generated during the Public History Group project. Date updated:
(Patrick Dunae, History Department, Malaspina University-College, and John Lutz,
Eric W. Sager, and Peter Baskerville, History Department, University of
Victoria). Date added: 2002.11.02.
Demography and Population: Sources and Studies
- National Atlas of Canada
Online (6th ed., Geomatics Canada, Natural Resources Canada)
- Peopling
North America: Population Movements and Migration (Applied History Group,
Department of History, University of Calgary) is a multimedia tutorial.
Date updated: 1995-2003.09.25.
- The
Peopling of Canada, 1891-1921 (Applied History Group, Department of
History, University of Calgary) is a multimedia tutorial. Date updated:
- The
Peopling of Canada, 1946-1976 (Applied History Group, Department of
History, University of Calgary) is a multimedia tutorial. Date updated:
Selected Online Articles and Monographs
Jump to Family History
Jump to Social
Sciences section of Canadiana and British Columbiana

Church / Missionary / Religious History

Cinematography / Film / Motion Pictures History

Construction / Shipbuilding Industry History
Jump to Architectural / Building History
Jump to Labour History

Economic History
Scope: for the fur trade era (1780s-1858) of British Columbia history jump
to Fur Trade History.
Jump to Fur
Trade History
Jump to Social
Sciences section of Canadiana and British Columbiana

Education / School / Teaching History
to Education section of Canadiana and British Columbiana
Jump to Social
Sciences section of Canadiana and British Columbiana


Family History / Genealogy
- American Family Immigration History Center (Statue of Liberty-Ellis Island Foundation, Inc.). Also known as,
this site provides access to a database of immigration records and passenger
lists (ships' manifests) for arrivals between 1892 and 1924 at Ellis Island
and the Port of New York.
Free registration is required to search the records. All initial searches are by an individual's name;
searches can be limited by gender (male or female or both). Although an
individual's residence is shown, this field does not appear to be searchable. Date added: 1995-2003.12.06.
- Barkerville
Cemetery Inscriptions transcribed by Jane Sherris
- British Columbia Cemetery Finding
- British Columbia Genealogical
- British
Columbia GenWeb Project
- British
Columbia Lists From Government Documents (Extracted and compiled by
Hugh Armstrong). Includes the 1901 Victoria Census which features additional
information about selected individuals incorporated into the transcribed
- British
Columbia Pioneers: Obituaries of Delta Residents 1870 to 1922 includes
sample entries from this password-restricted database by Gwen
Szychter. Date updated: 1995-2003.07.03.
- British Columbia Vital Event
Indexes (BC Archives)
- Campbell River Genealogy
- Canadian Families Project
(University of Victoria)
- Canadian
Genealogical Collection (Cloverdale Branch, Surrey Public Library) is
an online guide to the holdings of this public research collection of family
history records from various government and church archives.
- Canadian
Genealogy & History (Jessica Veinot)
- Canadian Genealogy Centre (Library
and Archives of Canada). Date added: 2002.11.02.
- The Children of FortLangley by Lisa Peppan traces the descendants of Fort Langley employees.
(Chineseroots Inc.) is a resource for searching Chinese ancestry.
- City of North Vancouver, GIS Division, City
Map. Site includes a searchable cemetery map. Date added: 2002.08.22.
- City of Victoria
Archives: Vital Statistics Search. As of February 1995-2003, there are three
searchable databases for the Ross Bay Cemetery burial records (1872-1980),
and indexes to marriages and deaths published in the Victoria Daily Times
and other sources (chiefly 1901-1939).
- Cyndi's List of Genealogy
Sites on the Internet (Maintained by Cyndi Howells)
- Everton's Guide to Genealogy on the
Internet/World-Wide Web (Everton Publishers) is an outstanding compilation
by this commercial publisher of genealogical research aids. There is an
online version of its magazine Everton's Genealogical Helper, a telnet
link to its online database, and links to genealogical software and Internet
- Family
History News (Parr's Publishing, Oshawa, ON). Date updated: 2002.05.20.
- FamilySearch Internet Genealogy
Service (Genealogical Society of Utah, Salt Lake City) is the largest
database of its kind in the world.
- Genealogical
Resources at the BC Archives. Information about the hardcopy book on
which the BC Archives Web site is based is found at Genealogical
Resources for British Columbians (BC Vital Statistics Agency).
- Genealogy Home Page by Stephen
A. Wood is the source to consult when in doubt about the location of genealogical
resources on the Internet.
Genealogy Research is maintained by the National
Archives of Canada. Date updated: 2002.08.26.
- Genealogy Today: Canadian
Edition (New Providence, NJ: Software Wonders of NJ). This site acquired
John Holwell's (Neapean, ON) Canadian Genealogy Resources URL (,
but a disclaimer states on Holwell's URL that "this page is not sponsored by or affiliated in any way with the site formerly known as
John Holwell s Canadian Genealogy Resources." Date added: 2002.08.24.
- Generations
Northwest: Genealogy for Washington State, Oregon and British Columbia
is maintained by Jim Terry and contains an excellent page devoted to BC.
- Interlink
Bookshop and Genealogical Services (Victoria, BC: Sherry Irvine).
- Jewish
Genealogical Institute of British Columbia (Vancouver, BC). Includes
links to important Internet/Web resources such as JewishGen: The Home of
Jewish Genealogy.
- Kamloops Family History
- Kelowna & District Genealogical
- Kitimat
Family History Society.
- Nanaimo Family History Society.
- Prince George Cemetery
Database (City of Prince George).
- Searchable Genealogy Links:
Canada is maintained by Lauren Knoblauch. Date updated: 1995-2003.05.29.
- Tracing Your Ancestors
in Canada (Ottawa, ON: National Archives of Canada). Download the
latest edition as a free Adobe Acrobat PDF file for offline viewing
or printing, or read the electronic version of the same information through
the Genealogy Research site. Date added:
- Vernon and District Family
History Society includes cemetery inscriptions for the North Okanagan
and Arrow Lakes regions.
- Victoria Genealogical Society.
Jump to Census / Demographic /
Population History
Jump to Ethnic
/ Immigration / Emigration


Forestry / Lumbering / Sawmills History
Jump to Labour History

Francophones de Colombie-Britannique


Government / Political / Geopolitical History
- "Alaska Boundary
Dispute" is a 1995 essay by students at Western Washington University,
- Canadian Constitutional
Documents: A Legal History by William F. Maton
- Changing Women, Changing History: Canadian Women
Activists: Celebrating Women's Achievements (National Library of Canada).
- Electoral
History of British Columbia, 1871-1986 (Elections BC and Legislative
Library of BC). Web edition of print publication issued in 1988.
- First
Among Equals, 1867-1994: Canada's Prime Ministers Exhibition (National
Archives of Canada)
- George
R. Pearkes (1888-1984) is a biography of this military and political
leader (University of Victoria Archives and Canada's
Digital Collections)
- History
of the Federal Electoral Ridings Since 1867 (Library of Parliament,
Ottawa, ON). Database documenting Federal general elections and by-elections
since Confederation.
- History of the NDP
(New Democratic Party of BC).
- A
History of the Vote in Canada (Canadian Museum of Civilization, Hull,
- Important
Dates in BC Election History (Elections BC)
- International Boundary
Commission (Canada-United States) includes summaries of historical treaties
establishing the boundaries between Canada and the United States
- Meeting
of Frontiers (Library of Congress) is a bilingual English-Russian digital
library of resource material on the exploration of the Pacific Northwest
and Alaska by Russia, the United States and other nations.
- Prime Ministers
of Canada, 1867-1996 includes Canada's only woman and British Columbia-born
Prime Minister, Kim Campbell (Canada's
Digital Collections)
- Spain,
the United States, & the American Frontier: Historias Paralelas
(Library of Congress) is a bilingual (English and Spanish) digital library
on the evolution of competing interests of the United States and Spain for
North American territory.
- Teaching Politics:
Techniques and Technologies by Dr. William J. Ball (Department of
Political Science, The College of New Jersey). This site contains a library
of digital images pertaining to North American political history.
- Welcoming
the Royals: The Archival Legacy is the title of a virtual, multimedia exhibit
created by the BC Archives to celebrate Queen Elizabeth II's Golden Jubilee,
her visit to the province in October 2002, and visits by previous members
of the British Royal family. Date added: 2002.10.01.
- Women Winning the Vote in Canada
(Parks Canada). Date added: 2002.05.13.
Jump to Geographic
/ Geological / Regional / Urban History
Jump to Law / Legal
Jump to Social
Sciences section of Canadiana and British Columbiana

Health / Medical History

Heraldry / Numismatics / Symbology (Flags, etc.)

Industrial History
The jump links below are not inclusive and only reflect portions of this
Web site dealing with the history of industries or work in British Columbia.
Jump to Agriculture
/ Farming / Fishing / Ranching History
Jump to Construction / Shipbuilding
Industry History
Jump to Forestry / Lumbering / Sawmills
Jump to Labour / Working History
Jump to Mining History

Labour / Working
Jump to Agriculture
/ Farming / Fishing / Ranching History
Jump to Construction / Shipbuilding
Industry History
Jump to Forestry / Lumbering / Sawmills

Law / Legal / Police
- Canadian
Constitutional Documents: A Legal History by William F. Maton
- Canadian Native
Law Cases, 1763-1978 (Resources for Aboriginal Studies, University of
Saskatchewan Libraries and the University of Saskatchewan Archives). Full-text
of famous cases that can be searched, browsed and viewed.
- New Westminster
Police History Project (New Westminster Police Service)
- "Property Rights
in the Colonial Imagination and Experience": A Colloquium in Comparative
Colonial Legal History, February 22 to 24, 1995-2003, University of Victoria.
Presented by the Faculty of Law, University of Victoria, with the Centre
for the Interdisciplinary Study of Property Rights, University of Newcastle,
New South Wales, Australia. Restricted-access only to the online papers.
- Race,
Class and Murder. By Justin Wong, Vesta and Dana Kimoto. Victoria, BC:
University of Victoria, 2002. Part of: Victoria's Victoria. Date accessed:
2002.04.08. Date added: 2002.04.08.
- Who
Killed William Robinson?: Race Justice and Settling the Land (Ruth
Sandwell and John Lutz) was developed for use in introductory history classes
at the University of Victoria.
Jump to Government / Political / Geopolitical




Mining History
Jump to Labour / Working History

Music History

Natural Sciences History
Jump to Agricultural
/ Farming / Ranching History
Jump to Geographic
/ Geological / Regional / Urban History


Social Sciences History
Jump to Social
Sciences section of Canadiana and British Columbiana

Transportation History
By Air
By Land
- Alberni Pacific Railway
(Alberni Heritage Network)
- Canadian
National Railways Historic Photograph Collection (Canada's
Digital Collections)
- Canadian
Pacific Company History includes an illustrated chronology of the Canadian
Pacific in BC; a history of the CP logo; a biography in French of W.C. Van
Horne; and a link to the CPR
- Canadian Railway
History (TrainsCan) is a guide to relevant Web sites.
- Canadian Railway Telegraph
History (Compiled by R.G. Burnet)
- CN Lines Special Interest Group
maintains an online CNcyclopedia which includes CN historical data
and links to Canadian railway history Web sites.
- The Crowsnest Pass Railway Route
is an online exhibit of the Canadian
Museum of Rail Travel with text by B.C. railway historian Robert D.
- "First Trans-Canada
Auto Tour" (August 27 to October 17, 1912) was a 1997 recreation
of the Thomas Wilby and Jack Haney journey by Reo automobile from Halifax
to Victoria. Retracing the route were Lorne, Irene, and Peter Findlay, along
with writer John Nicol.
- Friends
of the Burlington Northern Railroad (USA)
- Great Northern Railway Historical Society
(USA; also known as Great Northern Railroad Company)
- Great Northern
Railway in British Columbia's Fraser Valley (By Neil Roughley) is
an illustrated history of this transportation link.
- History of the B.C. Electric
Railway Company (Compiled by Matthew Laird, Transit
Museum Society, Vancouver)
- Kamloops Heritage
Railway is a Web site operated by the 2141 Steam Locomotive Restoration
- The Kettle Valley Railway
(By Hector Turner). Originally at:
(no longer active). Date updated: 2002-03-09.
- Kettle
Valley Railway Collection of Joe Smuin (Living Landscapes: Thompson/Okanagan).
- Kettle Valley Steam Railway
(Kettle Valley Railway Society, Summerland).
Includes a history of the railway.
- Minnesota Historical
Society (St. Paul, MN) preserves records of the Great Northern Railroad
- Myra Canyon Trestle
Restoration Society (Kelowna). Established in 1993 to maintain a portion
of the Kettle Valley Railway line.
- Onderdonk's Way
(Kamloops Art Gallery Virtual Exhibit curated by Roger
Boulet) documents Andrew Onderdonk's Canadian Pacific Railway construction
contracts between Port Moody and Eagles Pass.
- Pacific Explorations
Site (University of British Columbia Library) is the library's first
contribution to the Pacific Explorations Archive, a project of the Pacific Rim Digital Library
Alliance of which UBC Library is a founding member. The site contains links
to titles from the Early Canadiana Online collection. Date added: 2002.05.19.
- Preserved! Steam Locomotives of British Columbia
by a private enthusiasist documents the province's steam locomotive heritage.
Date added: 2002-03-09.
- Railroad Maps,
1828-1900 (American Memory, Library of Congress)
- Rails Canada, a Web portal
service devoted to Canadian railways, includes pages of links on Canadian
Railway History and Historical
- Significant
Dates in Canadian Railway History (By Colin J. Churcher)
- Southern Vancouver
Island Railways contains photographs, chronologies and other data on
the Esquimalt & Nanaimo Railway (Canadian Pacific Railway); Canadian
National Railway; the British Columbia Electric Railway; the Victoria &
Sidney Railway; the Hillcrest Lumber Company; and the Pacific Wilderness
- Steveston Interurban Restoration Society.
Date added: 2002.05.13.
- Transit
Museum Society (TRAMS, Vancouver) operates the Downtown Historic Railway
between Granville Island and Science World.
- Vancouver Island Railway Society
is devoted to revitalization of the Esquimalt & Nanaimo Railway passenger
service; site includes some historical studies.
- The Wallace B. Chung
and Madelaine H. Chung Collection (University of British Columbia Library).
Donated in 1999 by the the Chungs, the collection features documents and
artifacts relating to voyages of discovery to the Northwest Coast, immigration,
and the Canadian Pacific Railway. Date added: 2002.05.19.
- West Coast Railway
Heritage Park (West Coast Railway Association, Squamish) includes articles
and photographs
By Water
- A Brief
History of Canadian Lighthouses by
- Captain Cook
Study Unit, "A Society for everyone interested in James Cook (1728-1779)"
- Centre
for Maritime Research (National
Maritime Museum, Greenwich, UK) includes the online Prints and Drawings
- Comox
Harbour Marine History (Comox Valley Harbour Authority).
- Early Transportation on
the Skeena River (Canada's
Digital Collections)
- The Endeavour Replica
(HM Bark Endeavour Foundation, Australia) takes you aboard this Australian
recreation of Captain James Cook's vessel
- Keepers of the
Light: British Columbian Lighthouses by
- Lighthouses of British Columbia
by Ron Ammundsen
- "A
List of Trading Vessels in Maritime Fur Trade, 1785-1794" by F.W.
Howay (Transactions of the Royal Society of Canada, Sec. II, 1930,
111-134) and "A
List of Trading Vessels In the Maritime Fur Trade, 1795-1804" by
F.W. Howay (Transactions of the Royal Society of Canada, Sec. II,
1931, 117-149). Transcribed to HTML by John Lutz, University of Victoria,
BC, for his course History 469: Historical
Editing: Exploration and Contact Accounts (last taught Fall 2002). Date added: 1995-2003.09.12.
Date updated: 2003-03-11.
- Mariner's
All-In-One Page includes Canadian content (Created by Maurice Bosse,
Massachusetts Maritime Academy)
- Maritime History on
the Internet: A Guide to Doing Maritime History Research Online (Maintained
by Peter McCracken)
- The
Maritime History Virtual Archives (Maintained by Lars Bruzelius)
- Pacific Explorations
Site (University of British Columbia Library) is the library's first
contribution to the Pacific Explorations Archive, a project of the Pacific Rim Digital Library
Alliance of which UBC Library is a founding member. The site contains links
to titles from the Early Canadiana Online collection. Date added: 2002.05.19.
- PORT: Maritime
Information Gateway (National
Maritime Museum, Greenwich, UK)
- Puget Sound Maritime
Historical Society (Seattle, WA)
- Race
Rocks Light Station History (,
Lester B. Pearson College of the Pacific)
- Ships
and Shipping Database (Tacoma Public Library Northwest Room, WA). Searchable
index to more than 13,000 ships active on the Pacific Northwest Coast, including
- Shipwrecks Off Alaska's Coast database covers 1741-1950s
(US Department of the Interior, Minerals Management Service, Alaska OCS
Region, Anchorage)
- S.S. Moyie National
Historic Site (Kootenay Lake Historic Society, Kaslo, BC). The Crowsnest
Pass Railway Route site also has information on the S.S.
- US
Coast Guard Commercial Fisheries: Vessel Documentation Data Query by
Vessel Name (via National Marine Fisheries Service, MD)
- US Coast Guard Port State Information
Exchange (PSIX Database) contains "contains vessel specific information
derived from the United States Coast Guard's Marine Safety Information System
(MSIS)." The "Flag" abbreviation for Canadian registered
vessels is "CA".
- Underwater Archaeological Society
of British Columbia. This organization researches shipwrecks in the
ocean and inland waters. Reports from some of their surveys appear on their
Web site. Date added: 2002.09.15.
- Vancouver Maritime
- Virtual
Maritime Museum(Maritime
Museum of British Columbia and Canada's
Digital Collections)
- The Wallace B. Chung
and Madelaine H. Chung Collection (University of British Columbia Library).
Donated in 1999 by the the Chungs, the collection features documents and
artifacts relating to voyages of discovery to the Northwest Coast, immigration,
and the Canadian Pacific Railway. Date added: 2002.05.19.
- Westward
by Sea: A Maritime Perspective on American Expansion, 1820-1890. Mystic
Seaport, Connecticut: Mystic Seaport Museum. Hosted by American Memory,
Library of Congress, Washington, D.C. Alternate URL: Not Yet Available (Mystic
Seaport Museum). Searchable/browsable multimedia collection of works documenting
maritime activities which extended American influence into the Pacific Ocean.
Date accessed: 2002.02.02. Date added: 2002.02.02.

Women's History
- Canada's Early Women Writers
(Simon Fraser University Library). Developed by Department of English Professor Carole Gerson, this
database documents nearly 500 women writers who "lived in Canada or wrote about Canada, and authored an
English-language book or pamphlet of fiction or poetry that was published before
1940." Date added: 2002-04-30.
- Celebrate
Canadian Women's History Month in British Columbia (via Victoria Telecommunity
- Celebrating
Women's Achievements (National Library of Canada) is an ongoing exhibit
since 1995 to celebrate Women's History Month (October). Individual sites
created each year are also described separately in this section of the British
Columbia History Internet/Web site.
- Changing Women, Changing History: Canadian Women
Activists: Celebrating Women's Achievements (National Library of Canada)
includes Nellie McClung.
- Fédération nationale des femmes
canadiennes-françaises. Date added: 1995-2003.10.11.
- High Flyers: Canadian Women in Aviation
- History
of Women's Sport (Canadian Association for the Advancement of Women
and Sport and Physical Activity [CAAWS]). Date added: 1995-2003.10.11.
- The
Letters of Dorothea Allison 1913-1922 (Edited by Duane Thomson and Carolyn
Webb; hosted by Living Landscapes: Thompson-Okanagan). Digital facsimiles
and transcripts, along with supporting research material, by this resident
of the Okanagan Valley, British Columbia.
- My
Grandmother's Wartime Diary (Veterans Affairs Canada) is an anthology
of World War Two reminiscences. Date added: 1995-2003.10.11.
- Our HERitage,
1998: Honouring Canadian Feminists (BC Ministry of Women's Equality).
Short biographies of several Canadian feminists.
- Our
HERitage 2000: A Timeline of the Women and Events that Built British
Columbia (BC Ministry of Women's Equality). Chronology and short biographies
of important women in BC's history.
- The Pauline
Johnson Archive (McMaster University and Canada's
Digital Collections).
- Threads
of Gold: Women of the Alaska Gold Rush (University of Alaska Museum)
- Uncovering Women's
History in Archival Collections, maintained by the Archives for Research
on Women and Gender at the University of Texas at San Antonio, includes
links to Canadian archives.
- Unsettled Pasts: Reconceiving the West through Women's History:
A Conference,
University of Calgary, June 13-16, 2002. Date accessed: 2002.06.27. Date added:
- Victoria Women's
Movement Archives (University of Victoria Archives)
- Women
Artists in Canada: Celebrating Women's Achievements (National Library
of Canada). Among the artists identified with British Columbia are Emily
Carr, Gathie Falk, and Liz Magor. Date added: 2002.10.25
- Women in Canadian History
is the creation of Susan Merritt, author of Her Story and Her
Story II, from which excerpts can be found on this page which also contains
links to and other information on Canadian female historical figures.
- Women in Canadian Legislatures: Celebrating
Women's Achievements (National Library of Canada) includes the Rt. Hon.
Kim Campbell, Mary Ellen (Spear) Smith, and Rita Margaret Johnston.
- Women in Canadian Librarianship and Bibliography:
Celebrating Women's Achievements (National Library of Canada) includes Vancouver
children's librarian, author and UBC professor emeritus Sheila Egoff.
- Women in Canadian Life and Society, Music and
Literature: Celebrating Women's Achievements (National Library of Canada)
includes Vancouver composer Barbara Pentland.
- Women in Science: Celebrating Women's Achievements
(National Library of Canada) includes Vancouver-born electrical engineer
Elizabeth Muriel Gregory MacGill (1905-1980) who is the first woman aircraft
designer in the world, and architect Esther Marjorie Hill (1895-1985) who
lived and practiced in Victoria after becoming the first woman to earn an
architectural degree in 1920. Date added: 1995-2003.10.11.
- Women in Sports: Celebrating Women's Achievements
(National Library of Canada).
- Women in the Book Trade: Celebrating Women's
Achievements (National Library of Canada) includes Vancouver bookseller
Celia Duthie, the Vancouver feminist publishers Press Gang, and newspaper
publisher Margaret "Ma" Murray (1888-1982).
- Women Winning the Vote in Canada
(Parks Canada). This site provides background to the Historic Sites and Monuments Board of Canada's
1997 recommendation that women winning the vote be commemorated as an event
of national historic significiance. Date added: 2002.05.13.
- Women's History Month (Status
of Women Canada). Site includes resource materials for the month of October
for the years 1998 to the present. Date added: 1995-2003.10.11.
- Women's History Network/BC
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Sciences section of Canadiana and British Columbiana

Compiled by David Mattison,
Victoria Telecommunity Network, BC. Copyright
© 1995-2003 by David Mattison. This page may be freely linked to but not duplicated
in any fashion without my consent.