British Columbia History Internet/Web Site
Images of British Columbia: Art,
Digital, Motion Pictures, Photography, Videos
Jump to Photographic History
Essays and Publications
- Alaska State
Library: Alaska Historical Collections (Juneau) includes an online catalog
of selected images from the Klondike Gold Rush; those "On the Trail"
include scenes in BC.
- ArchiviaNet: Photographs
Database (National Archives of Canada) contains digitized images searchable
by keyword.
- Beinecke Digital
Images (Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, Yale University)
- The British Columbia Archives
contains the largest number of keyword-searchable images (art, photographs,
and moving images) pertaining to the province.
- British Columbia Historical
Photographs Online (Archives Association of BC) contains links to archival
Web sites with photographic databases and galleries of historical photographs.
- Canadian Heritage Gallery
(Mississauga, Ontario) publishes historic images and associated descriptive
information; reproductions can also be ordered online. The site is endorsed
by the Governor General of Canada, Her Excellency the Right Honourable Adrienne
- Canadian National
Railways Historic Photographs Collection includes photos from lines
operated in BC. The entire CN photo collection was officially donated to
the Canada Science and Technology Museum on May 10, 2000. This collection
is available on the Museum's Web site as the CN
Images of Canada Gallery.
- Canadian Pacific
Railway Archives (Canadian Pacific, Montreal, Quebec) includes a gallery
of historical photographs and artwork.
- Canadian Portraits
(National Archives of Canada and Canada's
Digital Collections)
- CanPix
Gallery: Great Canadian Image Base (Nelson Canada)
- Chinese
Canadian Historical Photo Exhibit (Chinese Canadian National Council
Toronto Chapter)
- City
of Richmond Archives Photo Search includes photographs from around the
province. The search feature uses pull-down menus or keyword searching.
- CN
Images of Canada Gallery (Canada Science and Technology Museum) is a
searchable database of the Canadian National Railways photograph collection
which was officially donated to the Museum on May 10, 2000.
- Critical
Acclaim: Portraits from the National
Archives of Canada Exhibition
- Geological
Survey of Canada Photo Gallery (Earth Sciences Information Centre, Natural
Resources Canada)
- The George Eastman House (GEH) Catalog
requires telnet software. The login is: GUEST2. There
is online help. The logout command at the $ prompt is: LO.
NOTE: images can not be displayed. Canadian photographers are represented.
- Global Air Photos (Waite
Air Photos Inc., BC) contains thousands of aerial photographs from BC and
- Historic Photographs
(Living Landscapes and Canada's
Digital Collections) centre on the Okanagan/Thompson regions.
- History of Photography
Mailing List Searchable Archives (Arizona State University)
- History
of the American West, 1860-1920 (Western History and Genealogy Department,
Denver Public Library via American Memory, Library of Congress). Alternate
URL with larger number of images: The
Photography Collection at the Denver Public Library (Western History/Genealogy
- Images of Canada: Picturing Canadian
Culture (Hosted by the National Library of Canada) is a search gateway
to digital image collections from across Canada. This metadata index currently
includes the CN Images of Canada Gallery (Canada Science and Technology
Museum), Glenbow Archives Photos, Geological Survey of Canada (Natural Resources
Canada) photos, Canadian Illustrated News (1869-1883, National Library
of Canada) images and Toronto Public Library postcards and images. Some
of these image collections are also separately listed on this page. Date
updated: 2001.07.05.
- "Images
of History on the Web" by David Mattison (Searcher, May
2002). This online article surveys online historical photographs databases
around the world. Date added: 2002.06.03.
- Images
of National Parks and Historic Sites in British Columbia (Parks Canada
and Canada's Digital
- The J. Simonson Photographic
Collection from the Archives of the Fraser-Fort George Regional Museum
(Canada's Digital Collections)
- James J. Hill
Group (Saint Paul, MN) Photograph Archive holds photos related to industrialist
and railroad builder J.J. Hill's activities in the Pacific Northwest, including
- Joe Felber Collection
(Terrace Public Library). Joe Felber (b. 1899), a Swiss immigrant, came
to Canada in 1923 and eventually settled in Terrace. An amateur photographer,
the collection was donated to the library by his son. Date added: 2002-05-07.
- Langley Centennial
Museum and National Exhibition Centre Photographs Database is found
in the Collections section of its Web site.
- The Leonard Frank Photograph
Collection (Vancouver Public Library and Canada's Digital Collections).
Leonard Frank (1870-1944), a German-born photographer who began his photographic
career in Alberni, relocated to Vancouver in 1917 and became widely known
for his industrial/outdoor photography. Frank's collection is preserved
by the Vancouver Public Library and the Jewish Historical Society of BC.
Date added: 2001.07.20.
- The
Magic Lantern (McCord Museum, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec).
In the English language site, select Projects, then The Magic Lantern hyperlink.
Select the Browse hyperlink, then Choose Your Tour entry and select the
Place tab, then the "British Columbia" hyperlink. Date added:
- "A Moment in
Time": A Collection of
Henry Twidle's Photographs (Campbell River Museum and Canada's Digital Collections).
Amateur photographer Henry Twidle (1879-1956), an English immigrant, worked
for the B.C. Mills Timber & Trade Company at Rock Bay in the early 1900s
and later relocated to Granite Bay on Quadra Island where he operated
a hotel and store. Date added: 2002.08.14.
- Museum of History
and Industry Photo Adventures (Seattle, WA) includes some BC photographs
- National
Archives and Records Administration (United States) includes online images such as James
Alden's watercolours produced during the first Northwest Boundary Commission
- National Aviation Museum (Ottawa)
Photo Database
- National
Museum of American Art (American Art Museum, Smithsonian Institution,
Washington, D.C.) provides access to The Inventory of American Paintings,
a subsystem of SIRIS,
with detailed bibliographic records of all pre-1914 paintings held by the
NMAA. Digitized examples of artwork, including photographs, can be browsed
by category or in numeric sequence.
- New
Westminster Historical Photographs Database (New Westminster Heritage
Web Site, New Westminster Public Library) includes online images. A Heritage
Photo Tour is also available at the same location.
- The North American Indian by
Edward S. Curtis. Digital portfolio ed. (Chicago, IL: Northwestern University;
Washington, DC: Library of Congress, 2000): Edward
Curtis' The North American Indian Photographic Images (American
Memory, Library of Congress).
- Notman Photographic
Archives, McCord Museum (Montreal, Quebec) contains searchable images
of British Columbia. Date updated: 2001.10.07.
- The Portrait Gallery of Canada
(National Archives of Canada).
- Pride and
Dignity: Aboriginal Portraits Exhibition (National Archives of Canada)
- Resources for Aboriginal Studies (University of Saskatchewan Libraries
and University of Saskatchewan Archives) Photograph
Database with online images.
- Snapshots
of the Past (Enderby and District Museum). Photographs and text illustrate
the history of Enderby and surrounding communities. Date accessed: 2002.04.09.
Date added: 2002.04.09.
- Taking the
Long View: Panoramic Photographs, 1851-1991 (American Memory, Library
of Congress) includes two photographs from British Columbia
- Terrace:
Images and Reflections of the Skeena River Valley (Terrace and Region
Archives) contains a page of picture links to various digitized photographs
of the Terrace and region.
- Touring Turn-of-the-Century
America: Photographs from the Detroit Publishing Company, 1880-1920
(American Memory, Library of Congress) includes over 100 digitized photographs
taken in British Columbia by Henry G. Peabody (Source: John V. Jezierski,
"Henry G. Peabody and the Detroit Publishing Company in British Columbia",
BC Studies no. 122, Summer 1999: 77-84).
- The University of BC Special Collections & University Archives Historical
Photograph Imaging Project contains both descriptions and online images.
- The University of Washington Libraries' Special Collections Digital
Northwest Collections includes (as of March 23, 2000) the following
photograph collections with BC content: Eric A. Hegg Collection (Klondike
and Alaska gold rushes); Albert H. Barnes Collection (Western Washington
and Fraser Valley, 1890s-1900s); Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition Collection
(Seattle, 1909); William E. Meed Collection (ca. 1898-1907); Frank La Roche
Photograph Collection (Klondike Gold Rush); Harriman Alaska Expedition Collection
(1899); Wilhelm Hester Collection (Alaska Gold Rush, ca. 1900); Asahel Curtis
Photo Company Collection (Klondike Gold Rush to 1930).
- Upper Fraser Milltowns Project (Upper Fraser Historical Geography Project, University of Northern BC). The
Photo Gallery includes photographs and artwork illustrating logging, sawmill
operations and community life which were collected from individuals,
companies and other sources. Date accessed: 2001.10.30. Date added: 2001.10.30.
- Vancouver Public Library, Historical
Photographs Database. Descriptions and online images searchable by keyword,
subject, geographic location, photographer and/or date. Date added: 2001.05.28.
- Whistler
Pioneer Photographs from the Myrtle Philip Collection (Whistler Museum
and Archives and Canada's
Digital Collections). Date added: 2001.07.20.
- Women
in Photography Archive is a private research collection owned by Peter
Palmquist, Arcata, California.

Photographic History Essays, Publications and
- Canadian Museum of Civilization, Emergence
from the Shadow: First Peoples' Photographic Perspectives features
historic photographers of First Peoples (Natives) and contemporary photographers
of Native ancestry.
- Mattison, David, Camera
Workers: The British Columbia, Alaska and Yukon Photographic
Directory, 1858-1950 (1999-2000 15th Anniversary Revised Edition)
- Mattison, David, "G.R.
Fardon's Pannotypes: London International Exhibition 1862" is a
digital re-creation of a display of nine portraits on patent leather photographed
by G.R. Fardon in Victoria, BC, ca. 1861-1862. If you can help identify
these people, please contact David
- Mattison, David, "The
Photographers of Onderdonk's Way." (Kamloops Art Gallery Virtual
Exhibit, Onderdonk's Way,
April 17-June 1, 1997).
- Royal British Columbia Museum, "Early
Photographers of First Peoples in British Columbia." (Museum Notes).
- Ruby, Jay, "Franz
Boas and Early Camera Study of Behavior." Kinesis Report
3, no. 1 (1980): 6-11.
- Ruby, Jay, "A
Re-examination of the Early Career of Robert J. Flaherty." Quarterly
Review of Film Studies 5, no. 4 (Fall 1980): 431-457.
- Soule, Ron, Cornelius John
Soule, 1851-1939: Architect, Photographer.
- White Pine Pictures. Copyright:
Leonard Frank (Video series: A Scattering of Seeds: The Creation
of Canada).
- Williams, Carol C. "Photographic
Portraiture of Aboriginal Women on Canada's Northwest Coast, circa 1862-1880."
SIGHTS: Visual Anthropology Forum Web Site.
- The Yukon
Photographers: Gold Rush Era, 1897-1900 (Government of Yukon Heritage
Branch via the Virtual Museum Canada)

Compiled by David Mattison,
Victoria Telecommunity Network, BC. Copyright
© 1995-2003 by David Mattison. This site may be freely linked to but not duplicated
in any fashion without my consent.