[Advisors] meeting with Industry Canada -- Dec. 8th

Marita Moll mmoll at ca.inter.net
Wed, 07 Dec 2011 10:21:07 -0500

Hello advisors.

We suddenly got a response from Industry Canada=20
late last week inviting us to meet with one of=20
Minister Paradis' policy advisors -- Bruce=20
Winchester.  The meeting date offered was=20
Thursday, Dec. 8th.  Darlene and Monique (with=20
Patrick Dub=E9) and possibly Peter Frampton jumped=20
on board and we accepted the offer.  Because of=20
the travel involved (Nunavut) we have been=20
accorded a bit  more time than usual -- 45 min -=20
1 hour.  Darlene and Monique will both be=20
bringing power points to show off their=20
innovative projects.  Darlene will also bring=20
(hot off the press) a copy of the book she has=20
been working on (with Clarice) describing 40=20
innovative CAP projects.  I am putting together a=20
small booklet with few short (one page) versions=20
of CAP stories highlighting community-based=20
services as digital economy building blocks (this=20
is a work in progress but I'm putting together what I can for this meeting.)

Our elevator pitch is as follows:

We are there to present a vision of CAP 2.0 that=20
uses the creativity and innovation in the=20
community to achieve  social and economic=20
benefits the communities themselves have=20
identified as important.   We will try to make=20
the case that community innovation is really=20
valuable and very cost-effective -- but it needs=20
some basic level of support to achieve the=20
stability necessary to start up and run such programmes.

After our meeting with In Can we are going to=20
head down the street and make a similiar presentation at the CIRA offices.

Wish us luck (whatever that means in this context)!!!!
